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The Gift

Page 21

by Julie Garwood

  “What the hell?” the first man muttered when he turned around. “You got yourself trapped, don’t you?” he added with a snicker. He was reaching out to pull the board free but came to a sudden stop when he felt a quick breeze brush his face.

  The enemy was in the process of turning around again when Sara slammed the butt of her pistol into the back of his skull. She was apologizing when he crumpled to the ground.

  He didn’t cry out. She did. Then she noticed that he was still breathing, and she immediately calmed down, relieved to see that he wasn’t dead.

  Sara lifted the hem of her dress and daintily jumped over the fallen man. She hurried up the steps to confront her second victim. The ugly man was squinting up at her with the most astonished look on his face. If he hadn’t been staring directly at her, she might have been able to hit him, too. She didn’t have the heart for such treachery, though, for the villain was already pinned down and at her mercy, so she ended up tearing a piece of fabric from her petticoat and stuffing the thing into his mouth to keep him from crying out for help. Nora came to her assistance then and helped her tie up the man from arms to feet.

  Her aunt seemed to be taking the situation quite well. Sara thought Nora just didn’t understand the severity of their circumstance. If men had breached the munitions hold, then others had to be on board, too.

  “Look, dear, I’ve found some rope. Shall I tie up the other gentleman for you?”

  Sara nodded. “Yes, that would be a splendid idea. He might wake up at any moment. Do put a rag in his mouth, too. Here, use some of my petticoat. The thing’s quite ruined now.”

  She paused to tear another long strip, then handed it to her aunt. “We wouldn’t want him shouting for help, now would we, Nora?”

  “We most certainly wouldn’t,” her aunt agreed.

  Sara tried to press one of the pistols into her hands, but her aunt declined the weapon. “You might need both when you save Matthew and Nathan, dear.”

  “You’ve certainly placed a burden upon my shoulders,” Sara whispered. “I’m not so certain I can save anyone.”

  “Go along now,” Nora ordered. “You have the element of surprise on your side, Sara. I’ll wait here until you’ve finished your task.”

  Sara would have hugged her aunt farewell, but she was afraid one of the pistols might discharge.

  She prayed all the way up to the cabin level. The wardroom area was deserted. Sara was about to look inside her cabin when she heard the sounds of men starting down the steps. She squeezed herself into the triangular corner behind the folded screen and waited.

  Jimbo came stumbling down the stairs first. Sara got a good look at her friend by peeking through the seam in the screen. Jimbo had a fair-sized cut in his forehead. Blood trickled down the side of his face. He couldn’t wipe the blood away, for his hands were tied behind his back, and he was surrounded by three pirates.

  The sight of the injury made Sara forget to be afraid. She was furious.

  Sara saw that Jimbo was looking toward the steps. She heard additional footsteps, and then Nathan came into view. Like the shipmate, Nathan had his hands tied behind his back. Sara was so thankful he was still alive, she started shaking. The look on her husband’s face made her smile a little, too. He looked downright bored.

  She watched him give Jimbo a nod. It was so quick, so fleeting, she knew she would have missed it if she hadn’t been watching him so closely. Then Jimbo turned his head just a little toward the screen.

  She guessed then that Nathan knew she was hiding there. Sara looked down, saw that the bottom of her dress was half-protruding, and quickly pulled her skirt back.

  “Take them inside the cabin,” a mean voice ordered. Nathan was being shoved forward again. He stumbled, turned in what looked like an attempt to keep himself from falling to his knees, and ended up pushing against the corner of the screen. His hands were just a foot or so away.

  “Here comes Banger with the grog,” another man called out. “We can have us a toast while we see to the killing. Perry, you going to let their captain die first or last?”

  While that question was being asked Sara put one of the pistols into Nathan’s hands. When he didn’t immediately take advantage of the edge she’d given him she gave him a little nudge.

  He didn’t show any reaction to her prodding. She waited another minute, and when he still didn’t fire she remembered his hands were tied.

  She recalled the dagger in the sleeve of her gown, too, and immediately went to work cutting through the thick ropes. She accidentally pricked his skin twice. Then Nathan grabbed hold of the blade with his fingers and took over the task.

  It seemed that an eternity had passed, yet she knew not even a full minute had actually gone by.

  “Where the hell is the captain?” another voice shouted. “I’m wanting my grog.”

  So they were waiting for their leader before they began their murderous festivities, Sara concluded.

  Why was Nathan waiting? His hands were free, but he was acting as though they weren’t. He held the knife by the blade, probably so that he would be ready to hurl the thing when the time came. The pistol was in his other hand, pointed to the floor.

  He looked ready to do battle, all right, but still he waited. He was squeezing her against the wall. Sara was surprised the hinges to the screen he pressed against hadn’t already snapped from his weight.

  Nathan was obviously giving her his silent message to stay put.

  As if she was in the mood to go anywhere, she thought to herself. Lord, she was getting worried again. Why didn’t her husband take over the advantage now? Was he waiting for the number of pirates to double from five to ten before he acted? Sara decided then to give him a little message of her own. She reached around the side of the screen and pinched him in his backside.

  He didn’t react. She pinched him again. She pulled her hand back when she heard the sound of another man coming down the stairs. It was obviously the leader of the pirates, for one of his men called out to him that it was high time they all had a taste of grog before getting on with their work.

  One of the other villains rushed across the wardroom and opened the door to her cabin. He went inside, then came rushing back a scant second or two later. The infidel was holding one of her gowns in his hands. It was her light blue dress, her very favorite, and the filthy man had his hands all over it.

  She vowed she’d never wear that gown again.

  “We got us a woman on board, Captain,” the foul man called out.

  Their leader stood with his back to Sara so she couldn’t get a proper look at his face. She was a little thankful for that reprieve. His size alone was terrifying enough. The man stood shoulder to shoulder with Nathan.

  The captain let out a low, disgusting snicker that made Sara feel as though there were bugs crawling all over her skin. “Find the bitch,” he ordered. “When I’m finished with her you men can each take a turn.”

  Sara put her hand over her mouth to keep herself from gagging.

  “Ah, Captain,” another man called out, “she’ll be dead afore we get our chance.”

  A round of snickers followed that remark. Sara wanted to weep. She’d heard all she wanted to hear about their foul plans. She pinched Nathan again. Harder. She nudged him, too.

  He finally gave in to her request. He moved like lightning. He turned into a blur when he rushed toward the two men standing in front of their cabin door. Yet even as he was moving he threw his knife. The blade found its mark between the eyes of a villain lounging by the steps. The shot from his pistol brought down another infidel.

  Nathan slammed his shoulders into the two men blocking the door. The force of the blow sent both infidels inside. Nathan followed them. He made short work of the battle by knocking their heads together.

  Jimbo used his head to fell the pirates’ leader. His hands were still tied behind his back, and the hit only knocked the captain off balance. He was quick to recover. He clipped Jimbo on the side of
his neck and shoved him to the floor. The captain kicked him aside. It wasn’t a terribly accurate kick, though, for the leader wasn’t really watching what he was doing. His full attention was centered on digging the pistol out of his pocket.

  Nathan had just started out the doorway when the leader raised his pistol. There was venom in his voice when he hissed, “You’re going to die slow and painfully.”

  Sara was too outraged to be afraid. She skirted her way around the screen and silently moved to stand directly behind the villain’s back. Then she pressed the tip of her pistol against the base of his skull. “You’re going to die quick and easy,” she whispered.

  When the leader felt the touch of cold steel he went as rigid as a day-old corpse. Sara was pleased by that reaction. So was Nathan, she noticed. He actually smiled.

  She smiled back. Things weren’t looking so very bleak, she thought. Still, she didn’t know if she’d be able to kill the man. It was a test she didn’t want to fail. Her husband’s life was dependent upon her courage, after all.

  “Nathan?” she called out. “Would you like me to shoot between the ears or in the neck this time?”

  That bluff worked nicely. “This time?” her victim strangled out.

  It wasn’t good enough, though. He was still pointing his pistol at Nathan.

  “Yes, this time, you stupid man,” she said. She tried to make her voice sound as mean as possible, and thought she’d succeeded rather well, too.

  “What’s your preference?” Nathan called out. He deliberately leaned against the side of the doorway, giving the appearance of being very relaxed.

  “The neck,” Sara answered. “Don’t you remember the mess it was cleaning up after the last one? The stains didn’t come out for a week. Still, this infidel seems to have a smaller brain. Oh, you decide. I’m ever obedient.”

  The leader’s hand fell to his side, and his pistol dropped to the floor. Sara thought victory was secure, yet before Nathan could get to the man he suddenly whirled around. The back of his fist slammed into her left cheek in an awkward move to knock the pistol out of her hand.

  Sara heard Nathan’s roar. She staggered backwards, tripped over Jimbo’s big feet, and promptly discharged the pistol. A howl of pain followed that sound, and her enemy grabbed at his face.

  It seemed to take her a long, long time to fall to the floor. Everything was in slow motion, and her last thought before she let her faint overtake her was a horrifying one. Good God, she’d shot the villain in his face.

  Sara awakened a few minutes later. She found herself in bed with Matthew and Jimbo both leaning over her. Matthew held a cold cloth to the side of her face. Jimbo fanned her with one of the charts from Nathan’s desk.

  Her husband wasn’t there. As soon as Sara realized that fact she tossed the coverlet aside and tried to stand up. Jimbo pressed her back down. “Stay put, Sara. You took quite a hit. The side of your face is already swelling up.”

  She ignored his instructions. “Where’s Nathan?” she asked. “I want him here with me.”

  Before Jimbo could answer her he found himself sitting on the bed. Sara snatched the cold cloth away from Matthew and began to clean the cut in Jimbo’s forehead.

  “The woman’s little, but she’s mighty when she’s riled, isn’t she, Matthew?” Jimbo muttered, trying to sound surly. “Quit your fussing over me,” he grumbled.

  She didn’t pay any attention to that dictate. “Matthew, do you think he’s going to be all right? The cut doesn’t look overly deep to me, but perhaps . . .”

  “He’ll be fine,” Matthew answered.

  Sara nodded. Then she turned the topic back to her other worry. “A husband should comfort his wife when she’s been felled,” she announced. “Anyone with an ounce of sense would know that. Matthew, go and fetch Nathan. By God, he’s going to comfort me, or I’ll know the reason why.”

  “Now, Sara,” Matthew interjected, using his soothing tone of voice, “your husband happens to be the captain of this ship, and he’s having to see to a few important . . . details right now. Besides, you wouldn’t want his company just yet. The boy’s in a killing rage.”

  “Because the pirates boarded his fine ship?”

  “Because the bastard struck you, Sara,” Jimbo muttered. “You were sleeping, Sara, after that hit, so you didn’t get to see your husband’s face. It was a sight I won’t soon forget. I’ve never seen him so furious.”

  “That’s nice to know,” Sara whispered.

  The two shipmates shared a look of true exasperation. Sara ignored the men, for she’d just remembered the mortal sin she’d committed. “Oh, God, I shot their leader in his face,” she cried out. “I’m damned to hell now, aren’t I?”

  “You were saving your husband at the time,” Jimbo interjected. “You won’t be going to hell, Sara.”

  “He’ll be ... ugly for the rest of his days,” she whispered.

  “Nay, Sara, he already was ugly,” Matthew told her.

  “I wished you’d killed the bastard,” Jimbo said. “As it is, you just shot his nose—”

  “My God, I shot his—”

  “You’re getting her all worked up, Jimbo,” Matthew muttered.

  “Did I shoot that poor man’s nose completely off his face?”

  “Poor man?” Jimbo scoffed. “He’s the devil’s own, that one. Do you know what would have happened to you if—”

  “The bastard’s still got a nose,” Matthew interjected. He gave his friend a dark scowl. “Quit worrying her, Jimbo,” he ordered before turning back to Sara. “You just put a little hole in his nose, that’s all.”

  “You saved the day, Sara,” Jimbo told her then.

  That remark did cheer her up considerably. “I did save the day, didn’t I?”

  Both men nodded.

  “Does my staff know I . . .” She quit her question when they nodded again. “Well, then, they can’t think me cursed any longer, can they?”

  Before either man could answer that question she asked another. “What details did Nathan have to see about?”

  “Retaliation,” Jimbo announced. “It will be an eye for an eye, Sara. They were going to kill us—”

  He never finished his explanation. Lady Sara let out an outraged gasp and ran out of the cabin. Both Jimbo and Matthew chased after her.

  Nathan was standing by the wheel. The pirates who’d tried to take over their ship were lined up across the deck. Nathan’s men surrounded them.

  Sara hurried over to her husband’s side. She touched his arm to gain his attention. He didn’t look at her but kept his gaze directed on the leader of the pirates standing a few feet away from him.

  When Sara looked at the man she instinctively took a step forward. The villain had a rag in his hands and was holding it against his nose. She wanted to tell him she was sorry she’d injured him. She also wanted to remind him that it was all his fault, for if he hadn’t struck her, the pistol wouldn’t have gone off.

  Nathan must have guessed her intention. He grabbed her arm in a hold that stung and literally jerked her up against his side.

  “Go back below,” he ordered in a soft don’t-you-dare-argue-with-me tone of voice.

  “Not until you tell me what you’re going to do to them,” she announced.

  Nathan might have been able to soften the truth for his gentle wife’s benefit if he hadn’t glanced down at her first. As soon as he saw the swelling on the side of her face his rage returned full force. “We’re going to kill them.”

  He turned back to his crew before giving her his order again. “Go back to our cabin, Sara. It will be over in a few minutes.”

  She wasn’t going anywhere. She folded her arms in front of her and stiffened her posture. “You will not kill them.”

  She’d shouted that command. She’d gained her husband’s full attention, too. And his wrath. He looked like he wanted to kill her.

  “The hell I won’t,” he countered in a low growl.

  Sara heard several grunt
s of approval from Nathan’s men. She was about to repeat her disapproval, but Nathan took the bluster right out of her when he suddenly reached out and gently touched the side of her face. He leaned down just a little and then whispered, “He hurt you, Sara. I have to kill him.”

  It all made perfectly good sense to him, and he thought he’d been very reasonable by taking the time to explain his determination to her. She didn’t understand, though. The incredulous look on her face indicated as much.

  “Do you mean to tell me that you would kill everyone who has ever struck me?” she asked.

  He didn’t care for the censure in her voice. “Damn right,” he muttered.

  “Then you’re going to have to kill half my family,” she blurted out.

  Lord, she really shouldn’t have said that, she realized. He looked bloody furious again. Yet his voice was surprisingly mild when he gave her his answer. “You give me the names, Sara, and I’ll retaliate. I promise you. No one touches what belongs to me.”

  “Aye, m’lady,” Chester bellowed. “We mean to kill every last one of these bastards. It’s our right,” he added.

  “Chester, if you use another blasphemy in my presence, I’ll wash your mouth out with vinegar.”

  She gave the seaman a hard glare until he nodded, then turned back in time to catch Nathan’s grin. “Nathan, you’re the captain,” she said. “Only you can make this important decision. Since I’m your wife, I should be able to sway you, shouldn’t I?”


  Oh, he was a stubborn one, she thought. “I won’t have it,” she shouted. The urge to stomp his foot was fairly overwhelming. “If you kill them, you’re no better than they are. You’ll all be villains then, Nathan, and since I’m your wife, I would also be a villain.”

  “But m’lady, we are villains.” Ivan the Terrible made that statement.

  “We are not villains,” Sara announced. “We are all law-abiding, loyal citizens of the crown.”

  Sara’s distress finally penetrated Nathan’s fury. He put his arm around her shoulders. “Now, Sara—”


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