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The Deadly Alliance (The Deadly Alliance Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Megan Bradish

  “My queen,” Elias says, making me jump. Shivers prickle through my spine at the sound of his voice. Flashbacks of the nightmare come barreling into my mind. All I can see is the hunger in his eyes as he waited for Marjorie to come back through the woods. The evil grin as the arrow pierced her chest.

  “Your majesty,” I say, forcing a smile. He looks happy today, not at all like I saw him last night, filled with hate, and a murderous hunger that seemed to devour him.

  “I wanted to apologize for last night. I’m afraid I had too much to drink,” he says, taking my hand and kissing it.

  I want to vomit, but I compose myself. “No need to apologize. I was feeling tired as well. I went to bed soon after.”

  Elias smiles. “Shall we see your father off together?” He offers me his arm, and I wrap mine around his. Raising suspicion would not help me any. If he knew I was nervous about anything, he’d want to know why. I needed to suffer through this quietly until I found the answers I was looking for.

  “Of course,” I say.

  We walk together in silence, and I could feel the tension quickly building between us. How was I to get through this? How was I to pretend everything was okay after what I had just seen? If it was even real. But I had to believe it was now, even if it seemed impossible. I’ve been naïve to think that seeing Marjorie before I even knew what she looked like was some sort of coincidence. She was trying to tell me I was in danger and I refused to listen. I should have ran when I had the chance. Now, I’m married, and I’m queen. It wasn’t as easy to run.

  We reach the courtyard and father is standing by the carriage. I walk up to him with a smile as he wraps me in a big hug. “Oh, my dear. I’m going to miss you. I didn’t realize how much until this moment,” he says.

  “I’m going to miss you too. Can’t you stay on for awhile?” I ask.

  “I wish I could. But Myrkdovia needs their king present. I have much to tend to.” He caresses my face now with a sadness in his eyes. “I’ll be back soon to visit,” he promises.

  I nod, letting a tear roll down my cheek. He quickly wipes it away. “Remember what I said, Blair.”

  “I remember,” I say. Always be strong. Never show your emotions.

  “I can leave here knowing you’re going to be a force to be reckoned with. I’ve always known you will be. You have a fire in your soul, my love. A fierceness that runs deep in your veins, just like your father,” he says, proudly.

  I hope he’s right. He’s always had more faith in me than I have ever had in myself. He sees all of these things in me, and I can’t let him down. “If I can become even half the ruler that you are, I’ll be proud of it.”

  “You’re already there. Have faith in yourself. We’re ruling side by side now, with two countries. You have nothing to fear.”

  Easy for him to say. He hasn’t seen what I’ve seen. If he had, he’d be taking me on the stage back to Myrkdovia with him. But I couldn’t exactly tell him I’ve been seeing Elias’ dead wife, and that I know he killed her because of a dream. It sounds like madness, even to me. I could never make him believe it.

  I stand where father left me as I watch him drive off. I don’t move for a long time, as I watch the carriage go out of sight. The dust has long settled before I look back at Elias. He’s watching me intently, and I shiver.

  “Shall we head back?” I ask, walking up to him. I refuse to let my fear shine through as I approach him.

  “Certainly,” he says, wrapping his arm around me.

  I try walking in silence again, but Elias has other ideas. “Did you sleep well last night?” He asks.

  “Yes, fine. Thank you,” I say with a forced smile.

  A look of irritation flashes across his face, but only for a moment. “And your chambers, are you comfortable enough?”

  He’s already asked me this once, maybe he forgot. Or maybe he’s having a hard time finding something to talk about as much as I am. “Yes, very comfortable. I’ve been sleeping well.”

  Elias stops abruptly and turns me so he can look me in the eye. “You might consider moving in with me?” He asks.

  My heart begins to pound and I feel nauseous. I know of course that it’s expected we consummate our marriage, and produce and heir, but I’m not ready for things to move quite so quickly. Especially now. Now, I needed to know what I really got myself into. I needed to know if it was even safe to be near him, let alone sleep in the same bed as him. The way he talked to Marjorie about how boring she was, made me think he expected I be fun and lively in the bed chambers. I knew I couldn’t be that. Not with him. It might be different if it were with a man like….

  I shake my head, trying to clear any remaining thoughts I had left of him. The forbidden man I know I could never have. I couldn’t be thinking of such things anyway, or feeling such things one day into my marriage. “I…uh…I just thought…” I stutter.

  Elias’ expression softens as he rubs my arm. “I understand, Blair. You need time. And it would be good to get to know one another first. This all happened so fast, I know,” he says reassuringly.

  I am genuinely shocked by his response. I wasn’t expecting him to be so understanding about it. I was expecting something more along the lines of him becoming furious and demanding it. Or that he’d hit me and drag me by my hair, as I kicked and screamed for help.

  This is not healthy, Blair.

  I know not giving him a chance isn’t fair, but I can’t help it. I was forced to watch as he brutally murdered his first wife. And it was real enough for me to believe that it had happened. I don’t think I can change my mind about it now.

  “Thank you,” I say, still standing tall. I cannot appear weak in front of this man. This king.

  “Only when you’re ready, okay? I won’t force you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.” He kisses my forehead and gives me a soft smile.

  I search his eyes, trying to find any trace of anger or irritation, but it’s not there. He seems genuine. He’s telling the truth.

  “That’s sweet of you. Thank you,” I say, feeling relieved. Maybe he learned his lesson with his first wife. Maybe he wouldn’t treat me anything like he treated her. The dream ended before I got a chance to see what his father did about it. He could have set him straight for all I know. But I wasn’t about to get my hopes up too much.

  Chapter 13

  We reach the throne room, and Charolette has made herself comfortable on the couch at the far end of the room. Randolph was swinging a wooden sword back and forth, fighting an imaginary enemy as he yelled out “come at me you coward!” I can’t help but let out a small laugh at the sight of him. He reminds me a lot of me at that age. I was always fighting imaginary people, pretending to be the bravest knight in all the land. I was never much of a “proper girl”. I preferred mud and dirt over dolls and sewing. Never having a mother figure growing up, I didn’t have the proper training to become a lady. Father never remarried after my mother died during child birth. It had always just been me and him.

  Eventually though, father knew I had to become a “lady” if I had any chance of marrying a suitable man, or becoming queen for that matter. So he hired a Tudor for me. She was an old frump of a woman, named Miss Madeline. She always smelled of stale bread and body odor. And she was even meaner yet. She reminded me of an old witch who lived in a swamp, feeding on the souls of children to maintain her youth. But there was nothing youthful about her. She walked with a crook in her back, hunched up and waddling. Her underbite made me uncomfortable as she tried smacking her lips together, failing miserably.

  But she did help. I learned to sew, walk, talk, dress, and act like a lady. I learned what it meant to be a wife, though I never took her too seriously on that subject. She was old fashioned, and ridiculous, thinking a woman should bow down to her man, and do everything she was told like she was a child. What woman would be okay with her man treating her as if he were her father? I already have a father, thank you. I don’t need another one. So her words on mar
riage went in one ear, and right out the other. I had my own ideas when it came to marriage. And I’d be damned if it were anything like that. But now look at me, married to a king, who may or may not have murdered his first wife, who may or may not do the same to me…

  “Blair! Come play with me!” Randolph says, snapping me from my thoughts.

  “Randolph darling, where are you manners? You are addressing the queen,” Charolette says.

  Randolph stands taller. “I’m sorry. Would you want to play with me, your majesty?”

  I giggle as I crouch down in front of Randolph. “It’s okay. Just call me Blair. After all, I am your sister now.”

  Randolph lets out an excited laugh. “I’ve never had a sister before!”

  “Well now you do,” I say with a smile. “How about we go out to the courtyard to play in a little while? Would you like that?”

  He jumps up and down, his blonde hair bouncing with each excited hop. “Yeah! Yeah!”

  Charolette stands from the couch, a small smile on her lips. I’m taken aback. I don’t think I’ve seen her smile even once since I arrived. “Run along for now, Randolph,” she says, patting his head.

  “On guard!” Randolph shouts, as he runs from the room, swinging his sword, and clanking it against the concrete walls.

  “Well,” Charolette says as she clasps her hands together. “I’ll leave you two to your duties.” She quickly leaves the room, and I notice she doesn’t make eye contact with her son. She only glances at me, her eyes to the floor the rest of the time. She is afraid of him. I saw it in my dream, and I’m seeing it now.

  Elias turns to me once his mother leaves the throne room, looking at me intently. My heart quickens as my minds races to guess what he could be thinking.

  “Now that it’s just us, I’d like to talk to you,” he says in a serious tone.

  I feel my face going pale. “Of course,” I say, trying to remain calm.

  “I know you’re to claim your father’s throne once the time comes,” he begins as he gently touches my arm. “But I think it would make much more sense if you let your cousin, Liam rule over Myrkdovia. That way your time and attention wouldn’t be split into two different areas. You could focus entirely on Cryptshiere. How does that sound to you?”

  I stand in place, staring up at Elias in shock. Did he just suggest I give up my father’s throne? Fury courses through me in waves as I speak. “How does that sound to me?” I inch closer to him. “It sounds completely absurd, that’s how!”


  “No!” I say, cutting him off. “I am the heir to my father’s throne, and that’s exactly how it’s going to remain.”

  He opens his mouth to speak, and I hold up my hand. “Furthermore, it would make more sense to have two countries. It would give us more power. Not to mention two armies! So how would it make sense for me to give that up exactly?” My face is hot now, as I begin to shake with anger.

  “Blair, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. It was just a suggestion,” he says, anger flashing across his face, but quickly turning to sorrow.

  “Have you mentioned this little ‘suggestion’ to my father? Or did it slip your mind until this very moment?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

  “No, I didn’t mention it to him. I didn’t think he’d be okay with it,” he says in a low voice.

  “And you thought I would be? Is that it?”

  “No. I should have known better. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Please forgive me,” he says, reaching for me.

  I back away with one, quick motion. “No. Give me time,” I say, as I turn and rush through the doors, leaving him standing, and watching as I storm away.

  How dare he suggest that I give up my claim to my father’s throne? And to my cousin, Liam? It isn’t that he wouldn’t be a good king. He would be. He’s strong and caring. He’s fierce and bold, and has no fear leading father’s army into battle when needed.

  Liam came to live with us when he was eleven. I was only eight, so I don’t know all of the details. But I did know that his mother and father were massacred in their bed as they slept. They let Liam live, which could be considered a blessing or a curse.

  My uncle, Prince Elion, and my aunt, Princess Margaret of Marcanea were considered fierce and brutal leaders. Being outlandishly religious as they were, they let no sinners live. No matter how small the sin may be. If a woman were to be raped, and conceive a child, she’d be hung for not being married to her rapist.

  That was the final straw.

  Father was preparing to take action against his own brother himself. But that night, someone took care of it for him, leaving the bodies of the Prince and Princess bloodied and mangled.

  Liam was shy, and reserved at first. But in no time at all, he became an important part of our family. I always have considered him more of a brother, rather than a cousin. He was my greatest protector growing up. No one dared mess with me. And we did everything together, exploring the woods, and I dare say, getting into some trouble.

  Once he came of age, father declared him a knight of Myrkdovia. And soon, he proved himself a fierce and noble man, and began leading the army in battle.

  Liam is second in line to my father’s throne, a rightful heir if I were to back down.

  And that seemed to be what Elias wanted. What was it he was really after? You’d think a king would want as many countries to rule as he possibly could. The more power, the better. He wanted me all to himself, and it was unsettling. Even more so that he never even considered mentioning it to father. He thought he could try to get me to make the biggest mistake of my life, just because he asked nicely? I wasn’t having any of it, and I was damn sure going to find out everything I could about this man, no matter what the cost.

  I tap lightly on the old wooden door, before bursting into the room.

  “Tobias,” I say, in a frantic voice.

  “Your majest,.” Tobias says, as he stands from his chair. Papers and potions are sprawled out across his cluttered desk.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting,” I say, feeling embarrassed for barging my way in, in such a dramatic way.

  “No, of course not,” he says in a soft tone. “Come sit.” He motions his hand towards the chair across from his desk.

  “No, thank you,” I say as I pace back and forth.

  Tobias watches me intently, concern clouding his eyes. “Did you have another fainting spell, your majesty?”

  “No, no. Nothing like that,” I say. I acted too quickly. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t have shown how frantic I am. Never show your emotions, Blair. I hear father’s voice, repeating in my head. I was trying, really. But this…this is too much too soon.

  Tobias waits patiently, not saying a word as he watches me pace. I can feel his eyes searing into my back, and I turn to face him. “Can I trust you, Tobias?” I say.

  What the hell, Blair? Control yourself. I curse under my breath, as I see the shocked look on his face.

  “Absolutely, your majesty!” When I don’t respond, he adds, “Have I done something to upset you?”

  “No, of course not,” I sigh. “I’m sorry, Tobias. I just need to know who I can trust and who I can’t. I’m sure you understand?”

  “I certainly do. It isn’t easy, wondering who’s your friend, and who’s just here to defy you. Has something happened?”

  My face softens at the sound of his tender voice. “I don’t know,” I say. Because I don’t. I have no idea what just happened. I didn’t know whether or not Elias meant anything by suggesting I give up my claim to the throne. But he had to be up to something, right?

  “Why did you give me a dagger?” I ask abruptly.

  “Your majesty?”

  “Why? I mean, I love it, don’t get me wrong. But what was your reason?” I ask.

  Tobias stutters on his words, “I…well….I, uh feel that a lady should always be able to defend herself.”

  “Do you think I’ll need to?”

…I don’t know your majesty. I surely hope not,” he says, as he begins to neatly stack the papers on his desk. I’ve made him uncomfortable. Of course I did. Anyone would be uncomfortable with this line of questioning, especially coming from a queen.

  I soften my tone, “Tobias, I’m not interrogating you. On the contrary. I’m merely trying to figure out if I’m in some kind of danger.”

  “Why would you think that, your majesty?” He asks as he looks up from his desk. He seems wary and nervous as he inches closer to me.

  “A man came to me last night. He told me I was in danger, and told me to keep the dagger on me at all times. He grabbed me when I was walking to my room,” I say before I can stop myself.

  “He grabbed you? Who was it?” Tobias asked in horror.

  “I don’t know. But he wasn’t trying to hurt me, he was just warning me, I guess. And then I had a-“

  “Tobias, can I see you?” Lucien strides through the door, stopping abruptly when he sees me.

  I stand taller, trying to compose myself. I can feel my eyes are wild and nervous. My body is trembling with fear.

  “I…I’m sorry, your majesty,” he says, bowing his head.

  “No, you’re fine, Lucien. I was just leaving,” I say as I walk in his direction to the door. As I get closer, my knees weaken. He smells incredible, like he just stepped out of a hot steamy bath, with a hint of his natural musk. I nod and smile as I walk by him, wanting to reach out and touch him like I just had the night before. It took all of the will power I could muster not to do just that.

  “Your majesty, we really should continue-“

  “I was finished anyway, Tobias. Thank you for your help,” I say with a gentle smile.

  I rush from the door, and go straight for my room. I keep my head down, not meeting eyes with anyone I come into contact with. I didn’t have the time, or energy to make idle conversation with the people today.

  Once to my room, Milly and Adelina are there waiting for me.

  “Blair, we have been worried sick about you!” Adelina says.


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