Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism

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Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism Page 36

by Youru Wang

  Reference Works

  App, Urs. Concordance to the “Preface” by Zongmi. Hanazono Concordance Series 11. Kyoto: International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism, Hanazono University, 1996.

  App, Urs. Concordance to the Record of Linji (Rinzai). Kyoto: International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism, Hanazono Unversity, 1993.

  App, Urs. Concordance to the Record of Yunmen. Hanazono Concordance Series 15. Kyoto: International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism, Hanazono Unversity, 1996.

  App, Urs. “Reference Works for Ch’an Research.” Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 7 (1994): 357–409.

  Baroni, Helen J. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Zen Buddhism. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2002.

  Buswell, Robert E., Jr., ed. Encyclopedia of Buddhism. 2 vols. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004.

  Buswell, Robert E., Jr., and Donald S. Lopez Jr., eds. The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2014.

  Chan Zang 禪藏 (The Chan Canon). Edited by the Foguang Dazang Jing Bianxiu Weiyuanhui 佛光大藏經編修委員會. 51 vols. Taibei: Foguang Publishers, 1994 (electronic version published in 2005).

  Ciyi 慈怡, ed. Foguang Dacidian 佛光大辭典 (Great Dictionary of Buddhist Light). 8 vols. Gaoxiong: Foguang Chubanshe, 1988.

  Demiéville, Paul, et al., eds. Hōbōgirin 法寶義林: Dictionnaire encyclopédique du bouddhisme d’après les sources chinoises et japonaises (The Grove of the Meanings of Dharma Treasure: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Buddhism from the Chinese and Japanese Sources). 8 vols. Paris: Adrien Maisonneuve, 1929–1994.

  Fischer-Schreiber, Ingrid, Franz-Karl Ehrhard, and Michael S. Diener. The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen. Translated by Michael H. Cohn. Boston: Shambhala, 1991.

  Gardner, James L., ed. Zen Buddhism: A Classified Bibliography of Western-Language Publications through 1990. Salt Lake City, UT: Wings of Fire Press, 1991.

  Inagaki, Hisao. A Glossary of Zen Terms. Kyoto: Nagata Bunshodo, 1991.

  Iriya Yoshitaka 入矢義高, supervising ed., and Koga Hidehiko 古賀英彥, comp. Zengo jiten 禪語辞典 (Dictionary of Chan Terms). Kyōto: Shibunkaku shuppan, 1991.

  Irons, Edward A., ed. Encyclopedia of Buddhism. New York: Facts on File, 2008.

  Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. “Jūichishu Sōdai Zenmon zuihitsushū jinmyō sakuin (1)–(2) 十一種宋代禅門隨筆集人名索引 (上)(下) [Index of People’s Names from Eleven Collections of Chan Prosaic Works of the Song Dynasty].” Komazawa daigak Bukkyō gakubu kenkyū kiyo 駒沢大學仏教學部研究紀要 42 and 43 (1984 and 1985): 126–75 and 253–92.

  Kamata Shigeo 鎌田茂雄, ed. Chūgoku bukkyō jiten 中國仏教辭典 (Dictionary of Chinese Buddhism). Tokyo: Dō shuppan, 1981.

  Keown, Damien. A Dictionary of Buddhism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

  Komazawa daigaku toshokan 駒沢大學図書館, ed. Shinsan zenseki mokuroku 新纂禅籍目錄 (A New Bibliography of Chan Texts). Tokyo: Komazawa daigaku toshokan, 1962.

  Lai Yonghai 賴永海, ed. Zhongguo Fojiao Baike Quanshu 中國佛教百科全書 (Encyclopedia of Chinese Buddhism). 11 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe, 2000.

  Master Mingsheng 明生法師, ed. Liuzu Huineng Yu Tanjing Lunzhu Mulu Jicheng 六祖慧能與《壇經》論著目錄集成 (Collected Catalogs of Published Works on the Sixth Patriarch Huineng and the Platform Sūtra). Taibei: Wanjuanlou Tushu Gongsi, 2014.

  Mingfu 明復. Zhongguo Foxue Renming Cidian 中國佛學人名辭典 (Dictionary of Names in Chinese Buddhism). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1988.

  Mochizuki Shikō 望月信亨. Bukkyō daijiten 仏教大辞典 (Great Dictionary of Buddhism). 10 vols. Tokyo: Sekai seiten kankō kyōkai, 1933–1936.

  Muller, A. Charles, ed. Digital Dictionary of Buddhism. www.buddhism-dict.net/ddb. [Accessed 30 November 2015].

  Nakamura Hajime 中村元. Bukkyōgo daijiten 仏教語大辞典 (Great Dictionary of Buddhist Terms). Tokyo: Tokyo shoseki, 1981.

  Olson, Carl. Historical Dictionary of Buddhism. New edi. Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009.

  Ren Jiyu 任繼愈, ed. in chief. Fojiao Dacidian 佛教大辭典 (Great Dictionary of Buddhism). Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Chubanshe, 2002.

  Shinpan Zengaku daijiten 新版禪學大辞典 (The New Edition of the Great Dictionary of Zen Studies). Komazawa University Zengaku Daijiten Hensanjo. Tokyo: Taishukan Shoten, 2000.

  Sōshi Kaku’ichi 莊司格一, ed. Jingde Chuandeng Lu Guyou Mingci Suoyin 景德傳燈錄固有名詞索引 (Index of the Proper Nouns from the Jingde Records of the Transmission of the Lamp). Taipei: Dahua Shuju 大化書局, 1988.

  Suzuki Tetsuo 鈴木哲雄. Chūgoku zenshū jinmei sakuin 中國褝宗人名索引 (Index of People’s Names in the Chinese Chan School). Nagoya: Kikōdō, 1975.

  Tagami Taishū 田上太秀 and Ishii Shūdo 石井修道, eds. Zen no shisō jiten 禅の思想辞典 (Dictionary of Zen Thought). Tokyo: Tokyo Shoseki, 2008.

  Wu Rujun 吳汝鈞. Fojiao Sixiang Dacidian 佛教思想大辭典 (A Great Dictionary of Buddhist Thought). Taibei: Taiwan Shangwu Yinshu Guan, 1992.

  Xu Ziqiang 徐自強, ed. Zhongguo Lidai Chanshi Zhuanji Ziliao Huibian Zongmu 中國歷代禪師傳記資料彙編總目 (Bibliography of Biographical Sources of Chinese Chan Masters throughout generations). 3 vols. Beijing: Quanguo Tushuguan Wenxian Suowei Fuzhi Zhongxin, 1994.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山, ed. Sodōshū sakuin 祖堂集索引 (Index of the Patriarch’s Hall Collection). 3 vols. Kyoto: Kyōto daigaku jinbun kagaku kenkyūjo, 1980–1984.

  Yoshizawa Masahiro 芳澤勝弘, Onishi Shirō 小西司郎, et al., eds. Keitoku dentōroku sakuin 景德傳燈錄索引 (Index of the Jingde Records of the Transmission of the Lamp). 2 vols. Kyoto: Zen bunka kenkyūjō; Kibun tenseki sōkan, 1993.

  Yoshizawa Masahiro 芳澤勝弘, Onishi Shirō 小西司郎, et al., eds. Sodōshū sakuin 祖堂集索引 (Index of the Patriarch’s Hall Collection). Kyoto: Zen bunka kenkyūjō; Kibun tenseki sōkan, 1994.

  Yuan Bing 袁賓. Chanzong Zhuzuo Ciyu Huishi 禪宗著作詞語匯釋 (A Collection of Interpretations of Terms in Chan Works). Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1990.

  Yuan Bing 袁賓 and Kang Jian 康健, eds. Chanzong Dacidian 禪宗大詞典 (A Great Dictionary of the Chan School). Wuhan: Chongwen Shuju, 2010.

  Zeuschner, Robert B. “A Selected Bibliography on Ch’an Buddhism in China.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3 (1976): 299–311.

  Zhongguo Fojiao Renming Dacidian Bianji Weiyuanhui 《中國佛教人名大辭典》編輯委員會 and Zhenghua 震華, ed. Zhongguo Fojiao Renming Dacidian 中國佛教人名大辭典 (The Great Dictionary of People’s Names in Chinese Buddhism). Shanghai: Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe, 1999.

  Primary Texts (Edited and Reprinted)

  Chanzong Jicheng 禪宗集成 (The Collection from the Chan School). Collected and reprinted from the Xu Zang Jing/Hsu Tsang Ching. 25 vols. Taibei: Yiwen Yinshu Guan, 1968.

  Chanzong Quanshu 禪宗全書 (Complete Books of the Chan School). Edited by Lan Jifu 藍吉富. 101 vols. Taibei: Wenshu Wenhua Youxian Gongsi, 1990; Bejing: Beijing Tushuguan Chubanshe, 2004.

  “Daie Fukaku zenji hōgo 大慧普覺禪師法語 (Chan Master Dahui Pujue’s Talks on Dharma).” In Daijō butten, Chūgoku Nihon hen 12: Zen goroku 大乘佛典中國日本篇12-禪語錄, edited by Ishii Shūdō 石井修道, 339–578. Tokyo: Chūō kōronsha, 1992.

  Daruma no goroku: Ninyū shigyōron 達摩の語錄: 二入四行論 (The Recorded Sayings of Bodhidharma: On Two Entrances and Four Practices). Edited by Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. Zen no goroku 禪の語錄1. Tokyo: Chikuma Shobō, 1969.

  Dehui 德輝. Chixiu Baizhang Qinggui 敕修百丈清規 (The Imperially Sanctioned Baizhang Rules of Purity). Edited by Li Jiwu 李继武. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2011.

  Dunboben Chanji Lujiao 敦博本禪籍錄校 (The Edited Chan Texts from the Manuscripts of the Dunhuang Museum). Edited by Deng Wenkuan
鄧文寬 and Rong Xinjiang 榮新江. Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1999.

  Gensha kōroku 玄沙広錄 (Extensive Record of Xuansha). Edited by Tōdai goroku kenkyūhan 唐代語錄研究班. Kyoto: Zen bunka kenkyūjo, 1999.

  Hōkyōhen 輔教編 (Essays on Assisting the Teaching [of Buddhism]). By Fori Qisong/Butsunichi Kaisū 佛日契嵩. Edited by Araki Kengo 荒木見悟. Zen no goroku 14. Tokyo: Chikuma shobo, 1981.

  Hōrinden 寶林傳 (Biographies from the Treasure Groves [Temple]). Edited by Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭. Tokyo: Komazawa daigaku zenshūshi kenkyū kai, 1981–1994.

  Huihong 惠洪. Chanling Sengbao Zhuan 禪林僧寶傳 (Biographies of the Monk-Treasure in the Chan Grove). Edited by Lü Youxiang 吕有祥. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2014.

  Jing 靜 and Jun 筠. Zutang Ji 祖堂集 (Patriarch’s Hall Collection). Edited by Zhang Hua. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2001.

  Jing 靜 and Jun 筠. Zutangji 祖堂集 (Patriarch’s Hall Collection). Edited by Wu Fuxiang 吳福祥 and Gu Zhichuan 顧之川. Changsha: Yuelu Shushe, 1996.

  Keitoku dentōroku 景德傳燈錄 (The Jingde Records of the Transmission of the Lamp). Edited by Yoshizawa Masahiro 芳澤勝弘, Onishi Shirō 小西司郎, et al. Kyoto: Zen bunka kenkyūjo; Kibun tenseki sōkan, 1993.

  Li Miao 李淼, ed. Zhongguo Chanzong Daquan 中國禪宗大全. 6 vols. Changchun: Changchun Chubanshe, 1991.

  Linji Lu 臨濟錄 (Record of Linji). Edited by Yang Zengwen 楊曾文. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2001.

  Lin Shitian 林世田 et al., eds. Dunhuang Chanzong Wenxian Jicheng 敦煌禅宗文獻集成 (Collection of the Manuscripts of the Chan School from Dunhuang). 2 vols. Beijing: Quanguo Tushuguan Wenxian Suowei Fuzhi Zhongxin 全國圖書館文獻縮微複製中心, 1998.

  Mazu Yulu 馬祖語錄 (The Recorded Sayings of Mazu). Edited by Xing Dongfeng 邢东风. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2008.

  Qu Ruji 瞿汝稷. Zhiyue Lu 指月錄 (Records of Pointing to the Moon). Edited by Dexian and Houjian. 2 vols. Chengdu: Bashu Shushe. 2006.

  Rokuso dankyō shohon shūsei 六祖壇經諸本集成 (Collection of Various Versions of the Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch). Edited by Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. Kyoto: Chūbun Shuppansha, 1976.

  Shenhui Heshang Chanhua Lu 神會和尚禪話錄 (The Recorded Sayings on Chan from Shenhui). Edited by Yang Zengwen楊曾文. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1996.

  Shinjinmei, Shōdōka, Jūgyūzu, Zazengi 信心銘, 証道歌, 十牛図, 坐禅儀 (The Inscription on Faith in the Mind, Song of Authenticating the Way, Ten Oxherding Pictures, and Principles of Seated Meditation). Edited by Kajitani Sōnin 梶谷宗忍 et al. Zen no goroku, no. 16. Tokyo: Chikuma shobō, 1974.

  Shike goroku, Goke goroku 四家錄, 五家錄 (The Recorded Sayings of Four Masters [and] the Recorded Sayings of Five Houses). Edited by Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. Kyoto: Chūbun shuppansha, 1983.

  Sodōshū 祖堂集 (The Patriarch’s Hall Collection). Edited by Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. Zengaku sōsho 禪學叢書, 4. Kyoto: Chūbun shuppansha, 1974.

  Sodōshū 祖堂集 (The Patriarch’s Hall Collection). Edited by Yoshizawa Masahiro 芳澤勝弘, Onishi Shirō 小西司郎, et al. Kyoto: Zen bunka kenkyūjo; Kibun tenseki sōkan, 1994.

  Sōhan Kōribon Keitoku dentōroku 宋版高麗本景德傳燈錄 (The Korean Edition of the Jingde Records of the Transmission of the Lamp during the Song Dynasty). Edited by Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. Zengaku sōsho 禪學叢書 6. Kyoto: Chūbun shuppansha, 1976.

  Sōzō ichin: Hōrinden; Dentō gyōkueishū 宋藏遺珍: 寶林傳; 傳燈玉英集 (Treasures outside the Song Buddhist Canon: Biographies from the Treasure Groves [Temple]; Collection of Treasurous Heros in the Transmission of the Lamp). Edited by Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. Zengaku sōsho 禪學叢書 5. Kyoto: Chūbun shuppansha, 1975.

  Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新修大藏經 (The Newly Edited Buddhist Canon during the Taisho Era). Edited by Takakusu Junjirō 高楠順次郎 and Watanabe Kaigyoku 渡邊海旭. 100 vols. Tokyo: Daizo shuppan kai, 1922–1933.

  Tiantong Zhengjue 天童正觉 and Wangsong Xingxiu 万松行秀. Congrong Lu 從容錄 (Records of Equanimity). Edited by Shang Zhiyu 尚之煜. Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2013.

  Wanshi roku 宏智錄 (The Record of Hongzhi). Edited by Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. 3 vols. Tokyo: Meicho fukyūkai, 1984.

  Xinban Dunhuang Xinben Liuzu Tanjing 新版敦煌新本六祖壇經 (The New Edition of the Newly Discovered Version of the Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch). Edited by Yang Zengwen 楊曾文. Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2001.

  Xu Zang Jing/Hsu Tsang Ching 續藏經 (The Supplemental Buddhist Canon). 150 vols. Taibei: Xinwenfeng Chuban Gongsi, 1968–1970. Reprint of Dainippon zokuzōkyō, edited by Nakano Tatsue 中野達慧. Kyoto: Zōkyō shoin, 1905–1912.

  Yongming Yanshou 永明延壽. Yongming Yanshou Chanshi Quanshu 永明延壽禪師全書 (The Complete Books of Chan Master Yongming Yanshou). Edited by Liu Zeliang 劉澤亮. 3 vols. Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2008.

  Yongming Yanshou 永明延壽. Zongjing Lu 宗鏡錄 (Records of the Source-Mirror). 8 vols. Taipei: Xinwenfeng Chubanshe, 1990.

  Yuanwu Keqin 圓悟克勤. Biyan Ji 碧巖集 (The Blue Cliff Record). Edited by Ouyang Yizhang. Xindian, Taiwan: Yuanming Chubanshe, 1994.

  Yuanwu Keqin 圓悟克勤. Biyan Lu 碧巖錄 (The Blue Cliff Record). Edited by Shang Zhiyu. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2012.

  Zanning 贊寧. Song Gaoseng Zhuan 宋高僧傳 (The Song Biographies of Eminent Monks). Edited by Fan Xiangyong 范祥雍. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1987.

  Ze Zangzhu 賾藏主. Guzunsu Yulu 古尊宿語錄 (Records of Sayings of Ancient Worthies). Edited by Xiao Qianfu 蕭萐夫, Cai Zhaohua 蔡兆華, and Lu Youxiang 呂有祥. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1994.

  Zhaozhou Lu 趙州錄 (The Records of Zhaozhou). Edited by Zhang Zikai 張子開. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2001.

  Zhongguo Fojiao congshu Chanzong bian 中國佛教叢書禪宗編 (Books of the Chan School in Chinese Buddhism Book Series). Edited by Ren Jiyu 任繼愈. 12 vols. Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1993.

  Zhongguo Fojiao Sixiang Ziliao Xuanbian 中國佛教思想資料選編 (Selected Materials in Chinese Buddhist Thought). Edited by Shijun 石峻, Lou Yulie 樓宇烈, et al. Bejing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1983. Vol. 2, no. 4.

  Zhou Shaoliang 周紹良, ed. Dunhuang Xieben Tanjing Yuanben 敦煌寫本《壇經》原本 (The Original Dunhuang Manuscript of the Platform Sūtra). Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe, 1997.

  Zonggao 宗杲. Dahuishu 大慧書 (Letters of Dahui). Edited by Lü Youxiang 吕有祥 and Wu Longsheng 吳隆升. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2008.

  Zongmi 宗密. Chanyuan Zhuquanji Duxu 禪源諸詮集都序 (Prolegomenon to the Colllection of Expressions of the Chan Source). Edited by Qiu Gaoxing 邱高興. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2008.

  Zongze 宗賾. Chanyuan Qinggui 禪苑清規 (Rules of Purity for the Chan Monastery). Edited by Su Jun 蘇軍. Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2001.

  Zutang Ji 祖堂集 (The Patriarch’s Hall Collection). Edited by Sun Changwu 孫昌武, Kinugawa Kenji 衣川賢次, and Nishiguchi Yoshio 西口芳男. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2010.

  General Studies, Anthologies, and Surveys

  App, Urs. “Recent English Publications about Chan, Son, and Zen (1977–1992).” Zenbunka kenkyūjo kiyō 禅文化研究所紀要 19 (1993): 1–58.

  Chu Bosi 褚柏思. Chanzongxue Yu Chanxue 禪宗學與禪學 (The Study of the Chan School and the Study of Chan). Taibei: Xinwenfeng Chuban Youxian Gufen Gongsi, 1996.

  Du Songbai 杜松柏. Zhizhizai Chanxue Lunwenji 知止齊禅學論文集 (Collection of Essays in the Study of Chan from the House of Knowing to Stop). Taibei: Wenshizhe Chubanshe, 1994.

  Faure, Bernard. “Chan and Zen Studies: The State of Field(s).” In Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context, 1–35. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003.

  Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch’
an Buddhism. Kao-hsiung, Taiwan: Fo Kuang Publisher, 1990.

  Gimello, Robert M., and Peter N. Gregory, eds. Studies in Ch’an and Hua-yen. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1983.

  Gong Jun 龔隽 and Chen Jidong 陳繼東. Zhongguo Chanxue Yanjiu Rumen 中國禪宗研究入門 (Introduction to the Study of Chinese Chan Buddhism). Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2009.

  Gregory, Peter N., ed. Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1987.

  Heine, Steven. “A Critical Survey of Works on Zen Since Yampolsky.” Philosophy East and West 57, no. 4 (2007): 577–92.

  Hershock, Peter D. Chan Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2005.

  Hu Shi 胡適. Hu Shi Chanxue An 胡適禪學案 (Documents for the Study of Chan by Hu Shi). Edited by Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. Taibei: Zhengzhong Shuju, 1975.

  Hu Shi 胡適. Hu Shi Xueshu Wenji: Zhongguo Fojiao Shi 胡適學術文集:中國佛教史 (Anthology of the Scholarship of Hu Shi: History of Chinese Buddhism). Edited by Jiang Yihua. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1997.

  Jan, Yün-hua 冉雲華. Zhongguo Chanxue Yanjiu Lunji 中國禪學研究論集 (Essays in the Study of Chinese Chan). Taibei: Dongchu Chubanshe, 1990.

  Kamata Shigeo 鎌田茂雄. Chūgoku no zen 中國の褝 (Chinese Zen). Tokyo: Kodansha, 1980.


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