Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism

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Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism Page 37

by Youru Wang

  Kraft, Kenneth, ed. Zen: Tradition and Transition: A Source Book by Contemporary Zen Masters and Scholars. New York: Grove Press, 1988.

  Lai, Whalen, and Lewis R. Lancaster, eds. Early Ch’an in China and Tibet. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series, 1983.

  McRae, John R. “Yanagida Seizan’s Landmark Works on Chinese Ch’an.” Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 7 (1993): 51–103.

  Nan Huai-Chin. The Story of Chinese Zen. Translated by Thomas Cleary. Boston: Tuttle, 1995.

  Nan Huaijing 南懷瑾. Chanhai Lice 禪海蠡測 (The Limited Measurement to the Sea of Chan). Taibei: Laogu Wenhua Shiye Gongsi, 1955.

  Pan Ping 潘平 and Ming Lizhi 明立志, eds. Hushi Shuo Chan 胡適說禪 (Hu Shi on Chan). Beijing: Dongfang Chubanshe. 1993.

  Suzuki, D. T. Essays in Zen Buddhism. 3 series. Edited by Christmas Humphreys. London: Rider, 1949–1953.

  Suzuki, D. T. An Introduction to Zen Buddhism. New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1964.

  Suzuki, D. T. Manual of Zen Buddhism. New York: Grove Press, 1960.

  Suzuki, D. T. Studies in Zen. London: Rider, 1955.

  Suzuki, D. T. “Zen: A Reply to Hu Shih.” Philosophy East and West 3, no. 1 (1953): 25–46.

  Suzuki, D. T. Zen Buddhism: Selected Writings of D. T. Suzuki. New York: Anchor Books, 1956.

  Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭. “A Historical Outline of Japanese Research on the Chinese Chan Writings from Dunhuang.” Studies in Central & East Asian Religions 2 (1989): 141–69.

  Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭, ed. Zengaku kenkyū nyūmon 禅学研究入門 (Introduction to Chan Studies). 2nd ed. Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha, 2006.

  Tian Guanglie 田光烈. Lun Chanxue 論禪學 (On the Study of Chan). Taibei: Dingyuan Wenhua Shiye Youxian Gongsi, 1993.

  Tu, Wei-ming. “Ch’an in China: A Reflective Interpretation.” In Zen in China, Japan, and East Asian Art: Papers of the International Symposium on Zen, edited by H. Brinker, R. P. Kramers, and C. Ouwehand, 9–27. Zurich University, Swiss Asian Studies, Research Studies, vol. 8. Bern: Peter Lang, 1985.

  Wu, John C. H. The Golden Age of Zen. New York: Doubleday, 1996.

  Wu, John C. H. “Zen (Ch’an): Its Origin and its Modern Significance.” Asian Culture Quarterly 8, no. 4 (1980): 1–11.

  Wu Rujun 吳汝鈞. Youxi Sanmei: Chan De Shijian Yu Zhongji Guanhuai 遊戲三昧: 禪的實踐與終極關懷 (The Playful Samadhi: The Practice of Chan and Its Ultimate Concern). Taibei: Taiwan Xuesheng Shuju, 1993.

  Yampolsky, Philip. “New Japanese Studies in Early Ch’an History.” In Early Ch’an in China and Tibet, edited by Whalen Lai and Lewis R. Lancaster, 1–11. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series, 1983.

  Yang Huinan 楊惠南. Chanshi Yu Chansi 禪史與禪思 (The History of Chan and the Thought of Chan). Taibei: Dongda Tushu Gufen Youxian Gongsi, 1995.

  Zhang Mantao 張曼濤, ed. Chanzong Sixiang Yu Lishi 禪宗思想與歷史 (The Thought and History of the Chan School). Chanxue Zhuanji Zhi Liu 禪學專集之六 (Collections in the Study of Chan, vol. 6). Taibei: Dasheng Wenhua Chubanshe, 1978.

  Historical Studies

  Barrett, Timothy Hugh. “Arthur Waley, D. T. Suzuki and Hu Shih: New Light on the ‘Zen and History’ Controversy.” Buddhist Studies Review 6, no. 2 (1989): 116–21.

  Brose, Benjamin. Patrons and Patriarchs: Regional Rulers and Chan Monks During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2015.

  Broughton, Jeffrey Lyle. “Early Ch’an Schools in Tibet.” In Studies in Ch’an and Hua-yen, edited by Robert M. Gimello and Peter N. Gregory, 1–68. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1983.

  Chen Yuan 陳垣. Qingchu Sengzheng Ji 清初僧諍記 (Records of the Controversy of Monks in Early Qing). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1962.

  Cole, Alan. Fathering Your Father: The Zen of Fabrication in Tang Buddhism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

  Cole, Alan. Patriarchs on Paper: A Critical History of Medieval Chan Literature. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2016.

  Dong Qun 董群. Zushi chan 祖師禪 (Chan of Patriarchs). Hangzhou: Zhejiang Renmin Chubanshe, 1997.

  Du Jiwen 杜繼文 and Wei Daoru 魏道儒. Zhongguo Chanzong Tongshi 中國禪宗通史 (A Complete History of Chinese Chan Buddhism). Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1993.

  Dumoulin, Heinrich. “Early Chinese Zen Reexamined: A Supplement to Zen Buddhism: A History.” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 20, no. 1 (1993): 31–53.

  Dumoulin, Heinrich. Zen Buddhism: A History. Vol. 1. Translated by James W. Heisig and Paul Knitter. New York: Macmillan, 1988. Rev. and exp. ed., Bloomington: World Wisdom, 2005.

  Faure, Bernard. Le bouddhisme Ch’an en mal d’histoire: Genèse d’une tradition religieuse dans le Chine des T’ang. Publications de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 158. Paris: École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1989.

  Feng Xuecheng 馮學成. Yunmen Zong Shihua 雲門宗史話 (On the History of the Yunmen School). Chengdu: Chengdu Wenshu Yuan, 2001.

  Foulk, T. Griffith. “The Spread of Chan (Zen) Buddhism.” In The Spread of Buddhism, edited by Ann Heirman and Stephan Peter Bumbacher, 433–56. Handbook of Oriental Studies, sect. 8, vol. 16. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

  Ge Zhaoguang 葛兆光. Zengdingben Zhongguo Chan Sixiang Shi: Cong Liu Shiji Dao Shi Shiji 增訂本中國禪思想史: 從六世紀到十世紀 (The Expanded and Revised Edition of the History of Chinese Chan Thought: From the Sixth to the Tenth Century). Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe, 2008.

  Gong Jun 龔隽. Chanshi Gouchen: Yi Wenti Weizhongxin De Sixiangshi Lunshu 禪史鉤沉: 以問題為中心的思想史論述 (Exploring the History of Chan: A History of Thought Focusing on Issues). Beijing: Sanlian Shudian, 2006.

  Gregory, Peter N., and Daniel A. Getz, eds. Buddhism in the Sung. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1999.

  Gu Jichen 顧吉辰. Songdai fojiao shigao 宋代佛教史稿 (A Draft on the History of Buddhism in the Song). Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 1993.

  Gu Weikang 顧偉康. Chanjing Heyi Suyuan 禪凈合一溯源 (Exploring the Origin of the Chan-Pureland Reconciliation). Shanghai: Shanghai Shehui Kexueyuan Chubanshe, 2012.

  Hong Xiuping 洪修平. Chanzong Sixiang De Xingcheng Yu Fazhan 禪宗思想的形成與發展 (The Formation and Development of the Thought of Chan Buddhism). Taibei: Foguang Chubanshe, 1991.

  Hong Xiuping 洪修平 and Sun Yiping 孫亦平. Rulai Chan 如來禪 (Tathāgata Chan). Hangzhou: Zhejian Renmin Chubanshe, 1997.

  Hu Shi. “Ch’an (Zen) Buddhism in China: Its History and Method.” Philosophy East and West 3, no. 1 (1953): 3–24.

  Hu Shi. “The Development of Zen Buddhism in China.” Chinese Social and Political Science Review 15, no. 4 (1932): 475–505.

  Ibuki Atsushi 伊吹敦. Zen no rekishi 禅の歷史 (A History of Zen). Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 2001.

  Imaeda Aishin 今枝愛真. Chūsei zenshū shi no kenkyū 中世禪宗史の研究 (Studies in the Medieval History of Zen Buddhism). Tokyo: Tokyo daigaku shuppankai, 1970.

  Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. Chūgoku Zenshū shiwa 中國禪宗史話 (On the History of Chinese Chan Buddhism). Kyoto: Zen Bunka Kenkyūjo, 1988.

  Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. “Dōgen Zen and Song Dynasty China.” Translated by Albert Welter. In Dōgen: Textual and Historical Studies, edited by Steven Heine, 139–66. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

  Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. “Senshū Fuku sen Shōkei-in no Jōshu Zenji Shōtō to Sodōshū 泉州福先招慶院の淨修禅師省僜と祖堂集 (Shengdeng, the Chan Master of Jingxiu of the Fuxian Zhaoqing Cloister in Quanzhou, and the Zutang Ji).” Komazawa daigaku bukkyō gakubu kenkyū kiyō 駒沢大學仏教學部研究紀要 44 (1986): 155–97.

  Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. Sōdai zenshū shi no kenkyū: Chūgoku Sōtōshū to Dōgen zen 宋代禪宗史の研究-中國曹洞宗と道元禪 (Studies in the History of Song Chan Buddhism: Chinese Soto Sect and Dogen’s Zen). Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha, 1987.

Yün-hua. “Buddhist Historiography in Sung China.” Zeitschrift der Morgenlän-dischen Gessellshaft 114, no. 2 (1964): 362–81.

  Jan, Yün-hua. “Chanzong Diqizu Zhizheng De Wenxian Yanjiu 禪宗第七祖之爭的文獻研究 (Philological Studies on the Controversy over the Seventh Patriarch of Chan Buddhism).” Zhonggguo wenhua yanjuisuo xuebao 6 (1997): 417–37.

  Jan, Yün-hua. “ ‘Tang Gu Zhaosheng Si Dade Huijian Chanshi Bei’ Kao 《唐故招聖寺大德慧堅禪師碑》考 (A Study and Trascription of the Epitaph of Chan Master Huijian from the Zhaosheng Temple of the Tang Dynasty).” Chung-hwa Buddhist Journal 7 (1994): 97–120.

  Jan, Yün-hua. “Yuandai Chanseng Yu Xizang Lama Bianlun Kao 元代禪僧與西藏喇嘛辯論考 (An Examination of the Debate among Chan Masters and Tibetan Monks in the Yuan).” Foguang xuebao 佛光學報 4 (1979): 244–57.

  Jia, Jinhua. Gudian Chan Yanjiu 古典禪研究 (Studies of Classical Chan). Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2010. Rev. ed., Shanghai: Shanghai People Chubanshe, 2013.

  Jorgensen, John J. “Korea as a Source for the Regeneration of Chinese Buddhism: The Evidence of Ch’an and Sŏn Literature.” In Currents and Countercurrents: Korean Influence on the Buddhist Tradition of East Asia, edited by Robert Buswell Jr., 73–152. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2005.

  Kieschnick, John. The Eminent Monk: Buddhist Ideals in Medieval Chinese Hagiography. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1997.

  Liao Zhaoheng 廖肇亨. “Mingmo Qingchu Yimin Taochan Zhi Feng Yanjiu 明末清初遺民逃禪之風研究 (Studies in the Escaping Chan of Survived People in the Transition from Ming to Qing).” Master’s thesis, National Taiwan University, 1994.

  Liu Guozong 劉果宗. Chanzong Sixiang Shi Gaishuo 禪宗思想史概說 (A General History of Chan Buddhist Thought). Taibei: Wenjin Chubanshe, 2001.

  Mao Zhongxian 毛忠賢. Zhongguo Caodong Zong Tongshi 中國曹洞宗通史 (A Complete History of the Chinese Caodong School). Nanchang: Jiangxi Renmin Chubanshe, 2006.

  Maraldo, John C. “Is There Historical Consciousness within Ch’an?” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 12, nos. 2–3 (1985): 141–72.

  Ma Tianxiang 麻天祥. Zhongguo Chanzong Sixiang Fazhan Shi 中國禪宗思想發展史 (The Development of the History of Chinese Chan Buddhist Thought). Changsha: Hunan Jiaoyu Chubanshe, 1997.

  McRae, John R. Seeing through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.

  McRae, John R. “The Story of Early Ch’an.” In Zen: Tradition and Transition: A Sourcebook by Contemporary Zen Masters and Scholars, edited by Kenneth Kraft, 125–39. New York: Grove, 1988.

  Mou Zongsan 牟宗三. “Rulai Chan Yu Zushi Chan 如來禪與祖師禪 (Tathāgata Chan and the Chan of Patriarchs).” In Chanzong Sixiang Yu Lishi 禪宗思想與歷史, edited by Zhang Mantao 張曼濤, 77–112. Xiandai Fojiao Xueshu Congkan 現代佛教學術叢刊, no. 52. Taibei: Dacheng Wenhua Chubanshe, 1978.

  Murakami Shun 村上俊. Todai zen shisō kenkyū 唐代褝思想研究 (Studies in the Thought of Tang Chan Buddhism). Kyoto: Hanazono daigaku kokusai zengaku kenkyūjo 花園大學國際褝學研究所, 1996.

  Nagashima, Takayuki Shono. Truths and Fabrications in Religion: An Investigation from the Documents of the Zen (Ch’an) Sect. London: Arthur Probsthain, 1978.

  Nakamura, Hajime. “Ch’an and Mysticism in Later Times.” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 12, no. 4 (1985): 299–317.

  Noguchi Zenkei 野口善敬. Gendai zenshūshi kenkyū 元代褝宗史研究 (Studies in the History of Yuan Chan Buddhism). Kyoto: Zenbunka kenkyūjo, 2005.

  Nukariya Kaiten 忽滑骨快天. Zengaku shisōshi 禪學思想史 (A History of Chan Thought). 2 vols. Tokyo: Genkosha, 1925.

  Ogawa Takashi 小川隆. Goroku no shisoshi: Chugoku Zen no kenkyu 語錄の思想史: 中國禪の研究 (A History of the Thought of Recorded Sayings: Studies in Chinese Chan). Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 2011.

  Okimoto Katsumi 沖本克已. “Zen shis ō keiseishi no kenkyū 禪思想形成史の研究 (Studies in the History of the Formation of Chan Thought).” (Hanazono daigaku kokusai zengaku kenkyūjo 花園大學國際禪學研究所) Kenkyū Hōkoku 研究報告 5 (1997): 1–451.

  Pan Guiming 潘桂明. Zhongguo Chanzong Sixiang Licheng 中國禪宗思想歷程 (The Journey of Chinese Chan Thought). Beijing: Jinri Zhongguo Chubanshe, 1992.

  Qiu Gaoxing 邱高興. Yizhi Duxiu: Qingdai Chanzong Longxing 一枝獨秀:清代禪宗隆興 (A Unique Phenomenon: The Renaissance of Chan in the Qing). Shenyang: Liaoning Renmin Chubanshe, 1997.

  Qiu Minjie 邱敏捷. Yinshun “Zhongguo Chanzongshi” Zhi Kaocha: Jian Yu Hu Shi Ji Riben Xuezhe Xiangguan Yanjiu De Bijiao 印順《中國禪宗史》之考察——兼與胡適及日本學者相關研究的比較 (An Examination of Yinshun’s History of Chinese Chan Buddhism: Also A Comparative Study with the Works of Hu Shi and Japanese Scholars). Yongkang, Taiwan: Miaoxin Chubanshe, 2009.

  Reischauer, Edwin O. Ennin’s Tranvels in T’ang China. New York: Ronald Press, 1955.

  Ren Jiyu. “On Hu Shih’s Mistakes in His Study of the History of the Chan Sect.” Chinese Studies in Philosophy 15, no. 4 (1984): 70–98.

  Robson, James. “Formation and Fabrication in the History and Historiography of Chan Buddhism.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 71, no. 2 (2011): 311–49.

  Sekiguchi Shindai 關口真大. Zenshū shisōshi 禪宗思想史 (A History of Chan Buddhist Thought). Tokyo: Sankibō busshorin, 1964.

  Sharf, Robert H. “On Pure Land Buddhism and Ch’an/Pure Land Syncretism in Medieval China.” T’oung Pao 88, nos. 4–5 (2002): 282–331.

  Shinohara, Koichi. “Evolution of Chan Biographies of Eminent Monks.” Bulletin de l’Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient 85 (1998): 305–24.

  Suzuki Tetsuo 鈴木哲雄. Chugokū zenshūshi ronkō 中國禪宗史論考 (Examinations on the History of Chinese Chan Buddhism). Tokyo: Sankibō busshorin, 1999.

  Suzuki Tetsuo 鈴木哲雄. Tō-godai no zenshū: Konan, Kōsei hen 唐五代の禪宗: 湖南江西篇 (The Chan School in the Tang and Five Dynasties: at Hunan and Jianxi). Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha, 1984.

  Suzuki Tetsuo 鈴木哲雄. Tō-godai zenshūshi 唐五代の禪宗史 (A History of Chan Buddhism in the Tang and Five Dynasties). Tokyo: Sankibō busshorin, 1985.

  Suzuki Tetsuo 鈴木哲雄. “Zenshū no tenkei 禅宗の転型 (The Reconfiguration of the Chan School).” Zen kenkyūjo kiyō 禅研究所紀要 34 (2006): 19–41.

  Takeuchi Kōdō 竹內弘道. “Shoki Zenshū to Kongōhannyakyō 初期禅宗と《金剛般若経》(Early Chan and the Diamond Sutra).” Sōtōshū kenkyūin kenkyūsei kenkyū kiyō 曹洞宗研究員研究生研究紀要 15 (1983): 132–43.

  Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭. “Zenshū Tōshi no Hatten 禅宗燈史の発展 (The Development of the ‘Histories of the Lamp’ in the Chan School).” In Tonkō Butten to Zen 敦煌仏典と禅 (Dunhuang Buddhist Scriptures and Chan), edited by Shinohara Toshio 篠原寿雄 and Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭, 99–123. Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha, 1980.

  Tsuchiya Taiyu 土屋太祐. Beisong Chanzong Sixiang Jiqi Yuanyuan 北宋禪宗思想及其淵源 (Chan Thought in Northern Song and Its Origin). Chengdu: Bashu Shushe, 2008.

  Ui Hakuju 宇井伯壽. Zenshū shi kenkyū 禪宗史研究 (Studies in the History of Chan Buddhism). 3 vols. Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 1935–1943.

  Wang Shuqing 王書慶 and Yang Fuxue 楊富學. Dunhuang Fojiao Yu Changzong Yanjiu Lunji 敦煌佛教與禪宗研究論集 (Papers on the Dunhuang Buddhism and Chan). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Tianma Publishing, 2006.

  Wei Daoru 魏道儒. Songdai Chanzong Wenhua 宋代禪宗文化 (The Chan Culture of the Song Dynasty). Zhengzhou: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 1993.

  Weinstein, Stanley. Buddhism under the T’ang. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

  Welter, Albert. “Chan/Zen Conceptions of Orthodoxy.” In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism, edited by Mario Poceski, 166–84. New York:
Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.

  Welter, Albert. “Zanning and Chan: The Changing Nature of Buddhism in Early Song China.” Journal of Chinese Religions 23 (1995): 105–40.

  Wen Yucheng 溫玉成. “Ji Xin Chutu De Heze Dashi Shenhui Taming 記新出土的菏澤大師神會塔銘 (On the Newly Discovered Epitaph of Heze Master Shenhui).” Shijie Zongjiao Yanjiu 世界宗教研究 2 (1984): 78–79.

  Wright, Dale S. “Historical Understanding: The Ch’an Buddhist Transmission Narratives and Modern Historiography.” History and Theory 31, no. 1 (1992): 37–46.

  Wu, Jiang. Enlightenment in Dispute: The Reinvention of Chan Buddhism in Seventeenth-Century China. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.

  Xu Ying 許穎. Jinxiandai Chanjing Heliu Yanjiu 近現代禪淨合流研究 (Studies in the Reconciliation of Chan and Pure Land Buddhism in Modern Time). Chengdu: Bashu Shushe, 2010.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. “Chūgoku zenshū shi 中國褝宗史 (A History of Chinese Chan Buddhism).” In Zen no rekishi: Chūgoku 褝の歷史—中國, edited by Nishitani Keiji 西谷啟治, 7–108. Kōza zen 講座禪 3. Tokyo: Chikuma shobō, 1967.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. Tōdai no zenshū 唐代の褝宗 (The Chan School in the Tang). Tokyo: Daitō shuppansha, 2004.

  Yang Zengwen 楊曾文. Songyuan Chanzong Shi 宋元禪宗史 (A History of Chan Buddhism in the Song and Yuan Dynasties). Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe, 2006.

  Yang Zengwen 楊曾文. Tang Wutai Chanzong Shi 唐五代禪宗史 (A History of Chan Buddhism in the Tang and Five Dynasties). Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe, 1999.

  Yinshun 印順. Zhongguo Chanzong Shi 中國禪宗史 (A History of Chinese Chan Buddhism). Taibei: Zhengwen Chubanshe, 1971.

  Textual Studies and Translations

  Adamek, Wendi. “The Lidai fabao ji (Record of the Dharma-Jewel through the Ages).” In The Zen Canon, edited by Stenen Heine and Dale S. Wright, 81–106. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

  Adamek, Wendi. Mystique of Transmission: On an Early Chan History and Its Contexts. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.


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