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The Banner of Battle

Page 37

by Alan Palmer

  [133] Ibid; Bruce Lincoln, Nicholas I, p. 348.

  [134] Cardigan’s Mansion House speech, 6 February 1855, from Dodd, op. cit., p. 97; cf. a slightly different version in D. Thomas, Charge! Hurrah! Hurrah!, p. 193; F. Duberly to S. Marx, Add. MSS. 47218A; Duberly, Journal, pp. 34 and 39; A. Mitchell, Recollections, p. 24.

  [135] Dundas to Admiralty, 29 June, 1854, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, Russian War, 1854, p. 280.

  [136] S-A (28 June 1854), pp. 441-4.

  [137] The Times, 15 June 1854; J. N. Conacher, The Aberdeen Coalition, pp. 452-3; Kinglake, The Invasion of the Crimea, II, pp. 248-50.

  [138] Graham to Clarendon, 1 March 1854, Gr. Pap. See Huw Strachan, ‘Soldiers, Strategy and Sebastopol’, HJ, Vol. 21, pp. 312-15.

  [139] Erickson, Graham, p. 339, citing Admiralty Papers.

  [140] S. Eardley-Wilmot, Life of...Lyons, pp. 144-8 and 160.

  [141] C. S. Parker, Graham, II, pp. 243-4; Graham to Clarendon, 6 April 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C.14; Graham to Lyons, 8 May and 13 June 1854, Gr. Pap.

  [142] Gladstone Memorandum, 22 June 1854, Add. MSS. 44744; Aberdeen Memorandum, late June, Add. MSS. 43253.

  [143] E. Longford, Wellington, The Years of the Sword, p. 109 (quoting despatch of 11 May 1809).

  [144] Kinglake, op. cit., II, p. 271.

  [145] S-A (letters of 13 July 1854, pp. 446-9).

  [146] Rose’s Journal, 16 and 18 July 1854, Add. MSS. 42837.

  [147] S-A (19 July 1854), p. 450.

  [148] J. Martineau, Life...Newcastle, pp. 149-50.

  [149] ‘Nelson touch’, Graham to Clarendon, 6 October 1853, Clar. MSS. Dep. C.14; ILN, 8 October 1853, Vol. XXIII, no. 652, p. 333.

  [150] W. Napier (ed.), The Navy, its Past and Present Strength, p. 73, quoted Dictionary of National Biography entry on Sir C. Napier.

  [151] Graham to Clarendon, 8 December 1853, Clar. MSS. Dep. C14.

  [152] Graham to Queen Victoria, 9 February 1854, Gr. Pap., printed in part QVL, III, pp. 9-10.

  [153] Graham to Napier, 6 March 1854, Add. MSS. 40024.

  [154] ILN, 4 March 1854, Vol. XXIV, no. 672, p. 207.

  [155] The Times, 8 March 1854; Fitzstephen French, H. of Commons, 13 March 1854, Hansard, 131, pp. 674-5; J. Ridley, Palmerston, p. 426.

  [156] Ibid, p. 427; G. M. Trevelyan, John Bright, pp. 223-4; C. S. Dessain, Life and Letters...Newman, XVI, p. 82.

  [157] Extract from Chambers Journal of 15 April 1854, printed in K. Chesney, Crimean War Reader, pp. 32-7.

  [158] Paget’s Journal, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, Russian War, 1854, p. 5.

  [159] Memorandum by Sir Byam Martin, 5 March 1854, Add. MSS. 41370.

  [160] Graham to Clarendon, 31 March and 3 April 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C14.

  [161] Russell to Clarendon, 16 April, and Palmerston to Clarendon 27 April 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C15.

  [162] Aberdeen to Clarendon, 16 August 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C14.

  [163] Admiralty to Napier, 5 June 1854, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, op. cit., p. 59; Erickson, Graham, pp. 347-8; Tsarevich Alexander to Queen Anna Pavlovna, 11 May 1854, Jackman, Romanov Relations, p. 344; A. F. Tiutcheva, Vospominaniia... I, p. 135.

  [164] Graham to Clarendon, 30 April 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C14.

  [165] Napier to Admiralty, 30 May 1854, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, p. 59.

  [166] G. F. Mason, Sleigh Ride to Russia, p. 93; Graham, H. of Commons, 29 June 1854, Hansard, 134, pp. 913-21.

  [167] O. Anderson, A Liberal State at War, p. 180; K. Robbins, John Bright, p. 103. For the closest examination of Bright’s wartime speeches, see A. J. P. Taylor, ‘John Bright and the Crimean War’, Bull. of J. Rylands Lib., Vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 502-22.

  [168] The Times, 27 April 1854; Tsarevich Alexander to Queen Anna Pavlovna, 15 February 1854, Jackman, op. cit., p. 341.

  [169] Punch, 24 June 1854; J. Conacher, Aberdeen Coalition, pp. 404-11.

  [170] Napier to Admiralty, 20 June 1854, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, op. cit., p. 80; Napier to Graham, same date, ibid, pp. 7-9.

  [171] Tsarevich Alexander to Queen Anna Pavlovna, 14 July 1854, Jackman, op. cit., p. 345; Bonner-Smith and Dewar, op. cit., pp. 80-7.

  [172] Admiralty to Napier, 11 July 1854, ibid, pp. 87-8.

  [173] The Dundonald project fills more than 60 folio sheets in the Martin Papers at the British Library, Add. MSS. 41370. The basic outline by Lord Dundonald was dated 22 July 1854.

  [174] M. Faraday to Sir Byam Martin, 7 August 1854, Add. MSS. 41370. For the later history of the Dundonald project, see Pan. Pap., I, pp. 308 and 340.

  [175] For the Bomarsund landings compare the documents in Bonner-Smith and Dewar, op. cit., pp. 90-103 with Napier’s version in Butler Earp, Baltic Campaign, pp. 362-80.

  [176] ILN, 26 August 1854, Vol. XXV, No. 699, p. 173; The Times, 4 September 1854.

  [177] Admiralty to Napier, 4 and 9 September 1854, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, op. cit., pp. 114-15 and 118-19: Aberdeen to Graham, September 1854, Gr. Pap.

  [178] Napier to Admiralty, 18 September 1854, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, op. cit., pp. 121-3; Erickson, op. cit., pp. 349-50.

  [179] ILN, 16 September 1854, Vol. XXV, no. 702, p. 247 and 21 October 1854, no. 708, p. 387.

  [180] Palmerston to Clarendon, 10 August 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C15; M. Chamberlain, Aberdeen, pp. 505-6.

  [181] Dodd, op. cit., pp. 188-94. See also the interesting article by Edmond de Hailly, ‘Une campagne dans l’Océan Pacifique. L’éxpedition de Petropavlovsk’, Revue des deux Mondes (1857), XVI, pp. 687-709.

  [182] A. J. P. Taylor, The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, p. 65; Schroeder, Austria, Great Britain and the Crimean War, pp. 190-8.

  [183] Ibid, p. 200; Zai., II, p. 368; Curtiss, Russia’s Crimean War, pp. 289-90.

  [184] Palmerston to Clarendon (‘marshes of Wallachia’), 10 August 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C15; Russell to Clarendon, 5 and 11 September 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C15.

  [185] Palmerston to Clarendon, 5 September 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C15.

  [186] Clarendon to Russell, 22 and 29 August 1854, PRO 30/22/11/D; Palmerston to Clarendon, 25 August 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C15; Newcastle to Clarendon, 30 August 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C15.

  [187] C. G. Bapst, Le Maréchal Canrobert, II, pp. 148-52; S-A (29 July 1854), pp. 451-2; Cal. Lett., I, p. 99.

  [188] S-A, pp. 448-56, is a succession of letters from 19 July to 9 August from which the incidence of disease may be traced; B. D. Gooch, The New Bonapartist Generals, pp. 101-3.

  [189] Alexander Gordon to Aberdeen, 10 August 1854, Add. MSS. 43225.

  [190] The Times, 18 and 23 August 1854.

  [191] F. Duberly, Journal, pp. 54-62; C. Hibbert, Destruction...Raglan, pp. 53-5; D. Thomas, Charge! Hurrah! Hurrah!, p. 201; F. Robinson, Diary, pp. 128-32.

  [192] Cal. Lett, I, p. 106; Bentley, Russell’s Despatches, p. 55.

  [193] Ibid, p. 54; G. Paget, Letters and Journal, p. 8; S-A (11 August 1854), pp. 459-61.

  [194] The Times, 28 August 1854; History of The Times, II, p. 174.

  [195] Proclamation, Dodd, Pictorial Hist., pp. 105-6; S-A (2 and 5 September 1854), pp. 474-8.

  [196] Undated letters from F. Duberly to S. Marx: ‘wonderful rides’, early August; ‘passion of tears’, first week September; Add. MSS. 47218A. For additional background material, see E. Tisdall, Mrs Duberly’s Campaigns, pp. 58-62.

  [197] TG, p. 55; Dodd, op. Cit, p. 106.

  [198] Krylov, ‘Kniaz A.S. Meshnikov’, RS, VII (1873), p. 853; Seaton, Crimean War, p. 55.

  [199] Alex. Gordon to Aberdeen, 4 September 1854, Add. MSS. 43225.

  [200] Rose to Clarendon, 25 August 1854, Add. MSS. 42802; Lyons to Graham, 13 September 1854, Eardley-Wilmot, Lyons, pp. 203-5; Bazancourt, L’Expédition de Crimée, III, p. 162; Hew Strachan, ‘Soldiers, Strategy and Sebastopol’, HJ. 25, pp. 320-3.

  [201] Rose’s Journal, 10 September 1854, Add. MSS. 42837; Raglan to Stratford, 12 September 1854, FO 352/38/5; Cal. Lett., I, p. 131; Lyons to Dundas, 11 September 1854, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, Russian War 1854, pp. 30

  [202] S-A (16 September 1854), p. 487; Gooch, op. cit. p. 117; Bapst, op. cit., II, pp. 235-6.

  [203] Seaton, Crimean War, pp. 57-8, using contemporary Russian sources.

  [204] Ibid.

  [205] A. Mitchell, Recollections, pp. 40-1.

  [206] S-A (18 September 1854), p. 492; Cal. Lett., I, pp. 140-1; landing reports from Dundas, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, op. cit. pp. 309-10.

  [207] Thomas, op. cit., p. 206; Airlie, p. 67.

  [208] Ibid, pp. 68-9; Hibbert, op. cit. pp. 70-1; Paget, op. cit. p. 16.

  [209] A. Seaton, The Crimean War, pp. 104-8.

  [210] Ibid, p. 55; Schilder, ‘Priezd E.I. Totlebena...’, RS, XVIII (1877), pp. 508-9.

  [211] N.I. Schilder, Graf...Totleben, I, pp. 43-4.

  [212] S-A (11 September 1854), pp. 481-2; Seaton, op. cit., p. 60.

  [213] Ibid, 73-4.

  [214] C. Woodham-Smith, The Reason Why, pp. 182-4; Thomas, Charge! Hurrah! Hurrah!, p. 209.

  [215] Cal., Lett., I, p. 151; Seaton, op. cit., p. 75.

  [216] Hodasevich, Voice...Sebastopol, p. 35.

  [217] Cal. Lett., I, p. 156; Bapst, Maréchal Canrobert, II, p. 242-3.

  [218] Cal. Lett., I, pp. 159-60.

  [219] Tyrell, Hist...War with Russia, II, p. 227; Seaton, op. cit., p. 101.

  [220] Ibid, p. 95, quoting from Komilov’s diary.

  [221] Kinglake (an eye-witness), Invasion of Crimea, III, pp. 82-3; Cal. Lett., I, pp. 169-70.

  [222] Russian officer, cited by Seaton, Op. cit., p. 83; Lysons, Crimean War from First to Last, p. 97; letter from Major J. Adye, 22 September 1854, JSAHR, 17 (1938), p. 224.

  [223] Paget, Light Cavalry, p. 26; F. Robinson, Diary, pp. 154-9. For the fullest modern accounts of the battle by British military historians see the works by A. J. Barker, P. Gibbs and W. Baring Pemberton listed in the bibliography. Although Quatrelles l’Epine’s biography of Saint-Arnaud is nearly sixty years old, it contains a judicious assessment of the Alma, II, pp. 416-25.

  [224] ILN, 11 November 1854, Vol. XXV, no. 711, p. 481. For Bosquet’s own version of events, see his I.ettres...à sa Mère, IV, pp. 189-90.

  [225] Seaton, op. cit., p. 78.

  [226] The Times, October 1854.

  [227] Cal. Lett., I, pp. 171-3.

  [228] Seaton, op. cit., pp. 90-4, a critical assessment of Kvetsinsky’s account.

  [229] Cal. Lett., I, p. 192.

  [230] Hodasevich, op. cit., p. 86.

  [231] S-A (21 September 1854), p. 493.

  [232] Russell, The Great War, p. 116. For a modern assessment of Nolan as a military theorist see Hew Strachan, From Waterloo to Balaclava, pp. 63-7.

  [233] Bentley, Russell’s Despatches, p. 89.

  [234] All casualty figures are questionable and those for the Alma especially so, because of difficulty in separating those killed in action from those dying from disease. See Dodd, op. cit., p. 218; Barker, pp. 113-14; Pemberton, p. 65; Seaton, op. cit., pp. 101-2. For Russian misery on battlefield, see J. Keep, Soldiers of the Tsar, p. 340. For Calthorpe comments, Cal. Lett., I, pp. 189-203. Absence of ambulances, Woodham-Smith, Nightingale, p. 96.

  [235] C. Hibbert, Destruction...Raglan, p. 119; S-A (21 September), p. 494; and later letters while awaiting resumption of the march, pp. 496-505; Gooch, New Bonapartist Generals., p. 128.

  [236] Cal. Lett., I, p. 200.

  [237] Ibid, pp. 202-12; Gooch, op. cit., pp. 129-30; Hibbert, op. cit., pp. 124-6.

  [238] Duberly, Journal, pp. 84-5.

  [239] Seaton, Op. cit., p. 102.

  [240] Ibid., pp. 102-3.

  [241] Graham to Aberdeen, 30 September 1854, Add. MSS. 43191.

  [242] The Times, 3 October, 1854; Ridley, Napo/eon III, p. 371.

  [243] The Times, 2 and 3 October 1854; History of The Times, II, p. 175.

  [244] Graham to Clarendon, 17 and 29 September, 1 October 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C14; Palmerston to Clarendon, 1 October 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C15.

  [245] Aberdeen to Clarendon, 1 and 3 October 1854, Clar. MSS. Dep. C14.

  [246] ILN, 7 October 1854,. Vol. XXV, no. 706, p. 334; The Times, 6 and 7 October 1854.

  [247] Seaton, op. cit., pp. 110-14; Hodasevich, op. cit., pp. 89-91.

  [248] Cal. Lett., I, pp. 204-7.

  [249] H. to C. Clifford, 28 September 1854, Cliff. Lett., pp. 51-2; Bentley, Russell’s Despatches, p. 101.

  [250] A. C. Macintosh Memorandum, 5 November 1853, FO 352/38/5. For Burgoyne and Macintosh’s book, see Strachan, ‘Soldiers, Strategy and Sebastopol’, HJ, 21, pp. 319-20. See also Gooch, New Bonapartist Generals, p. 135, and Bapst, Canrobert, II, pp. 358-60.

  [251] Memorandum by Raglan, 26 September 1854, Add. MSS. 42805.

  [252] S-A, pp. 502-5; Quatrelles l’Epine, Le Maréchal de St Arnaud, II, pp. 437-44; ILN, 28 October 1854, Vol. XXV, no. 709, pp. 423-4.

  [253] Cal. Lett., I, pp. 207-8.

  [254] Bapst, op. cit., II, pp. 339-40; Bazancourt, op. cit., III, pp. 299300; Wrottesley, Burgoyne, p. 241.

  [255] Seaton, Crimean War, pp. 111-22; Schilder, Graf Totleben, I, pp. 313-16.

  [256] Dubrovin, Vostochnaia Voina, pp. 191-3; Seaton, op. cit., pp. 123-4.

  [257] Cal. Lett., I, p. 267.

  [258] The fullest naval account may be gathered from Dundas’s letter to the Admiralty of 18 October 1854, printed (with six enclosures) in Bonner-Smith and Dewar Russian War, 1854, pp. 339-45.

  [259] Ibid, pp. 225 and 342; Duberly, Journal, p. 106.

  [260] Rose’s Journal, 17 October 1854, Add. MSS. 42837; Cal. Lett., I, p. 275; Alexander Gordon to Aberdeen, 18 October 1854, Add. MSS. 43225.

  [261] Cal. Lett., I, pp. 275-6; Rose to Raglan, 17 October 1854, Add. MSS. 42805.

  [262] Godman to his sister, 17 October 1854, TG, pp. 66-8.

  [263] Cal. Lett. I, p. 289.

  [264] Rose’s Journal 17 and 18 October 1854, Add. MSS. 42837; Alexander Gordon to Aberdeen, 18 October, Add. MSS. 43225.

  [265] Dundas to Admiralty, 18 and 23 October 1854, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, op. cit., pp. 339-47.

  [266] Seaton, op. cit., p. 127, using Russian contemporary accounts; Curtiss, Russia’s Crimean War, pp. 319-20.

  [267] Alexander Gordon to Aberdeen, 18 October, Add. MSS. 43225.

  [268] Cal. Lett., I, p. 295; TG, pp. 69-70.

  [269] Seaton, op. cit., p. 139.

  [270] Dubrovin, op. cit., pp. 252-62; Tarlé, II, pp. 73-4.

  [271] Hibbert, Destruction...Raglan, pp. 172-3.

  [272] C. Woodham-Smith, The Reason Why, pp. 207-13.

  [273] Paget, Light Cavalry Brigade, p. 163.

  [274] F. Duberly to S. Marx, 27 October 1854, Add. MSS. 47218A. Duberly, Journal, p. 116; Cal. Lett., I, p. 300; Rose Journal, 25 October 1854, Add. MSS. 42837.

  [275] Ibid; Cal. Lett., I, p. 302.

  [276] A. Mitchell, Recollections, p. 80; F. Duberly letter to S. Marx, cited above; Bentley, Russell’s Despatches, p. 121.

  [277] Kinglake, Invasion...Crimea, V, p. 81; The Times, 15 November 1854.

  [278] Seaton, The Crimean War, p. 145, quoting Liprandi’s report.

  [279] I. I. Ryzhov, ‘O Sprazhenie pri Balaklavoi’, Russkii Vestnik, Vol. 86 (1870), p. 467.

  [280] Mitchell, op. cit., p. 82; Hibbert, Destruction...Raglan, p. 173.

  [281] Seaton, op. cit., p. 149.

  [282] Rose’s Journal, 25 October 1854, Add. MSS. 42837.

  [283] Photograph pencilled order, Woodham-Smith, The Reason Why, p. 235.

  [284] The Times, 14 November 1854; Cal. Lett., I, pp. 312-13; Kinglake, op. cit., V, pp. 211-16; Rose’s Journal cited above.

  [285] A. Mitchell, Recollections, p. 83.

  [286] The Times, 14 November 1854; F Duberly to S. Marx, 27 October 1854, Add. MSS. 47218A.

  [287] Woodham-Smith, op. cit., pp. 246-7; Cliff. Lett., p. 73. There is a fine narrative account of the Charge in Pemberton, Battles of the Crimean War, pp. 96-106.

  [288] Seaton, op. cit., pp. 148-54, based on little-known Russian sources;
Ryzhov article, loc. cit., p. 468.

  [289] Duberly letter cited above.

  [290] Cal. Lett., I, pp. 319-20; Pemberton, op. cit., p. 108.

  [291] The Times, 14 November 1854; Mitchell, Recollections, p. 89; Woodham-Smith, op. cit., p. 264.

  [292] Mitchell, op. cit., pp. 89-90; Thomas, Charge! Hurrah! Hurrah!, pp. 316 and 326.

  [293] Gooch, New Bonapartist Generals, p. 142.

  [294] Burgoyne to Raglan, 31 October 1854, Add. MSS. 42805.

  [295] R. G. Richardson, Nurse Sarah Anne, pp. 65-8 and 80.

  [296] E. Cook, Short Life...Nightingale, pp. 68-85; The Examiner, 28 October 1854.

  [297] C. Woodham-Smith, Nightingale, p 98.

  [298] The Times, 12 October 1854; History of The Times, II, pp. 176-7.

  [299] Cook, op. cit, pp. 69-75; Woodham-Smith, op. cit., pp. 99-107.

  [300] ‘Receipts for Miss Nightingale’, 21 October 1854, Add. MSS. 43401.

  [301] Clarendon to Stratford de Redcliffe, 19 October 1854, FO 352/40; History of The Times, II, pp. 177-8.

  [302] Graham to Dundas, 25 October 1854, Bonner-Smith and Dewar, Russian War, 1854, pp. 417-18.

  [303] Woodham-Smith, op. cit., p. 169; J. D. Conacher, The Aberdeen Coalition, pp. 480-1.

  [304] T. W. Reid, Life...Monckton Manes, I, p. 500.

  [305] Daily News, 16 January 1855; Morning Post, 12 March 1856; History of The Times, II, pp. 185-215; M. P. Lalumia, Realism and Politics, pp. 48-56.

  [306] ILN, 18 November 1854, Vol. XXV, no. 713, pp. 502 and 518-19.

  [307] ILN, 21 October 1854, Vol. XXV, no. 708, pp. 381-2.

  [308] ILN, 4 November1854, Vol. XXV, no. 710, pp. 447-8.

  [309] Richardson, op. cit., p. 82.

  [310] Nightingale to Dr Brown, 14 November 1854, Cook, Short Life, p. 89.

  [311] Ibid, p. 96.

  [312] Letters to Florence Nightingale from Lady Stratford (3 November) and Lord Stratford de Redcliffe (9 November 1854), Add. MSS. 43401; Woodham-Smith, op. cit., pp. 136, 138, 146.

  [313] Richardson, op. cit., pp. 81 and 83.

  [314] Woodham-Smith, op. cit., pp. 129-46.

  [315] The Times, 4 November 1854; Cantlie, Hist...Army Med. Dept., I, pp. 158-60.

  [316] Cook, Short Life, p. 96.

  [317] Richardson, op. cit., pp. 48-9.

  [318] For the most detailed study in English see J. S. Curtiss, ‘Russian Sisters of Mercy in the Crimea’, Slavic Review, no. 25 (1966), pp. 84-100.


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