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With Porter in the Essex

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by Amanda M. Douglas



  In order to hold a true course to my story, if perchance it should proveto be a story, it is necessary I set down here very much of what islittle more than pricking out on a chart the movements of the _Essex_,for many a long, weary day passed before we had opportunity to work harmto shipping belonging to subjects of the English king, whom we wereteaching a lesson in good manners.

  On the second day after the capture of the _Nocton_ we hove into sightthe island of Fernando de Noronha; and as our commander had been told atthis place we might gain information of Commodore Bainbridge's squadron,we came to anchor, but not before the ship had been disguised as amerchantman.

  Then, flying English colors, we let go our ground tackle off the port,and Lieutenant Downes went ashore to ask permission of the governor forus to take on water and such stores as might readily be procured.

  The lieutenant came back with a quantity of fruit for the cabin, andinformation that two alleged British vessels of war had called at theisland a week previous, and left there a letter for Sir James Yeo of hisMajesty's ship _Southampton_.

  It seems, as we of the crew learned later, that these were the namesagreed upon between Commodore Bainbridge and our commander, to be usedin an unfriendly port. Captain Porter believed that a lie was not a liewhen told for the benefit of one's country, therefore he sent thelieutenant back with a present of cheese and ale, and the assurance thata gentleman on board our vessel, a friend of Sir James Yeo's, counted onsailing for England from Brazil, and would take the letter with him.

  The governor could do no less than deliver up the missive; and on beingbrought aboard it was found to be only such a letter as one Englishcommander might send to another, with nothing in it to show that thewriter was an American.

  Captain Porter had no idea that the commodore would be such a simple asto trust his secret with a Britisher, and therefore set about trying tosolve the mystery which he felt confident was contained in the letter.

  Finally, by holding the sheet for some time over a lighted candle, itwas found that a second message had been written in what is known assympathetic ink, and this the heat brought out plainly, showing, as wasafterward told us on the gun-deck, the following lines:--

  "I am bound for St. Salvador, thence off Cape Frio, where I intend tocruise until the 1st of January. Go off Cape Frio, to the northward ofRio Janeiro, and keep a lookout for me."

  It surely seemed now as if the course was marked out for us clearly, andthat we would soon be in the company of friends; but it was not to comeabout, else I might not be trying to set down the particulars of thatwhich proved to be a most extraordinary voyage.

  Day after day we cruised up and down the Brazilian coast between CapeFrio and St. Catherine, but meeting neither American nor Englishvessels. The Portuguese craft which we spoke from time to time couldgive us no information; and from Captain Porter down to Phil Robbins andmyself, all hands were most decidedly puzzled to know what would be theoutcome of the voyage, when it seemed, despite the luck which attendedus in the beginning, that we had cut ourselves off so completely fromboth friend and foe that it might not be possible to get back.

  The old shellbacks told us youngsters that the Brazilian government,being at peace with England, would not allow us to provision the ship atany of their ports, and it was unnecessary we be told that the supplieswere growing lower every day. With three hundred men to be fed, even afull cargo of stores soon grows slim.

  Finally one of the marines who had been on guard in the cabin, told usthat he heard Captain Porter say to some of his officers that it had nowcome to a choice between capture, a blockade, or starvation.

  As a matter of course all the sea lawyers on the gun-deck argued thematter in and out of season, laying down the law in great shape,according to their own ideas; but, so far as Phil or I could see, notsuggesting anything which offered the slightest hope of relief.

  I might fill many pages with an account of what we two lads thought andsaid during this time when it appeared as if the _Essex_ had got theworst of the voyage, although having captured the only enemy she cameacross; but it would be of little interest to a stranger if I shouldmake the attempt. It is enough to say that every man of the crew, andthe boys, too, for the matter of that, believed we would have a taste ofan English prison before many days had passed, when, suddenly, came moststartling news from one of the marines who had been on duty aft.

  The man declared, and we afterward came to know he spoke no more thanthe truth, that he had overheard a consultation between Captain Porterand his officers, when it was decided that, having failed to findCommodore Bainbridge, we were to double Cape Horn and strike a blow atthe British whaling fleet in the Pacific.

  Captain Porter argued, so the tale-bearing marine told us, that amongthe whalers he stood a good chance of replenishing his naval stores, forthe vessels in that trade were always well armed, and it would bepossible to provision the ship as often as might be necessary, once wewere among the South Sea Islands. He had decided to live on the enemy,and it only remained to be seen whether that might indeed be possible.

  Of all who heard the story as told by the marine, none believed it saveMaster Hackett; and he said, in answer to my question as to whether hethought we might be able to come out of the scrape with whole skins:--

  "Ay, that I do, lad; an' it's in my mind that the _Essex_ can doBritish shippin' more harm in the Pacific than would be possibleelsewhere. For a time we'll have everything our own way, an' then theking will have a pretty good idee of what the Yankees can do."

  "But how will it be possible to get home, Master Hackett?" I asked,thinking more of my own safety than of brave deeds to be accomplished.

  "That's somethin' that don't concern us,--leastways, not until the_Essex_ has come to the end of her cruise. We've shipped to do all theharm we can to Englishmen, for that's the meanin' of war, lad. Afterwe've done our duty will be time enough to think about ourselves, thoughI'm allowin' that if we ever see the United States again it'll be afterwe've had a reasonably long taste of British prisons."

  Such talk as that was not calculated to make me very comfortable inmind. As a matter of course I wanted to strike a blow at the king, sincewe'd shipped for that purpose; but I wasn't well pleased at doing sowhen it was a foregone conclusion that the task would be concluded onlywhen we were prisoners. We had captured a rich prize already, and I forone would have felt better if it had been decided that we were to takethe chances of starvation while working back to the home port. Thiscutting loose, as it were, did not strike me in a pleasant fashion.

  Before many hours had passed, however, the doubters understood that themarine had told no more than the truth.

  We were off the harbor of St. Catherine when Captain Porter decided totake chances which would have deterred many another, and next morning,that is to say, on the 26th day of January, 1813, the _Essex_ was headeddown the coast for Cape Horn.

  It seemed strange to me at the time, and even at this late day I ammoved to wonderment that such should have been the case--it seemedstrange, I say, that almost without exception the members of our crewhailed with delight the captain's determination to push forward ratherthan turn back. Surely it was a hazardous venture to leave friendlyports behind, and sail away toward that portion of the world where thepower of the British was exceeding strong.

  Those among the crew who argued in favor of thus trying our fortunes inthe Pacific Ocean were forced to admit that we would be treated with butscant courtesy by the small nations, who dared not brave the anger ofthe English by showing friendship for us. Ours was but a single vesselof thirty-two guns, and should we come upon two or three whalers at thesame time, it was reasonable to believe that we might find ourselvesopposed by a weight of metal exceeding our own.

  We could not depend upon the government of the United States for so muchas a spare belaying-pin, and all we might get, whether in the way ofstores or ammunition, must come from the enemy. I do not b
elieve anyvessel of war was ever sent into such danger of every form, and it ishardly to be wondered at that Phil Robbins and I were filled withapprehension as to the result of the cruise, more particularly since weheard the evils described in most glowing colors during nearly everyhour of the day, even by those who were in favor of the enterprise.

  "We didn't ship with the agreement that we'd do our best to run intoevery possible danger when it might be better to shape a course forhome," Phil said, in what was very like a mutinous tone. "When it comesto fighting Britishers, then we're bound to risk our lives in the hopeof killing them; but sailing around the world with fair chance ofstarving to death before we can run across a craft of any kind, is agood bit outside of duty."

  Phil was not the only member of the crew who spoke in much the sametone, and yet I defy any person to say with truth that we were in theslightest degree mutinous as we faced such a venture as was never knownbefore.

  Master Hackett seemed well content on the day when the bow of the_Essex_ was turned toward the south pole, and I was resolved he shouldhave no opportunity of believing that Phil and I were afraid of whatmight lie in our path.

  As a matter of course, we two lads discussed the weighty affair in allits aspects, enabled to do so with some degree of fairness because ofthe opinions which we heard on every side; but we took good care to doso where no one might overhear us.

  It was only during the first day of this venturesome cruise, however,that we indulged in what was neither more nor less than mutinouscriticism of our officers' plans; for within twenty-four hours afterleaving the harbor of St. Catherine the wind increased to a full gale,which for more than eighteen days showed no signs of abatement.

  Never before had I believed it possible that a ship could be so tossedand buffeted by the waves without being literally torn to pieces! It wasas if our craft had been no larger than a long-boat, and I dare ventureto say that many times she actually stood on end.

  Phil and I were both sick and frightened, and in about the same degree,which was fortunate for us; for had we been one whit less ill, we mighthave lost our wits entirely. Whenever the deathly nausea permitted ofthought I was firmly convinced we would all go to the bottom beforemaking Cape Horn, and by the time this idea had become firmly fixed inmy mind the sickness of the sea overwhelmed me again, bringing in itstrain partial unconsciousness of my surroundings.

  Nor were we lads alarmed without good cause; it was possible tounderstand by the behavior of the crew, at such times as we were able tounderstand anything, that every man jack believed the _Essex_ would befinally overcome in her struggle with the elements; and once, when theturmoil was at its height, Master Hackett came to where I lay in myhammock for no other apparent purpose than to clasp my hand.

  It was much as though he was bidding me good-by, and I wept bitter tearsof sorrow because I was not to see my dear mother again in this world.

  I could write very much concerning the dreary, painful hours we spentwhile it seemed as if death stood very near to each of us; but it is notwell to allow such personal matters to interfere with the tale of whatwas accomplished before the good ship _Essex_ was destroyed through aBritish trick and British cowardice.

  On the 14th day of February Master Hackett brought word to Phil and methat we were at last off Cape Horn; and to give a faint idea of thesituation I will set down the fact that, old seaman though he was, ithad become absolutely necessary for him to crawl along the gun-deck likea crab, otherwise he would have been flung fore and aft by the wildmovements of the ship.

  During that night I fancied we were in smoother water, and withintwenty-four hours it was possible for Phil and me to leave our hammockswith some degree of safety.

  Almost immediately after rounding the cape the wind shifted to thesouthwest, blowing with no more force than was needed to keep our canvasfull; and from that hour we began to live once more.

  We skirted the coasts of Patagonia and Lower Chili for nineteen days,and at the end of that time the glittering peaks of the Andes were seenfar, far in the distance, and those who had been most despondentconcerning the outcome to the cruise, now began to believe that it wouldbe possible for us to give a good account of ourselves to the people athome before death overtook us.

  We now talked of taking rich prizes, even as we previously had discussedthe probability of immediate disaster, and speculated as to how we mightweather the cape once more when, the work having been accomplished, wewould be homeward bound.

  It was the 5th day of March when we were off the island of Mocha, on thecoast of Araucania, with the prospect of a day to be spent on shoreafter so many dangers had been encountered and passed.

  To us two lads, who were sick with the odor of the salt breeze, thescene was entrancing. The mountain on the island towered a full thousandfeet from the sea line, and around it could be seen countless numbers ofbirds, while in the surf near the shore hundreds upon hundreds of sealsplayed like so many dogs.

  For the first time since leaving St. Catherine our ground tackle was letgo, and word came from the cabin that on the morrow we were to be givena full day's hunting. This last was become a real necessity, ratherthan a pleasure, for our stores were sadly in need of being replenished;but we thought not of this last fact, preferring to believe thatpermission to go ashore had been given solely that we might enjoyourselves.

  And what a day it proved to be! The island had been inhabited bySpaniards before the buccaneers reigned in that region, and the forestwas literally teeming with hogs and horses so tame that but little skillwas necessary to shoot them down.

  From sunrise to sunset we hunted, and before noon had proved to ourentire satisfaction that horseflesh was more palatable than pork,therefore we killed no more hogs than persisted in coming within easyrange. By nightfall we had fresh meat enough to furnish us with food formany a long day, provided it was salted down before becoming tainted.

  The next day was spent in caring for what we had captured, and infilling the ship's water-casks, after which we were in fairly goodcondition to continue the voyage. The eight-and-forty hours spent onshore had been sufficient to raise the courage of the most timorous,among whom could be counted Phil and myself; and all hands were in thebest of spirits as the _Essex_ filled away on her course once more,despite the fact that there was no possibility of receiving aid fromthe friends at home.

  As we ran up the coast Captain Porter made preparations for the workwhich all hoped we should find in plenty. The running rigging of the_Essex_ was carefully overhauled; the ship was repainted and otherwiseput in as good condition as was possible without going into dock. Theboats we carried--seven in all--were strengthened in every manner, andcrews told off for each, so that at a moment's notice we might send outa flotilla of small craft against an enemy.

  Lieutenant Downes was given command of this little squadron; and fromthe way in which he looked after the armament, we knew without beingtold that he was ready for any kind of fighting which might come hisway.

  It was in a certain sense a relief to Phil and myself when the boatswere made ready for independent action; as a matter of course, ourstrength was not increased one whit by such means, yet it seemed to uslads that we were in much better trim to meet an enemy than before suchpreparations had been made.

  Greatly to our disappointment we were not told off as members of theboats' crews; and I plucked up sufficient courage to ask Master Hackettconcerning what seemed to us an oversight, hoping he might aid us inreceiving treatment such as we believed to be our due.

  "Frettin' because you haven't been given an independent command, eh?" hesaid with a laugh, when I had made what was little less than acomplaint.

  "We are not such fools as to think we can do anything very brave orwonderful; but at the same time it seems much as if we might perform ourfair share of work," I replied, considerably nettled because he appearedto treat us as if we were children.

  "I'm allowin', lad, that you'll be called on for all the tasks you cando conveniently. It stands to r
eason that the pick of the crew should bedetailed for the boats, seein's how them as put off from the ship underLieutenant Downes's command will be forced to jump lively, both as tofightin' an' work. Now, it looks to me as if you two would have chancesenough, once that fleet of small craft have left us; for the _Essex_will be short-handed, an' you lads'll be asked to do the duty of men."

  With this we were content, knowing that Master Hackett would not buoy usup with false hopes; and it began to seem as if we might, within areasonably short time, show that we were made of such material aswarranted our being reckoned among the _men_ on board the _Essex_.

  From the day of leaving the island of Mocha a watch was kept for theenemy, and each morning we two lads tumbled out of our hammocks firm inthe belief that by nightfall we should be in chase of another prize.Then, as the sun set before we had sighted the British flag, we feltquite as positive we should see it when the morning came again.

  Thus the time passed in anticipation unfulfilled until the 14th day ofMarch, when, on rounding the Point of Angels, the city of Valparaiso layfull before us like something which had suddenly been thrown up by thesea.

  Until this moment we had had a stiff breeze, such as sent the _Essex_along at a full ten knots an hour; but on rounding the point the winddied out suddenly, leaving us becalmed under the guns of a battery,which was hardly to our liking, for we believed Chili was still underthe rule of Spain.

  Captain Porter, not minded to take any more chances than was absolutelynecessary, had hoisted English colors; and as we came into view it gaveme a most disagreeable feeling in the region of the heart to see anarmed American brig tricing up her ports as she prepared for action,although I could not restrain a sensation of pride that my countrymenshould be willing to fight at an instant's notice, and against greatodds, to uphold the stars and stripes.

  Three Spanish ships were getting under way, and Captain Porterunderstood that he might miss many a rich prize if he allowed the crewsof those vessels to know who we were and why we had come.

  Therefore it was that three boats' crews were called away to pull theship's head around beyond the point, where she might catch so much of abreeze as was stirring outside, and in less than two hours we werebeyond sight of the city.

  Phil and I mourned the necessity of being forced to leave port so soon,when we might have met countrymen who could give us later news from homethan we had; but Master Hackett did much toward consoling us when hesaid:--

  "Take my words for it, lads, we'll be in the harbor of Valparaiso beforeyou're very much older. The captain didn't count on lettin' theSpaniards find out who we are, thus puttin' the Britishers on theirguard."

  The old man was in the right, as was usually the case, for on the nextday we ran into port; and our anchors were hardly down when we heardimportant news.

  Chili had just gained her independence from the Spaniards, and was morethan ready to welcome us as friends; but it was reported that theViceroy of Peru was fitting out armed cruisers to prey upon the Americanshipping in the Pacific.

  Of a verity we had arrived in the nick of time, and there was greatrejoicing fore and aft because of such fact. So long as we could keepsecret from the British government the fact of our whereabouts, we mightwork the enemy great damage at the same time we protected Yankeevessels; and even after it was known that we had ventured so far fromhome, there was fair opportunity of taking many a prize before beingoverhauled by a British squadron.

  Well, the people of Valparaiso gave us a royal welcome. The fortssaluted the stars and stripes with twenty-one guns; nine shots werefired by the armed brig, and we replied to them all, as a matter ofcourse, until it was as if everybody was celebrating the Fourth of July.

  The American Consul General came down from Santiago to greet us; theChilians strove to show how friendly they felt toward the United States,and there was a great time, in which the officers gathered most of thefun, for ordinary seamen are not counted in at such affairs.

  The commissioned officers must have enjoyed themselves in fine style,however, and we of the crew managed to get a small slice of the welcomewhich repaid all hands for the long, disagreeable voyage.

  Only a portion of our crew were allowed shore leave at a time, and byrare good luck Phil and I were given liberty on the same day when MasterHackett took his furlough; therefore we saw more of the city than wouldhave been possible had we set out alone.

  The old gunner was well acquainted in Valparaiso, and before setting outto visit acquaintances, he showed us all the sights. Then, presentingeach of us with two silver shillings, he went his way, after cautioningus to be at the shore in time to go aboard before sunset.

  It would have pleased both Phil and me had the old man remained with us;but it could not be expected that he would give all his time of libertyto two lads, even though they had gone over the rail to save his life;therefore we made it appear as if we were eager to be by ourselves, andbegan to explore the chief seaport town of Chili.

  Unable to speak the language, we could not expect to make any newacquaintances ashore, nor did we try, although more than one Chilian ladgave token that he was as ready to extend the hospitalities of the portto Yankees as were the dignitaries of the town.

  We had wandered here and there as fancy dictated until noontime, andPhil proposed that, since we had had our fill of sight-seeing it wouldbe a good idea to go on ship, or find some of our messmates.

  Strolling with a party of sailors whose chief aim would most likely beto take aboard all the liquor they could drink, was not to my liking,and I had just suggested that we go to the rendezvous on the chance offinding a boat putting off for the _Essex_, when we were surprised by ahail in our native tongue.

  "Hello, you two lads! Are you from the Yankee ship?"

  Wheeling suddenly around, we saw a boy eighteen years of age orthereabouts, who was regarding us with an expression which might equallywell have been one of friendship or enmity.

  "We're from the _Essex_," Phil replied, and as he spoke the strangercame toward us.

  "Can you speak Spanish?" he asked; whereat I replied glibly:--

  "Not a word, and more's the pity, else we might have had companions inour sight-seeing."

  "If that's all you're wanting, come with me. I'll show you a goodtime."

  "Do you live here?" I asked, fancying that he spoke like one lately fromEngland.

  "Yes, for the time being; and since I have nothing better to do, supposewe travel together."

  Every person in the town had been so friendly toward us that we had noreason to suspect evil, and even though we had considered thepossibility that any one was wickedly disposed, why should harm come tous who were of so little importance?

  Phil was so delighted at the idea of making a friend in this place wherealmost nothing but Spanish was spoken, that he accepted the propositionwithout delay, and at once we three set off in company.

  Oliver Benson was the name of this friendly appearing lad, as we soonlearned; and before we had been together half an hour he knew verynearly as much as we ourselves concerning our position and life aboardthe _Essex_.

  "Boys are not of much account on Yankee ships, according to your story,"he said, in a peculiar tone; and Phil replied glibly:--

  "It doesn't seem so, except when there's a lot of dirty work to be done.If we never went back to the _Essex_, I reckon there wouldn't be muchmourning over our loss."

  I insisted that Master Hackett at least would miss us, and declared thatmy cousin Stephen's heart would be sore with grief if any accidenthappened to either of us; but Benson laughed me to scorn.

  "If you failed to return there isn't one aboard who'd remember yourabsence after four-and-twenty hours," he said. "An enemy might work hiswill on you and stand no chance of coming to grief, for I doubt not butthat the frigate will sail by to-morrow."

  "We have no enemies here," Phil replied with a laugh, "therefore weneedn't spend time discussing that question."

  I noted a peculiar expression on Benson's face, b
ut gave no great heedto it, for at that instant he had turned down a narrow street and wasunlocking the door of a stone dwelling.

  "Do you live here?" Phil asked.

  "Yes; and I count on showing you two lads what a Chilian dinner is like.It will be something to talk about when you get home."

  He held the door open as invitation for us to enter; and although therewas absolutely no reason why I should suspect him of having unfriendlydesigns upon us, I hesitated about going in.

  "Go on," Phil said, pushing me forward. "We're fortunate in having runacross Benson, for there are not many lads, either here or at home, whowould spend their time entertaining strangers."

  I could do no less than follow our host, who led us up one flight ofstairs, and thence to the rear of the building. Then he opened the doorof a room and stepped back a pace, that we might advance in front ofhim.

  At the outer entrance, I led the way, and while Phil followed close atmy heels, the door was slammed behind us, the clicking of iron tellingthat we had been locked in.

  For an instant I was so bewildered as to be incapable of speech, andthen I heard from the other side of the locked door a mocking voice:--

  "I'll keep you two Yankees here till your ship sails, and then find youa berth aboard a British whaler; it will be a paying speculation for me,and you'll have good opportunities for seeing the world."


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