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Found at the Rock Concert

Page 4

by Christi Snow

  “Please.” John’s voice broke on the pleading word. “Just fuck me. Please.” The man trembled. With anyone else, Luke would think this was fear, but the desperation and need practically wafted off the man.

  He couldn’t keep him waiting any longer.

  Luke stepped up close behind John and ripped his shirt over his head before pressing his chest into John’s naked back. His hot skin met John’s cold back. John shivered at the touch.

  Luke ran his callused hand up John’s upper thigh and across his hip. He had lean, clearly defined muscles, but these weren’t ones that came from working out at a gym. They were life-earned and so perfect for Luke’s taste. “You’re so sexy.”

  That bubble butt of an ass arched into Luke’s groin, grazing his still-covered throbbing erection. He chuckled. “And so impatient. Relax. Let me make you feel good first.” No matter how much his dick leaked and pulsed, he would not rush consuming this little morsel. He wanted to enjoy every minute of this.

  “Want you,” John whispered, sounding so urgent Luke almost relented.

  He reached around and grabbed John’s leaking dick, already soaked with pre-cum. He stroked his palm over the meaty head and eased the liquid to coat the throbbing erection.

  John whined and panted. “Please...”

  “Ah, John, I think I’m going to have fun with you tonight. Here’s the plan. Tonight I need you to have the best recovery time in your life.” He jacked the man quickly, with firm, maddening strokes that ended each time with a roll over the sensitive tip, making full use of the calluses on Luke’s hand as extra friction. “Because what will happen is...”

  John wiggled and whimpered, thrusting first into Luke’s grip and then arching back into Luke’s hard cock, still protectively covered in leather. He seemed so desperate, Luke wasn’t sure how much John could hear of what he said.

  “Are you listening to me?” Luke used a stern, commanding voice that belied just how desperate he felt right now, too.

  John’s movements stilled. “Yes. I’m sorry. Please don’t change your mind.”

  Luke smiled and kissed the back of John’s sweaty neck. “Don’t worry. No one’s changing their mind about anything.” He began to jack John more. “I have a plan for you. First you will come from my hand only and then once you’re hard again, I will fuck you and then you will come again. This time untouched.” John’s long, velvet hard dick kicked in his grip and another burst of liquid leaked from the tip. He was so responsive, Luke was positive he could bring the man to orgasm again.

  “Yes. Please.” John’s voice sounded breathy and strained like he was fighting against his orgasm even now.

  “Do you think you can come now?” Luke hadn’t even finished the question before John’s muscles tightened and he arched sending his dick jerking into Luke’s grip. Long spurts of cum burst from the tip, even as John screamed, that broken voice barely more than a hiss of air.

  Luke continued to stroke John through his orgasm, stopping only when he knew that John would get too sensitive.

  While the wrung out man hung from the cross, panting and trembling, Luke shed the rest of his clothes. He opened the convenient condom packet and circled around to the front of John, getting his first real look at the shattered man. But he still couldn’t see much. A black blindfold covered most of the man’s face and a day’s worth of dark beard growth covered the rest of it. That and the black hair were the only indicators of what John might look in real life. It wasn’t enough. Hell, Luke could walk past this man tomorrow and never recognize him

  Luke reached forward and toyed with the edge of the black fabric. John stiffened at the touch, the first sign of real worry since their scene had begun. So, Luke instead dropped his fingertips to the man’s plush lips. “If you want it to stay, I’m fine with that.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you.” John nipped at the tip of Luke’s finger and then sucked it into his mouth, rolling his tongue tantalizingly over the pad.

  “Hmm,” Luke moaned, imagining what that talented tongue could do to his cock. If only he hadn’t already promised John a good fucking, he’d be all over that. Luke chuckled and pulled his fingers away from that tempting mouth. “You’re trouble, aren’t you, John?”

  Before John could respond, Luke dipped his head and kissed the other man. John tasted like the most decadent chocolate mixed with pure sin and carnal desire. Luke had already been hard, but at the first taste of John, he grew lightheaded from the blood shooting away from his head and straight to the base of his dick. He pressed the throbbing length against John’s hip, needing friction in the worst way.

  How could this one man be everything that Luke had ever fantasized about?

  “Why don’t you get that monster cock inside me now, Sir?”

  Luke glanced down surprised to find that John was already hard and leaking again. “Damn, boy. Now that’s some impressive recovery time.”

  “You inspire me, Sir. It’s not like that with anyone else. I’m ready, already prepped. I just need you in me. Now.” John rubbed his hip against Luke’s cock as much as he could with his limited mobility with the restraining cross.

  Luke reached around and dipped his fingers between John’s ass cheeks to find him slick with lube. Raw, urgent need zinged through his lower stomach and into his balls. “I like a man who plans ahead,” he whispered to John.

  With a final caress of lips across John’s chin and neck, Luke dipped in behind John. He spread John’s cheeks, delving his fingers inside that tight, slick heat. His balls drew up just imagining how good he’d feel on Luke’s cock.

  John moaned at his touch, popping his ass back, offering Luke more. “You have a fantastic ass, John.”

  “Mmm...thank you, Sir.”

  Then Luke brushed his fingertips across John’s sensitive bundle of nerves and John lost his ability to speak. He moaned and whined and pleaded with nonsensical sounds of need and want coming out of his throat in that broken voice.

  Luke couldn’t wait any longer. John’s body was as prepared as it ever could be and Luke didn’t have the patience to put this off any longer, although he loved watching John squirm.

  He lined up his cock and slowly pushed inside.

  Oh, holy hell.

  In that single moment when Luke breached John’s body, he would have said that there wasn’t a single thing that had ever felt so right, so perfect, before in his entire life. Entering this man’s body felt like coming home.

  How? Why? Luke didn’t understand. This man was a stranger. John was probably a made-up name. The connection he felt made zero sense, but he was too far-gone to debate the philosophy or the impossibility of it.

  His urges took over and all his focus honed in at that place where they were connected deep within John’s body. John tight channel rippled around him as he shuttled in and out, trying desperately to maintain a rhythm and totally failing. His cock had taken over as he chased his orgasm.

  But he refused to let it happen before John did again. “You’re so tight clasping my dick inside your body. I’ve never felt anything so right or so perfect.”

  “Luke!” John cried out and then his channel squeezed and thick liquid pulsed out of John’s untouched dick.

  The overwhelming sensations pushed Luke right over into his orgasm, too.

  They grunted and panted together, coming apart in a cataclysmic joining of bodies and seemingly souls.

  Luke had never in his life experienced an orgasm like that. He panted as he lay across John’s sweaty back.

  How could a total stranger fit him so perfectly? Had that deep connection been his imagination because he wanted a relationship like that so badly?

  But wait...

  “You said my name.”

  John froze underneath him.

  Luke straightened. He’d been skin to sweaty skin against John’s back and when he lifted away, he could see a smudge of something on his skin. Luke rubbed at the bright red and orange mark and more appeared. A tattoo.

; Luke could see it, but his brain refused to connect to what he knew to be true. He ripped himself out of the man’s body, because his cock had hardened at the unbelievable knowledge of who he’d just fucked.

  He circled to the front of the man and ripped the blindfold off his eyes, those piercing silvery blue eyes he knew so well.

  “Daniel.” Impotent fury blazed under Luke’s skin. He’d never in life wanted to get violent with someone, but in this moment, the temptation was so strong. He clenched his hands into fists.

  Daniel jerked his arms against the ties holding him to the cross. “No. Wait. Let me explain,” Daniel pleaded, his voice still sounding shredded.

  “Explain what? How you just tricked me? How you took advantage of me? You knew I didn’t want to fuck you. So, you what? Tricked me into it? Oh my god.” Luke was equally devastated and furious. He’d never felt so used or dirty in his entire life.

  This whole thing had been a set-up. Daniel had darkened his hair and covered his tattoos intending to trick Luke. To make him look like a fool. So Daniel could get his way.

  Luke stumbled over to his clothes, needing out of here before he completely lost control of his temper.

  Daniel was yelling at him, but with the blood roaring in his ears, Luke had no idea what he was saying.

  Luckily, Daniel was still attached to the St. Andrew’s Cross.

  It went against everything Luke practiced in the clubs to continue to leave him tied up there after their scene, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to control himself if Daniel were free. He could not lose his temper. He had to get out of here.

  He slammed out the door of the Silver room and ran right into the club owner, Landon. “Mr. Robertson, what’s going on?” Daniel’s shouts followed him into the hall.

  Security followed closely behind Landon and surrounded Luke.

  Luke growled. “You will get your men away from me right this second, or you will have a lawsuit on your hands.” Luke bit the inside of his cheek to keep from spewing out more vitriol and details at just how Daniel had taken advantage of him and the waitress for the club had been in on it. There would be a time for that discussion in the future, but right now Luke was too raw. He couldn’t go there.

  Not now.

  One of the security men rushed into the Silver room. Luke assumed he would check on Daniel who continued to yell. They had to think Luke had done something to him.

  Ha. What a joke. Daniel may be the one tied up, but it was him that did all the damage here tonight.

  Luke might have been the one doing the fucking, but he was the one who got screwed over in all of this.

  Luke would never forgive Daniel. He’d gone too far.

  Chapter Five



  They’d just finished sound check for the concert coming up that night when the band’s bassist, Candice, shoulder checked Daniel. “Please tell me you’re gonna come party with us tonight after all this. We miss you and it’s a special night. You have to join us.”

  She waved her hand over the incredible venue that had booked them for a one-time-only, intimate Christmas show with an old forties-style, dinner theater kind of vibe. They were all excited about the venue and the opportunity to showcase a more diverse sound with their planned rock twist on classic Christmas carols set list.

  Daniel began to shake his head.

  “Come on,” she whined, but then she took a different approach. She straightened and hardened her purple-hued, contact-covered pupils. “Enough already. Okay, so that boy you liked doesn’t like you back. It’s been six months. It’s time to get over it. If you can’t do that, then you need to go hike up to a mountaintop and become a celibate monk for the rest of your life, because we can’t take looking at that morose expression on your face any longer.” Both Drew and Malachi were messing with their instruments, but from the way they nodded their heads in agreement with what she was saying, they were obviously listening in.

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Those are my two choices...go out and party with the band or become a monk? Geez, talk about peer pressure.”

  She scowled at him. “You think I’m joking, but I’m not. I’m—we’re,” she waved a hand to encompass the whole band, “worried about you. You haven’t been the same for months now. We’ve all talked about it. You’re in a funk and you have got to get out of it. Daniel, don’t make me live through another phone call like I got about Mitchell.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  Daniel stumbled back a step, even as a sound of pain leaked from his throat. Mitchell had been her high school boyfriend, back when she’d been known as Will. Her boyfriend had taken it personally when she transitioned to female and had killed himself. It had taken her years to recover from that.

  When Daniel had become homeless after his college fiasco, he’d moved into a skeevy, hole in the wall apartment with her and it was only through some serious, tough love that she pulled herself out of the circle of drugs and alcohol that she’d been falling into.

  “Baby girl...” He pulled her into his chest. “I will promise you one thing...I would never do that to you.”

  Yes, since he’d fucked everything up with Luke, he’d definitely had moments of depression...a lot of them. But he would never do that to his friends and family...her most of all.

  The guilt that he’d even taken her there during this time of the year, which was already hard for her with the anniversary of Mitchell’s death, had him nodding his head. “Okay, if it will make you feel better, I can go out with the band tonight.”

  “Seriously?” Her eyes lit up. “You’ll go out and not just sit in a corner and pout? I want you to come out, have fun. Hell, go hog wild. Get laid. You’re way, way, way past due. That would be better for your shitty attitude than anything.”

  “Shitty attitude, huh?”

  “Well, yeah. Have you been around you lately? Drama llama...big time. And we’re ready for it to end. Let’s find you a Christmas miracle. Operation: Get Daniel Laid commences tonight?”

  He just shook his head and laughed, trying to ignore the niggle of pain that pulsed in his chest at the idea of fucking someone besides Luke. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Even with the epic failure of that night, he liked knowing that Luke had been the last man he’d fucked. He wanted to hold onto that, because he didn’t have anything else. His chest tightened with the magnitude of his loss.

  God, how could he have been so stupid to think tricking Luke into sex was a good plan? He’d ruined any chance of ever being with him again because Luke would never forgive him and rightly so.

  Daniel realized now that in his desperation he crossed an unforgivable line.

  And he couldn’t take that back, no matter how much he wished he could.

  But Candice was right. He couldn’t live the rest of his life like a monk especially since Luke had made it more than obvious that he wanted nothing to do with Daniel ever again. Daniel had blown that bridge to smithereens with an atomic bomb six months ago. There was no coming back from that.

  So that meant it was time to move forward to something else.

  He could do this.



  Austin Dawes blinked his eyes at the spreadsheet displayed on one of his three monitors. Hell, blinking didn’t help. The numbers still looked like complete gibberish, swimming across the screen.

  “Nope!” His sassy, but bossy personal assistant, Prescott, strutted into the room with a frown and a shake of his head. “You’ve been here since three o’clock this morning. Those numbers cannot be making sense to you anymore. Come on.” Prescott grabbed Austin’s wool overcoat and waved his hand in the air as he held it aloft. “It’s time for you to leave.”

  Austin rubbed at his eyes. He knew Prescott was right, but he’d rather suffer through sorting over these merger spreadsheets than go home and spend one more hour in his cold, lonely penthouse. He hated living with only his own company this time of the year. Hell, w
hen it came to that, he simply hated this time of the year.

  In December, it became glaringly obvious to him and everyone around him that he was lonely. Yes, he had his adopted family...James Hodges, his former stepfather and Emily, his best friend and pseudo-sister, but Emily lived in Denver, and James was constantly chasing the latest skirt he’d gotten interested in.

  His mother was still alive, but lived a separate life in Taos, New Mexico. A whole other world from his here in New York City.

  In this month when life was all about spending time with friends and family, the holiday season only seemed to highlight how empty his life was with only work to focus on.

  He shook his head at Prescott. “I can’t. Everyone is about to be out of pocket for two weeks for the holidays. I have to get this merger sorted before that happens. If you could just order me some dinner, that would be great, and then you can leave. I know you have plans with your new stud tonight.”

  Prescott’s mouth dipped at the corners. “Yeah, well Connor bailed on me.”

  “Damn. I’m sorry, Prescott. I thought you guys were perfect together.” Prescott had been his personal assistant for six years and the guy was gorgeous, brilliant, and just a little bit geeky. He had a quirky sense of humor that very few people understood, but regardless of their long hours, he could keep Austin’s spirits high. And that was huge since Austin was the CEO of Hodges Media, a multi-billion dollar company that moved at the speed of light most days.

  Prescott’s mouth twisted into an unhappy moue. “You and me both.” He shrugged. “I guess it’s better that this happened now before I gave him that really expensive watch I bought him for Christmas. Instead, it will be my breakup gift to myself. So much better than gaining five pounds by eating all the Christmas cookies I can find. It just sucks, because we were supposed to go to this fantastic little Christmas show tonight...”


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