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Baby, it's Hot in Here: Curves for Christmas

Page 3

by Turner, Olivia T.

  I just grin as I put the straw to my lips and take a sip of my drink.

  “You’re together! What the hell, Kelly?”

  My stomach sinks. I forgot that this was her boss. “Are you mad?”

  “Mad?” she says as she stares at me with her jaw dropped open. “Hell no! I’m impressed. I’m confused. I’m in awe. I’m feeling a lot of things right now, Kelly. How did this happen?”

  I tell her about him staring at me and then rushing out.

  “That’s why he stopped talking during his speech?” she says, staring at me in disbelief. “Because of you?”

  I shrug. “I don’t understand it either.”

  “It’s the red dress.” She looks me up and down as she nods. “I told you that you looked hot.”

  “It’s like this dress is a red flag and he’s a bull who can’t stop charging at it.”

  “He’s a bull all right,” she says as she looks over at him. I look too and my cheeks start to blush when I see him staring shamelessly at me from the other side of the room. He’s got a territorial look in his sexy grey eyes as he stares me down.

  “He hasn’t taken his eyes off you,” she says in awe. “This man never looks at anyone. No one has ever seen him with a girl before.”

  Well, he’s looking at me.

  And now he’s coming over.

  “Oh shit,” Alicia says as she straightens up and tries to shake the tipsiness out of her head. “He’s coming.”

  He never takes his eyes off me as he dominantly walks across the room like a sexy Terminator.

  “Kelly,” he says as he comes up to me and takes my hand. I start to breathe harder with him towering over me like this. He smells so good. He looks even better.

  Alicia clears her throat beside me.

  “Oh, Trevor. This is my friend, Alicia. She works in HR.”

  It takes him an extra few seconds, but he manages to tear his eyes away from mine to look at her.

  “Nice to meet you,” he says quickly before turning back to me.

  I don’t understand any of this. Alicia is a perfect ten. She’s a total knockout and has all the talent in the world. She can sing beautifully and move like a J-Lo back-up dancer. She always has the first pick of the men we meet.

  But not this one…

  He’s all mine.

  “Come dance with me,” he begs.

  “I didn’t peg you as a dancer, Mr. Benotti,” Alicia says, trying to worm her way back into the conversation.

  “I’m not,” he says as he stares into my eyes. “But I need to be close to your beautiful friend or my heart is going to stop.”

  An intense heat charges the air all around us and it even seems to hit Alicia because she backs away, leaving us alone.

  “What do you say?” he asks as he steps toward me. He looks so good in his suit that I can’t stop my hand from touching his chest. I run it along his lapel and lick my lips when I feel how hard his heart is thumping. “Want to come and dance with me?”

  With my own heart pounding, I look up at him and nod.

  He takes my hand and guides me over to the dance floor.

  All eyes in the room are on me as I walk behind him. I’m feeling like the most special girl in the world as we step onto the dance floor and he turns around with a heated look.

  I gulp as he comes forward and slides his big muscular arms around me. He’s the most powerful man in the room and he’s dancing with me. That’s so unbelievably hot.

  The band is playing some slow Michael Bubble Christmas song as we start swaying and dancing to the music as couples hold each other all around us.

  His hand is on my hip and his grip on it is tight, like he’s never going to let me go.

  “Did I tell you how incredible you look this evening?” he asks in his deep voice that rumbles through me and makes my body stir.

  “I don’t think so,” I answer shyly.

  He looks me up and down slowly and lingers his hungry grey eyes on my breasts before looking back up.

  “I’ve never seen anyone look so captivating. You’re an angel, Kelly. A truly beautiful woman who I can stare at for hours. You look stunning in this dress and it’s an honor to be able to dance with you.”

  I feel my cheeks getting hot as he pulls me against his hard body. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before. I always thought of myself as too big to be sexy. Too normal to be attractive. I don’t know what was spiked in his egg nog, but I just melt against his muscular frame and enjoy the moment while it lasts.

  Because when the clock strikes midnight this will all go back to normal. Trevor will be a rich gorgeous CEO who is way out of my league once again, and I’ll be a sad twenty-four-year-old virgin who will spend another New Year’s Eve with no one to kiss.

  Everyone keeps glancing at us as we dance, but I try not to pay attention to any of that. Trevor has all of my senses occupied with his intoxicating cologne in my nose, his soft suit and hard muscles under my fingertips, and the sound of him humming the song in my ear.

  This is the perfect moment and I never want it to end.

  “Spend Christmas with me,” he suddenly says.

  “What?” I ask, jerking my head back in shock.

  It’s one thing to share a spontaneous kiss or a dance, but spending Christmas together? That’s like leapfrogging over three dozen dates.

  “I want to wake up on Christmas morning with you,” he says. I try to find the hint of a smirk on his lips or the beginnings of a laugh in his eyes, but there’s nothing. He looks totally serious. “I have to spend the Holidays with you, Kelly. I can’t let you go. It’s going to kill me.”

  “Shouldn’t we go on some dates or something first?” I ask, feeling like I’m in a true fairy tale now.

  “No,” he says in a dominant voice. “I know that I want you and I’m not about to wait any longer to have you. I’ve been waiting too damn long to find this.”

  “And what is… this?”

  He stares at me with such an intense look that it sends shivers racing down my back.

  “You. I’ve been waiting for a girl like you, Kelly. No.” He shakes his head. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  He kisses me softly on the cheek and then holds me tight as the song finishes. My head is swirling with a million thoughts and emotions. Is this really happening?

  “I’m going to need some help on this next song,” the singer says as the band strums in the background. “And I heard that one of your coworkers has the voice of an angel. Alicia…”

  The crowd cheers as Alicia steps onto the stage, smiling and waving at her coworkers. My mouth drops, but I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s always pulling off stunts like this.

  He hands her a mic and the band starts playing Baby, It’s Cold Outside.

  She starts strutting around the stage, acting all sultry and looking hot as they sing to each other.

  “I really can’t go…”

  Even with Alicia acting sexy in her slim black dress, Trevor doesn’t take his eyes off me. It’s like he’s physically unable to.

  The heat of his body is pressed against mine and it’s making me lightheaded. The song should be Baby, It’s Hot in Here with the way he’s got me squirming.

  “What are you thinking?” I ask him. His eyes are so focused on me, but his mind is like a nut that I can’t quite crack. I want to know what’s on his mind so badly.

  “I’m thinking I want to kiss you again, but I don’t want two hundred and sixty of my employees and their partners to see me do it.”

  My lips start tingling when he looks down at my mouth.

  “What are you thinking?” he asks.

  “I’m thinking we better head somewhere private because I want you to kiss me.”

  He grabs my hand and starts pulling me off the dance floor as I grin. I glance up at Alicia who’s still singing, but instead of acting all sexy, she’s staring at me in disbelief as her boss pulls me away.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.
  But he doesn’t answer. He just heads straight for the giant Christmas tree. He pulls me behind it and the whole thing shakes as he presses his hard body against my soft one. We’re jammed between the wall and the giant tree.

  “Is this what you had in mind?” he asks with a grin.

  “Not really.” I got sap on my back and a branch up my ass, but I’m not about to complain. “But it’s pretty perfect to me.”

  His lips come down on mine hard as he gives me a rough demanding kiss that has my blood boiling and my pussy clenching. He claims my mouth like it’s his territory now as I grab onto his sexy suit and pull him even closer.

  He makes a groaning sound that teases through my body and has me wanting more. I press my leg against him until I can feel his hard cock on my thigh and he makes another sexy groan.

  Our wild and shameless kisses intensifies as we crush our lips together and slide our hands everywhere, grabbing, groping, and pulling with need. His powerful tattooed hand grabs my breast and I moan into his mouth.

  When he grabs the back of my neck and holds me in place, I know that I’m letting this man inside of me tonight. He’s going to be my first.

  And I hope he’s going to be my last.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he breathlessly says before kissing me again.

  “Okay,” I moan when he moves to my neck, kissing my soft skin in a way that sends shivers racing down my body. “Let’s go.”

  We kiss for another few amazing seconds and then we’re out of there. I’m leaving faster than I did the last time as he pulls me to the door.

  His taste is still in my mouth, making me all giddy and lightheaded.

  Alicia is still on the stage. She misses a line as she watches us leave in awe.

  I just grin and give her a little wave.

  Hopefully, I won’t be seeing her later.

  Chapter Five


  Kelly shivers as we step outside into the cool winter air. I squeeze her hand and pull her a little closer to me as we hurry down the sidewalk.

  “My building is right here,” I say as we head toward it. It’s a huge skyscraper and Redemtech has the top four floors. We’ll have plenty of privacy in my corner office to make this official.

  I need to keep this girl in my life. I need to have her for my own in every way possible and the best way to do that is to put a little bun in that sexy oven of hers. I want to slide my hard cock into her wet pussy and fill her with my cum until my child is growing in her young ripe womb.

  Then she’ll be mine. Then she won’t be able to leave me.

  I’m a possessive rich bastard who can have anything he wants. Except, I finally found something that money can’t buy. It doesn’t matter that I have a billion dollars in the bank. It wouldn’t matter if I had a hundred billion.

  I’d empty every single cent in my bank account if it meant keeping her forever, but the money won’t do me a lick of good. Breeding her thick curvy body with my raw cock will be the only way to make sure she’s bound to me forever. And that’s just what I’m going to do.

  “It’s beautiful,” she says as I pull her into my building through the front doors.

  The security guard’s eyes dart to her red dress and my blood boils as he looks her up and down.

  I grit my teeth and pull her behind me, blocking his view of my angel while I stare him down with a deadly glare.

  “Mr. Benotti,” he says with a startle when he finally notices me. “Good evening, sir.”

  “It won’t be a good evening if you look at my girl again,” I hiss as I stare him down, daring him to look at what’s mine. “Keep your eyes off of her.”

  He knows who the true alpha in this city is and he does what I say. “Sorry, sir,” he says as he looks down at his fidgeting hands. “I didn’t mean any disrespect. It’s just she’s looking so beautiful.”

  A low growl rumbles out of my throat as I charge toward him. Kelly holds onto my hand and squeezes it. She’s the only thing that can tame the beast inside me.

  “Show me your office, Trevor,” she says in a soft voice. “I’ve never seen New York from so high up.”

  My heart is thumping angrily in my chest as I stop and stare the security guard down. Fuck, what has gotten into me? I’ve never cared about any other girl before and now I’m ready to murder a man because he checked Kelly out?

  Hell yeah, I am. Heat is flushing through my body as my pulse speeds up. Kelly’s soft touch is the only thing keeping me from ending up in a prison cell tonight.

  “Come,” she says and I reluctantly turn away from the guard. I’d rather spend the night inside of her than inside of a jail.

  We head to the elevator and the doors open right away. She’s watching me from the sides of her eyes as we get in.

  “Everything okay?” she asks as I take off my jacket.

  “I don’t want this pervert to be looking at you on the monitors.” I take my jacket and cover the camera in the corner. “You’re mine alone to look at.”

  Her heated eyes are all over my torso as I roll my sleeves up my flexed forearms.

  “He was just being nice,” she says as she steps forward and runs her hand from my shoulder down to my bicep. “Some women think it’s rude if a man doesn’t check her out when she’s dressed to impress.”

  “You’re not dressed to impress,” I say as I wrap my arm around her thick waist and pull her up against me. She whimpers and my cock lurches in my pants when I feel her big soft breasts press against my beating heart. “You’re dressed to obsess.”

  “Are you obsessed with me Mr. Benotti?” she asks with a grin.

  Fuck, our mouths are so close. I can feel her hot breath teasing my lips. My hard cock is digging into her thick thigh and she’s not moving her leg.

  “I’m more than obsessed with you, red. I’m consumed by you. I can’t fucking breathe without you beside me. You dominate my thoughts and you possess my heart. So, yeah. I’m willing to fire any fuck who dares to look at your curves.”

  Her soft hand cups my cheek and she drags it down to my shoulder. My whole body is tingling. I have shivers. I’m under her spell big time and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get out.

  “No firing,” she says as she tilts her head to the side and hovers her lips a breath over mine. “It’s Christmas.”

  I press my lips against hers, taking her mouth in a hard demanding kiss as I hold her so tight that she whimpers. She tastes so good and the sweetness is making my head go light. It’s making my heart pound and my cock throb.

  Her body is soft all over and even though I love her red dress, I can’t wait to rip it off and see what she has hiding underneath.

  I take her chin in my hand and tilt it so I can get her mouth where I want it to kiss her even deeper. She moans against my tongue and I greedily swallow it down.

  I want to kiss this sexy girl so good that she’ll never be able to kiss another guy without thinking back to this moment and wishing she was with me.

  But she will be with me. After I take her up to my office to claim her pussy and plant my seed in her womb, she’ll never be with another man again.

  The elevator comes to a stop way too soon and we pull apart as the doors open with a bing. Her sweet red lips are parted and she’s breathing heavily as she looks down at the ink on my forearms. She traces a rose petal with her thumb as I stare at her mouth, wondering what else it can do.

  My dick is throbbing in my pants and my balls are aching from being so full. I can feel the wetness in my boxer briefs from all the pre-cum that’s been leaking out. Ever since I touched her on the street, my cock has been leaking like a broken faucet.

  “Is this the floor?” she asks as we lock eyes once again. I can’t get over how sexy this girl is. Her brown eyes are mesmerizing and I can’t look away.

  I nod and she begins to pull me out. I leave my jacket on the camera as we step into the hall. Our hands are all over each other and we slam into the wall across the
hall as our lips meet again in another intense kiss full of desperation and need.

  I stay pressed up against her, grabbing and groping her thick sexy body until I hear a vacuum approaching.

  “Fuck,” I curse under my breath when I look down and see long extension wires running down the hallway. The cleaning crew is doing our floor. Talk about bad fucking timing.

  “Where’s your office?” she says in a breathless tone. Her big tits are heaving up and down with every heavy breath she takes.

  “This way.” I grab her hand and pull her. We don’t see any of the cleaners as we sneak into my corner office, which is a good thing because they’d know immediately what was going on. Kelly’s lips are red and swollen and it looks like I’m smuggling a baseball bat in my pants.

  “Wow,” she gasps as I lock the door and quickly pull down the blinds. “This view is incredible.”

  I stop and stare at her as she admires the city view. I’ve never seen anything so stunning before. She’s standing with her back to me in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with the nighttime view of Manhattan at Christmas time in front of her. This gorgeous full-figured girl in the red dress is constantly taking my breath away, and right now is no exception.

  I take the moment in, memorizing every detail for the years to come. I know I’ll never forget how she looks right now on this gorgeous winter night.

  I take off my watch and rings and put them on a shelf as my eyes drop from her bare back to her wide hips and round ass. A groan rumbles out of my throat knowing that her red dress isn’t going to be between us for long.

  She moans in satisfaction as I step up behind her and wrap my arms around her soft body. Most guys prefer slim hard girls, but that’s not me. I like my girl thick with soft curves and body parts that I can grab.

  “I can’t believe this is your office,” she says as she looks at the view in awe. “You can see the Hudson River. And there’s the tree at Rockefeller Plaza!”

  My head begins to swirl and my cheeks flush as I breathe in her arousing perfume. Her brown hair tickles my face as I lean in and kiss the soft curve of her neck. She tilts her head away from me and pulls her hair back as she moans with every kiss I give her.


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