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Page 14

by Selena IR Drake

  The four of us ignored their pleading cries for freedom and started for the next level down. Having heard the commotion of the inmates from the floor above, three guards had come to investigate. While we were occupied with them, another managed to get away long enough to raise the alarm. Shazza ended his existence with an arrow between the eyes.

  The earsplitting buzz that signified the start of lock-down mode blared a moment after his dying cry went out. A heartbeat later, the floor seemed to swarm with guards and reinforced, stone doors slammed shut over the ramps leading between floors.

  Get ready! My fingers brushed the jewels of the Dragon Eye Amulet and the familiar tingling sensation flowed into my fingertips. I thrust my hand in the air and shouted, “Kúskú!”

  Mirror shards and silver dust exploded from the Amulet. Instead of collecting into the form of the silver dragon right away as expected, the fragments gathered around me in a protective aura. They hovered midair for a moment, then shot out at the stunned guards. Every one of the Dákun Daju were mowed down with a flourish of blood and anguished cries.

  “Yeah!” Thera cheered as Kúskú finally solidified with a fearsome roar that rendered the inmate population utterly silent.

  Kitfox laughed. “Remind me not to get on his bad side.”

  “Kúskú, are you able to break down this barricade?” Shazza pointed her thumb at the reinforced stone wall that blocked our route. The Dragon of Illusion studied the blockade for a moment before shaking his head.

  “Summon Wildfire.” He looked at me. “Her powers of fire will reduce this wall to rubble with little effort.”

  I brushed my fingers over the crimson jewel that marked the presence of the Dragon of Fire. I called her name as I thrust my hand into the air. In an instant fire exploded from the Eye, turning the frigid air warm and balmy. With a great roar that got the prisoners cheering in excitement, Wildfire took shape.

  Kúskú explained to her what needed to be done. Wildfire took a moment to look at the blockade. Finally she nodded and took position to break it down.

  “Stand back.” Shazza quickly ducked out of the way while Wildfire went to work. The dragon opened her jaws and a red light flickered to life. In a second, the light formed a ball of untold power and Wildfire released it with a growl. In a blink, a massive explosion shook the floor and searing hot rubble was sent flying in all directions. The ruby dragon snorted and preceded us down the ramp to the next level.

  The inmates erupted in cheers upon seeing Wildfire and Kúskú. The guards, on the other hand, ran away in a panic when they realized they didn’t stand a chance against the dragons. And so, Kitfox, Shazza, Thera, and I passed through level after level of the prison without as much as a scratch.


  We had made our way through so many floors that I lost count of them all. Hardly a guard attacked us, though there had been a few overly-dedicated individuals who tried to end our escape. A few had even apologized for imprisoning the Dragon Keeper and let us go with wishes of good health and long life. I found the well-wishes to be rather odd considering they came from Dákun Daju.

  Wildfire blasted away another reinforced door and we moved on. This time the ramp was much longer than the others and emptied out into a gigantic, round room instead of another straight corridor. I took it as a sign that we were nearing the end of our rush to freedom and pushed onwards as the ramp spiraled to the ground.

  Our advance came to a halt the second we reached ground level. An army of Dákun Daju warriors had been amassed against us, bearing their arms in a ferocious display of might. I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a step back, subconsciously brushing my fingers across the jewels of the Amulet.

  A huge Dákun Daju woman in heavy armor took a step towards us. “Surrender now or die in misery.”

  “You will be the ones to die in misery if you dare to stand against us!” Wildfire snarled defiantly. When the Dákun Daju did not back down, Kúskú stepped in front of her. The Dragon of Illusion sunk into an offensive crouch and glared; eyes flashing white for a split second. “I’m warning you; please let us go before you all die.”

  “We are not afraid of you, Dragon.” The Dákun Daju spat. “Surrender or forfeit your lives!”

  “Last warning; please make way.”

  The Dákun Daju woman scoffed, unsheathed her bladed tonfas, and took up a fighting stance. Taking that as a ‘no,’ Kúskú threw his head back and released an eerie cry. The army of Dákun Daju surged towards us. Kúskú took to the air and hovered on shimmering wings as he glowered down at the army.

  “Mind!” Thera gasped at the dragon-uttered word. “Breaker!!” With a great flap of his wings, a silver mist rushed forth to surround the Dákun Daju. Their advance on us came to an immediate stop as the fog left them blind. Slowly, waves of terrified screams erupted from their lips as they crumbled under Kúskú’s spell.

  Out of the mist came visions of likes I had never seen. Twisted beasts, giant insects, dismembered apparitions, and countless others tore the army of Dákun Daju warriors apart. I cringed and looked to Thera for an answer. “What is ‘Mind Breaker’?”

  “Kúskú’s power of illusion allows him to see into people’s souls and discover their greatest fears.” The Feykin’s violet eyes never left the terrible scene before her as she spoke. “With Mind Breaker, he is able to turn those fears into a reality and trap people in a hellish nightmare that eventually kills them.”

  “I really don’t want to end up on the receiving end of that attack.” Kitfox shivered. I couldn’t have agreed more.

  When the last Dákun Daju crumbled to the ground and the tendrils of the mist diffused into oblivion, Kúskú fluttered to the ground. The dragon snorted and shook his head sadly. He muttered something about wasted lives before sauntering away.

  Kitfox and Shazza followed a heartbeat later. Thera and Wildfire took to the air, probably to circle the room in search for an escape route. I lingered on the end of the ramp, staring at the ocean of bodies that had once been proud warriors. I couldn’t fight the tears that spilled from my eyes. I didn’t want for them to die, especially like that.

  Kitfox was suddenly beside me, wrapping me in a tight hug. I leaned into his embrace and buried my face in his chest. He rubbed my back affectionately and I took comfort in his presence.

  We must have stood like that for several minutes before I finally calmed down. He whispered in my ear, “Are you okay now, Xy?”

  “I think so.” I said. I pulled back just enough to look into his amber eyes. His brow furrowed in concern and he brought a hand up to wipe away the last of my tears.

  “You are too soft, Xyleena-sortim.” Shazza muttered bitterly. Kitfox sent her a dirty look. “Well, it’s true.”

  “Like her mother, Xyleena has always valued life in all its forms.” Kúskú said. “You frown upon such a virtue because you are Dákun Daju and do not understand the heart of Humes.”

  Shazza frowned. “You are right; I don’t understand why tears are wasted on an enemy.”

  “For the same reason they are spent on friends and family.” Kitfox interjected. The Dákun Daju Queen quirked an eyebrow at him in confusion. “They teach us something and we feel the need to honor them for that.”

  “How does an enemy teach you anything except how to kill?” Shazza crossed her arms.

  The Demon smirked coyly. “If you really want to know, you’ll figure it out.”

  “Hey, guys, I hate to interrupt your argument,” Thera called to us from the opposite side of the room, “but I think Wildfire and I found a lava tube!”

  “Agree to disagree.” I said, glancing between Kitfox and Shazza. They both sighed, nodded, and let the subject drop. That resolved, I took both of them by the hand and led them what I hoped would be our way out of the Arctic Prison.

  I do not know what I am doing. I only hope that in the years and ages to come, the actions my team and I take will resonate and inspire future generations to take a stand against the injustic
es in the world for without protesting the evil, one is merely accepting it.


  Dimitri cursed himself for not learning Pox’s teleport spell and drove the wyvern on. They young Feykin had approached him two days after he and Godilai were mated, telling him that she had learned of the locations to the last four keys. Dimitri had quickly split up his team to gather the keys. That was nearly two weeks ago, and now he was in a mad rush to return to his wife’s side in Bakari-Tokai.

  He desperately hoped his team was already at the tavern that once belonged to Luna, and eagerly awaiting his arrival with the piece he had sought in the Ancient City. With the last four keys in his grasp, Dimitri could finally unlock the route to the Dragons’ Gate and release the Shadow Dragons.

  He urged the wyvern faster.

  The beast bayed in protest at being driven so hard and began to slow.

  Dimitri growled and leapt out of the saddle. He landed with a grunt, rolled to his feet, and took off in a full sprint. A smile constructed its way across his lips; running was much faster than relying on that stupid beast.


  It was nearly midnight when Luna’s Tavern finally came into view. A single window was lit, letting Dimitri know that he was not the only one that had returned. He stopped on the doorstep and took a moment to catch his breath. He pulled the door open.

  The attack came faster than he expected. He was barely able to unsheathe his knife in time to block Godilai’s blade. Dimitri smirked and watched as the angry light in her cyan eyes turned playful and loving. A moment’s hesitation and he captured her lips in a fierce kiss.

  Godilai pulled him inside. “About time you got here.” She grumbled before pinning him to the wall to kiss him again.

  “How long have you been waiting?”

  “Three days.” She whispered, tugging his tunic out of his pants and pulling it over his head.

  “Anyone else back?” He mumbled against her neck and unfastened her armor. It fell to the floor with a clang and her blouse was soon to follow.

  “Pox was here before me.” She briefly captured his mouth with hers and tugged on his belt buckle. “The fat Hume hasn’t returned.”

  “Why am I not surprised?”

  Godilai smirked and backed away from her husband. She sent him a sultry look over her shoulder as she ascended the stairs to the private rooms above. Dimitri watched as her nearly nude form walked away in the shadows of moonlight. He chuckled, thanked the Gods, and followed.

  The keys could wait a little longer.


  Dimitri was awakened by a finger gently tracing a pattern over his abs. He smiled and cracked an eye open. Godilai’s stark white hair filled his vision. He brought his arms up to catch her in an embrace and kissed the top of her head.

  “Did you sleep well?” She asked as she propped herself up on an elbow to look at him.

  “Much better than the last few weeks.” He said and stretched. “How about you?”

  “The same.” She flashed him a smirk before resting her head on his chest again. Dimitri sighed in complete satisfaction and let his eyes drift shut.

  Dimitri was jolted from his nap as a loud bang vibrated the tavern walls. Godilai growled in annoyance and peeled herself off his chest to listen. Dimitri listened too, but all he could make out was mumbling voices from the floor below.

  Godilai threw the blankets off and rolled out of bed. “The fat Hume has returned.” She said as she tossed some clothes on the bed.

  “About time!” The two of them dressed quickly and practically ran from the room. Godilai leaped over the banister and landed silently by Pox on the floor below. Dimitri chuckled and did likewise, landing right behind Vincent. The old Judge almost died of a heart attack as a result.

  “Don’t do that to me, Dimitri!” Vincent shouted. Godilai smacked the old man in the back of the head.

  “Silence yourself, fool.”

  “Where’s the key?” Demanded Dimitri. The old Judge held up a roll of parchment and it was promptly snatched from his grasp. Dimitri unfurled it, scanned over the runic writing, and handed it to Pox for translation. A moment later, the key he had collected was turned over as well.

  The young Feykin mumbled something in Kinös Elda as she turned away. She walked to the bar and spread out both diaries and the four keys and promptly went to work. Dimitri fought the urge to bounce around in supreme happiness as he awaited the results.

  Several minutes passed before Pox turned around to face her teammates. Dimitri held his breath as she began to read the twelve translated keys.

  The Greatest Secret lies;

  Just beyond human eyes;

  On an isle moving by day;

  Above a small world, dusted and gray;

  Guarded by dragons from days of old;

  Forever locked behind Immortal gold;

  Twelve forgotten dragons share their Keeper’s fate;

  Awaiting their freedom from that dreaded Dragons’ Gate.

  Dimitri was stunned. “That’s it?”

  Pox nodded.

  “Well, that was amazingly unhelpful.” Godilai muttered and crossed her arms. “Now what?”

  “There has to be something more to that poem.” Vincent rushed to the counter to look everything over himself.

  Pox sighed and pushed the hair from her eyes. “Let’s think this over calmly.” Dimitri and Godilai shot her a dirty look. “‘The Greatest Secret’ is obviously referring to the hiding spot of the Gate. ‘Beyond human eyes’ must mean that the Gate is out of sight of everyone. No surprises there. ‘On an isle moving by day’ is the first part that doesn’t make sense. How does an island move?”

  Godilai snapped her fingers. “Bedeb’s rings!”


  “Think about it! The rings are made up of chunks of rock that look like small, grey islands.”

  “And they are in constant motion around Bedeb!” Dimitri laughed. “Godilai, you are brilliant!”

  “Okay. So the Gate is on one of the millions of chunks of rock that make up Bedeb’s rings.” Vincent huffed and nodded. “I’m just wondering, how in the names of the Five Souls are we supposed to survive up there long enough to find out which one? Last I heard, there’s no air to breathe up there.”

  “I have a spell that should take care of that.” Replied Pox. “It creates a bubble of air that lasts about an hour. I used to employ it when I searched riverbeds around Thorna for oysters.”

  Vincent rolled his eyes. “Okay. Then how do you propose we find the exact location of the Gate? I can assure you, Dimitri doesn’t want to spend a long time searching and neither do I!”

  “The poem has to be referencing the exact location of the Dragons’ Gate,” Dimitri moved around the bar to take a look for himself, “otherwise Amorez wouldn’t have written it.”

  Pox looked at her hand-written translation. “‘Guarded by dragons from days of old’ could be referring to the black marble statues.”

  “Or it could mean that Amorez’s dragons are guarding the Gate.” Dimitri muttered as he paged through Amorez’s diary in tandem with his father’s.

  “Was ‘Immortal gold’ really written in majuscule like that before you translated it?” Godilai asked as she pointed to the words in Pox’s translation. The Feykin took a moment to double check before nodding affirmative. “I wonder what that could be referring to.”

  “This, perhaps.” Dimitri tapped a page in his father’s diary and grinned. He flipped the diary around for his teammates to see and all three of them leaned in. There was only one thing written on the ancient parchment and it had been scribed in thick, gold letters that shimmered in the varying light.

  Pox chuckled. “Immortal.”

  “Interesting.” Godilai moved back and looked Dimitri in the eye. “How do we get behind this gold ‘Immortal’?”

  Pox promptly snatched the diary from the counter. Cradling the book in one hand, she tapped her f
inger over the gilded word. “Infé!”

  Light exploded all around Dimitri and his team. A terrified scream ripped the air as an overpowering pull sucked them up. The blinding glow slowly retracted back to the depths of the ancient page from whence it came. The diary of Agasei seemed to hang in the air for a long moment before falling to the floor with a thump.

  Dimitri’s team was gone.


  The four of them collapsed in a jumbled heap and the air was immediately stolen from their lungs. Pox held her breath and somehow managed to roll out from under everyone. With the little air she had left, she cast a spell. Semi-transparent, blue spheres instantaneously surrounded each of them. Pox took a few deep breaths before checking on the others.

  Dimitri gasped and savored the air that Pox’s spell had supplied. When he was finally able to breathe normally, he shoved the fat, old Judge off of him and got to his feet. He checked that Godilai was alright before taking a look around.

  A gray and lifeless desert stretched out all around them. Rocks and craters dotted the surface, providing the most miniscule of landmarks with which to navigate. Overhead, a million stars shimmered in the perpetual blackness around the sapphire and emerald jewel that was Bedeb. The planet slowly turned in the void of space and its rings were obliged to follow.

  “What a view!”

  Dimitri silently agreed with Vincent; the view truly was magnificent. But he had not come here to admire the spectacle. The Dragons’ Gate was nearby and they had to reach it before Pox’s spell wore out.

  “Let’s go.” Dimitri walked away. Godilai followed promptly. Pox drew an X on the ground with the toe of her shoe before going after the duo.

  “Go where, exactly?” Vincent didn’t receive an answer. Grumbling, the old Judge got to his feet and scuttled after Dimitri and the others.

  The quartet trudged on in silence for a few minutes before the gray desert started to look familiar. Then Pox pointed out the X she had put in the regolith. Dimitri swore and looked around again.


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