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Wanton Splendor

Page 25

by Bobbi Smith

  Bruised and exhausted, Suzanne clung numbly to Andre.

  "Do you have to leave me?" she cried, the horror of what she'd just witnessed still terrifying her.

  "The captain needs me to help search the island, Suzanne. But I'll be back." He set her from him gently and moved away.

  Suzanne looked wildly about for a familiar face but there was no one she knew. Trembling from both weakness and shock, she sat back down on the boat's deck and tried to recall the events of the day before. They had been eating in the dining room when the building had seemed to disintegrate. She had seen Isaac fall and had watched helplessly as he had been swept away by the rising tide. Andre had grabbed her and they had stayed together in the rushing waters until the crew of the Star had plucked them from the raging sea. There had been no sign of the Crawfords or of Katie and Mark all night. And it was with sudden heartbreaking sorrow that she remembered Christopher being felled by the falling timber. Sobs shook her as she realized that they were probably all dead.

  Carrying Isaac as best he could, Mark stumbled and fell to his knees as he slowly made his way up the ruins of Last Island's Gulf beach. The rampaging waters had left wreckage strewn everywhere. Shattered boards and remnants of personal possessions littered the once beautiful landscape, but Mark had no time to dwell on what had happened. He had to get help for Isaac.

  Quite by accident, they had found themselves together after the initial blast. Locating a board, they had drifted aimlessly in the current until shortly before dawn when it drove them back ashore. Unknown to Mark, his uncle had been seriously injured by the flying debris during the first hours, but Isaac had not complained. Instead, he had steadfastly maintained his determination that they would be rescued. It was only after they were safely on the beach that Mark had discovered the extent of Isaac's injuries. Refusing to leave him behind, Mark had begun the long walk back in the direction of the hotel, carrying Isaac who had fainted from the pain.

  "Mark!" The call penetrated his stupor and he looked up to see Andre coming toward him.

  "Andre! Hurry!" Mark yelled as he carefully lowered Isaac down on the beach.

  With Andre's help, they made the trek back to the boat. When Suzanne saw them coming, she ran out to meet them.

  "How is he?"

  "He's alive, but I don't know for how long," they told her as they brought him to the shelter of the Star.

  After Isaac had been made as comfortable as possible, Suzanne went to speak with Mark.

  "Mark, are you all right?"

  "I'm fine, but how is Isaac? Is he going to make it?" Mark inquired anxiously, his concern very real.

  "I don't know..." she began. "Have you seen Christopher or Katie?"

  "No. Not since the storm began."

  "I could have saved her," Andre said bitterly.

  "Saved who?" Suzanne questioned.


  "What happened?"

  "I told her to come with me...but she went after Fletcher. He was already dead. I saw the timber hit him full-force. But Katie wouldn't listen. The stupid little bitch..."

  At Andre's last remark, Mark lost the tight control he had over himself. Without a word of warning, he threw himself at Andre, taking him by surprise and knocking him to the ground. Mark pummeled Andre with punishing blows until three other men dragged him off.

  "Katie loved him, you fool! She would rather have died with Christopher than lived without him!"

  Glaring at Mark accusingly, Suzanne ran to Andre's side.

  Mark, disgusted by the whole scene, shook off the restraining hands of the men who had pulled them apart and stalked off across the sand. He needed time.. .time to come to grips with himself. He knew he would be of little help to anyone else until he had his own emotions under control.

  Katie blinked and tried to focus. She had not expected to survive the onslaught of the turbulent waters, yet here she was alive and, seemingly, in one piece. Christopher! His name screamed through her mind. Where was he? She couldn't remember anything after the first terrifying moments when the waters rushed over them. Had she been dreaming or had he really been roused by the water? Regardless, they'd somehow ended up drifting together on the remains of a cottage wall.

  Sitting up painfully, Katie felt battered and sore. Her throat was raw from swallowing sea water and her movements brought about wracking spasms of nausea as her body rid itself of the briny poison. Coughing and gasping, she managed to get to her feet and aching and wet, she staggered forward to search for Christopher.

  It was with great relief that she finally found him a few minutes later lying face up on the swampy shore. Katie hurried to him as fast as her weakened legs would carry her.

  "Christopher!" Her voice was a croak as she knelt by his side.

  Putting her ear to his chest, she was reassured to hear the steady thudding of his heart. Gripping him as best she could, she jockeyed him up to drier ground. It seemed an eternity to her before he finally stirred and opened his eyes. When he looked at her with recognition, she took his hand and kissed his knuckles.

  "Thank God you're alive!"

  "Where are we?" he asked, his voice as hoarse as hers.

  "I can tell you where we aren't ...but I have no idea where we are," she told him, smiling slightly.

  He tried to sit up, but waves of dizziness and nausea struck him and he lay still, waiting for the discomfort to pass.

  "I'll be all right in a minute, Katie," he tried to convince her and himself.

  Holding her hand tightly, he closed his eyes, but disturbing visions of their storm-tossed night assailed him.

  "What's wrong?" She noticed his stricken expression.

  "I can't believe we're both alive.. .last night I didn't think we were going to make it."

  "I know ...I know." Crying tears of happiness, Katie broke down and clung to him for reassurance.

  Holding her against him, he pushed her wet hair away from her face and kissed her tenderly.

  "The worst is over, love. The worst is over..."

  Mark headed back toward the wreck of the Star after having spent long hours staring out at the still restless sea. He knew that help would be coming for them as soon as word reached the mainland, but he hoped something could be done for Isaac before that. His uncle's condition was serious and Mark didn't want to take any chances while they awaited rescue. It was hard enough dealing with the loss of Katie, but if Isaac dies, too...

  As he rejoined the group on the Star, Mark was surprised to find Suzanne sitting away from the others.

  "Suzanne, Isaac isn't -"

  " He is the same. But Mark..." she sobbed. "They found Lavinia and Wade... They're dead!"

  Mark stood awkwardly for a moment watching her cry and then, throwing chance to the wind, took her in his arms to comfort her.

  "I'm sorry, Suzanne," he spoke softly. "I know how close you were."

  Suzanne held tightly to Mark. In the space of a few short hours she had witnessed such carnage and destruction that she doubted she'd ever be the same again.

  "I'll take care of her," Andre spoke from behind Mark. "Isaac's been asking for you."

  Suzanne went willingly into Andre's waiting arms as Mark walked away without speaking.

  Isaac lay with the rest of the injured in a place partially protected from the elements by the hull of the boat.

  "Isaac?" Mark spoke. "Andre said that you wanted to see me."

  With an effort, the older man's eyes flickered open.

  "I'm glad you came," he said painfully. "There's much I have to tell you."

  "You should rest," Mark tried to quiet him.

  "I can't rest until I tell you..." His cough was strangled.

  "Tell me what?"

  "My will ...I changed my will... Suzanne doesn't know. No one does," he gasped for a breath. "I wanted Denis protected. So I made you executor... Take care of Denis and Cherie for me. They need someone and I love them so."

  "You'll be taking care of them yourself just as soon as
we can get you back to New Orleans."

  "Mark." Isaac was suddenly grave. "Mark, I'm dying. I know it. Promise me that you'll do as I ask."

  Mark looked away to hide the emotion reflected in his eyes.

  "Mark!" Isaac's voice was stronger, demanding an answer.

  "I'll take care of them for you," he promised solemnly.

  "Good. Good." The tenseness drained out of Isaac at Mark's answer. "I can rest easy now."

  The lonely cries of the swamp creatures echoed eerily through the blackness of the night as Christopher and Katie lay close together, seeking rest. The long day had been made all the worse by the swarms of hungry, blood-sucking insects which wanted them for their dinner. In desperation at sundown, Christopher had fashioned a protective tent of sorts out of Katie's once frilly petticoats.

  "Christopher?" Katie spoke.

  "What?" he turned to her, pulling her closer.

  "Do you really think we should wait here for someone to rescue us or should we try to walk out?"

  He admired Katie's courage and stamina, but he also remembered vividly everything Joel had told him about the bayous and canebrakes.

  "We have to stay put, Katie," he told her, knowing it wasn't the answer she had wanted to hear.

  "But why? No one even knows we're here!"

  "They'll come. And when they do, we'll be waiting for them."

  For the first time since she was a child, Katie was afraid. She found it hard to believe that anyone would be able to locate them in this Godforsaken place. "We have to get out of here!"

  Christopher cradled her near, calming her. "Sweetheart, Joel's told me about travelling in the bayous and it would be suicidal for us to try. We don't even know for sure where we are. So how could we possibly find our way back?"

  "I know you're right," she confessed. "But it's hard for me to wait here and do nothing."

  Christopher smiled in the darkness, his teeth showing in a flash of white.

  "Katie, do you realize that we are alone. I mean really alone for the first time ever?"

  Katie managed a smile at the thought. "I hadn't looked at the good side of being stranded with you..."

  "Don't you think it's time you did?" he asked, bending over to kiss her.

  "Absolutely," she agreed, returning his kiss with abandon.

  Moving between her legs, he fit himself intimately to her, rubbing suggestively against her. Her body responded to his urgings without thought as her hips surged upward craving contact with his hardness.

  Excited, needing to be one with Katie, Christopher broke off the embrace long enough for them to undress. Finally, she lay nude beneath him and he plunged within her. Lost in the wonder of their embrace, Christopher and Katie surrendered to the fire of their emotions and were swept away in a rush of heated desire. They reached completion together in a crescendo of ecstasy and lay marveling at the wonder of their love.

  Katie awoke first the next morning just as the first rays of the sun streaked the eastern horizon with rainbow shades of pink and gold. Slipping carefully from Christopher, she freed herself from their protective shelter and stretched her stiffened, cramped limbs. Never again would she look askance at the canopy bed in her room at Kingsford House. There was a lot to be said for the comforts of civilization.

  Thoughts of Kingsford House brought back her worries full force. She had not seen anything of Mark, Uncle Isaac or Suzanne as the storm hit and concern about their safety weighed heavily on her. Thankful that she had Christopher with her, she glanced back over her shoulder to where he lay sleeping. Then leaving him to his rest, she started down toward the water's edge.

  The hand that snaked out and grabbed Katie startled her so badly that she couldn't make a sound as she was pulled tightly back against her attacker.

  "What have I got here?" The man's sour breath assaulted her as she tried in vain to twist away. "Not a sound, dearie or I'll slit you open without a thought."

  He brandished a knife menacingly.

  "That's a good girl." He released her arm and spun her about to face him. "You're a pretty one, you are."

  He leered at her tattered clothing, his eyes dwelling on her barely covered bosom.

  Katie wanted to run away screaming but she realized that she would probably only get herself killed. Deciding to brazen it out, she turn to face him squarely.

  "I've been stranded here since the storm on Sunday. I was vacationing at Last Island."

  "And you was washed up all the way back here?"

  "Yes and..."

  Holding up a bulging bag, the man laughed wickedly, "You see this sack of jewelry?" At Katie's nod, he continued, "This all came from your island. Now what do you have for me?"

  "Nothing, sir," she answered honestly. "But if you take me back to New Orleans safely, I'm sure there would be a substantial reward."

  "I think I'll take my reward now." He lunged at Katie and grabbed her.

  Katie screamed in terror as his hands tore at her already ragged gown.

  Startled to wakefulness by Katie's horrified cry, Christopher sat up. Then, tearing his way out of the small makeshift tent, he ran toward the sound of her desperate call.

  At the sight of the stranger attacking Katie, Christopher lost control. Without thought, he attacked, pulling the man from atop her and beating him viciously. Blood streamed from the scavenger's nose as Christopher landed blow after bone-crunching blow. When the man finally sank to the ground, he rushed to Katie's side.

  "Are you hurt? If he's touched you, I'll kill him... "Christophervowed.

  Katie was shaking from the shock of it all and trying to hold the bodice of her gown together, she smiled tremulously.

  "Hold me.. .Please hold me."

  He surrounded her with his warm, powerful arms and pulled her protectively to him. Pressing her to his heart, he rocked her soothingly.

  "What will we do with him?" Katie turned to look at the man but in the short moment of their quiet embrace, he had slipped away in his skiff and was now far from the shore, paddling hastily.

  "Good riddance," Christopher swore.

  "But he might come back..."

  "If he does, I'll be ready for him," Christopher stated coldly, showing her the knife he'd wrestled away from the looter during the fight.

  Katie nodded, but didn't respond. The swamps were more dangerous than she'd imagined... and the most vicious beast there was man...

  Jacqueline La Zear had paid scant attention to the bad storm over the weekend. There had been no social functions to speak of, so she'd spent the time at home, thinking of Mark. Her plans to win him seemed to be going well, but now that he'd gone to Last Island with his family for a month-long vacation, she was worried. If Suzanne Kingsford and Mark still wanted each other, there would be nothing to keep them apart. He had only been gone two weeks, but to Jacqui it seemed an eternity.

  She looked up from her needlepoint as Mattie came into the parlor.

  "What is it, Mattie?"

  "There's somethin' here in the newspaper you'd bet ter see."

  "In the paper?" She took it from her and glanced at it curiously.

  It took a minute for the headline to sink in...

  "Mattie? This can't be true! It can't!" she cried coming to her feet in panic as she read the first accounts of the tragedy. All feared lost ...No survivors...

  Jacqui was frightened that it might be true, but she felt that if something had really happened to Mark, she would have known. Taking the paper with her, she rushed into her father's study.

  "Papa." She handed him the newspaper. "Is this true?'

  "I don't know for sure..." he began.

  "I have to go to Mark. You have to help me get out to the island!"

  "According to the report, Jacqui, the island was devastated. There's nothing left."

  "But the Kingsfords were there.. .Mark was there.. .He can't be dead! He can't!" she cried and her father came to hold her.

  "You go on upstairs and rest while I send someone down to th
e newspaper office to look into this. As soon as we find out anything new, I'll let you know," he soothed.

  "No! I'm not going to sit here for hours waiting. I'm going down to the office myself," she declared.

  "But's no place for a lady," he protested.

  "Papa, right now I don't feel much like a lady!" she looked at him seriously. "Would you be able to sit back quietly and wait if you thought something had happened to me or mother?"

  "That's different. You're family."

  "It's not different, Papa. I love Mark Kingsford and I intend to marry him as soon as he proposes!"

  And without another word, she turned and left the room.

  Joel listened to Robert in stunned disbelief.

  "It's not true," he declared, Christopher couldn't be dead!

  "I double-checked my sources. I knew you would want me to be certain..."

  "But how?"

  "You know how bad the weather was here Sunday... Well, in the Gulf, it was a hurricane."

  "And it wiped out the whole island?"

  Robert nodded in affirmation.

  "Were there any survivors?"

  "There was a partial list..."

  "But he wasn't on it," Joel concluded. "Where are they taking the people who were rescued?"

  "There's a boat due in New Orleans in the next day or two..."

  "I've got to meet it."

  "I'll go with you."

  Cherie reread the newspaper again to make sure and then went to speak with Denis. She hated lying to him, in fact, she had never had to before, but he was still so weak from the fever ...Denis's only joy these last few days had been the prospect of Isaac returning to live with them permanently. She found out about the disaster long days ago but had deliberately sheltered Denis from all news of it; the child had suffered enough. And she refused to think the worst, even if Isaac's name wasn't on the list of those who'd been rescued.

  "Denis, darling," she greeted him with a kiss. "I must go out for a while. Will you be all right?"

  "Of course, maman."

  "Good. I shouldn't be long..."


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