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Unforgettable Christmas Dreams: Gifts of Joy

Page 115

by Rebecca York

  Sonia understood Adam’s plight only too well. After last night when she and Lars kissed, she’d pondered the same thing – her newly awakened feelings for Lars could either hit a dead end or cruise forward, but to find out, she’d have to take the chance.

  “My mother’s totally infatuated with your dad, so tell him not to worry. She’s been acting loopy for days, and that’s not like her. Plus, that she invited you all for Thanksgiving dinner’s a sure sign Mom’s ready to go all the way.”

  “All the way?” he asked innocently.

  Sonia blushed. “You know what I mean.”

  “Anyhow,” Lars continued, “I’m thinking what’s good for my dad applies to me as well. Even though you and I only know each other a short time, and only dated once, I find myself on unsettled ground.”

  Sonia was going to be late when Santa returned to the children, but nothing on earth was going to distract her from this call – her future was at stake, if she was willing to risk her heart a second time.

  She paused for so long, he said, “Hello? Are you still with me?”

  It was now or never. “Yes, I’m here. You said you’re on unsettled ground. Seems I am, too. How about we rectify that? Would you like to come over to my place tonight?” she asked. “Maybe bring a pizza with you?”

  “Let me get this straight,” he replied. “Are you inviting me for pizza, as in a date, or to be your pizza delivery boy?”

  What the heck is going on with everyone these days? Have they all gone crazy?

  “Damn it, Lars. Can’t you just answer the question?”

  “Sonia, I’m teasing,” he said. “Don’t you recognize playfulness when you hear it?”

  No, I don’t – it’s been so long since I’ve indulged in silly banter with a man. “Listen, I have to go, because I’m late already. Are you bringing over a pizza or not?”

  “What kind of toppings do you like? I’m not fussy,” he told her. “Should I bring some wine? Red or white?”

  Sonia’s mouth was watering already. “I’m not fussy either. Get the works, especially if you like your pizza the same as me, and I’m partial to white wine, but whatever. I’ll be ready for you around seven.”

  “Ready for me?”

  She shook her head with a smirk. “Knock it off. Contrary to your previous remarks, I do recognize a tease when I hear one,” she replied. “See you later,” and then she hit the end button.

  As Sonia hurried back to the Christmas chamber, and the children who awaited their photos with Santa, she wondered what she’d invited into her solitude, besides pizza.

  Chapter Eleven

  Midnight - A Pizza Party for Two: Sonia and Lars

  Many hours later, Sonia lay nestled within the comfort of Lars’s arms on the sofa.

  They’d eaten most of the pizza and the leftovers were stored in the fridge. After half a bottle of Chardonnay, Sonia had readily accepted Lars’s kisses, and returned them with such abandon, the atmosphere in her living room was growing hotter by the second.

  With Sonia’s arms around his torso, her breasts were too tempting to ignore. Lars cupped them both without breaking their kiss, and lightly ran his thumbs across nipples that immediately hardened with pleasure.

  She arched her back into his caress, and then abruptly pulled away with a groan. “This is too much,” she said shakily. “But, your kisses are amazing and make me pant like I’ve run a hundred miles. Is that wrong?”

  Lars switched their positions so she lay between his legs, her back against his chest. “Hey, I don’t want to kill the mood, but you sure it’s my charming self you’ve ardently responding to, and not because you were drinking?”

  Sonia heaved a sigh. “No, it’s not because of the wine, though it did make me, well, never mind. I don’t know what got into me. Just forget it. Isn’t it time you for you to leave?”

  He laughed softly at her words, lifted her hair and kissed the nape of her neck. “I’ll go home, if that’s what you want,” he taunted.

  She sighed and allowed him to continue teasing her skin with his tongue. “This isn’t what I invited you over for.”

  “So, you saying you’re not feeling the urge?’ he asked softly.

  Sonia’s entire body burned. Oh, but she was, she was! Especially after his kisses and bold caresses awakened her dormant sexuality. However, it was easier to feign ignorance than to admit the truth. “What kind of urge?”

  The man lounging on the couch behind her persisted. “Must I spell it out? You seem to be acting like you’re horny.”

  Damn the man!

  Sonia shot to her feet and pointed to the door. “Time to say goodnight. This is only our second date, and we’re not having a slumber party – not yet anyway. Haven’t you ever heard of the third date rule?”

  Lars stood and stretched his arms towards the ceiling with a yawn. “Nope, never heard of it, but the sound of it gives me something to look forward to,” he said with a sly grin.

  Sonia couldn’t help smile at his audacity. “You are a nasty man, Lars. What’s going on tomorrow? Jeff’s tutor coming over to do his homeschooling?”

  She shivered with desire as she watched the muscles ripple across his back as he pulled on his hoodie.

  “That’s the plan. I’ll have to see what my father’s up to tomorrow night, too, before I insist on that third date.”

  Lars leaned down and kissed her surprised mouth. “I’ll see you as soon as I can. Goodnight,” he said, and then he strode out the door.

  Sonia peeked out the window as he climbed into a high end SUV and started the engine.

  Locking the door, she wandered into the bedroom, put on her nightgown and fell asleep almost as soon as she slipped under the covers.

  Her last thought of the night made her smile. “Horny indeed,” she whispered.

  Chapter Twelve

  Thanksgiving Day 2018: Sonia, Miriam, Adam, Lars, and Jeff

  “Hey Daddy, how come all you grownups are acting so wonky today?”

  Lars gaped at his son. “I didn’t know we were,” he said. “Why do you ask?”

  The child looked around to make sure they were still alone. “For one thing, I caught Grandpa standing behind Miriam with his arms around her waist, while she was trying to mash the potatoes,” he whispered. “And they turned out lumpy, too.”

  Lars nodded. “Yes, they were a bit, um, under mashed.”

  “Then, you and Sonia kept staring at each other when Grandpa carved the turkey and said grace, and even before that. Why do you look at her so funny-like?”

  “Maybe it’s because we like each other?”

  His son made a funny face. “You mean you like her for a girlfriend? Yuck!”

  “Now, that’s not very polite, Jeff. Sonia’s my good friend and there’s nothing yucky about being friends, is there?”

  The boy appeared to consider his words. “Nah, I guess not. I still think she looks like a Christmas princess, and if you two are gonna be friends, I suppose that’s okay.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, kiddo,” Lars said with a wink.

  Sonia stepped into the dining room carrying a plate of dessert in each hand. “What are you two whispering about?” she asked as she set the Italian pastries and a pumpkin pie on the table.

  “Oh, just father-son stuff,” Lars replied as his eyes swept over the modest, forest green dress that did nothing to hide her curves.

  He watched his son eyeball the pastries and lick his lips. “Wow, Sonia, did you make those? They look awesome. Can I have two, maybe three?” he asked.

  Lars nudged the boy. “Please, may I have two or three?” Jeff amended.

  Sonia ruffled the child’s blonde curls with a smile. “Of course you can, and no, your granddad bought the pastries at the bakery, but I did make the pie. Do you like whipped cream?”

  Jeff nodded his head. “Oh boy, do I!”

  Lars met Sonia’s eyes over the boy’s head. “I like whipped cream, too,” he offered with an innocent grin. �
��Especially on my favorite pie.”

  He watched her face turn bright red, as if his naughty innuendo hit a nerve – which he’d fully intended to do.

  Jeff silently slid off his chair and headed towards the bathroom. Sonia waited until he disappeared, and then swiped Lars on the arm with the dishtowel she’d slung over her shoulder. “You’d better behave, mister,” she hissed. “Especially if you still want that third date.”

  Lars placed a hand over his heart. “Nothing would please me more.” He patted his lap with a smile. “Come here and give me a smooch. We haven’t had a private moment since pizza night, and I’ve missed you. A lot.”


  Sonia cocked an ear towards the kitchen. “Shush,” she whispered. “Do you hear that?”

  The older folks were giggling behind the closed door of the kitchen. From beyond came Miriam’s exaggerated whisper, “Keep those hands to yourself, Adam. Anyone could come in here.”

  Lars fought hard to keep a straight face. “No, I wasn’t paying attention,” he replied. “Anyhow, what those two are doing has nothing to do with us. Get over here.”

  Casting a quick glance towards the kitchen, Sonia hurried to Lars, sat down on his lap, and then kissed him full on the lips.

  Lars cupped her face and slanted his lips across hers until their tongues met. Her warm rear against his groin made him want to roar like thunder, and he moved his hips suggestively until hers responded the same.

  They forgot the place, the time, and their dinner company…

  “Hell-ooo?” Miriam sang out.

  Sonia jumped to her feet and smoothed her wrinkled skirt. “Hi, Mother,” she croaked.

  Miriam gave her daughter the fish eye. “Adam and I are serving coffee soon, and thank God Jeff’s still in the kitchen fetching clean forks and spoons.”

  Sonia went over to her mom, took her elbow and escorted her down the hall. “You have some nerve sneaking up on us like that,” she whispered.

  Miriam shook off her daughter’s hand. “Be grateful it wasn’t Jeff,” she said. “I’m certainly not one to judge, but for propriety’s sake, have a care for that innocent child.”

  Sonia laughed and lifted a brow. “Oh, yeah? For your information, Jeff saw you and his grandpa snuggling in the kitchen. He told Lars the potatoes were lumpy because Adam had his arms around you when you were mashing the potatoes.”

  “Who told you that?” Lars suddenly interrupted as he sauntered towards the women.

  The young woman had the decency to blush. “Nobody. I was eavesdropping,” she admitted.

  “Hey, where is everybody?” called Adam. “The coffee’s ready and I’m getting a second appetite.”

  Sonia linked arms between Lars and her mom’s. “Shall we have our Thanksgiving dessert, then?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  December 5, 2018: Sonia and Lars

  After the promised, thoroughly exhilarating third date with Sonia, an exhausted Lars was awakened early the next morning by the annoying trill of his doorbell.

  Lars glanced over at the sleeping woman in his bed and smiled, thankful the noise hadn’t disturbed her. “What a wonderful woman. I think I love her,” his thoughts announced.

  Content with the way their mutual feelings had revealed themselves, and taken them into the wee hours of the morning, he was about to lie down and gather the object of his affections back into his arms, until the bell rang again, double time.

  “Damn, must get that annoying doorbell replaced later today,” he muttered softly as he pulled on his jeans and shuffled to the door.

  He looked through the peephole and swore.


  Lars opened the door a crack and hissed, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Before he could blink, his ex shoved her way past him and into the foyer with a critical glance at the inside of Lars’s home. “Not bad, but for a guy with your money, you could’ve done better,” she said. “Where’s Jeff? Still sleeping?”

  “Jeff spent the night at a friend’s,” he told her. “Next time call before you show up. I won’t have you coming here unannounced like this. We have a legal agreement in place. Besides, you’re supposed to be traveling with your new patsy. What happened? Did he ditch you already?”

  “Of course not, and he isn’t a patsy. He’s visiting with my parents.”

  “Listen, you need to leave. I was just going to…”

  “Lars?” called Sonia. “Who’s at the door?”

  “Julia Whitney,” his ex called. “Jeff’s mother.”

  Lars saw Sonia at the top of the stairs, clad in one of his football jerseys.

  In spite of the circumstances, his heart leapt in awe: the woman looked positively ravishing.

  As for Sonia, she appeared to have nothing more serious in mind than breakfast as she prolonged her descent, but her eyes gleamed with anger, and he thought, “Oh, shit, here we go.”

  The young woman leisurely strolled to Lars without bothering to look at the snarky woman beside him. Her arm stole around his waist and she stood on her toes to place a kiss on his startled mouth.

  “Good morning, Darling,” she purred. “Sure hope your visitor is ready to leave, because I’m absolutely famished. You did promise to take me out for breakfast.”

  Lars grinned and mentally swept his brow. Crisis averted. “Yep, she’s definitely on her way back to whatever spider hole she escaped from.”

  Sonia finally gave Julia the once-over. “Please get the hell out of my lover’s home,” she said with a sneer. “You’re not welcome here.”

  Lars covered his mouth to hide a smile and opened the door. “Good idea, Julia. Next time you want to see our son, please have the decency to make arrangements in advance. So long.”

  The outraged expression on his ex’s face made him chuckle as she strode silently out the door. He saw Sonia at the living room window silently watching as his ex drove away in her rental car, and joined her.

  “God, I’m so sorry you had to be a party to that,” he said, and bent down to nuzzle her neck.

  When Sonia’s elbow bashed him in the ribs, he quickly backed away. “Hey, what the hell was that for?” he asked rubbing his side.

  “You’re kidding me, right? she yelled. “Leave me alone!”

  “But you were all lovey-dovey a few minutes ago.” Lars threaded a hand through his hair as realization set in. “You were faking.”

  “Damn straight I was,” she hollered. “What did you expect me to do, lay in your bed and hide? Come down the stairs charging like a bull and slap you both silly? How do you think her intrusion made me feel?”

  Lars managed a reasonable tone. “Now, be fair. There’s no way I could’ve predicted Julia’s behavior, any more than I can the future,” he replied. “Where you going?”

  Sonia was taking the stairs two at a time. “Getting dressed,” she shouted from the landing. “Have to be at work in two hours. Do me a favor, will you?”

  Lars looked up at the furious woman glaring at him and folded his arms with a frown. “What would that be?”

  “Keep out of my sight, starting this right minute,” she told him. “Better yet, stay out of my life.”

  “You don’t mean that,” he yelled.

  The hard slam of the bedroom door told him retreat was the smarter option – for now.

  Sonia came down the stairs ten short minutes later and tried to scoot around an unyielding Lars blocking her way.

  “Please, don’t leave in anger,” he said. “It’s not healthy. Plus, there’s something important you should know.”

  She averted her eyes, but not before he saw she’d been crying. “I’m not mad anymore,” she told him. “Embarrassed, yes, and totally baffled about how your ex fits into your life. I, of all people, know how hard it is to let go, once relationships are over.”

  Holy shit, she thinks I still care for Julia.

  “Sonia, please let me explain. Our marriage was finished a long time before Julia filed for divorce, and
I don’t have any feelings for her. All that remains of our time together is Jeff, and I promise to make sure nothing like what happened this morning ever will again. In fact, I’m calling my attorney right away.”

  Lars reached for her, but she ducked under his arms and opened the door.

  “Well, I’ll let you get to it then,” she said. “For what it’s worth, you’re a wonderful lover and I’ll treasure our night together always. You resurrected my feminine confidence when I thought it was as dead as David is. My concern is we may not have what it takes emotionally to move forward as a couple.”

  Lars sucked in his breath as if he’d been gut punched. “Your concern is unfounded and you know it, deep inside,” his voice shaky but determined. “My first thought this morning was I’m falling in love you, and unless I miss my guess, you feel the same. Let me pick you up after work tonight. We’ll go to dinner and talk about it.”

  Sonia slowly shook her head. “No, I can’t, not tonight. Keeping hoards of children happy all day will sap what’s left of my mental strength. And I need some time to process things. Good bye, Lars.”

  Short of running barefoot and shirtless after her in the chill air, Lars rethought his strategy.

  “A guy’s gotta have some pride,” he muttered after she’d driven away. “Let her stew in her own bitter juice for a while.”

  Lars ran up the stairs, his inherent good nature replacing his frown with a grin. “Best case scenario, the woman needs a good spanking, and I’m just the guy to do it,” he chuckled as he turned on the shower. “In the meantime, I’ve got legal work to do.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  December 18, 2018: Sonia, Lars, and Company

  Sonia rang the bell and cast a nervous glance at her car sheltering its new occupant.

  Since the morning Julia had arrived on the Whitney doorstep, Sonia had kept her distance from Lars. She always remained polite whenever they spent time with their families, which was often since her mom and Adam insisted they have dinner together almost every other night.


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