Hollow Cove Dreams

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Hollow Cove Dreams Page 8

by Leigh Allen

  Today is Saturday, so on Sunday, I will tell her about Britley and the baby. I need to make sure she feels the same way about me as I do her. I know it sounds crazy. We are teenagers in high school, but I think I am falling in love with Mia. I don’t want to ruin what I have with her now, or what we could have in the future. I know she wouldn’t be ready to help take care of a baby. Hell, I still don’t even know my full responsibility with this kid. But, what I do know is that, this baby needs me and I need Mia.

  “Hey, are you going to make me shower alone?” Mia giggled, as she stuck her head out of the door.

  “Hell no,” I stated, as I jumped out of bed and raced toward the bathroom door.

  I scooped her up in my arms as she laughed and squealed with delight. We spent the next hour washing one another and making love two more times in the shower.


  After lunch, because we didn’t wake up and get ready until noon, Mia and I decided to lounge around on the living room couch and watch movies on Netflix.

  I had Mia in my arms as an action movie played on the screen in front of us. A chime went off and I noticed it was Mia’s phone.

  “Do you want to check that?” I asked.

  “Not really,” she said, snuggling deeper into my embrace.

  I loved how comfortable she was with me. If I could, I would hold her like this forever.

  The phone chimed again and I glanced at the coffee table and spotted an Instagram Alert. Looks like there is a raging party going on tonight. Apparently, the football team is hosting another wild, Saturday night party. I wouldn’t be caught dead at one of those preppy parties. But, what if Mia wanted to go? I mean, she does have friends on the team.

  “I think the football team is having a party,” I stated. I was fishing to see if she would give me any information.

  “Yeah, what’s new?” she asked sarcastically.

  I chuckled at that. Man, I loved her personality.

  “Are you interested?” I asked.

  Mia turned in my arms to face me. “Why? Are you?” she asked.

  Shaking my head, I almost laughed. “You couldn’t pay me to go to one of those preppy parties. Besides, I had other plans for tonight,” I winked.

  Mia smiled and bit her lip. Damn, she had no idea how much that little act turned me on.

  “Good,” she sighed. “Grace sometimes drags me out to those parties and I always feel so out of place. Some of the guys are nice and the Cheerleaders too, but mostly they all just get drunk, try to hook up with anyone and everyone around, and get into fights,” she said.

  Yep, definitely didn’t sound like my kind of scene.

  “That sounds awful,” I moaned.

  “What about you,” Mia asked. “What is your idea of fun?”

  “Honestly? I love to work on cars and painting cool designs. I enjoy hanging out with a couple of buddies and just relaxing. More importantly, I love spending time with you. Doing this right here,” I said, hugging her tightly in my arms.

  “You know,” she said, rubbing her hands along my arms, “you are the complete opposite of what I thought you would be.”

  I laughed out loud at this. “Oh really? What did you expect?”

  “Oh, just some brooding asshole who would hate sitting home on a Saturday night. I honestly pictured you out getting wild and drunk,” she said.

  “Well, part of that is true. I am a brooding asshole and I used to get wild, but that is all in the past now. I am different now. I am better because of you,” I said, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead.

  The Seth from my middle school and early high school years was a complete tool. I was rude, got into way too much trouble, and didn’t care about how I treated other people. Now, all I wanted to do was stay out of trouble and love those around me. Damn, I have grown up.

  “I think I am changing, too,” Mia said. “Ever since I met you, I feel like I can finally be myself again. Maybe we are good for one another?” she asked.

  “Of course, we are,” I stated.

  We lay together the rest of the afternoon; enjoying movies and kissing whenever we could steal away a moment. If I wasn’t sure before, I knew now that I was in love with Mia.



  The weekend had been more than I could have imagined. I couldn’t wait to walk through the halls of Hollows Cove High with Seth, knowing that we could finally be together and free.

  We spent all of the afternoon watching movies and now, we were able to take the first major leap in our relationship. We were going to go out to eat in public.

  I step outside into the cool evening air and smile as Seth is waiting for me by his bike. I had offered to drive, but had been turned down as Seth insisted on driving me around on his bike. As I approached, worry settled in the pit of my stomach. A motorcycle could be dangerous and I didn’t have a helmet. Sure, I had ridden on his bike once before, but in that moment, I was so struck with awe, I didn’t think about danger. Just as I was about to open my mouth and protest his idea altogether, Seth reached behind him and held out a shiny black helmet. It had purple scrawling around the top. Even in the evening light, I could see the delicate work he had put into the design.

  Gasping, I rushed toward him.

  “What is this?” I asked, as he held it out for me.

  “Thought you might want to be safe when you are on my bike,” Seth offered, with his infamous smirk.

  My heart swelled as I realized how thoughtful he was being.

  “Seth, this is amazing,” I beamed.

  I took the helmet and placed it on my head. Seth smiled down at me as he helped me clasp the buckle under my chin. He placed a kiss to my lips before he helped me climb on the back of the bike.

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and felt my insides grow warm. I loved the feel of his rock-hard abs under his soft t-shirt. Seth kicked back the kickstand and then revved the engine. As it purred to life, I felt the vibrations under me. It was exhilarating.

  As he pulled out of my driveway, I held on tightly to Seth. He drove fast, but not too fast. We passed by cars and the city and I loved the feel of the cool wind on my face. This is so exciting, I totally understood why Seth loved riding his bike so much. Now, I even understood his interest in the Raven Boys Motorcycle club.

  After a few minutes, I realized we were in the heart of downtown Hollow Cove. Being Saturday night, everyone was out and about. I spotted a local drive-in restaurant that everyone loved. It had a 60’s theme to it and the waitresses delivered your order on roller skates. I felt my stomach grow heavy as I realized the place was packed with half of Hollow Cove High School. Whether we were ready to put our relationship on display or not, we were about to throw ourselves into the gossip ring of the school. I knew come Monday morning, everyone would know about us.

  Seth parked in an open spot and I looked up at the neon pink sign of the Hollow Cove Drive-In Diner.

  Even though the noise of the music blaring from speakers surrounding the restaurant, I could hear the gasps and whisperings of everyone around us.

  “Are you ready for this?” Seth asked, as he looked back at me.

  I sighed and nodded. “It’s now or never,” I said.

  Seth removed his helmet and helped me remove mine. He pushed the red button on the menu display and a woman's voice came through.

  We ordered burgers and chocolate milkshakes and then Seth motioned for us to sit on the curb.

  As we sat, I watched as everyone watched us like some Circus freak show. I really hoped this didn’t make Seth second guess his decision to be with me.

  “Everyone is looking at us, I’m sorry,” I muttered, feeling foolish.

  “Let them stare,” Seth snapped. “Besides, why are you apologizing?” he asked, turning to face me.

  I waved my arms around, pointing out everyone still gawking at us. “Half of Hollow’s Cove is here looking at us. They are probably wondering what you are doing here with me?” I said, glaring at a few girls f
rom the cheer squad giving us dirty looks.

  “Who cares what they think, right?” Seth said, throwing my own words back at me. I had been so hell-bent on convincing him that I didn’t care what everyone thought, but in reality, I truly did.

  “You are right, I shouldn’t care,” I said, trying to sound confident.

  I reached for Seth’s hand, but he moved it away before I could grab it. My heart sank a little as I fear filled me. Was he realizing now that this was all a huge mistake?

  Before I could give it any more though, our food was delivered and we both began to eat.

  A roar of engines and heads turning swiftly caught my attention. Up ahead, a group of motorcycles entered the Drive-In. I watched in awe as Seth’s eyes followed the bikes and he looked so envious. It was the Raven’s Boys, the motorcycle group that Seth seemed to worship. I knew he wanted desperately to be part of them. Even though they looked dangerous, they were really just a bunch of great guys. They were a gang, but they stood for something good. I hoped one day they would see that Seth had redeemed himself and allow him in the club.

  “Man, I hope to be part of that one day,” he sighed, as he took a sip of his shake.

  “You will be,” I stated firmly.

  Seth smiled at me, showing his appreciation for my support and belief in him.

  I heard a chime and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I spotted a text from Grace.

  Grace: Are you at the Drive-In???

  Me: Yes, why?

  Grace: Everyone is talking about it. Are you and Seth finally making it public?

  Me: I guess

  I thought about that for a moment. I should be overjoyed that we were here but a small part of me was still nervous about how Seth would take all of the attention.

  I tucked my phone away and looked up to see Seth’s gaze focused on me.

  “Everything ok?” he asked.

  “Yeah, apparently news spreads fast. Grace already heard we were here together,” I said, shrugging.

  “Are you ok with that?” Seth asked.

  “Yes, are you?”

  Seth smiled at me and leaned in close. “Hell yeah I am,” he stated, before closing the gap between us and kissing me.

  We finished eating and ignored the rest of the world. Once we were finished eating, Seth helped me up and we got back on his bike. I didn’t care where we were going or what we were going to do. All that mattered was this moment and the fact that all of Hollow Cove High School now knew our secret.



  The sky had fallen completely dark and only the moon lit the path to our perfect little hideaway spot. We walked hand in hand to the field and even though I could barely see in front of me, it didn’t matter. I knew this land by heart now.

  Once we reached our favorite spot, we lay down on the soft grass and looked up at the night sky. Golden stars lit up the blanketed sky. Seth still had hold of my hand and I loved the feel of his fingers intertwined with mine.

  “Thank you for taking me out tonight,” I said, breaking the silence.

  Everything was so peaceful here. It felt as though the rest of the world and time stopped when we were in this magical field.

  Squeezing my hand, Seth turned to face me. His eyes lit up and the moon cast a slight glow over his stunning features.

  “Mia, you have changed my life completely. I’m sorry people stared tonight,” he stated, with sadness in his eyes.

  I rolled over and allowed myself to fall into the crook of his arm. “Don’t ever apologize for that. Seth, I want to be with you. I don’t care what anyone else says,” I added.

  Seth stared at me for a few moments before speaking again. Something flashed across his face. Admiration. Longing. Happiness. I wasn’t sure what.

  “Mia,” he began, his voice shaking as he spoke. “I am so in love with you,”

  I didn’t need to think. I could barely breathe. Seth, a boy who I had grown to love and admire myself, just now told me that he loved me, too.

  “I love you, too,” I exclaimed.

  Seth pulled me on top of him and kissed me with so much fierceness, I thought we might cause a fire from the heat and sparks flying from us.

  We made love that night underneath the stars as we both whispered, “I love you,” until we couldn’t speak anymore.



  The morning sun rudely woke me.

  I opened my eyes before quickly closing them again. I shielded the light with my hand, and then felt a body lying next to me. Visions and memories from the night before danced through my mind.

  Everyone in Hollow’s Cove knew about me and Mia. I had finally told her I loved her and by some strange blessing, she had told me she loved me, too. I knew it was only a matter of time now before I had to tell her about Britley. I just hoped she still loved me then.

  Waking beside me, Mia smiled as she took me in next to her.

  “Morning,” she mumbled.

  I kissed her forehead as we both sat up. “Good morning,” I said back.

  “Did last night really happen?” Mia asked, as we both stood.

  She looked so adorable as she gazed up at me with those wide eyes. I wish she was more confident, that she saw just how beautiful and amazing she truly was.

  I guess I would just have to spend the rest of my life showing her just that.

  “Yes,” I said, rubbing her arms. “I love you and I will spend the rest of my life proving to you just how amazing you are,” I finished.

  I saw tears swell in Mia’s eyes and I leaned in and kissed her before she could get too emotional. It was early in the morning, but I knew I needed to get her back home soon. Isaac would be returning from his trip to Vegas soon and I had a shift to work this afternoon. Besides, I knew Mia was worn out from all of the things I had done to her last night. I swear, exploring her body would never get old.


  After returning Mia back at her house, I drove back home and got ready for my shift at noon. As expected, the coffee house was busy. People leaving church were making their way into the shop. Mia had promised to come to visit me later today and I couldn’t wait to see her again. I knew it sounded crazy, but being away from her even for a few hours was pure torture.

  I got busy in my shift, helping take orders and working the register. Before I knew it, the afternoon rush had died down and I saw a break in the line. Relieved, I took a moment of peace to check my phone. I had a few texts from Mia which made me smile, and one text from Britley that made me cringe.

  Glancing down, I hesitated before reading.

  Britley: Hey, I need to talk to you.

  Rolling my eyes, I typed out a reply.

  Me: I’m working. Can it wait?

  Britley: No. Where do you work?

  Me: Coffee shop on Main Street.

  Britley: Be there in ten minutes.

  I scrolled through the rest of the messages and saw that Mia was going to come to visit me later. I really hoped Britley hurried up, whatever she had to say, I wanted her to get it over with.

  As promised, I spotted Britley walking into the coffee shop about ten minutes later. I called to the manager that I was taking a short break and met Britley at the door. I didn’t need her making a scene here.

  “Hey, let’s go talk in the back,” I said.

  Smirking, Britley gave me her evil smile. “Ok, whatever you say, daddy,” she laughed.

  I bit my lip from the anger I was feeling. It didn’t go unnoticed that a few people glanced up at us at her snarky comment. Great, that’s all I needed was more gossip about me.

  I led her through the kitchen and to the back alley.

  Once outside, I spun around and faced her.

  “Alright, what do you want?” I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

  I was in no mood for her games.

  “I need some more money. I have two more doctor visits, and then I should be due in the next month,” she said.

p; I looked down and noticed her baby bump hasn't grown much over the last few months. Most pregnant women I saw were huge by their seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. I hoped she was taking care of herself, for the baby of course.

  “Ok, I am saving everything I make working on the bikes and cars for the Raven’s Boys,” I said, trying to sound friendly. I had to remember that I was doing all of this for my future niece or nephew.

  “Are you still obsessed with that group of misfits?” she sneered.

  Again, I had to fight back the nasty words I wanted to spew at her right now. “Yes,” I seethed.

  “Well, you would be better off trying to work your way up in a more respectable shop,” she added.

  I remembered that Britley had tried to hook up with a few guys in the club, but none of them wanted anything to do with her. I still didn’t understand what my brother had seen in her.

  “I will think about it,” I said, hoping to shut her up. “Make sure to eat enough and take your vitamins,” I said.

  “Aww, little high school boy cares about his baby mama,” she said, lashing out the words.

  I cringed when she spoke like that.

  “I care about the baby,” I said again.

  Britley leaned in and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her.

  I hated how she smelled of perfume and cigarette smoke.

  As she released her hold on me, she stepped back and looked over my shoulder.

  “Oh hey,” she said.

  Turning, everything around me stopped as I locked eyes with a very hurt Mia.

  Before I could say a word, she turned and ran out of the alley and away from me.



  What the hell had just happened?


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