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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

Page 12

by Pwyll Duggan

  "That's right." I didn't really. Hell, they still don't even register.

  "I need to, um, groom you skin and body. Removing the small splinters and shards left behind by armour and weapons. Or teeth from animals. Things like that. I just pulled that splinter out before, must have been from a dagger or sword perhaps?" I chuckle a little.

  "Probably my own armour. I tend to get bitten and torn a lot." She nods and smile.

  "I see. I will finish your scalp and beard. Then I'll lay you down and groom you, before your massage. It does make things easier. My claws can't really hurt someone like you." She puts a hand on my forehead, tilting my head back and continues cutting. I close my eyes again.

  She cuts and shapes my beard with ease, tongue flicking back and forth as she does so. A little brush here, a lick there, a claw tracing marks over there. Seems the tension is leaving the air and I relax more. She wets down my scalp then soaps it up. Sharpening a blade, I feel her near my neck.

  "Please don't move." That's pretty much a given there. She traces my scalp with a claw, blade following it.

  "Rougher than straight" I hear her whisper. "More like nature, more primal." I keep a straight face thru it all.

  A hot towel on my face and she's leaning in again, checking my side and arms.

  "Not good."

  Suddenly a weight sits on my legs and she's straddling me, pulling things from my chest and stomach. Neither caring nor seeing me staring at her. Her outfit is slightly open for me, allowing me to see downwards, making me blush and causing a reaction. Snakes have nice boobs. Shit stop thinking that way. She shuffles her bottom, pushing my growing erection into a more comfortable position, still concentrating on what she's doing.

  "Groom your scales first, then the massage." She says, not even looking up. I seriously try not to move, but it doesn't help. At all.

  A quick slap on my side and she's off.

  "Table now Paul, so I can check other bits." She doesn't even try to hide her tongue, or teeth come fangs. I stand, and she whips off my robe, slapping my butt, grinning. I hop up and lay down. After a minute or so I feel her inspecting my legs with her hands, running them slowly up and down. She pauses less and less to remove things then starts on my lower back.

  I relax as this takes time with her removing a lot of tiny things.

  "Did you get crushed in your armour? This is a mess."

  "Ah, maybe a few times." She sighs.

  "After every battle you come and see me. You don't need more pain afterwards."

  "I'm gone in a few days."

  "Really? You think you get to leave Lady Marylou being who you are. Or Princess Charlotte for that matter. At the very least I'll will go with you. Someone needs to care for you." I start to protest, and she reaches up and puts a finger on my mouth.

  "Hush, lay back and enjoy. I'll tell Lady Marylou later. Tisk, tisk. This is no way to treat a Spirit Chosen." Starting to think I don't get a choice in anything.

  She finishes my back with a "Flip over."

  And I do. And suddenly I am not the only naked person in the room. She's dressed in only small thin white panties, mostly see thru and leaving nothing to the imagination. Her hands, feet and just under her breasts have visible scales, small and tan. Her slightly heavy breasts stick out, scale under them pushing them up. Her pupils are slits, secondary eyelids flicking across, her normal one’s going downwards only rarely.

  "You can watch while I groom you."

  She sways and bends over, nipples brushing my stomach. She picks her way careful across my stomach, brushing now and then while dropping metal shards in the bowl on the side. I'm so much at attention that I start getting in the way. Just to prove that point I get whipped by her tongue, softly at first, then more often.

  "Almost finished, just one more to go."

  She places both hands on this side of the table and slowly goes up into a handstand. Her hands turning, she pivots, legs going into the splits and lowers herself down onto me, ever so slowly.

  She's tight and so very wet and I slip right in. She twists, facing me now, riding on top.

  "Snakes. So very flexible."

  She grins down, moving her hands to my chest. Her hips slowly go up and slowly come down, pushing hard. I start to thrust, and she pushes on my chest.

  "No. Later." And takes total control.

  She starts to shiver and then bends back, impossibly so. I wet my thumb and sneak it down my stomach, looking for and finding her nub in no time. I start rubbing as her tongue leaves her mouth, her hissing away. She's shivering visibly now, hissing moans escaping her mouth.

  She leans forward, and I expect to hear bone cracking. Looking down she smiles.

  "Flexible is good. Let me show you why."

  And she starts undulating like a belly dancer, muscles constricting and running up her body. And I can feel that from inside her, muscles pulsating around me, driving me wild. I grab her hips, pushing her hands away and start thrusting up, hard. She's breathing hard now, chests full of air each time, breasts bouncing. She leans back again, and her jaw unhitches, going wide, hissing loudly, then crumples on my chest, heaving for air. Her hair is everywhere but it doesn't stop me as I pump up.

  My arms go under hers, around to grip her shoulders. I pull her down on me now, her muscles now a rhythm along my member. I can feel my release building as her moans match what I am doing.

  "Sspiritss yess, yesss, yesss."

  Drives me over and I cum inside her, muscles milking me from the inside. My limbs go weak, pins and needles in the extremities and she cries out again, eyes glowing white.

  As she shakes and comes down from what just happens, she turns and slides up ever so slightly, kissing me, tongue wrapping itself around mine. It takes some time to finish, and she sighs as we break apart.

  "Marylou is going to be ssoo jealousss." Her head rests sideways on my chest, sighing again. She's closed tight around my shrinking member, not letting it go.

  "Thank you, I get to go beyond level 10 now."

  Chapter 18

  After another turn on the table we retreat to the steaming hot tub, which of course suits a snake. She's all smiles, giggles and wandering hands as she explains what happened to her.

  "I was at the maximum I could be, level 10, for a few years now. Sex with a Shielder, may just, level one up. But only if there's a connection, from one side or another. I think because I'm a Spirit worshiper, not a Stone, that it worked. You're bonded to a Spirit; a Dryad's tree and my people worship them and those like them." Then she pokes my face, giddy and kisses me quickly.

  "Or I just got lucky."

  "I thought it's the guy that gets lucky."

  "Not this time." She moves to my lap, trying to wake the member that's as relaxed as I am. I move her off.

  "Later. I need to get ready for the ball." She pouts and gets out of the tub, swaying her hips as she leaves.

  "Not helping Sonya." Gets a towel to my face as I stand.

  Fine. I dry myself off and head out as Sonya's nowhere to be seen. In the room she has already laid out my clothes for later this evening. I put on my outfit for this evening. Basically, a tuxedo with tails, no hat. Puffy vest shirt. Hell no. I head to a wardrobe, looking for a nice white shirt, black suit jacket to make this an almost normal tux. Plus, a tie, a bow tie. If I'm meeting M I better look the part. Bond of course, James Bond.

  Sonya comes out of the second door, all done up as a maid again.

  "What are you doing?" she snatches the jacket out of my hands.

  "Trying to find something that will match. That thing." I point to the tails jacket. "Is not going on this back. Three quarter jackets, sure, but no tails." She humphs and goes to another wardrobe and pulls one out.

  "Do we have any ties?" She her head tilts.

  "What are those?" thinking, thinking.

  "Like a bow, but for men. Goes around the shirt collar like that ruffled bib, but straight or flared." She nods and disappears to the other room, coming back wi
th a long silk ribbon, mostly wide enough.

  I find the mirror and put it on. Needs a tie pin. Sonya is at my side, looking in the mirror, brushing off my coat. I reach over and take a solid silver hair pin, dodging her grab and 'hey', applying it to the middle of the tie. Not perfect, but a lot better.

  "That does look nice. Different, but nice." The shirt isn't long enough on the sleeves, but it will do. I explain that to her, and what cuff links and buttonholes do. She nods and writes it down, pulling a small notebook from beneath the apron she wears.

  Someone knocks on the door and I get it before Sonya can stop writing. I try to be witty while opening the door.

  "We gave yesterday but than..." and my mouth hangs open.

  Rose is drop-dead gorgeous. Red dress matching her short hair, thin gold chains running thru it. The dress is long and only flairs a little at her ankles. It hugs everything, pushing two small globes higher and out on her chest. Neckline ending as her breasts do, an emerald gem getting pride of place between them. It matches her eyes, all anxious and nervous. Her hands are fidgeting as she shifts her weight from side to side. She pushes past me and into the room, exposed skin all down her back. I am thinking 'thank god no tramp stamp' as she starts whispering.

  "Out of the way Paul. I feel naked in this thing, and not in the good way."

  She lightly brushes at one of the gold chains with a red silk covered hand as she turns to face me. Her upper arms and shoulders are bare, showing that she knows how to use them. The red silk dress hugs her abs, confirming that she is more sculpted than human. A true amazon. I barely notice her snapping her fingers in my face.

  "What's the matter? Are you hurt?"

  "You are so beautiful. So amazing."

  Sonya reaches passes me, shutting the door. I watch Rose cross her arms, playing with the chain again, not looking at my reaction.

  "You're just saying that to be nice."

  I'm shocked and can't think. Okay, that’s not true, I am thinking but none of its family friendly. I start breathing again, lay my hand out before me.

  "Lady St James, it would be an honour if you would accompany to this evening's ball." I think it finally hits her and she's blushing and even more nervous.

  I cautiously offer my hand to Rose and I bow again, turning to Sonya, gesturing for her hand as well. She takes it, unsure and I cast Enhance Companion three times on each of them.

  "My thanks Sonya, for getting me prepared. Please guard the room fiercely. My lady, shall we depart?" I lead Rose away and out the door.

  Two Ducal guards snap to attention as we exit, two more further down each side of the door. The joys of making enemies. Or to keep the hordes of women away. Yeah, I'm not that lucky. Two of them escort us thru the halls, into the stone palace. Raised ceilings, marble workings and gilded paint cover every surface. We pass more guests, nobles done up to the nines. So many different styles for the Ladies, not many variations on the males. I stand out in black and white for the sole reason of not having a sash marking what house or line I belong too. Damn, need better camouflage. Being one of the tallest does not help either.

  I'm receiving looks from the women, some hidden, some overt. Rose is openly stared at, jaws dropping as we walk pass a long line of nobles. White gloved butlers are guiding nobles and guests to the correct doors for entry. Senior butlers guide our escorts up some side stairs and into a waiting area. Lord Ottoman is there. As is Lord Smythe, with his Lady hanging from his arm. He's all trim and proper, suit well-tailored to him. His wife looks amazing, if subdued compared to my company.

  "Shielder Walsh! Please met my most happy wife, now that you won me enough money to get her a holiday manor. The Lady Elizabeth Smythe, the light of my life and emptier of my coin purse.” The blonde curtseys low, bright eyes shining.

  "Many thanks for getting James to bet. I've been looking at that lake house for months." As she comes back up, I get a wink and a warm smile. She goes on.

  "Lady St James, you do all of us a disservice. You are putting all of us to shame. So much that you have stuck James and Gerald speechless. That NEVER happens. James is all mouth and tongue."

  Rose is stuttering, twisting her hands together with nerves and I get another wink from Lady Smythe as she takes Rose's arm and leads her away.

  "Wherever did you get that wonderful dress..." James passes me a hip flask and I decline. Gerald is still standing there, stunned. James swigs and puts it away.

  "I hope you have weapons. You'll be beating every male and some of the females off her tonight. Not that you won't need it too. Very smart and plain lad. Stylish one might say." And he's brought all my own nerves back up. James laughs and slaps my back, knocking me forward as I am that unprepared.

  "They're not going to kill you, only bed you." He then pauses, cupping his chin.

  "Well apart from the ones that do want you dead, Duke William especially. Have fun!"

  He heads to the entrance door to the hall as the Major Domo, in the finest uniform I have seen yet, walks to me. Lady Smythe joins her husband. I finally notice the grand double doors, with the noise coming from the other side. The entrance to the ball. I start sweating as Rose stands talking to Gerald, who is bowing a lot. Someone sashays in behind me, silk on the plush carpets. A very charismatic voice, light yet forceful talks to me, her words trying to be calming.

  "You will get used to these six-monthly events Lord Shielder. I plan to have you around for a very long time."

  I turn way too fast to be graceful, looking straight into the eyes of a woman my height. Black plain long dress, ducal sash, well-coiffed dark hair with perhaps purple highlights and deep deep purple eyes. Another voice, deep and forceful, yet laughing shatters my thoughts.

  "My wife there. Look, but no touching." A regal man is on her arm, also dressed in black with a sash. Again, black hair and trimmed beard, shot thru with grey.

  I'm in the presence of royalty and I can feel it. It's just in the air, how they carry themselves with confidence I wish for. And so calmly dominating the room. Gerald bows to them. Rose's curtsies, drawing my eyes there again as the Duchess puts her arm in mine, ready to walk off. Lord Ottoman's name is called, and he bows and leaves, entering the noise before us.

  Duke Reynolds turns to his wife, smiling. "Well I know I'll be overshadowed by my entrance partner, as always. But don't break yours, he looks like he'll fall apart." He laughs, from the soul and turns to Rose, bowing low, hand out.

  "Captain St James, would you please do the honour of accompanying my unworthy self-down these steps? Someone has to keep me steady." She blinks, unsure as he laughs again, taking her hand and leading her to the door.

  The Duchess feels me tensing.

  "Breathe Lord Walsh. You are preparing for battle, like any other. This time it's more words than weapons. With a lot more women showing you they are interested. Just breathe and enjoy. You have nothing to worry about. Your only goal is to meet people and have fun."

  I hear the noise stop as the Major Domo steps out.

  "The Duke and Captain Rose St James." The audience is quiet as they appear, then the clapping starts, and I am sure I hear a few whistles from the back. The duchess leads me forward, moving my arm so that I have my hand out forward, leading her. The Major domo nods at her an opens the doors.

  "The Duchess and Lord Shielder Paul Walsh."

  Another hush falls over the crowd. I tense, waiting for the shoe to drop, ready to run.

  A huge cheer lifts the roof and the clapping and whistles start, from all over.

  I am so dead.

  Chapter 19

  There’re hundreds of people, all dressed beyond my expectations, cheering and yelling as we go down the red carpeted stairs. The room is huge. Glass from floor to ceiling at each end, three stories tall. Marble polished open floors. Brass corkscrew stairs to small private balconies. Curtained stages and small booths filled with a mixture of colours to match the mixture of people. It's amazing sight and all I can think of is that most of the
se people were cheering my immanent death only just this morning.

  A whispered. "Just keep smiling." Keeps me going forward, not up, up and away. Most of the women are stunning, the men handsome and the noise deafening. I'm led across the room, people waving and cheering. The Duchess is noticing people, waving and pointing, servants leading us down a roped off carpet to the opposite side. Tables and chairs, booths and stages in that area are roped off, Ducal guards on high alert. It’s the VIP section of the club, and I guess I qualify - first time ever.

  As we enter the Duchess whispers again.

  "You have 30 minutes to mingle in here before the dancing starts. Marylou will be your guide. Be nice, she's in a mood." She pats my arm, then lets go, turns and waves to the masses and enters the VIP area, myself behind her. As I pass the rope and it closes behind me, a hand on my shoulder guides me to a couch half-booth, the Duchess away to the right.

  James pushes me at the couch and shoves a drink in my hand.

  "Scull it."

  I do without thinking, gritty aftertaste making me put my tongue out. Another glass follows, clear.

  "Water, for the aftertaste."

  I down that quick as a waiter comes over, silver tray high. Drinks get laid out on the small table and he departs quickly. James crashes down next to me, Gerald in his own chair. The crowd here stays well away from us, even if we are being watched by hawks. Lots and lots of female hawks.

  "What was that? And what the fuck am I in for?" James slaps his leg, hand snapping out towards Gerald. He scowls, pulls out a small coin bag and tosses it at James, deliberatively wide. James snatches out of the air, almost too fast to see.

  "Now, now Gerald. Honest bet." He turns to me. "Relaxant for the tension headache that will form in the next hour. Poison immunity that will last the next 6 and water to wash it all down. Nothing like starting the night prepared."

  "Like that is it?"


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