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Wanton Splendor

Page 31

by Bobbi Smith

  "Well, well.. .Now I have both of you, don't I?" dropping Katie's arm, he walked leisurely toward Dee. "Have you missed me, darling? You can join Katie and me upstairs... Would you like that? You always knew I'd be back, didn't you?"

  "Yes, Andre. I've been waiting..." her voice was toneless as she remembered all of his evil deeds.

  Andre smiled in cocky assurance as he stopped in front of her. "Good."

  Dee lifted the gun she'd concealed in her skirts and fired repeatedly at him, emptying the gun into him.

  Andre's look of stunned disbelief turned to one of pain, then fright as he collapsed on the floor.

  "Katie..." his voice gurgled as blood rushed from his mouth and his head lolled to the side as death took him.

  The Fugitives

  Seated in the parlor of Robert's house, Christopher relaxed for the first time since he'd begun the trip.

  "I take it your trek downriver was a bit `exciting'?" Robert asked, giving him a sympathetic smile.

  "It was downright nerve-wracking," Christopher grinned. "Thank God I learned early in life how to bluff my way out of tight situations. I thought the patrollers had us for sure."

  Robert handed him a glass of bourbon and then sat down across from him.

  "You say Dillon didn't bring this group?"

  "No, in fact-" He took a deep, steadying drink"They said that he's dead."

  "Dillon? But how?" Robert was upset.

  "Murdered... That's why I was extra cautious on this trip."

  "Do you think it was the patrollers?"

  "I don't know who it was ...The runaways told me that his body had been found in the river and that he'd been bound and gagged."

  "It had to be..."

  "That's what Joel and I thought."

  "They must have gotten some information from him or they never would have killed him."

  Christopher nodded his agreement. "But I figured that if they were after me, they would have had me already."

  "Possibly..." Robert looked at him pensively. "What do you think about getting out of town for a while?"

  "Do you really think it's necessary?"

  "I do. It's better to quit while we're ahead than to take unnecessary chances."

  "I understand. What do you suggest?"

  "How about a delayed honeymoon for you and Katie?"

  "That sounds good. I can leave Joel in charge. That way it wont look too suspicious."

  "We're agreed, then?"

  "I'll finish up my business in town and then head north with Katie."


  "What about you?"

  "No one would ever suspect me. I was born and raised here. I'll be safe."

  "You're sure?"

  "Positive. Where will I be able to reach you to let you know when it's safe to come back?"

  "I don't know yet, I'll send you word after I discuss it with Katie."

  "All right. You'll be leaving here tomorrow, then?"

  "Yes. I've got a few business matters to clear up in the city and then I'll return to Greenwood."

  "Fine. If I hear anything in the next day or so, I'll get word to you right away."

  "Thank you, Robert. Thank you for everything."

  "You're more than welcome, Christopher. We work well together. I just hope this isn't the end... thereare so many others we could help..."

  "The time is coming for a major change in this country... and I hope well be a part of it. Things cant go on as they are. This bartering of human souls has to be stopped."

  "The question, my friend, is how to stop it? The plantation owners have most of their money tied up in thenslaves. If they are forced to free them without compensation..."

  "It's a problem for which I fear there is no easy solution." Christopher understood the economics of the situation.

  They both fell silent wishing that there was more that they could do to help their cause.

  Emil Montard arrived at Kingsford House, his features haggard with worry. A carriage was waiting for him at the landing and it took him quickly up to the mansion where Suzanne anxiously awaited his arrival.

  "Emil-" she welcomed him solemnly.

  "Where is my son?" he demanded, his eyes aglow with fiery hate.

  "In here," she led him indoors to the back parlor where Andre's body lay, already prepared for burial.

  A sob tore through him as he saw that it was no misunderstanding. Andre was dead.

  Suzanne backed out of the room, leaving him to his grief. Later, there would be time for talk and explanations.

  She was in the front parlor when he found her almost an hour later.

  "I want to know who did this to my son," he spoke flatly, his gaze glittering with the desire for vengeance.

  "Sit down, Emil. I'll get you a drink and tell you everything I know."

  His movements were jerky and tense as he crossed the room to sit on the settee. After accepting the liquor from her which he downed in one gulp, Emil turned to face her.


  "I was contacted by the sheriff yesterday afternoon. From what he told me, evidently Andre had gone to Greenwood and killed one of their slaves... Fletcher's man Joel, I believe."

  "So?" Emil hardly thought the life of one black was worth that of his son's.

  "That wasn't all. He apparently tried to attack Katie."

  "Attack Katie? Why for God's sake?"

  "He's wanted her for as long as I can remember," Suzanne told him bitterly. "In fact, he swore to me that he was done with her. That was the only reason that I let him stay. He told me that he would be going out to check on Greenwood, but supposedly it was just to spy on Fletcher."

  "So, did Fletcher kill my boy?"

  "No, he isn't even there. He's out of town on some business trip. It seems that Dee shot him when he was molesting Katie."

  "Dee shot him?"


  "It's all lies! It must be. Andre would have no reason to attack Katie. Why, all women loved my son."

  Suzanne gave Emil a look of disbelief. "I'm afraid you're mistaken there. When it came to Katie, Andre was making a damned fool out of himself!"

  "What do you mean?" Emil resented hearing anything disparaging about Andre.

  "I mean, Andre wanted her and he was stupid enough to try anything to get her... including rape or black mail..."

  Emil came to his feet in defense of Andre. "I'm sure you're wrong. He would hardly have been interested in a woman who didn't want him. I'm sure she must have encouraged him in some way."

  Suzanne couldn't believe that Emil would not face the truth.

  "May I borrow a horse?"

  "Of course, but..."

  "I wont be gone long," he strode from the room, his heart on fire with the need for revenge.

  Katie and Dee were walking slowly back up to the big house. The ceremony for Joel had been short yet poignant and both women felt drained of all emotion.

  The ordeal of the day before was over, but not forgotten. The sheriff's probing questions-the confrontation with Suzanne when she'd come to claim Andre's body... They were numb from the shock and yet deep within them dwelled a fear that at any moment, the truth about Christopher would be known.

  The sound of galloping horse drew their attention. Looking down the front drive, they were terrified to see Emil Montard riding toward them at top speed. Reining in roughly, he was pleased to see the fear in their faces.

  "Just buried your nigger, did you?" he asked hatefully.

  "What do you want, Montard?" Katie was brusque, her stance defensive and protective of Dee.

  Emil surveyed her coolly and Katie could almost feel his glacial gaze touching her.

  "I'll tell you exactly what I want ...I want the deed to Greenwood signed over to me along with all the slaves including her!" he pointed at Dee.

  "No deal. Now get off my property."

  "I think you're reacting a little hastily, Katie," he spoke in silky smooth tones.

  "And I don't. Leave, Montard," she order

  "Oh, I'll leave all right after you hear what I've got to say."

  "I'm not interested."

  "In saving your husband's life? Pity..." he started to ride away when Katie stopped him.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean that unless you sign Greenwood over to me, along with all the slaves-no exceptions-I'll be forced to turn your husband in to the authorities."

  Katie looked stricken.

  "Let's face it, unless I have the deed in my hand in twenty-four hours... Christopher Fletcher is a dead man."

  Without another glance, he rode off, leaving Katie and Dee staring after him in stunned terror.

  "Dee?" Katie was pulling herself together with an effort.

  "What?" Dee was confused. She couldn't let Christopher die because of her...

  "Get Jebediah. We're leaving."

  "Where can we go where he wont find us? And what about Christopher?"

  "We'll go to my father. He'll take care of us," Katie was certain that her father's strength would be their haven in the storm. "I'll send another note to Mark so he can warn Christopher."

  "But Montard said he'd be killed.. .1 can't let that happen."

  "What do you want to do? Stay here and let yourself be killed?" Katie appreciated Dee's selflessness, but she would have no defense against the evil of Montard if she remained here. "Christopher's a grown man and he can handle himself quite well. Don't worry about him. Hell be all right."

  "Shall I have T.C. put out the flag?"

  "Yes. We'll leave on the next boat north. That will give us a good day's head start on Montard just in case he decides to come looking for us."

  T.C. helped load the few bags that Katie and Dee had packed onto the steamer and thai turned back to the women.

  "You be careful."

  "We will, T.C.And thank you," Katie told him earnestly. "If for some reason, Christopher should not get my message and come here, please send him to St. Louis."

  "Yes ma'am. I'll tell you'Ve gone to be with your father there."

  "Right." Katie cast a melancholy glance back at the main house. "Thank you for everything."

  T.C. shuffled uncomfortably under her heartfelt praise. "You're welcome ma'am. I hope you do fine."

  "Dee? We'd better hurry."

  Dee hugged T.C. quickly and, holding Jebediah tightly in her arms, she followed Katie up the gangplank. As the steamboat backed out to midstream, Katie and Dee settled into their cabin. They were exhausted from the tension of the past two days and were looking forward to some uninterrupted peace.

  "Katie?" Dee asked after putting Jebediah to bed in one of the bunks.

  "Yes, Dee?" Katie was sitting on her bed, remembering the first time she'd travelled on the Mississippi.

  "What do you think Mr. Emil will do to us if he catches us?"

  Katie answered confidently, "He wont, so don't think about it."

  "Are you sure?" Dee was scared.

  "Positive," Katie reassured her. "And my father will take care of us once we're there, so we'll be safe."

  "What about Christopher?"

  "With any luck, he'll get our message and head for St. Louis right away."

  Dee evidently believed her for she dropped the subject, but Katie couldn't help but worry... what if he didn't get the message in time...

  Emil rode up the drive at Greenwood, feeling triumphant... as if he'd fought and won a great battle. Without a doubt, he was positive that by the end of this day he would once again own Greenwood.

  He thought little of it that no one met him in front of the big house. Easily dismounting, he tied up his own horse and climbed the front steps. Pausing for only a second as he tried to decide whether to knock or not, Emil finally threw open the door and walked in.

  Expecting a nervous skittering of servants, he was almost unnerved by the quiet stillness that greeted him. It made his entrance seem an invasion and left him most uncomfortable.

  "Katie?" he called imperiously. "I'm here for your answer."

  But there was no response. Striding purposefully down the hall he checked each room but found no sign of her or Dee. Charging up the staircase he stomped into the master bedroom and went straight to search the armoire. He was livid with frustrated fury. How dare she defy him! He would find her and when he did...

  Hurrying from the room, he went downstairs and back outside where he found T.C. working in the stable.

  "Where is Mrs. Fletcher?"

  "I don't know, suh," T.C. replied.

  "What do you mean you don't know? When did she leave? And who did she take with her?"

  "I don't know, suh," T.C. watched fearfully as Emil reached for a horsewhip.

  "Shall we see if I can refresh your memory?" Emil slowly unwound the leather and cracked it, testing it. "Where is Mrs. Fletcher?"

  T.C.'s eyes were wide with fright but he shook his head.

  Emil didn't make idle threats and he brought the whip down in a lightning strike that raised a bloody welt on the slave's shoulders.

  "Shall I ask again? Or will you tell me now? Where is Katie Fletcher?" When he didn't respond, Emil struck even harder, this blow driving him to his knees. "Now?"

  T.C. felt the hot stickiness of his own blood running down his back as the whip cut him for the third time.

  "They left..." His cry was strangled as he was whipped again and again.

  "When did they leave?"

  "Yesterday!" he admitted trying to roll away from the punishing blows.

  "Where did they go?" Emil stopped.

  T.C. was sobbing in painful surrender, "St. Louis, they went to St. Louis..."

  Emil with aristocratic disdain threw the whip in the dust beside the fallen slave and walked casually away from the stable. He had no doubts about what he had to do. First, he would turn in Fletcher and then he would go after Katie and Dee.

  Returning to Kingsford House, he quickly packed and made ready for his trip to New Orleans with Andre's body. He would leave for St. Louis right after the funeral. That black bitch wasn't going to get away with killing his son!

  "So you're going on a honeymoon, are you?" Edward asked Christopher as they settled in at a table at the saloon during his second night in town.

  "As soon as I take care of my business. I've got one more meeting with our factor in the morning and then I head home."

  "Have you made any plans?" James asked.

  "Not yet. I'll have to check with Katie first. Maybe well go back east to Philadelphia.. .I'll leave the final choice up to her."

  "Wdl, enjoy yourself. You deserve it."

  "Thanks," he smiled at his friends. "I intend to."

  It had been a long time since he'd had the chance to spend an evening with his friends and the hours in their company passed quickly. Finally, in deference to his early appointment the next day, he called it a night and went back to his hotel. He had been having such a good time with his friends that he hadn't noticed the small, darkly-clothed man watching him all night.

  Checking in at the desk to get his key, the clerk stopped him.

  "Mr. Fletcher, sir. We have a message for you... Here it is." He handed him a small envelope.

  "Thank you." He tipped the man and went on upstairs to his room to read the letter.

  Locking the door behind him, he tore it open.

  Christopher 7 pm

  Must see you at once.


  Christopher was confused. Why would Mark need to see him? It couldnt have anything to do with the railroad for Mark knew nothing of his true activities. Heading out once again, he rushed off to Mark's townhouse.

  The streets were dark and a heavy mist was rolling in off the river as he climbed down from the hired carriage in front of the Kingsford home. After paying the driver, he started up the stairs to the door. There was still a light on in the sitting room and the warmth of its yellow glow seemed to take some of the chill from the night air. Before he could knock twice, Mark opened the door for him.

ristopher! You got my message! Come in," he ushered him inside.

  "Has something happened to Katie?" he worried, following his brother-in-law into the sitting room.

  "I don't think, read her note..." He handed him Katie's first letter.

  Mark -

  There has been serious trouble here and I need Christopher to come back as soon as possible. He should be staying at the St. Charles. Please find him and send him home.


  "What kind of trouble?" Christopher frowned.

  "I don't know!"

  "I'll leave tonight."

  "It's too late now. I checked the steamer schedules and there won't be another one out until seven in the morning."

  "Thanks, Mark."

  "Sure," Mark replied. "Listen, why don't you spend the night here? Then I can take you down to the river front first thing."

  "I will," he paused. "Let me go pack and I'll be right back."

  "I'll wait up for you."

  Christopher had only been gone a few minutes when there was loud knocking at both his front and back doors. Roused from sleep, the servants were frightened by the loud, boisterous attack on their home.

  "Mark Kingsford! Are you in there?" a voice bellowed.

  "Who's out there?"

  "This is Special Deputy Fritch...we're lookin' for one Christopher Fletcher. Is he in there?"

  "We have a warrant to search the premises. Will you open up?"

  Mark fumbled nervously with the lock and finally opened the door to admit four seedy-looking official deputies.

  "What's this all about, Deputy Fritch?"

  Fritch was busy directing his men to search each room and it was a few minutes before he answered Mark's question.

  "Christopher Fletcher is a wanted man. He's part of the Underground Railroad."

  "Christopher?" Mark was totally shocked.

  "Either you're a very good actor or you weren't aware of his involvement."

  "I had no idea.. .You say he's been helping run slaves out of the South?"

  "That'sright...and if you help him in any way now that you know about his activities, then you're just as guilty as he is."

  Mark was worried... Christopher was due to return at any time. He hoped that these men completed their search before Christopher made his appearance.

  "Did you find anything?" Fritch asked his men as they regrouped in the parlor.


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