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Taming the Tramp

Page 19

by Amy DeMeritt

  After I cum, she lays on top of me, and asks, “Do we still have to get out of bed?”

  I smile and run my fingers through her silky blonde hair. “Yes. But thank you for snacking on me.”

  “Do you have plans after I get off of work?”

  “Not at the moment.”

  “Can you leave your schedule open?”

  “That depends. What do you have in mind?”

  With a smile, she traces my lips with her thumb before bending down to kiss me for a moment.

  “I want to cook dinner for you and watch a movie together.”

  “Ok. Unless a better offer comes up, we can do that.”

  She laughs and playfully slaps my cheek. “Jerk. Get out of my bed so I can get ready for work. Go make me some breakfast.”

  “What do you want to eat?”

  “Surprise me.”

  She climbs off of me, putting her beautiful bare ass on display as she gets off of the bed. I reach out and give it a slap, making the firm muscle shutter.

  I stretch out and sit up yawning. I run a hand through my hair and climb off of the bed rubbing sleep out of my eyes. I really wish I could sleep for about three to four more hours. Carrie and I were up pretty late. We had sex in my den a few times, then only a half hour after going to her bedroom to sleep, she sent me a text asking me to come to her room. We ended up having sex a few more times till we both just passed out.

  I’ve never spent the night in her room before. We have slept overnight in my den, or on the couch, but never in our bedrooms. We’ve been fooling around for a few weeks, so I guess it seems overdue that this would happen, but it also feels too intimate since we live together.

  I take a quick shower, get dressed for the day in a nice pair of black slacks, black leather shoes, and a form fitting white short sleeve V-neck top with a honeycomb texture. I quickly fix Carrie a cheese omelet, sliced strawberries, and buttered toast before she hops into the kitchen dressed for work.

  “Thank you. Can you eat with me?”

  “I can’t this time. I have to meet that journalist in thirty minutes. Have a good day at work. I’ll see you later.”

  I give her a kiss and then grab the keys to my Ferrari . I expect the drive to take longer because it’s morning rush hour, but I arrive at the café in only fifteen minutes. I walk in to get a table, but as I’m scanning the restaurant to decide where to sit, I spot Tanisha sitting in a corner booth with her laptop on the table. Her mouth is moving, as if she is reading quietly out loud. As I reach the edge of the table, I clear my throat. She jumps up with an embarrassed little laugh and motions for me to sit.

  “Sorry to startle you. Is it ok that I’m early?”

  “Yes! Please, sit. I was just reading my notes before we get started. Have you eaten yet? We can order first if you prefer.”

  “Breakfast would be nice. I’m starving.”

  As if on cue, a tall skinny man pops over, saying, “Good morning! Can I get you both something to drink while you look at the menu?”

  Tanisha nods, and says, “A vanilla chai latte, please.”

  “And for you?”

  “A cup of your darkest roast with a shot of espresso, black – no cream or sugar. Please.”

  “Coming right up.”

  He walks away, and Tanisha looks at me with a curious smile as she closes the lid on her laptop and sets it aside.

  “Long night or do you always drink strong coffee?”

  “Both, actually. I love dark coffee.”

  “I prefer lattes and cappuccinos, but if I have to drink black coffee, it has to be a light roast.”

  “So, you like coffee enhanced water.”

  She laughs a little and nods as she leans forward on her forearms and starts twisting a gold ring on her forefinger.

  “Thank you for meeting me. My editor is over the moon that you’re granting me this interview. You have a reputation for being elusive and avoiding the press.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  “Not at all. So, can I ask you something off the record?”


  “When I ran into you at the bar – what was happening with that girl in the bikini?”

  “Oh, nothing. She just took a smile I gave in her direction a bit too far.”

  She nods in an understanding way with a smile and scans my face and body for a moment.

  “So, tell me more about yourself.”

  She releases a small cute laugh and brushes her long course hair behind her left ear. “What do you want to know?”

  “How long have you been a journalist?”

  “Since my junior year of college, so about seven years. I started out at a small local paper as an intern. While I was there, I made a contact with an online tech company. They loved an article I wrote about their company so much that they passed my name to a tech magazine called Bandwidth. I was with them for three years before I moved to Techniprise.”

  “Why do you write about technology?”

  “Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but I like to be challenged.”

  I smile and pinch my brow in curiosity. “Ok, go on.”

  “Well, for a writer, I think one of the biggest challenges is making a subject entertaining or interesting.”

  I laugh hard and nod in understanding. “So, you think what I do is boring?”

  She blushes and bites her bottom lip with a cute smile for a moment. “Well…” I laugh again as she drags the word and tenses her jaw in a “I don’t want to say”, sort of way.

  “That’s fine. Unless you’re a computer geek, it can be pretty boring.”

  “Are you calling yourself a computer geek?”

  “Can a zebra deny its stripes?”

  She laughs hard and licks her lips as she shakes her head. “No, I guess not.”

  “So, when you’re not making us geeks sound more interesting than we are, what do you like to do?”

  She smiles with another cute laugh and leans back as the waiter places our drinks on the table.

  “Are you ready to order, or do you need a few more minutes?”

  “Oh, uh…” Tanisha grabs her menu and looks up at me, asking, “Are you ready?”

  “I can be, if you are.”

  “Ok, I’ll have the egg white omelet with cheddar and mushrooms, and a lemon scone.”

  He looks at me expectantly, so I order the French toast with bananas and a side of maple sausage. After he walks away, we take a few sips of our drinks. Tanisha licks her lips clean as she sits forward more with a cute grin.

  “So, I believe you wanted to know more about me?”

  “I do.”

  “I like to go dancing, I’m a badass with a game controller, and I spend a lot of time at the beach.”

  “You’re a ‘badass with a game controller’? Are you telling me you’re a geek?”

  She laughs and nods as she lifts her chai latte to take a sip. “Guilty as charged. Do you play video games?”

  “You’d think I would, but no. I never really got into them. I enjoy watching though. What kind of games do you like playing?”

  “Fantasy worlds, mostly.”

  “So, you like fantasies?”

  Her lips curl into a huge smile as her cheeks blush. She quickly tugs her smile down some and licks her lips as she clears her throat. “Doesn’t everyone like fantasies?”

  “Oh, I love them, especially fulfilling them.”

  “What kind of fantasies do you like fulfilling?”

  “Tell me what kind of fantasies you have and we’ll see if I’m interested.”

  She releases a cute giggle and looks down at her latte. She licks her lips again and looks straight in my eyes. “I think we should save that for the end of the interview, don’t you?”

  “Oh, right, we’re here for an interview. Ok, I’m ready when you are.”

  She pulls her laptop over, opening it to sit just to the side of her so it’s not directly in front of her, but still close enough that she can type o
n it.

  “Ok, we’re officially on the record now.” She gives me a meaningful smile, and then clears her throat. “So, how did you get into creating software solutions for corporate businesses?”

  “Well, my first piece of software I created was an application for statistics and analytics. It was pretty much born out of me deciding to be a rebel and not complete a school assignment the way I was told to do it. Instead of spending weeks pouring over these boring math equations and questions, I created a software that could answer the questions for me. I failed the assignment, but I was invited to present the application at a science and technology fair. I quickly had a horde of companies wanting to buy it, and that just made everything pretty clear for me. I love the challenge of creating software to do just about anything, and the business community has a strong demand for good software that will make their businesses operate smoothly and efficiently.”

  “If you weren’t creating software solutions for businesses, what would you create instead?”

  “Probably something science related. Like, maybe something for genetic sciences to help cure and prevent diseases.”

  “Have you ever dabbled in that before?”

  She continues to ask me questions for the next twenty minutes, even while we eat. After we have finished our meals and a couple of cups of coffee, she closes her laptop with a smile.

  “Well, that takes care of the interview, and we are officially off of the record again. So, was it painful?”


  She laughs a little, and asks, “What are your plans after this?”

  “Nothing at all. Do you have any suggestions for what I should do?”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  As soon as I open my front door, Tanisha shoves my back against the wall. I reach out to close the door and lock it as she presses her mouth against mine, engaging me in an intense kiss. She releases a whimpering aroused sound and starts pulling off her business suit blazer. I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her up to wrap her legs around my waist.

  I carry her to my den, and as I flip the lights on, she steps down off of my waist to look around with an excited smile.

  “Is this where you make fantasies come true?”

  “It is. What is one of yours?”

  “Do whatever you want to me.”

  I smile and pull her over to the stage. While we kiss, I strip her till she’s naked. I lift her arms in the air and secure them with two leather cuffs above her head. She jerks on the chains, testing their strength, and when they don’t give at all, she releases a burring moan as her eyes roll back.

  “Do you enjoy being restrained?”

  “I’ve never done this. I’ve been dreaming about it for years, but people look at me like I’m crazy when I say I want someone to chain me up and have their way with me.”

  “Well, I assure you, I don’t think you’re crazy. I think you’re brilliant and sexy as fuck.”

  Her face spreads into a huge smile and she lifts a leg to wrap around my waist, pulling me in closer. I give her a kiss and then smack her ass, making her giggle and drop her leg.

  I grab two short chains with leather cuffs and secure her ankles at just a little more than shoulder width apart.

  “Are you ok?”


  I place the free-standing mirror in front of her, so she can see herself, and her face spreads into huge smile. While she looks at herself, I go to my inventory cabinet and grab two nipple clamps.

  “I’m going to put these on your nipples. Every time you move and these little beads bounce against you, they will send a very small charge through the clamp to excite the nerves in your nipples.”

  “Sounds amazing.”

  I pinch and tug her nipples a few times, getting them hard, and then put the clamps on. She releases a quiet hissing moan from the pressure, but as I knock the small pea sized beads against her breasts, she releases a louder gasping moan.

  “Oh, I like that.”


  I kiss her full smiling lips, and as I pull back, she darts forward to kiss me again. I laugh and engage her in a kiss. I run my hands over her ass and squeeze both cheeks. I release her lips, and trail sucking kisses down her neck, and over her breasts. She shutters and moans as the beads on the clamps bounce against her and ignite the nerves in her nipples.

  I get an idea and walk back to my inventory cabinet to grab an anal plug that has a very low vibration setting. As I step behind her, she nervously bites her bottom lip, but she doesn’t object. As I grab her cheek to open her ass, she arches her back and releases a sharp exhale.

  “Relax your muscles. You might feel a burning pressure for just a moment.”


  I slowly push the smooth torpedo shaped lubricated plug inside her, and her face pinches in discomfort for just a moment, but then relief and pleasure replace it. I press the button on the tip, turning on the vibration, and she gasps as her thighs jerk in surprised pleasure.

  “Oh, damn, that feels good.” The beads hanging from her nipples bounce against her from her sudden movement, causing her to smile and moan again. “Oh, shit.”

  She’s panting and writhing in her chains and looks absolutely delicious in her pleasure. I step in front of her, and as I slip a hand between her thighs, my fingers glide easily between her soaked lips. She releases a loud moan and her body rocks and bucks against my hand, keeping the beads on the nipple clamps constantly bouncing against her, causing her body to shutter. Her moans and screams rapidly increase, and as she cums, her head falls forward to rest on my shoulder.

  “Oh, wow, Jack, that was amazing. I’ve never felt like that before. Oh, god.” She lifts her head and kisses my lips with a relieved content smile. “When I ran into you at the bar, I fantasied about hitting it off in the interview and becoming friends. I never imagined you’d want to be friends with benefits. I’m so glad I had the guts to walk up to you.”

  “So am I. Are you already spent, or do you have more needs I should attend to?”

  She releases a small happy laugh and nods. “I could definitely use some more attending to.”

  I reach up to unchain her hands, but she shakes her head, and says, "No, not yet.”

  “Don’t you want a new position?”

  “Will you chain me back up?”


  “Ok, you can remove them.”

  I set her hands and ankles free, and then pick her up with her legs wrapped around my waist. I reach under her ass and slowly pull her plug, allowing it to fall to the stage. She gives me a kiss on my lips and runs her hands over my head.

  “Did you plan on this happening today?”

  “No. I tried very hard just to be a good interview subject.”

  She laughs and kisses my lips again. “You were an excellent interview subject. Is it still ok that I publish the article after this?”

  “Yes, as long as ‘this’ doesn’t make it into the article.”

  She laughs hard and buries her face against my neck. “There is no way I can mention anything about this. Do you know how quickly I’d be fired?”

  “Tell me something you want to experience.”

  “I want to feel you on top of me.”

  I bring her to the bed and secure her wrists above her head. I start to secure her ankles, but she shakes her head.

  “I want to be able to wrap those around you.”

  As I walk away, I tickle her foot, and she laughs and squirms. I strip down to just my underwear, then grab a new harness and shaft from my inventory cabinet.

  As I climb onto the bed between her thighs, Tanisha smiles and wraps her legs around my waist, yanking me down on top of her. I laugh as I push myself up to hover above her face. I kiss her lips and caress her cheek.

  “You look happy.”

  She kisses my lips, and says, “I’m very happy. Are you happy?”

  “I am.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I grab two fresh
bottles of beer from the fridge, and as I sit down on the couch next to Tanisha, she stands up with an intense look on her face and works her arms and hands on the game controller in a fast battle, wielding her character on the TV screen to battle a legion of “undead” knights.

  The screen flashes with some gold sparks, indicating her victory, and she falls back down in her seat next to me with a huge smile on her face. I laugh hard and she looks at me with a cute giggle and shoves my shoulder.

  “Stop laughing at me.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re just so fucking adorable. Here.”

  She accepts the beer and takes a large swig. I grab a slice of pizza from an open box on the coffee table, and she leans forward to also grab one.

  After having sex a few more times, both of us were starving, so we decided to order some pizza and chicken tenders. While we waited for the food, she discovered my gaming systems and small collection of games I have on hand for friends. It’s been very entertaining to watch her. Her entire body gets involved, even though it only requires her hands to be able to play. She also has some very adorable faces she makes when she’s concentrating or when she gets excited.

  “Ok, this dragon is going down.”

  She sets her beer down on the open lid of the pizza box, wipes her hands on my sweat pants she’s wearing, and she sits perched on the edge of the couch. I lean back with a fresh slice of pizza, and just eat and drink while I watch her go to battle.


  She throws a fist at the TV and falls backwards as her character is burned to a crisp from the dragon. I laugh and pet her head. She smiles and hops up to kiss my lips.

  “Do you have to start all over again?”

  “Just the showdown with the dragon.”

  She sits forward again and restarts the level. She lasts a bit longer, but the dragon ends up impaling her with its dagger sharp tail. She groans in agitation and goes again. She repeats the level four more times before she’s victorious. When she finally defeats the dragon, she jumps up and dances around the coffee table with a cute and sexy victory dance.


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