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The Devil-Tree of El Dorado: A Novel

Page 17

by Frank Aubrey



  During the walk--which now more resembled a procession, for they hadbeen joined by numbers of the inhabitants who had heard the rifle shotsand had come out in curiosity or alarm to inquire into the cause--JackTemplemore had observed many pumas that, like tame dogs, accompaniedthe people who crowded round them. They were mostly smaller than theone that had followed him from the mountain top down the canyon, thougha few equalled it in size. But he looked in vain for any sign ofrecognition from any of them; and it really seemed as though his ownjesting prophecy were being actually fulfilled.

  They now arrived at a colossal edifice that reared its soaring wallsand towers high up in the sky. They passed between its open gates, thatappeared to be of gold and iron, beneath an archway that, far abovetheir heads, spanned the space between two lofty towers of pink-whitestone. In the courtyard within were many other soldiers. These, whenthe party entered, seemed crowded together in some confusion; but, atsight of Ulama and her attendants, they quickly formed into lines, inobedience to hoarse words of command, shouted by officers in gorgeousblue uniforms, and with white plumes waving in their helmets.

  The courtyard was large enough for two or three hundred men to drilland march about in. In the centre was a fountain that threw into theair a jet of water that fell back with a sound of refreshing coolnessinto a marble basin, from which rose curious-shaped green plants thatshowed in pleasing contrast to the dainty whiteness of the stonework.Here and there were marble statues, and, between them, large vasesfilled with flowering plants. Above, a broad gallery ran round theenclosure, and from this a number of richly-dressed people gazed downupon the strangers as they entered with Ulama. The latter, making signsto Monella and his two friends to follow her, proceeded, through linesof soldiers and attendants who fell back respectfully before her, toan apartment at one side, outside which all remained save two or threewhom she specially invited to accompany her. Around, were benches ordivans and couches covered with richly embroidered stuffs; upon theseshe bade her guests be seated, begging them to await her while shesought out the king and solicited an audience.

  When she had gone, a sudden silence fell on those she left behind; asilence that was the more noticeable, coming, as it did, after theconfused hubbub and clank of arms that had filled the courtyard on thearrival of the strangers.

  The scene was certainly a curious one. The homely, travel-staineddress of the new-comers contrasted strangely in its nineteenth-centuryplainness with the elaborate, brilliantly-coloured costumes of Zonellaand the half dozen members of the princess's suite who had entered withher; with the luxurious carpets, rugs, and cushions everywhere around;and with the magnificence of the whole surroundings, that spoke more ofthe sumptuous luxury and elaborate decorations of a Moorish 'Alhambra'than of what one would have expected in this isolated city of theclouds.

  Monella stood, lost in thought, with bowed head and folded arms,his rifle, that that day had sent three human beings to their longaccount, resting against the wall beside him. Elwood, whose eyes hadfollowed Ulama till she had disappeared through the inner door, alsostood plunged in reverie, not noticing aught of his surroundings. Ofthe three, Jack Templemore alone seemed alive to the interest andstrangeness of the scene. His keen, steady eyes were making mentalnotes of every line of the architectural designs, as though with theobject of afterwards constructing a like edifice from memory; and, fromthe building, they travelled to its furniture and decorations, andthence, finally, to the dress and appearance of those of the princess'ssuite who stood or sat around. Ergalon had remained outside with manymore.

  Presently, Templemore said quietly to Zonella, somewhat to herastonishment,

  "What is the name of this city?"

  "What!" she exclaimed, "do you not know then that you are in Manoa?Where did you suppose you were?"

  "Manoa! H'm. The same as 'El Dorado,' I suppose, as the Spaniardscalled it?"

  "I know nothing of that, or of who you mean by 'the Spaniards,'" shereplied. "Fancy your coming here and not knowing the name of the place!_Where_ have you come from? I long to hear all about it. Are all thepeople there white like you and those with you? We have always beeninstructed, by our teachers here, that only black demons lived in theworld beyond our island--at least we still so call it; though, ofcourse, it is no longer an island; has not been for many, many longages."

  But when Jack attempted explanations, he soon discovered that he knewtoo little of the language to make things clear to his companion. Hebecame hopelessly involved, his descriptions quite impossible, and, inthe end, he had to give it up as hopeless.

  "You must wait till I know your language better," he said with a sigh;"or else question my friends, who know far more of it."

  "I will wait as patiently as I can until you can tell me yourself," sheanswered with an arch look. "I shall like better to hear it from you. Ifeel, too, a little afraid of your friend there--the older of the two.He seems so proud and dignified."

  Jack laughed.

  "He is anything but that. He is as kind-hearted and good-natured a manas I have ever known. To-day he looks more serious than usual, perhaps.You see, we have had a disagreeable adventure, and do not yet know whatmay be its consequences."

  "I think, all the same, he is a man of great pride and dignity,"Zonella repeated. "He might be a great chief--a king--so far as one canjudge from what one sees. He is not of the same race as you," she wenton with decision. "He is more like one of my own people. Your youngerfriend, too, is not unlike one of our people; though I do not see theresemblance so strongly there, as in the case of the other."

  This odd suggestion almost startled Templemore. Curiously enough, thesame idea had struck him several times during the past half-hour;since, in fact, the opportunity had offered of comparing Monella'sface and form with those inhabitants he had seen. Except that he wastaller than any, there were many points in which there was obviousresemblance; and Jack began to ponder upon it as a strange coincidence.

  He was also surprised at the confidence with which the young girl haddeclared Monella to be of different race from himself.

  "You must be an unusually quick observer," he said presently, "todistinguish these things so readily. In my land young ladies do notmuch trouble themselves----"

  Suddenly, Zonella laid her hand upon his arm and leaned forward with alook of fervid earnestness.

  "_Who_ is this man?" she asked. "What is his name, and what brings himhere, and just at such a time, too?" This last seemed to be said moreto herself than to her companion.

  "He is called Monella," Jack told her. "I know of no other name; and,as to why he is here, I can no more tell you that than why you yourselfare here. In some things he keeps his own counsel absolutely, and isaltogether inscrutable."

  "Ah!" Zonella said this with a long breath. "Then, though he is yourfriend, and you are here together, you _really_ know nothing of him. Isthat what you mean?"

  "Well," returned Jack slowly, "it's rather an abrupt way of putting it,but--well, I never thought of it in that light before--but--I reallythink you have about hit it."

  "Yes! You and he have met by chance, and have agreed to travel togetherfor a time. And you have let him bring you here, I suppose, withouttroubling yourself to ask him his objects?" Zonella went on, still withher glance fixed on Monella.

  Jack opened his eyes.

  "You have a very direct way of putting things, I must say," he laughed."But again, I am bound to admit you are not far out."

  "And your other friend--what do you know of him?"

  "Oh, I have known him since he was a child."

  "And yet," the girl persisted, "he is very different from you. Are you_sure_ he is of the same race as yourself?"

  "Quite," Templemore replied, laughing. "We are both of a nation thatI suppose you have never heard of, but that makes no small amount ofnoise in the outer world, I can assure you. We are both English."

  Just then a heavy curtain was drawn back, and Ul
ama entered, and withher an immense puma, larger even than their friend of the canyon, andbehind it the latter animal itself!

  "Why," exclaimed Zonella, "there is 'Nea,' who has been missing forseveral days," and she called the animal to her. Great was her surpriseto see it, after a brief acknowledgment of her greeting, turn to Jackand his two friends, with every sign of recognition and delight.

  "Why, it's Puss, by all that's wonderful!" Jack cried. "At least,that's the name I gave her," he added, by way of explanation to Zonella.

  "Do you know her, then? But how can that be?"

  "She has been living with us for the last week; but she deserted uslast night, and we wondered where she had got to."

  "Then that accounts for it. We could not think what had become of her."And she began to chide the animal for its desertion of its home andmate.

  "If 'Tuo' had known you were off gallivanting with strange people,'Nea,' I fancy he would have come after you and marched you back."Then, to Templemore: "But how odd that she should attach herself to youlike that; you must have had some strong attraction for her."

  "It was not what she got to eat, at any rate," said Jack. "In fact, Ifear she was half starved. And at last she got so disgusted at what, Isuppose, she thought our stinginess, that she went off hunting on herown account; and what she caught she offered, with a splendid lack ofselfishness, to share with us." And he went on to tell how he first metthe animal; Elwood, meanwhile, recounting the same story to Ulama; andthey learned that the two pumas were named 'Tuo' and 'Nea.'

  Presently, the princess gave a sign to her attendants, and they allfollowed her from the apartment, leaving the three strangers bythemselves.

  Elwood was the first to speak.

  "We are to wait till the king is ready to receive us," he said. "Iwonder what he is like, and what sort of a reception he will give us!What say you, Monella?"

  The latter turned slowly, and seemed to wake as from a deep reverie.

  "I know not what to say, my son; but I am full of pain at all that hashappened to-day. My mind misgives me that civil war will come out ofit; yet we can but try to do our best, and leave the rest to a higherpower."

  It was not long before the curtain was drawn aside again, and oneentered who seemed to be a dignitary of the court.

  "I have come," said he, "to conduct you to King Dranoa." And, with aceremonious bow, he motioned to them to follow him.

  They passed through many passages, across galleries and large halls,and up broad staircases covered with thick soft carpet that wasnoiseless to the tread.

  On their way they saw many people of various costumes and appearance,who regarded the new-comers curiously, but not rudely. Presently theyreached a heavy curtain before a doorway, where stood more soldiers andofficers in brilliant uniforms. The curtain being drawn aside, theyentered an immense hall, its sides lined with people, but the wholecentre part unoccupied. They were ushered up this hall and there leftstanding, their conductor retiring to one side.

  They found themselves confronting a high canopy, beneath which, upon araised dais, a man, apparently somewhat past middle age, was seated;they had little doubt he was the king. He was a man of a fine presence,and seemed hale and vigorous, though his dark hair and beard werestreaked with grey. His features were regular and well formed, hiseyes steady and piercing; his expression was not unkindly; but hischin suggested weakness, a wavering and unsettled temperament. He wasdressed in a long flowing robe, and large jewels sparkled upon hisbreast and shoulders, in the belt that girdled his waist and in thehilt of his short sword. On his head he wore a circlet that was simplein design, and scarcely to be called a crown; it was a band of goldwith gems set as stars. Ulama was seated by his side; she, also, worea golden circlet in which gleamed, with softened radiance, one clusterof large pearls. She had changed the simple dress in which she had beenclad when they had first seen her, and now appeared in a costume thatwas fairly dazzling in its richness, yet in exquisite taste, and wellchosen for showing to advantage her graceful figure.

  At her feet Zonella sat, or rather half reclined, and other members ofher suite were grouped around. Upon the other side of the king stoodhis ministers and officers of state, and his body guard, and, rangedaround the hall, were many others of both sexes, looking curiously andsilently upon the strangers.

  Over the canopy was an immense star wrought in solid gold. Statues onpedestals were to be seen at intervals, and, most curious of all, onthe walls were well-executed coloured frescoes depicting battle scenes.

  The king rose and addressed them.

  "Friends, I know not whence ye come, what brought ye hither, nor how yesucceeded in passing the wood of black demons and forced your way intoour land. In ordinary circumstances it would have been my duty to sendye away forthwith, or even to imprison ye--possibly, still worse mighthave befallen. But my daughter hath told me that ye have saved herlife--a life doubly, trebly dear to me in that she is my only child.But that ye came so opportunely on the scene, she who is my heart'spride would e'en now be lying in the cold grasp of death."

  Here he paused, overcome with emotion.

  "So," he presently went on, "it has been described to me. I understand,also, that, by some strange chance, ye speak our language, andcomprehend what I would say. We knew not that there were people outsidethis land of ours who were white like us, and, above all, could speakour tongue. But these wonders ye shall explain afterwards at yourleisure. At this moment not curiosity, but gratitude inspires me, inthat ye have restored my child to me. There is not one here"--his eyestravelled round the packed assemblage--"who will not join with me inthanking ye for that which ye have done. What say ye, friends?"--thisto his people--"Ye have heard in what dire peril hath my daughter beenthis day. Shall we not give to those who rescued her a right goodwelcome?"

  At this, the hitherto silent crowd burst out into acclamations. Theycheered, they clapped their hands; they waved banners, they raisedtheir spears and swords aloft and flashed them in the air; again andagain the shouts went up, till they seemed in very truth to shake thewalls.

  When, by a motion of his hand, silence had been restored, the kingresumed,

  "Ye hear! All greet ye, and _I_ thank ye. Be assured of my protectionan' ye have come in peace. But alas! I grieve to say I am notall-powerful. There are reasons for enjoining upon ye that ye becircumspect in your going to and fro, have always with ye the escort Ishall give ye, and visit only places they shall indicate. This is notthe time or place for further explanations, nor is it fitting I shouldnow hear the wondrous things I doubt not ye can tell me. I only wish itunderstood that while I shall give ye my protection, and that of thosedevoted to me, ye must not hope too much from it; and it may fail ye,if ye observe not the conditions and limitations I have stated; thecause whereof I shall explain hereafter."

  "While we return thee our thanks, O King," Monella answered, "on ourpart, also, let it be understood that we can protect ourselves. Thecowardly assailants of the princess thy daughter fell before us likechaff before the fire. We could, an' we had chosen, have destroyed themall, even to the last one; but we spared some that they might noisethe tale abroad and warn others of their kind not to raise their handsagainst us. Yet do I regret that it was necessary to kill any. We camein peace and goodwill, not to maim and slay, or to spread alarm anddesolation through thy land. Yet this was forced upon us."

  "It hath been so told to me. Perhaps, as ye say, ye can protectyourselves; and it hath been further told to me how ye wield thelightning and the thunder and blast your enemies, hurling them to theground ere they can reach ye. For all that, if ye would go about inpeace, and avoid the need for further exercise of your death-dealingpowers, accept the guard I offer. If occasion arise, and they fail ye,and ye can help in your own defence--well, by so much the better willit be."

  "Thou hast well said, O King. It shall be as thou hast spoken," Monellareturned.

  Throughout the interview the king had been eyeing the commandingfigure of the man before him, not only
with great intentness, but alsoeven anxiously. Indeed, Monella, with his lofty stature and intrepidbearing, his nobly chiselled features, his bold, unflinching glance,would have made no unfitting occupant of the throne. And, possibly,this thought had struck the king, who once more spoke.

  "And now I would fain know thy name, and what hath brought thee."

  "I am called Monella."

  "Monella! It hath a sound as of our own tongue," returned the king."And thine end in journeying hither?"

  "That is for thine ear alone, O King," Monella replied with decision,thereby arousing the surprise of all, the king included. Then, drawingfrom his breast a sealed roll of parchment he had brought with him,"But here is that which will in part explain." And he handed thedocument to the king.

  The king unrolled the parchment, but, as the first words met his eye,he started; then, growing more intent, he read on. But presently, inevident agitation, he stepped down from the dais, placed his hand onthe other's arm, and said in a voice that trembled with emotion,

  "I will speak with thee alone. Follow me into my private chamber." And,looking neither to the right nor to the left, he passed down the hall,Monella following, the crowd opening out to give them egress.

  No sooner had they gone, than confused murmurs of astonishment andcuriosity burst out on all sides. Elwood and Templemore, as much takenby surprise as any one, looked each in the other's face inquiringly;but Zonella glided to their side and said in a low tone to Templemore,

  "Said I not that thy friend was no ordinary man? Monella! Is itnot like my name, Zonella? Methought, the moment my eyes rested onhim, 'That man is a great man--a wondrous man--and he is one of ourpeople!'"


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