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Taming the Tramp

Page 31

by Amy DeMeritt

  As I’m walking into the junction way with my favorite long straight sex table balanced on my left shoulder, Carrie and Jessy walk out of the living and stop with wide eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Cleaning out the den.”


  “Walk with me and get the front door for me. This thing is heavy.” Carrie looks kind of sad and disappointed, but she leads me down the hall to the front door anyway. “I decided it’s time for a fresh start. I think Janae would appreciate that. I mean, don’t you think?”

  “If she didn’t say she has a problem with it, why don’t you ask her first?” Carrie opens the door and gasps as she quickly walks out to the driveway. “Jack, what the hell? How did you get all of this out here so quickly? Are you really just throwing all of this away?”

  I carefully put the table down next to the growing line of furniture and look at it with my hands on my hips and my chest swelling with determination and conviction.

  “Yes, it’s time for a change. New Jack – new relationship – new sex den. Oh, did you want any of this? I guess I should let people pick from it before I call the waste collectors to pick it up.”

  “You’re getting rid of your chair?”

  Carrie runs a hand over the top of the clam chair’s back in an affectionate way, and as she looks up at me, her cheeks blush and she gives me a small sad smile.

  “If you want it, I’ll bring it up to you room. It has iron weights in for stabilization, so the thing is damn heavy. Just a warning if you try to move it around.”

  “How do I look?”

  Carrie sits down on the chair with her legs spread more than usual with a cocky grin on her face. Jessy and I laugh and I nod.

  “You look good on a throne.”

  “Is it clean?”

  I playfully shove Jessy and scoff in mock-offense. Carrie releases a cute giggle as she stands up and pats the top of the chair and nods towards me.

  “I would like this in my room, please.”

  “Sure. Go check the den and see if there’s anything else you want. I think your box is still in there. You need to decide what you want to do with that.”

  “Your box?”

  Carrie blushes beet red, but she grabs Jessy’s hand and tugs her towards the house, saying, “Come on.”

  I contract my muscles as I lift the heavy chair. It’s awkward and I have to take a couple of breaks, but after a few minutes, I get the chair up to Carrie’s room. I’m not looking forward to having to carry this thing back down the stairs when Carrie decides to move out. I might have to be lazy and just hire someone to do it.

  “There is no way this thing does that. It’s just for show.”

  I laugh a little as I bend down to grab a fresh beer and watch Jessy and Carrie attempt to figure out how to use the electrical stimulus chair.

  “Jack, tell her what this thing does.”

  “It melts your nerves till you cum into delirium.” Jessy laughs in disbelief, while Carrie smiles really big because she knows the truth. She has experienced it many times. “Do you want to see what it does?” Jessy quirks her eyebrow at me and I laugh as I shake my head. “You won’t get the full throttle ride with me – just a basic demonstration.”

  I grab a soft rubber padded clamp attached to a wire and hand it to her.

  “Here, put that… somewhere, like a nipple or the inside of your hip – someplace you enjoy being touched. It needs to make direct contact with your skin. Don’t worry, it’s clean.”

  She smiles slyly as she turns her back to us and by the way her arms are moving, I can tell she’s putting it on her nipple.



  “Ok, Carrie, flip that red switch down so it glows. Now move the first dial to the right to the first tick mark. Then slowly turn the second dial till she tells you to stop.”

  Carrie follows the instructions and after a few moments, Jessy gasps and thrusts a hand out to the wall for support.

  “Shit, that’s… Ok, turn it off.”

  “Ok, slowly dial it back.”

  Carrie turns the dials and turns the switch off. Jessy turns around with the clamp in her hand and her cheeks red with pleasure and embarrassment.

  “Are you really getting rid of this?”

  I look between Carrie and the chair thoughtfully for a few moments. It was a pretty big investment, but I would really like to start completely fresh with Janae.

  “Do you want it?”

  “Do you think it will fit in my room till I move out?”

  “Probably not. You can just snag one of the other rooms and create your own little sex den till we find you a house. Then we’ll make you a legit den. What colors are you going to have in yours?”

  Carrie laughs hard and shakes her head as she licks her lips in an excited sort of way.

  “I don’t know. Is red tacky and cliché?”

  “Red is sexy.”

  Carrie and I smile at Jessy’s unexpected contribution to the conversation and she blushes and clears her throat as she looks away from us.

  “Ok, well, I’m going to have wait to move this one. It’s too heavy and awkward to carry for one person. I’ll call Trish and have her come help me.”

  “That’s fine. Can I have my box? I didn’t want to just open the cabinet without you here.”


  Carrie follows me to the cabinet and after I open it, Jessy releases a weird gasping awe sound.

  “Damn. I heard about this from the girls at work, but I thought they were making stuff up. Oh, my god, you were fucking Chantel?”

  Jessy starts laughing really hard and I quickly grab Carrie’s box and close the cabinet to protect the privacy of the women represented within. I glare at Jessy and she quickly clears her throat and waves her hands in front of herself in a defensive way.

  “I’m sorry. You have no idea how many times she claimed she would never fuck with you. She always acts like she is better than the job and the rest of us. We all dance around in underwear, yet she acts like she’s on Broadway or something. She’s nuts.”

  “This is her business. You were not supposed to see that.”

  Jessy gives me a curious sort of smile as she tilts her head to the side. “Why do you care if I know?”

  “I care that the privacy of the women I’ve been with is protected. This is not about me. It’s about them and what they need and want. Will you please keep this to yourself?”

  “Yeah, I won’t say anything. It would just cause major drama at work. You don’t piss off a fellow stripper – the payback could be as bad as someone strategically infecting you with an STD or something. Which of course means you’re fired, branded as a whore, and you’re stuck with whatever they gave you, possibly for life.”

  “You’re making that up.”

  I shake my head at Carrie and her eyes widen. “Actually, she’s not. I’ve known more than a handful of women over the years that were the victims of that form of disgusting revenge. One was infected with HIV. It was super aggressive and quickly turned into AIDS and she died from it a few years later. This was at a different club. Everyone knew how it happened, but no one could prove it, so the girl that did it got away with it. She was fired for the drama and bad press she caused and she moved to Texas.”

  “I remember that. It was the year I started working at Stilts. It was terrifying. Everyone was so scared of something like that happening that everyone was super nice for about a year. But after the shock of the story wore off, petty fights and competition seeped back in. We get along for the most part, but you still have to watch your back.”

  “Why do you want to work in an environment like that?”

  “Carrie, I’m not having this discussion again. I’m not…”

  “Stop, I’m not asking you to quit because of me or my insecurities or anything. I’m just asking for you personally – if it’s terrifying, why do it?”

  “Because I enjoy it, most of the time.�

  “Ok.” Carrie turns her back to Jessy to look at me, and asks, “Do you need any help in here or do you mind if I go start on lunch?”

  “Lunch sounds great. Was there anything else besides the orgasm chair that you want?”

  Carrie laughs a little as she gives a sideways glance to the chair for a moment.

  “What are you doing about the other cabinet?”

  “You can go shopping. Just, try to keep it organized, please. I’ll give you some privacy.”

  I lock the toybox cabinet so Jessy can’t try to peek inside to see who else she knows might be in there. Then I grab my beer and walk out to the living room. I’m pretty beat after moving so much furniture so quickly. I’ll have to finish cleaning it out tomorrow.

  It’s been four days of wonderful sex with Janae, but we haven’t used the den yet. Neither of us have even mentioned it. I don’t know if it was because both of us had reservations about being together in there or not, but I feel like this is the right thing to do.

  As I sit down on the couch, I pull my cellphone out to send Janae a text.

  Me: Hey, babe, how is your day going?

  Janae: Stressful. A customer came in to pick up a gorgeous two-tier cake for a sweet-sixteen that Melanie spent two days on. The idiot drove off with the cake on the roof of the car, so of course it fell off and was obliterated by a truck. We had to take another cake I was working on for pick-up tomorrow, scrape the frosting and fondant flowers off and completely redo the whole thing in only an hour to match the original order.

  Me: I hope you charged them for it.

  Janae: I did and I tacked on a $50 rush fee, which really wasn’t enough given how backed up this caused us to get. I’m sorry, honey, but I’m going to be getting out of here late, probably not till close to eight or nine. I’m letting the new cakes cool and then I’m going to have to frost and decorate it. We rushed so much that only half of the flowers were salvageable. I’m working on remaking those now.

  Me: I’m sorry, babe. Do you want me to bring you dinner? Is there anything I can do to help?

  Janae: I would love for you to bring me dinner, but I don’t think I’m strong enough to have you here and not lose focus. I have other thoughts going on in my head for where I want to put this frosting.

  I quietly moan and lick my lips and swallow hard as my mouth suddenly salivates and my clit starts throbbing.

  Me: You have me so turned on right now.

  Janae: I can’t wait to see you tonight. Ok, we have to change the subject. What are you doing today?

  Me: Well, that question doesn’t really allow me to change the subject very well.

  Janae: What do you mean?

  Me: I’m cleaning out the sex den so we can rebuild and start fresh together. I thought we could pick out the stuff together and redesign it and all.

  Janae: I love you.

  Me: I love you too. So, it was a good decision?

  Janae: Yes, honey. I appreciate it very much. Ok, I’m sorry, but I have to go. I love you and I’ll try to be home as early as possible.

  I lean back with relief and happiness washing over me. I know Janae probably never would have asked because she knows how much money is invested in that room. I’m glad I was able to realize it all on my own that this as something she might want. Even though I have never been in a relationship with just one woman, and despite how much people keep saying I’m going to fail, I feel pretty damn confident that I can do this and rock at it.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  As soon as I turn the keys, killing the engine, Janae grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss. I inhale deeply as heat erupts in my chest. I lean into her, but she pushes me back and lays across the center console to reach the buttons for my backrest. She lowers the back of my seat and her body follows my decline. I wrap my arms around her and she moans into my mouth.

  Panting and releasing small quiet whimpers, Janae climbs on top of me and roughly unbuttons and unzips my pants. I smile and yank her button apart. As she engages me in another kiss, we slip our hands between each other’s thighs and begin working our hands in each other’s slick arousal.

  While she clumsily kisses my mouth and neck, she rocks and thrusts against me, moaning and gasping.

  “Fuck… Jack, I love you.”

  I gasp as she pinches my clit, and I grip her ass, pulling her in harder against me. “I love you more.”

  She smiles and moans against my mouth as she tries to kiss me. “Cum with me.”

  “Tell me when.”

  “Now. Oh, fuck, now, baby.” I smile as she screams and falls boneless on top of me. My orgasm bursts and my body spasms under her. “I love making you cum.”

  I release a small laugh and kiss the top of head on her warm braids. I run my hands over her thick ass and up under her tank top over her smooth soft skin.

  “Janae, I love you so fucking much. I can’t tell you how happy I am right now.”

  “Me too, honey. Now, are we getting to this date or what?”

  “What is the ‘or what’?”

  Janae giggles and engages me in a wonderful kiss. I slip my hand under the waist of her shorts to grab her ass, causing her to release a sweet moan into my mouth. I smile and slip my other hand between her thighs and enter her center again. Janae releases a gasping moan and thrusts against my hand.

  “Oh, fuck. Jack… Shit… Oh…”

  She sits up and rips her tank top off and thrusts her breasts in my face. I growl in hunger as I latch onto the top of her breast and yank her in harder against my hand.

  “Fuck! Yes, baby, I fucking love you. Shit!”

  She is so damn beautiful and sexy. As she cums, her body trembles against me and she bites into the top of my shoulder, moaning and screaming.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, babe.”

  “So are you, honey.”

  “I want to take you somewhere amazing. We should get a house on a beach on some island and just spend a few weeks, just the two of us.”

  “That sounds… A few weeks? That’s a long time, honey. I don’t think I can leave the bakery for that long.”

  I laugh and kiss her cheek. “Not even for me?”

  She hums against my neck and lifts her head to hover above my face. “You are naughty. How about two weeks?”

  “I accept. You want to leave tonight?”

  She laughs hard and firmly kisses my forehead. “No, we can’t leave tonight. We need to make plans and I want to tell my parents we’re a couple now.”

  “Ok, we’ll tell them, then we’ll escape to paradise. I’ve been waiting ten years to have you. I’m just very anxious to be stingy with you.”

  “Me too, honey. Ok, let’s go have our date. What are we doing, anyway? What is this place?”

  “We’re going flying.”

  “Uh, honey, this is not an airport.”

  I laugh and kiss her lips. “We don’t need a plane. We’re going indoor skydiving.”

  She releases a cute excited squeal and hops off of my lap and into her seat. She quickly puts her tank top back on and buttons and zippers her shorts and then smacks my thigh.

  “Hurry up and fix yourself.”

  I laugh and correct my pants. We jump out of my car, and Janae skips around the car to take my hand.

  “You’re so fucking adorable.”

  “I know.”

  I laugh and wrap an arm around her shoulders. As we walk inside, we’re greeted by big bright smiles of two young women behind a counter. We get checked in, and then we’re lead to a classroom. A flight instructor shows us a video of what to expect in the air tube, and then explains how we need to hold our arms and legs.

  We get suited up in cherry red jumpsuits, lock our valuables in a locker, then follow the flight instructor to the air tube.

  “Who’s going first?”

  Janae looks at me with a huge smile, making me laugh, so I say, “Janae can go first.”

  He smiles and nods as he steps just inside the tube. He
gives her some last-minute instructions, and then guides her into the tube. While he stands next to her, he holds one of her arms and legs, and she floats out to the center on her stomach. I laugh and wave at her. She looks so happy.

  Damn, she’s beautiful. My stomach flutters with excitement and my chest hums with happiness. Janae and I have been doing couple’s things like this for ten years, but this time it feels different – it feels better. She’s mine. She really is finally and completely mine. Now, I can fully kiss her. I can make love to her. I can go to sleep with her and wake up with her every morning. She’s finally mine.

  As she comes out of the tube, she throws her arms around me with a laugh and kisses my lips, causing our goggles to bang into each other. She laughs and pulls back.

  “Sorry, honey. How did I look in there? I felt like the wind was blowing my cheeks out like a puffer fish.”

  “You were beautiful. Did you have fun?”

  “It was amazing. Ok, your turn.”

  Being more careful this time, she presses her lips against mine and gives me a quick kiss. As she steps backwards, I walk into the tube with the instructor assisting my flight and balance. My adrenaline is pumping and I feel like I’m soaring above the world, and not in this tube. My heart is just exploding with happiness. I just can’t describe this feeling.

  Love is such an interesting thing. I fought experiencing it in a romantic capacity for so long. But now, I’m deeply immersed in it and I just can’t understand why it took me so long to realize how fucking amazing love can be when fully embraced. I can’t really say I regret the way I lived. I’ve had some great experiences and I’ve met some great women. I definitely would not want to give up what I had with Jasmine, Carrie, Lindsay, Tanisha, and several others from my past. But I’m definitely ready for this next step on the love ladder. I’m ready to be devoted to Janae and only Janae. I’m ready to see just how fucking amazing love can be when allowed to grow without restrictions.

  As soon as I step out of the tube, I rip my helmet and goggles off and pull Janae into a kiss. She moans into my mouth and slumps into me. After a few moments, I pull back to look in her beautiful butterscotch eyes, and she gives me a loving smile.


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