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An Affair In Paris

Page 2

by Blaine, Brooke

  “I don’t even know more than those two,” Jagger said.

  Slade rolled his eyes. “Remember that article about redheads being more, uh…sensitive?”

  “What, like they cry and shit?”

  “No, like it doesn’t take them as long to—” Slade halted, like he seemed to remember he wasn’t just shooting the shit with the guys, but that I was sitting across from him, listening to every word out of his mouth.

  “Oh, please do go on.” I smirked.

  “It’s supposed to be easier for you to have a…you know.”

  “Release? Orgasm? Easier for me to come?”

  Slade’s eyes widened as Jagger cursed beside him.

  “Well, I’d hate to leave you guys in the dark, so number one—yes. Number two—I don’t have carpet. And number three…that depends on the guy, but it wouldn’t take much right now.”

  Jagger’s eyes widened, and Slade’s jaw just about hit the table. That’s right, boys. If you were looking for a wallflower, you need to look elsewhere. I’d never been one to hold my tongue, and I wasn’t about to start, especially when I had both Slade and Jagger’s undivided attention. The key now was to keep it.

  “I’m sorry,” I said when neither of them seemed to be able to remember how to speak. Then I leaned forward, giving them both a clear view of my generous breasts. “That wasn’t very ladylike of me, was it?”

  “Um…” Slade said, then coughed as he shifted in his seat, and Jagger clenched his fist on top of the table.

  “But then, I’ve never really been a lady. More a”—I sat back and picked up my glass to take a sip, then ran the tip of my tongue across my top lip—“wildcat.”

  “Oh, fuckin’ hell,” Slade grumbled, and reached down under the table, and it didn’t take a genius to know he was rearranging himself.

  “You having fun teasing the shit out of us?” Jagger said when he finally found his tongue, and I finished off my drink.

  “Who says I’m teasing?”

  Jagger’s mouth curved up at the side, and the smile that spread across his lips transformed his face from handsome to dangerous in the blink of an eye.

  “You better only be teasing,” Jagger said, and leaned across the table. “Because little girl, you’re playin’ with fire.”

  Chapter Two

  IT WAS THE first time I’d been alone with Slade and Jagger like this, and that seemed to be making all the difference. I’d only seen them in a group setting with the rest of the band, or at parties where they were surrounded on all sides and eyes were everywhere.

  But tonight? Sitting across from them in a private booth, just the three of us? These guys were definitely giving me their full, undivided attention, and I loved it.

  Playing with fire, huh? If they were looking to scare me off, they were wasting their time, because that warning only sounded enticing to me.

  I took a small sip of my martini, and when I set it down, I ran my thumb and forefinger up and down the stem of the glass. “But Jagger. I am the fire.”

  Jagger’s brown eyes darkened, and then he looked at Slade, whose lips had parted. When Jagger’s gaze found mine again, he shook his head. “I’m gonna need somethin’ stronger than beer to deal with you tonight, wildcat.” He lifted his hand to get the attention of one of the waiters, and when they stopped by the table, I spoke up before he could say anything.

  “We’d like a couple rounds of tequila shots, please. Top shelf.” I smiled sweetly at the waiter, as Slade cursed, then I settled back into my seat.

  “So,” I said as I looked between the two, who were watching me with a healthy dose of lust and…caution. “How about we get to know each other a little better?”

  “I think we know each other just the right amount,” Jagger said, caution clearly still winning out over the arousal swirling in those gorgeous eyes of his, and that just wouldn’t do.

  “You think so?”

  “I know so. You’re Halo’s younger sister, and we need to treat you just like that. Like a sister.” Jagger looked to Slade.

  “Right. Halo’s sister…”

  Jagger shook his head as though that would help dislodge whatever image had taken up residence there, and when he returned his attention to me, I brought the swizzle stick back to my mouth and slid it between my lips.

  The move worked like a charm. Both men were back to watching my mouth, and when I closed my lips around another olive and sucked it free, Slade took a deep breath and settled back in his seat, a frustrated look stamped across his sexy face.

  That wasn’t the kind of look someone gave their sister. It was clear these two were used to going after—and getting—what they wanted, but with me they were putting on the brakes, and that just wouldn’t do.

  “Okay, fine,” I said, swirling the stick with the final olive around the bottom of my martini. “But just so you know, I’m not thinking of you two like a sister at all.”

  “Imogen…” Jagger said, and it wasn’t lost on me that his voice had dipped several octaves.

  “What? I’m just being honest.”

  “You’re being a tease,” Jagger said, but there was no bite behind the words, no annoyance. In fact, the way he said it made it sound as though he were enjoying every second of it.

  I pouted and looked at them from under my lashes, the alcohol helping any inhibitions take a hike. “And you don’t like that?”

  Slade leaned in and said in a voice that made my pulse skyrocket, “We like it too damn much. If you were anyone other than Halo’s sister, we’d all be leaving right fuckin’ now.”

  That was an interesting way to phrase things, wasn’t it? And too damn delicious to let slide.

  “We’d all be leaving?” My eyes flicked between the two of them, first landing on Slade, who was still leaning across the table, and then on Jagger, who was lounged back in the booth with his eyes locked firmly on me. Then I ran the tip of my tongue along my top lip and grinned. “Just how good of friends are you?”

  As Slade sat back, Jagger chuckled, and the sound had me shifting on the seat and recrossing my legs a little tighter. I’d been hellbent on playing with them tonight, and maybe getting one of them to come play with me. But now? Now it seemed I might’ve just doubled my chances.

  “We’ve known each other for years.” Jagger’s wicked grin made it obvious he knew that wasn’t the answer I was looking for, but before I could tell him that, the waiter arrived with a tray full of shots. Jagger slid two of the glasses in front of each of us, and once the waiter was gone, I ran my finger around the top of one.

  “Known each other?” I said, refusing to let this topic of conversation fizzle out. My mind was now whirling at the possibilities the two of them had just dangled in front of me. I knew that Killian and Viper batted for the other team, but these two I’d always heard were into the ladies. It hadn’t even occurred to me that they might be into the same lady on occasion. But then again, it wasn’t that much of a surprise. The rock-star life wasn’t exactly that of a priest, was it? “Known each other…how?”

  Jagger and Slade both downed their shots, and when they tipped over their empty glasses on the tabletop, Slade chuckled.

  “I don’t think that’s appropriate for me to talk about with my—”

  “If you say sister, I swear to God I’m gonna throw this tequila in your face, Slade.”

  “Hey, I’m just trying to stop thinking about how fucking good that dress looks on you.”

  As Slade’s eyes slid down over my breasts, my nipples hardened as though he’d run his tongue over them. A rumbly purr left him, making it clear he’d seen the way my body had responded to his blatant perusal, and that had me feeling extra brave. So I tossed back my shot and said, “It looks even better off me.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” Jagger said, and when my eyes caught his, I noted how dark they’d become. Oh yeah, lust was winning out here. “If Halo’s an angel, then what the hell are you?”

  “Take me upstairs and I’ll show you.”<
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  They both white-knuckled the edge of the table, and I couldn’t help but grin at the torture I was obviously putting them through. The last thing I wanted to be seen as was Halo’s baby sister, and no matter how many times they tried to convince themselves otherwise, I knew they weren’t looking at me that way either.

  “So, Imogen,” Jagger said, practically gritting his teeth, still gripping the table, “what are you looking forward to seeing while you’re here?”

  Ah, the classic subject change. It was a nice try on Jagger’s part, but I wasn’t working these guys up to have them get off elsewhere.

  “I wouldn’t mind starting my trip off by seeing the two of you”—I leaned forward—“naked.” Then I lifted my second shot of tequila and smirked. “How about we cheers to that?”

  Slade immediately raised his glass to mine and then winced as Jagger kicked him under the table.

  “Aw, come on, Jagger,” I said, and bit down teasingly on my lower lip. “Drink with me. That’s the friendly thing to do. And you are a…friendly guy, right? You wouldn’t want Halo finding out you were rude to me, now would you?”

  “I’m beginning to wonder how the two of you are related.” Jagger picked up his shot glass, tapped it to mine and Slade’s, and then threw the drink back without waiting for us.

  A chuckle escaped my lips, because I wasn’t sure what he thought he was accomplishing. I sure as hell planned to take my sweet time enjoying every little—and big—thing that passed through my lips tonight.

  I took a long, slow lick of the rim of the shot glass, licking up all the salt as they both stared at me, Slade’s untouched shot still in his hand. I downed the potent liquid, and as I swallowed, I picked up a lemon slice and leaned across the table to put it rind first in Slade’s mouth.

  “Bite down,” I murmured, and though his eyes were lit with surprise, he did exactly what I said. I was up off my seat, my body halfway over the table before he realized what I was doing. I sank my teeth into the soft flesh of the lemon, my lips barely brushing against Slade’s, but it was enough to cause a tremor to go through him. I sucked up the juice as Jagger’s intake of breath beside us filled my ears. To an outsider, it probably looked like we were making out, which, of course, was part of my plan, and when I finally pulled away from Slade, I took the lemon with me. He sat there, frozen, and after I dropped the slice to the table, I licked my thumb.

  “Yummy,” I said.

  Without a word, Slade threw back the shot still in his hand, and Jagger turned his brown eyes on me.

  “You’re not making this easy on us, wildcat,” he said.

  “No? Am I making it hard?” I gave him as seductive a smile as I could manage, hoping to finally break through his defenses, because it seemed like Slade was beginning to crumble.

  “You sure as fuck are,” Slade muttered, scrubbing at his face.

  My purse vibrated where it sat on the table, and when I didn’t immediately reach for it, Jagger inclined his head.

  “Don’t you need to get that?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  “Yes,” he said, but he was shaking his head.

  I laughed and pulled my cell out of my purse to see a couple of text messages from Halo.

  Halo: Hey, Im, we just finished and are heading to the hotel.

  Halo: Not sure if you passed out already, but if you’re up I’ll stop by.

  “Well, boys, it looks like it’s decision time,” I said, tucking my phone back inside my purse without responding to my brother’s messages. Let him think I was sleeping—it was preferable to what I was actually doing. “Halo’s on his way, so if you want to keep the night goin’, we should head upstairs.”

  I slid out of the booth and tossed my hair over my shoulder as I looked back at them. “If you want to come…” I left off the rest of my invitation on purpose and licked my lips.

  “You’re crazy if you think—” Jagger started, but Slade pushed him out of the booth.

  “Fuck it, I’m going,” Slade said, getting to his feet.

  Standing beside him now, I realized just how tall he was, and the mohawk added even more height. He grinned down at me and reached for my hand, bringing it up to his lips to press a kiss on the back of it.

  “My room or yours?” he said, and behind us, Jagger groaned.

  Before I knew it, Jagger walked over and took hold of my other hand, and as he hauled us across the restaurant, he said, “We’ll go to mine. Now let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Chapter Three

  I COULDN’T DENY the thrill that shot through me as I stood in the elevator between Slade and Jagger, my hands in theirs. Two of the hottest men on the whole damn planet, and I was the lucky lady heading back to Jagger’s room with them both tonight. Somebody pinch me.

  As I watched the floor numbers climb, my phone vibrated inside my purse where it rested against my hip, breaking through the tense silence that had descended inside the elevator. Jagger looked down at me and raised a brow, but I wasn’t about to let go of either of their hands to check my phone. It was probably Halo again anyway, so as soon as we got to the room, my cell would be going on silent. Slade and Jagger were the only distractions I wanted and needed tonight, and between the two of them, I had a feeling I’d be a busy girl for several hours. I couldn’t fucking wait.

  When the doors finally opened, Jagger led the way down the hall, and as he fished his key card out of his pocket, my eyes dropped to the way his black dress pants tightened across his ass. Pants that will soon be coming off, if I have my way…

  As the light on the door lock flashed green, Jagger let go of my hand to open the door and, ever the gentleman, stepped aside to let me enter first. It wasn’t a bedroom I walked into, but a nicely sized living area with a couch, a couple of oversized chairs, an elegant hand-carved coffee table, and a fully stocked bar. Beyond the short hallway, I could see the edge of a king-sized bed, and the open window showcased the glittering Paris skyline.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Slade’s husky whisper skated along the side of my neck, sending a shiver of delicious anticipation through me, and when I turned to face him, I realized just how close he was. With his strong hand still holding mine and those intense grey eyes on my mouth, it was all I could do to regain the upper hand when all I wanted to do was melt beneath him.

  “Whatever you’re having,” I said, punctuating my words by teasing my bottom lip with my tongue.

  “Well, I’m having you, so…” Slade took a step closer and lowered his head, but before his mouth met mine, Jagger cleared his throat and thrust a glass of amber-colored liquid into Slade’s chest. Slade straightened and shot Jagger a tight smile. “Thanks, man.”

  “Welcome.” Jagger handed me a glass as well, then made his way to the couch. As he took a seat, Slade followed suit, walking around the coffee table and taking up a spot on one of the chairs so they were now both facing me.

  The silence in the room was ripe with tension. Them, me—it was a toss-up who was more on edge. There was no denying the sizzling hum of sexual energy coursing between the three of us, and if they thought for one second I was about to bolt, they were in for a rude shock.

  Raising my glass, I took a long swallow of the alcohol Jagger had handed me—a little liquid courage never hurt anyone—then stood opposite the two of them.

  “So is this how you two usually play this game, then?”

  “Game?” Jagger said, cool as ever, but he couldn’t hide the scorching heat in his eyes as he ran them up my legs to finally lock on mine. “This isn’t a game, wildcat. So if that’s what you’re looking for, maybe you should leave.”

  Shit. I wasn’t sure what was hotter, the threat in that warning or the promise. “I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I was just thinking how much better I perform when I’m in front of an audience.”

  “Fuck me,” Slade muttered, and I looked at him in time to see him widen his denim-clad legs.

  “I figure you two should know something about
that, right?” My eyes fell to the hand Slade was now rubbing up and down the zipper of his jeans. “There’s nothing more exciting than performing for an avid audience.”

  “And is that what you plan to do?” Jagger’s voice drew my attention from Slade, and when my eyes again found his, he raised a brow. “Perform for us?”

  I bent over to place my glass on the table, and as I did, I looked at Jagger from beneath my lashes and said, “Would you like that?”

  Without a word, Jagger raised his glass to his lips and drained his liquor, then he leaned forward and slid the glass onto the table. I didn’t dare break eye contact with him, not wanting to give him any reason to think I was anything other than one hundred percent on board with this. Then a sensual smile curved his full lips, and if that wasn’t enough to melt my panties, his next words were: “Why don’t you take off that dress, and I’ll let you know.”

  I didn’t miss the challenge in his eyes, as though he didn’t think I’d go through with his dare. But if he thought I’d back down now that I had them alone, he was sorely mistaken.

  Grinning, I reached for my phone in my purse, and as I opened it up, I saw a handful more missed calls and texts from Halo. I probably should’ve felt guilty about skipping out on an increasingly rare catch-up with my brother, especially considering the company I was keeping. If he knew what was about to go down, I had no doubt he and Viper would have Jagger and Slade’s balls served on a platter. But since I had plans for those particular parts of their anatomy, I’d be keeping my lips sealed, and I had no doubt that Jagger and Slade would be doing the same.

  I opened up my music app and scrolled down to the rock playlist, and when the heavy beat of drums filled the room, a smirk of recognition lifted Slade’s lips. Leaving the cell on the table, I straightened, and as I began to slowly sway my hips, the hand Slade had been rubbing along the zipper of his jeans froze. He shot Jagger a look, and something passed between them, something I couldn’t decipher. After a long moment, Jagger gave an almost imperceptible nod, and then both sets of eyes were back on me—right where they belonged. That was all the permission I needed; it was time to tease and torment.


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