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Wanton Splendor

Page 23

by Bobbi Smith

  Suzanne was obviously delighted by the invitation and moved gracefully about the dance floor in his arms as Katie watched from the side.

  "You know, Christopher. It's really a shame that we didn't get to finish the conversation we were having the night of the ball at Kingsford House," she purred.

  "Oh?" Christopher tried to remain aloof. Attractive though Suzanne was, he understood the type of woman she was and he wanted no part of her.

  "There was so much I had to say to you..."

  He knew what was coming and decided to go ahead and get it over with. "Such as?"

  Suzanne was puzzled by Christopher's manner. She couldn't tell if he was interested or just being polite. Throwing caution to the wind, she pushed onward, for Isaac would be arriving soon and her free time was limited.

  "Such as, I find you very attractive."

  "Thank you," he responded and let it drop, forcing her to continue.

  Suzanne wasn't quite sure what Christopher's ploy was. Probably, she reasoned, since she was a married woman, he didn't want to make the first move.

  "Christopher," her voice was sultry. "Would you like to meet me later so we can do more than talk?"

  Christopher remained impassive as he looked down at her coldly, wanting to discourage her once and for all.

  "Suzanne, I am very flattered by your offer, but I must refuse," he told her flatly. "You are a lovely woman, but I make it a point never to get involved with married women. I'm sorry."

  She stiffened at his refusal and then wanted to laugh out loud. A married woman! Ha! She hardly felt like a married woman. How unfair!

  "If you will please escort me back," she requested as the music ended, keeping all emotion from her voice. "Thank you for the dance, but I fear I'm quite winded," she said as they joined the others.

  "My pleasure," he responded and after giving Katie a quick reassuring look, he excused himself and left the ball.

  When Christopher had gone, Suzanne too made her excuses and retired for the night, leaving Katie alone to search out Mark. She found him in the lobby visiting with a group of planters from upriver.

  "Katie," he greeted and introduced her to his new acquaintances.

  "I was wondering if we could talk for a moment?"

  "Of course. Gentlemen, if you will excuse me?"

  Walking with Katie outside onto the gallery, he smiled down at her. "Well, I saw you with Christopher. How is he?"

  "I didn't get much of a chance to find out."

  "What do you mean?"

  "We weren't together two minutes before Suzanne found us."

  "She's a regular bloodhound, Katie," Mark teased. "How did Christopher handle it?"

  "I don't know. They danced once and then he left for the evening."

  "Don't worry. I'm sure he had a good reason."

  "I know," she sighed unhappily.

  "You'll see him tomorrow, I'm sure," Mark consoled her.

  Katie hesitated, debating whether to tell Mark about her rendezvous with Christopher.

  "Mark, I'll need your help."

  "With what?"

  "I'm meeting him later on the beach and I need you to cover for me just in case Suzanne should come looking for me."

  Mark's eyes widened at what Katie had just revealed. "You're meeting him tonight?"

  "I have to. I've missed him so badly..."

  "I understand," he told her, knowing that he'd go to meet Jacqui if the opportunity ever arose.

  "Then you'll help me?"

  "Just tell me what you want me to do."

  It was very late when Katie, dressed in her comfortable clothes, slipped undetected from the hotel. Barefoot, with her hair unbound, she raced across the sandy expanse searching for Christopher.

  "Katie! "his hushed call drew her directly to him and they came together in a heated embrace.

  Needing to be as close to him as possible, she kissed him passionately.

  "You feel so good in my arms," he told her between breathtaking kisses.

  "I don't ever want to be anywhere else," she hugged him.

  "Let's walk." He took her hand and led her off down the long, deserted beach.

  They walked for a distance in silence, relishing the moon and the surf and each other. They stopped in front of the Adams's cottage, where Christopher had spread a blanket in anticipation of their being alone.

  "Sit down," he invited as he sat and pulled her down next to him. "I've wanted to be with you for so long..." he told her, drawing her into the warm circle of his arms.

  "It's all I've thought about, too," she confided, as his lips found hers in the darkness.

  Their kisses were wild with hunger as they strained against each other.

  "Make love to me, Christopher," Katie pleaded and he pulled away from her slightly.

  "First," his voice was husky with emotion. "We have to talk."

  "Talk?" conversation was the farthest thing from Katie's mind.

  "Talk," he confirmed, smiling tenderly at her confusion. He gave her a quick kiss and sat apart from her, clearing his throat. "Katie Kingsford, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

  Katie blinked in surprise at his proposal. "Will I what?"

  "Marry me, Katie. I love you."

  "Oh, Christopher! Yes. Yes, I will."

  He hugged her tightly before kissing her deeply. Lowering Katie to the blanket, Christopher stretched full-length beside her savoring the feel of her hips pressed eagerly to his. Their hands knew not a still moment as they quickly undressed each other, wanting to be free of their clothing's inhibiting restraints. Finally, naked in the shimmering moonlight, they joined in a piercingly sweet union that explored to the fullest love's most treasured blending.

  Christopher felt as if he had come home as his body melded with Katie's. Giving and taking, they came together, not daring to speak lest they spoil the magic of the moment. Moving in the age-old rhythm of love, they explored with renewed wonder the glory of their love for one another.

  The shattering bliss of their union left them panting and breathless and they lay in each other's arms, lost in the splendor of what had just occurred between them.

  Andre arrived at the Montard's New Orleans home late that night. He was tired, but excited as he roused his father from a deep sleep. Emil was glad that his son had finally returned and hurriedly dressed so he could join him in the parlor.

  "How did it go?" Emil inquired eagerly.

  "Very well, although the first days I had my doubts about finding out anything useful."

  "So what did you learn?"

  "While Fletcher was there this past month, he made direct contact with the abolitionists working out of William Still's Anti-Slavery Office."

  "Did he, indeed?" Emil's eyes lit up at the thought. "What else?"

  "I also got the names of a few people who might help us find out more, but they're in St. Louis. I thought I'd come back here first."

  "That's fine. In fact, take a week or so and enjoy yourself. I can send someone else to St. Louis..."

  "Where's Fletcher now? I know he left Philadelphia before I did."

  "From what I understand, he's gone out to Last Island for the rest of the month."

  Andre tensed at the thought of Katie and Fletcher together at the resort. "If you have no objection, I think I'll go out to the island for a week or so."

  "Of course not," Emil agreed, quite pleased with the information his son had turned up. "There's a lot of checking I can do from this end now that we have an idea of what to go after."

  "Right. I'll go ahead and leave tomorrow then, so I can be there for the weekend. I'll plan on being back by the twenty-first. How's that?"

  "That should give me time to find out more. You go and have fun."

  Isaac sat in the study of Cherie's home, his expression somber, his shoulders slumped as if the weight of the world was upon him. He knew that he should be rejoicing, but the decision he had just made was a serious one.

  For the past few days, as
Denis had lain at death's door, Isaac had had time to take a good look at his life. With painful forthrightness, he'd admitted to himself that he had made many mistakes, but none so grievous as marrying Suzanne. He had married her for all the wrong reasons. He had married her because she was beautiful, charming, with the appearance of a perfect lady, not because he loved her. He was fond of her, true, but the only love he really felt was for Cherie and Denis. The thought of living without them was abhorrent.

  Heading upstairs to the master bedroom, Isaac summoned the maid. He was instructing her as to what clothes to pack for his trip to Last Island when Cherie found him.

  "You're leaving?" She was weak with fatigue. The unending hours of worry had left her drained of all feeling.

  "We need to talk." He dismissed the servant and drew Cherie into the bedroom and closed the door.

  Cherie couldn't keep the question from her eyes as Isaac sat on the bed and pulled her down next to him.

  "You know I was due at the island last Tuesday..." He patted her hand gently. "I didn't even think of it until late last night ...I'm sure they're concerned..."

  "Is there a boat out tomorrow?"

  "Yes, I've already booked passage. I must leave very early."

  Cherie didn't respond. He was going, just as he always did. She was glad that she was too tired to argueto tell him how she needed him-how Denis, now that he was recovering, needed him. No, she wouldn't use that ploy. Isaac had to come to her because he desired no other, not because he had been forced to.

  "What I want to say, Cherie, is this..." he said sin cerely. "When I do return to you, it will be to stay. Permanently."

  She looked at him blankly, not quite grasping his meaning. "Of course."

  "Cherie, I know I haven't told you this often enough, but I love you. Only you. These long hours I've spent alone here worrying about Denis helped me to see...I can't live without you. I don't want to even try. You two mean everything to me."

  "And I wouldn't want to live without you," she said softly.

  He smiled and kissed her softly. "When I get to the resort, I'm going to tell Suzanne of my decision."


  "I'm leaving her. I should never have married her. I realized now the pain I caused you by taking her as my wife. She can divorce me...I don't care. All I want... all I need is to be with you and our son. I cannot go on any other way."

  Cherie's eyes brimmed with tears. "You can't leave her."

  "I can and I will. I want to be here. Watching Denis grow to manhood."

  Her prayers had been answered and her tears fell unbidden. "Isaac, I love you so."

  He held her tenderly. "I'll be back as soon as I can make all the arrangements. We may have to make some changes, but we'll worry about that later. If things get too bad, we can always move North."

  Cherie nodded. "Will you tell Denis? It would cheer him so."

  "Let's both tell him."

  Together they went to Denis's bedroom to tell him of Isaac's decision to live with them permanently.

  "Christopher?" Katie spoke softly, stirring in his arms.

  "Um," he responded contentedly, not wanting to move from their blissful rest.

  "There's something I want to do with you that I've never done before."

  He opened one eye and looked at her skeptically. "There is?"

  Katie laughed at his nervousness. "Don't look so worried. I don't think it's painful.. .at least I hope not!"

  "Well, don't keep me in suspense any longer," he said sitting up, his curiosity aroused.

  "I want to go swimming."

  "Now?" he asked incredulously.

  "Of course, now. C'mon." Jumping lithely to her feet, she ran gracefully to the water's edge.

  Mesmerized, Christopher watched her frolic in the surf, alternately chasing the waves and running from them.

  "Christopher! C'mon. The water is warm." Her inviting call stirred him to action.

  Running out to Katie, he picked her up and waded farther out into the foaming swells. Laughing delightedly, Katie looped her arms around his neck. "Isn't this a wonderful idea?"

  "Absolutely. But I don't know how much swimming is going to get done," he agreed as he stopped in waisthigh water to let Katie slide down his arms, pressed full against him.

  "Don't you want to swim?" she asked archly as she came in contact with his arousal.

  "Not yet, my little water nymph... maybe later." His kiss was devouring as he braced himself against the incoming waves.

  "Oh, Christopher," Katie surrendered to his touch, enjoying the novelty of their position.

  Katie was virtually weightless in the water and Christopher grasped her hips, lifting her logs to encircle his waist.

  The moonlight... the white-crested waves.. .the sand still warm from the day's blazing sun all combined to make Katie more aware of sensuality than she'd been before. Rubbing her breasts against him, she delighted in the wet slickness of his chest. With slow deliberation, she licked at the salty droplets of seawater on his neck and shoulders.

  Christopher bit back a groan of pure animal pleasure and Katie moved restlessly, brushing in seeming innocence against his throbbing erection. His body was demanding that he take her quickly but the night was too perfect. He wanted to go slowly... to treasure each moment of this Elysian night.

  Katie, aroused and ready for Christopher's possession, didn't understand his slow pace. Feeling decidedly wicked, she reached down to encircle his manhood. His breathing was harsh in her ear as she fondled his male essence, stroking him knowingly. Finally, when he could stand no more, he covered her hand with his and guided himself to her softness, entering gently.

  Katie arched away from him, her head thrown back in ecstasy as she rode him. Glorying in the joy of having her for his own, Christopher pressed passionate kisses on her throat and bosom as they rocked together.

  His lovemaking drove her on to a fever pitch and Katie collapsed against him as the sweet tight pain in her exploded in ecstasy, pulsing through her in waves of wildfire. As he felt Katie's tumultous climax, his own body sought and found that same ultimate release and he joined her in the mindless, quiet peace of love's aftermath.

  The Storm

  A stiff, northern breeze roughened the usually calm waters of Caillou Bay as the steamer churned her way toward Last Island.

  Isaac had been surprised to find that Andre, too, was travelling out to the island. And, though Andre was not one of his favorite people.. .being too loud and conceited in Isaac's opinion, he was glad for the company for it distracted him from thoughts of his upcoming confrontation with Suzanne. Sharing a drink in the saloon together, they passed the hours in friendly companionship.

  "So, you've just been up North?" Isaac inquired, as Andre made mention of his recent trip.

  "As a matter of fact, I did just return from Philadelphia. I was taking care of some business matters for Father." Andre hedged on relating the true purpose of his visit there.

  "Your father is lucky to have you. I've been trying to convince Mark to come into the business with me and I think he will, once he finishes school."

  "That will be fortunate for you," Andre said courteously. "Isaac, there is something else I've been wanting to speak with you about."

  "Yes? "Isaac was curious.

  "Katie ...I plan to ask her to marry me and I wanted your consent," Andre told him smoothly.

  When Isaac chuckled, Andre looked irritated. "Are you making sport of me, sir?"

  "Hardly, Andre," Isaac tried to appear contrite. "You have my permission to court her, but I can't say that my approval will carry any weight with her. Katie is a strong-willed young woman."

  "I know. But her beauty makes up for some of her less admirable traits." Andre thought of her altercation with Fletcher.

  His smug remark angered Isaac, but the older man held his tongue. He knew how Katie felt about Andre and realized that his chance for success was minimal.

  "Have you spoken to Katie about your i

  "Not yet."

  "I see," Isaac said knowingly. "Well, I wish you luck."

  "Thank you, sir."

  When the boat docked a short time later, Isaac and Andre were taken by carriage to the hotel. The bumpy ride over the shell-covered road seemed far too short for Isaac as he wrestled with the problem of how to break the news to Suzanne. Andre, however, thought they would never get to the hotel. He was anxiously anticipating proposing to Katie and thoroughly expected to win her hand today. As the conveyance drew to a halt at the front entrance of the large rambling building, they climbed down and went inside to register.

  It was late afternoon and Katie was waiting on the beach for Christopher to return with their horses. Having met him after breakfast, they'd spent the day together exploring the island and enjoying each other's company. Katie had felt exhilarated all day... in love with life after her night in Christopher's arms and she could hardly wait for their engagement to be officially announced. The sooner she became Mrs. Christopher Fletcher, the happier she would be.

  "Katie!" the sound of Andre's voice shook her painfully from her reverie.

  "Andre? I didn't know that you were coming out to the island. I thought you were away on business."

  "I was, but I got back early," he explained. "And New Orleans was very lonely without you, Katie."

  Katie blushed at his statement. "I'm flattered, Andre, but..."

  Before she could explain anything to him, he continued, "I needed to see you. I've been thinking about you a lot, Katie."

  "You have?"

  Andre nodded. "Walk with me, Katie." He needed more privacy in order to propose.

  Glancing around, she saw no sign of Christopher and realized that there was no way to avoid it.

  "For a moment, but I'm meeting someone here anytime now."

  "This will only take a minute." Andre took her arm and led her off down the beach.

  Preoccupied with trying to figure out how to propose, Andre walked in silence until Katie broke in.

  "The surf wasn't nearly this rough yesterday." She indicated the tumbling, almost violent, waves.

  "There must be a storm out at sea," he commented, distractedly. Then his thoughts finally in order, he began. "Katie, there is something important I must ask you."


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