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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

Page 3

by Pwyll Duggan

  "Calm Paul, Calm." Cold hands press me down and chanting sends me off, drifting.

  My tummy rumbles as I sit up, throat dry, scratching both arms at the same time. In my boxers on the slab, blood stained into the slab, Merryn in a corner chair, both hands on a cup of tea.

  "Sleepy head awakes." She yawns. "You can really drain a lady. Just lying there. If Nyssa hadn't already claimed you..." my eyes water before I realise I need to blink.

  "Seriously? Never mind that - did it work?" She sips her tea, steam framing her face.

  "Reach inward and check."

  Concentrating I think on my hips, looking for something new. At the edge of my vision a chest appears, transparent. Opening it with my mind, I see one item and lots of empty slots, like an empty egg carton. Thinking of the item, a potion bottle appears in my hand. Pushing my mind back to the chest I can see it has five rows of ten slots.

  "Amazing Merryn. How big can the item go?"

  "In your case, I have no clue. You can extend the space with Spirita, for a short-term expansion. Don't push it though. Also, your arms have one slot each with a spirita shield spell engraved. It will store its own mana from your body, so it can be ready to use at most times. I, um, nicked an artery, so that's why we stopped. Your whole drifting off to control spirita was quite good. Done that before?" she sips, waiting for my answer.

  "Never. Learning all the time."

  I jump off the slab, bones aching a little. She sees the pain wash over my face.

  "No more for a few days okay. I need to make more supplies. What would you like me to prepare?" I bow low to her.

  "Poison antidotes, remove diseases and toxin removal. Allows me to help more people, or just survive bad cooking." She snorts her tea at that, coughing it up. Her smile parts as she talks.

  "Off you go Dear Shielder. Nyssa's been looking for you." I wave as I head out, walking gently.

  The mid-afternoon sun is bright in the sky, few clouds up there. A light breeze has picked up, washing the sounds of the Grove my way. People haven't stopped working. On the far shore Mary is towing a plough across the fields, children dancing around her. I work my way through the village, getting home fairly fast. Niall is cataloguing the wares into a ledger, Nyssa behind him weaving away. She's mumbling under her breathe again and doesn't see me arrive home.

  Acknowledging Niall with a nod, I stroll to my pile and gaze at all the loot. Considering I need to get fully equipped again, the pile will shrink rather fast. Three shields sit in the pile. Lifting the tower shield, it's heavy and would be difficult to wield if I wasn't so strong. Niall glances up and comments.

  "All three are enhanced for durability and defence. That tower shield is a beast, major improvements to defence and durability. Other two standard cheap improvements, like most things here. Better than normal that's for sure."

  I wield it properly, strapping it down on my left arm. With a mental push it’s gone. I then turn and summon it back. With a loud pop of air, it's back on my arm. Need to do that once armoured up so that there are no errors when it appears. With the other two kite shields I store them in my inventory.

  I see my old metal staff. That disappears into my right arm slot. On the pile are new arachne woven items - silk shirts, a few long sleeve ones, the new designed hardened padded gambeson, the harden pants, tabi style socks, underwear and a pair of boots. I find a small pack and fill it with the underwear, socks and a few t-shirts. That goes away into storage. I dress quickly in the new clothes and search for more armour. Niall passes up some dark heavily armour sabatons. They include greaves and poleyns, means they cover the ankles and knees. They're split down the sides, padded inside and seem to hum. The front leans forward. Really looks like powered armour boots.

  "They're humming Niall."

  "That's cos they danna know the words." Tilting my head, I glare at him.

  "Couldn't resist. Means they need a charge. Heavy Adventurers Boots. All terrain boots, great armour. Stays heated, expels moistures and liquids. Buy you a good title over the wall, say a Baron. Nope, you look more like a Count, evil beard and all. Need to grow it long, like real dwarves and men."

  "I grew myself up. Choose not to be a stunty."

  "Fuck you too your lordship." We both laugh. Taking off my boots and putting them away in storage, I slip my feet into the Adventurers Boots. I can feel the pulling, the need, for my spirita and let it flow. Almost half my spirita goes into the boots. The humming stops and the metal on the ankles turn clockwise, closing the boots onto my leg. Metal plates shift and turn, running over themselves to form-fit my lower legs. Flexing my toes like in normal boots and rocking up on my toes feels fine. I walk on the spot with large steps, seeing how they feel. Niall grins and passes two long daggers with their own sheaths to me, pointing at the boots. At the sides near the top are small slits. I press the daggers to them, and they slide down into the metal coverings.

  "Hardened metal sheaths. The boots will hold them in place. The charge will last about a week, then you just recharge them. You can also top them up daily. A full set of the armour gets you a small kingdom. Store them in whatever you are disappearing stuff into." He taps my chest as glares at me.

  "DO NOT ever lose those. Got it!" nodding I reply.

  "Got it."

  Next, I get two new bracelets.

  "Two healing, one antidote on each. Two spares and extra potions here. Package them up how you like. How much can you store anyway?"

  "Fifty or so items." That gets me a low whistle. Niall contemplates that for a while. I speak before he does.

  "I know. Never tell anyone, keep enough space free for emergencies and have enough to run at any time." That gets me a slap on the shoulder from him.

  "See, having me around for two days is already paying off."

  Next item is a belt with pouches, my own utility belt. Niall then lays out a breastplate, tase and tasset set. All that means it covers the chest down. Tase is what covers the waist, belt zone and the tassets hang from that, covering your thighs. At least that was what I was told. And yes, there is a cod piece. This is all thick, dull plated armour. Bands of metal circle the stomach area, allowing good movement. Dull, thick and flat pauldrons (shoulder armour) matches them up top. Vambraces and rerebraces cover the lower and upper arms respectively. The gauntlets are thinner, but still the same dull, plain metal. No gorget to cover my neck among all the loot.

  "These are your standard heavy armour parts. Durability and defence increased slightly. No elemental resistances here. Slight resistance from this necklace, that’s about it."

  "So, no standing in fires for fun then?" That gets me another glare and a response.

  "Only if you want to cook yourself... canned food?"

  "Har har har."

  Last piece of armour is my helm. Newer version of the Corinthian cross barbute helmet sits there. Part Magneto, Part Statesman and all dusty black. Red blood lines drop down from the eye slits, two fingers wide. Someone’s painted them on now, fixing the helm and added padding inside. Nyssa's speaks up, eyes not leaving her work, a little sadness in her voice.

  "Fixed it up, enchanted a little and added more padding. I may not be there all the time, but I can try my hardest to make sure that you can come back. Gear up and head back to Kawaba. The sooner you leave, the sooner you will be back with more food for everyone." I move to her side and hug her, keeping free of her work.

  Her head leans down on mine. "I know you have to go, but I don't have to like it. Please be careful over at your other life."

  "I will try."

  Chapter 4

  Full sprint in heavy armour is not that hard when you can tow a ladened cart. Leaping over fallen trees, rocks and streams keeps me fractionally ahead of my pursuer. Mary's hooves are pounding the forest floor, dodging between trees as she runs. The trees are the only reason I can stay in front of her. I burst through the undergrowth and out onto the roadway, Mary just behind me. We both skid to a halt, panting heavily. Bent over, hands
on my knees I raise a hand slowly.

  "Winner, winner. Chicken dinner." And keep panting as I lower my arm. Hooves click on the stone roadway as she comes up next to me.

  "You only won Master because you threw a tree at me." Panting I answer.

  "Near you, Mary. Hah hah hah. Near you." I drop on my arse, panting more. "It worked didn't it. Made you change course."

  A snort is my reply. Mary's blonde hair is speckled with the blue of her glaring eyes. Okay, maybe the tree wasn't a good idea. She's outfitted similar to myself, basic dull plate mail, kite shield attached to her flank. She's declared herself as a Warhorn now, no longer the unicorn subtype Bihorn. She still has her twin horns on her head, now blue with matching horns spiralling around her elfin ears. Her horse parts covered in various dark barding armour, including armoured front legs.

  Weapons and packs adorn her flanks and back. She's a soldier, a fighter, thru and thru. I've seen her smile, but from a distance. And only around the kids. I'm dreading the time I ask her about that. Seen enough bad stuff here already. At least the wounds from her slave collar and yoke are healed. She's really working hard with the residents of the Grove to get everything up and running, allowing me to slack off.

  To her I am her Master. After a failed conversation to try and change that thought, I've let it slide. Just treat her right and go from there. As I think she's over collecting the carts on the forest edge, pulling off the simple camouflage we left on them. Garrot told me the Lamia are out patrolling, staying clear of all of our areas though. Just another problem to add to the list. Mary's hooking herself up to the carts, getting ready to pull them back to the Wall.

  "Want me to help?"

  "Master is stronger at fighting. I shall allow you to protect me."

  "Thanks Mary."

  "You're welcome Master." Sarcasm whooshes over her head. I feel a little laughter at the back of my mind. Princess, my sword, and Doll the heartwood bonded to me must be listening in and chatting away, just below my conscious level to hear them in my mind. And they seem to be having fun at my expense again. That all leaves me running alongside Mary towing the two carts, the same two liberated from Cratertown and used to ferry the rescued slaves back to Kawaba.

  The roadway and the woods on each side of the road look clear, no stray webs from the giant spiders betraying their presence. Garrot thinks they are gorging on lost snotlings and gobbers from Cratertown. That'll be a problem in a few months. Another thing for the list. We pass the blast zones of fireballs and burnt out camps, the odd wreckage almost still in the shape of siege engines. Bones litter the side of the road, picked clean by scavengers.

  The Wall blocks out almost everything else being this close to it. Horizon to horizon to above the clouds the inky blackness dominates. The thing I kill for. To keep the monsters out. Not so sure what side is what these days. Great, now my thoughts are as dark as the wall.

  Mary slows down to a walk, then stops both carts and unhooks herself.

  "I will return at dawn to help Master." I pat her flank.

  "Thanks Mary. Can you make sure everyone is ready for recon tomorrow? Pack some torches in case we go underground. No idea what's left in Cratertown." She slams her fist over her heart, saluting me.

  "Yes Master. It shall be done." I grab the carts bracers and pull them behind me, going thru the wall.

  The chill passes as I exit on the other side of the blackness. A small hut with a campfire now acts as a guard post on the wall. A get a few greetings and a couple of soldiers help me maneuver the carts, another one states he's off to get the warehouse team to load them up. I am handed a mug of steaming coffee. The soldier's familiar, but I'm unsure of his name.

  "Thanks, um?"

  "Miki. Everyone calls me Miki. Designated Runner."

  "Well thanks then Miki. Guess that makes you Chen's gofer."

  "Gofer sir?" I sip the coffee and tilt my head slightly.

  "You know, go for this - go for that. The gofer." He's eyes roll up, thinking.

  "Yeah, that makes sense. Lt Chen said you don't go for protocol."

  "He's right. Where's the fun in that." I pause, cupping the mug, then lower my head. I lower my voice as I speak.

  "What have I got in-store for tonight Mr Miki?"

  Miki clears his throat, coughs with a hand over his mouth and stands to attention.

  "To quote Captain St James." He tries for her voice, just not quite high pitched enough, but definitely the right tone.

  "Make sure that tall bastard is escorted to Lord Tanaka's residence, so he finally meets the Duke's men. And we can get this fucking in-fighting over and done with. Man makes my head hurt." I chuckle.

  "Almost spot on." I look around. "No honour guard from Lord Tanaka's house troops?" Miki's turn to chuckle.

  "You didn't leave him enough to guard his estate, watch the duke's men and send some to try and intimidate you." That's true.

  "Lead the way then. Maybe a quick stop at the Coffee house for walking snacks and travel coffees or ales." Miki looks up at the sun, getting itself ready to set.

  "Sun says it's ale time Sir."

  "Ale it is then."

  Slowly walking through Kawaba, once again I'm greeted constantly with shouts, cheers and thank yous. Various demi-human races wave out to me. Alice trots by, pigeon cages on her flanks. She's grinning ear to ear when she sees me, waving away. The fact that I have soldiers with me keeps people at bay. The atmosphere is way more relaxed. As we see the wide river and turn down its corresponding main street, I spot a silver haired streak dart out of the Coffee house towards us.

  Aysun's bouncing towards us, cause her assets are truly not under control at her speed. I brace myself for impact, making sure she can't hurt herself on my armour. Engulfed in the hug she lays on me, I lean down and take in her lavender scent, hair tickling my nose. She's quiet as she hugs me tight. She's shaking a little, and I know why.

  "Don't worry. I won’t let them hurt your, and my, Rika." I run a hand down her hair, stoking with care. Gauntlets aren’t exactly good for this.

  "Bring her back okay. Her father is beyond angry at what you both did. Rika told me the trade guild refused his request for troops. They're backing Rika. Having Magic items to sell, and the money that brings, trumps old alliances. Doesn't help that Rika proved his brothers hired thieves and an assassin. I'm afraid he'll do something stupid."

  Miki coughs, not to subtly. I glare at him and he backs away.

  "You mean more stupid things. Pretty sure he's in league with the Murdock’s and by proxy the Night Ladies on the other side of the Wall." Miki's eyes widen at that, but I ignore him.

  "I may not be from here, but I will try and keep my promises. The demi-human half of the village is free, now just free Rika from her family, and I'm done."

  Aysun grins, flutters her eyelids and whispers.

  "Almost done. You need some heirs remember?" I breathe deep.

  "Really? Like I had a choice there." She reaches up to my helmet, pushing it up. It rests on the back of my head, Doll grabbing it with a vine that squirrels out from my back. I lean forward and receive the kiss she wanted me to have. Her lips are soft and demanding of me. I break it off reluctantly, thinking of what I need to do first and the pang of betraying Nyssa, true or not. Breaking the hug, I wave and head into the coffee house.

  The older version of Aysun, in the form of her mother is standing on the steps on the entry way. She has mugs of ale, a large coffee and snacks on a tray. The soldiers steal an ale each as she passes me the coffee and a few riceballs. I receive a peck on the check from her and a whispered "Be careful" through her broad smile. I nod and head off to the bridge, soldiers sculling their ales behind me, racing to catch up.

  Crossing the wide bridge to the rich human side of the village I start warming up. Stretching muscles, flexing my arms and a little bit of shadow boxing. Miki's all eyes, watching me intently. I wink at him and whisper.

  "Might as well give the eyes watching a little show. Fe
ar is another weapon after-all."

  The smoother stones of the roads here widen the further east we go. Lanterns are being lit, streamers being hung to protect from the Night Ones. The sun is setting as we arrive at the ornate gates of the Tanaka Estate.

  A row of guards, spears tall with the house banner hanging from their shafts, stand ready. An overly ornate officer is waiting for us. He huffs at seeing me, dismissing me with a glance. He's hand shoots out.


  "No." That stops him in his tracks, brain ticking over, unsure.

  "Hand over your weapons. Lord Tanaka COMMANDS it." A smug sneer crosses his face under his helm.

  "In that case inform the Duke's Representatives that Lord Tanaka is refusing my entry." He looks at me and I get Princess to act. She opens her eye and looks at the guards. I reach up and pat her pommel, speaking loud enough for all to hear.

  "No Princess, these aren't souls for you to eat. Well, not yet." A few of the guards shudder, stepping back. The officer shouts at them.

  "Stand your ground!" He turns to me, rage replacing smugness opening his mouth to speak. I hold up a hand, stopping him. I turn to Miki.

  "Thanks for the company Miki. You might want to head back. No need for you guys to be in Fireball range." Two of the guards go pale.

  Miki salutes, his soldiers follow suit. They then pivot on their heels and march off. I turn back to the Officer and growl.

  "I've killed Night Ones, ogres and more. You really think some pampered house guards are even going to make me draw a sweat? You did your duty and asked. I said NO. Move or die. Choice is yours and yours alone. As is the price of such a decision." I just glare, waiting.

  He visibly gulps, coming to the realization that all I said is true. He hesitates, then bows low.

  "Sorry Lord Shielder. Lord Tanaka has not been easy to deal with lately." I breath deep, pushing away the tension.

  "Not a problem Officer. His choices have come back to bite him, hard." I go to move past, then stop, turning to him and the guards.

  "Name's Paul Walsh. Shielder if you prefer. Anything I need to know about what's in there?" Doubt passes the officer's eyes. He's considering something, then nods, more to himself than me, I think.


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