Book Read Free


Page 42

by Selena IR Drake

Meo resuko. –– My diary

  Meo namae wa Agasei DéDos. Esté buko wa meo resuko bó et tel né rité sterim et Nírigone Súl. –– My name is Agasei DéDos. This book is my diary and the key to finding the Dragons’ Gate.

  Sortim –– Sister

  Kahs gözandí –– Good morning

  Ja lah shikenó –– You are welcome

  Iríjhon Resuko –– Dragon Diary

  Kahs gözandí, fratime. Eo ík Teka Loneborne. –– Good morning, brothers. I am Teka Loneborne.

  Aké la ja chee? –– Why are you here?

  Kíen la ja süm, Teka Loneborne? –– Who are you with, Teka Loneborne?

  Estéz karétez la meo micallaz, bó et kanójo wa Xyleena. –– These men are my friends, and the girl is Xyleena.

  It ja nan hakaní estéz tantúre? –– Do you not understand these words?

  Hoko bemum Thera Onyx –– Please call Thera Onyx

  Núl wa de ja du bemum meo po, Ujak? –– What did you call me for, Uncle?

  Meoja ker dumakunga –– We have decided

  Iríjhone Reshé –– Dragon Keeper

  Vero –– Yes

  De wa et nena ni Amorez –– She is the (female) child of Amorez

  Shíkai ja –– Thank you

  Gratíe –– Thanks (informal)

  Eo du capel ja nan lig Kinös Elda –– I thought you did not speak Kinös Elda

  It ja hakaní? –– Do you understand?

  Ja lah tarlé, Pox. Da du la ja? –– You are late, Pox. Where were you?

  Kíen la déoja? –– Who are they?

  Eo dur ir né et izvucí tig Tarik bó Valadri –– I went to the river with Tarik and Valadri.

  Siminea –– Lion

  Kahs nóc –– Good night

  Tanda –– Hello

  Tíc it eo lig “standard words” den Kinös Elda? –– How do I say “standard words” in Kinös Elda?

  Meo namae wa Dimitri Renoan. Kíen la ja? –– My name is Dimitri Renoan. Who are you?

  Eo ík Habanya-Ürg. Aké la ja chee? –– I am Habanya-Ürg. Why are you here?

  Eo nan lig Kinös Elda. Eo ík guídes –– I do not speak Kinös Elda. I am sorry.

  Meo namae wa Xyleena. Eo ík et Iríjhone Reshé –– My name is Xyleena. I am the Dragon Keeper.

  Na –– Zero

  San –– One

  Sku –– Two

  Teh –– Three

  O –– Four

  Ven –– Five

  Mé –– Six

  Im –– Seven

  Lin –– Eight

  Bin –– Nine

  Ra –– Ten

  Sanra –– Elven

  Skura –– Twelve

  Tehra –– Thirteen

  Ora –– Fourteen

  Venra –– Fifteen

  Méra –– Sixteen

  Imra –– Seventeen

  Linra –– Eighteen

  Binra –– Nineteen

  Skucóra –– Twenty

  Mehnt –– One hundred

  Shréva –– One thousand

  Kahs gozavé –– Good afternoon

  Tanda, Kínashe. Eo din ormá né alú sa amyíac –– Hello, Kínashe. I would like to rent a boat.

  Tic kahl wah –– How much for

  Nai –– No

  Nír irím bó kerím ska –– Now go and have fun

  Infé –– Open

  Tanda, Zahadu-Kitai. Núl cistrena ja chee? –– Hello, Zahadu-Kitai. What brings you here?

  Núl wa et shríldu ni esté? –– What is the meaning of this?

  Ja lah tído guídemavet –– You are all forgiven

  Tic la ja? –– How are you?

  Byö – Cousin

  Eo rité res meo ligto. –– I give my word.

  Dasum meo… –– Show me…

  Dasum meo nishi. –– Show me everyone.

  Kahs gözandí, Xy-sortim. –– Good morning, my sister Xy.

  Nevoa cäipe –– Fog disperse

  Et Sleiku ni Sango –– The Dance of Blood

  Meo sortime, meo fratim, illam durus. –– My sisters, my brother, live strong.

  Iktanilla –– Immortal

  Silentium –– Silence; Be quiet

  Symbilla et Illa-Arnaxu sornipé; Ten Sutétim isila con strujaz ni ponet –– Symbilla the Life-Bringer dreams; On Southern isle with golden streams.

  Ja la mishi, nena. –– You are lost, child.

  Ja la nan mert. Iram ger. –– You are not dead. Go back.

  Ligam ni Skura bó inferom. –– Speak of Twelve and enter.

  Hyerjam –– Shatter, break


  Aero bíraw (air-oh bee-raw) –– Wind gust

  Daréta esso (da-ray-ta eh-so) –– Thunder ball

  Daréta suahk (da-ray-ta soo-awk) –– Thunder bolt

  Dasai nagarésayo (da-sigh na-guh-ray-say-oh) –– Sight reflection

  Dasum meo (da-soom may-oh) –– Show me

  Heile esso (hail eh-so) –– Fire ball

  Heile pricé (hail pree-kay) –– Fire storm

  Heile suahk (hail soo-awk) –– Fire bolt

  Hydíca semít (hi-dee-kuh sem-eet) –– Ice spike

  Hydíca tabiki (hi-dee-kuh ta-bee-kee) –– Ice wall

  Hydor esso (hi-door eh-so) ––Water ball

  Hydor sibatín (hi-door see-bat-een) ––Water spear

  Kósa sibatín (koh-sa see-bat-een) ––Chaos spear

  Levítum (lay-vee-tum) – Levitate

  Medícté (med-eek-tay) – Heal

  Nagaré (nah-guh-ray) – Reflect

  Nan dasai nevoa (non duh-sigh ney-voh-uh) –– Blinding mist (literally “no sight mist”)

  Nan vocé (non voh-kay) –– Silence (literally “no voice”)

  Luminös (loo-mihn-ahs) –– Illuminate, Light

  Uerto palaso (oo-er-tow pah-lass-oh) –– Poison arrow

  Names and Places

  Aadrian (ey-dree-ahn) (city) –– Lesser capitol city of Mekora-Lesca

  Aadrian Ithnez (ey-dree-ahn ith-nehz) (person) –– The man who ultimately saved the human race from extinction and helped found the planet which bears his name

  Adoramus (ah-dohr-ah-muhs) –– Shadow Dragon of Light who was killed in the final battle between Amorez and Agasei

  Agasei DéDos (a-guh-sigh day-dose) –– The original dark Dragon Keeper and creator of the Shadow Dragons

  Aidana Wovril (ahy-deyn-ah wohv-ril) –– Feykin Elder and one of the Generals leading the Army of Light

  Aissur (a-soor) –– A major city on Katalania

  Amorez Renoan (ah-more-ez ray-no-ahn) –– The original Dragon Keeper and creator of the Dragons of Light

  Aruvan (ah-roo-vahn) –– The smaller, yellow sun

  Atlidmé (at-lid-may) –– God of water, death, and winter (giant serpent)

  Bakari-Tokai (buh-kar-ee toh-kahy) –– The grand capital of Ithnez

  Bangorian Mountains (bahn-gohr-ee-an) –– Prominent mountain range running the southern spans of the Mekora-Lescan continent

  Bedeb (bay-deb) –– Ithnez’s ringed sister planet

  Beldai (bell-dahy) –– One of the twin cities on the banks of the Anakor River

  Breccia (bresh-ee-uh) –– Shaman of the Wakari Corundum Tribe

  Cah (kaw) –– A city in the Southern Stretch

  Cosín (coh-seen) –– A small town on the Southern Stretch

  Dákun Daju (day-koon da-joo) –– Extreme race of elven-like beings

  Djurdak Za’Car (jer-dak zuh-kar) –– Amorez’s husband and the former high prince

  Feykin (fay-kin) –– Preferred name of the Sorcerers

  Freya Latreyon (fray-uh luh-tray-in) –– Wolf Demon and teacher to Xyleena

  Godilai Locklyn (god-il-lahy lok-lin) –– Dákun Daju warrior

  Havel (ha-vell) –– The name for the realm of the dead

  Ithnez (ith-nehz) –– The planet where the adventure takes place

  Jetep (jay-tehp) –– City
of outlaws and mercenaries on the southwest coast of Mekora-Lesca

  Jítanath Locklyn (jee-tuh-nath lok-lin) –– Only son of Dimitri De’Dos and Godilai Locklyn

  Jormandr (johr-man-dohr) –– Gargantuan rock serpent that terrorizes the Wakari

  Kamédan (kah-may-dan) –– The capital of Katalania

  Khatahn-Rhii (kah-tawn ree) –– God of wind, evolution, and autumn (dragon)

  Kinös Elda (keen-ahs el-duh) –– The ancient tongue

  Kkaia (kuh-kay-uh) –– Dragon of earth

  Kkorian (kuh-kor-ee-an) –– Hume pirate

  Kula (koo-luh) –– Shadow Dragon of Earth

  Kúskú (koo-skoo) –– Dragon of Illusion

  Luea (loo-ee-uh) –– Queen of Aadrian

  Magnathor (mag-nuh-thor) –– Gargantuan sea monster which haunts the waters of the Myst

  Míjin (mee-jin) –– One of the Feykin Generals in the Army of Light

  Monrai (mon-rye) –– Major city located on the outskirts of the Myst

  Nahstipulí (nuh-step-oo-lee) –– Goddess of earth, life, and summer (Ixys, a black unicorn)

  Nemlex (nehm-liks) –– Major Katalanian trade city

  Nexxa (nehks-uh) –– Dragon of Venom

  Nír’l (neer-il) –– An elder Dákun Daju who is related to Dimitri

  Noralani Ithnez (nohr-aw-lawn-ee ith-nehz)–– Named after Aadrian’s only daughter, she is the last surviving member of the Ithnez bloodline.

  Pletíxa (play-teeks-uh) –– An insignificant town on Katalania

  Pyrex Akregate (pie-rehks ak-rii-gate) –– Wakari Alchemist who helped bring the Shadow Dragons to life

  Q’veca (coo-vay-kuh) –– Menta trainer on the Sorcerers’ Isle

  Régon (ray-gahn) –– God of Chaos and Creation

  Rhekja (rek-yah) –– Gazelle Demon and owner of the Bird in Hand Tavern and Inn in Monrai; member of the Schaakold-Vond’l guild

  Ríhan (ree-han) –– Xyleena’s best friend

  Rishai (ree-shy) –– The larger, blue sun

  Ruwviti (roo-vee-tee) –– Elder Sorcerer and Thera’s uncle

  Sauqe (sok) –– Tiny fishing town on Katalania

  Schaakold-Vond’l (shahk-uld von-dul) –– A high-powered Equine Demon guild

  Seramahli (sehr-ah-maw-lee) –– Major Wakari city, home of the Corundum Tribe

  Serpehti (sur-pet-ee) –– Another rival guild of the Tahda'varett

  Symbilla (sim-bee-ya) –– Dragon of Life

  Sindai (sen-dahy) –– One of the twin cities on the banks of the Anakor River

  Tahda’varett (tuh-dah-vahr-eht) –– Kitfox’s and Freya’s guild

  Taypax (tay-paks) –– Dragon of Death who was killed in the final battle between Amorez and Agasei

  Thedrún (thehd-roon) –– Dragon of Thunder

  Thera (ter-uh) –– Feykin Occultist from the Sorcerers’ Isle

  Thernu (ter-new) –– Thera’s mother

  Thorna (thorn-uh) –– A major city on the Sorcerers’ Isle

  Thuraben (thoor-uh-ben) –– The capital of the Sorcerer’s Isle

  Valaskjalf Za’Car (vuh-lask-jahlf zuh-kar) –– Current high prince of Ithnez

  Visler (vihs-lur) –– Silver, dragon-shaped homunculus; also called a Sentinel

  Vitaani (viht-ahn-ee) –– Dákun Daju General within the Army of Light

  V’Nyath (v-nee-ath) –– Dákun Daju General within the Army of Light

  Vronan (vroh-nahn) –– Largest city on Ithnez; houses a major trading port

  Wakari (wuh-kar-ee) –– Dwarf-like creatures that live far underground

  Warinarc (war-een-ark) –– A rival guild of the Tahda'varett

  Wyrd (weerd) –– Shadow Dragon of Undead

  Xyleena (zahy-lee-nuh) –– Heroine of Dragon Diaries

  Zadún (zah-doon) –– The capital city of Arctica

  Zahadu-Kitai (za-ha-doo-key-tie) –– Goddess of fire, rebirth, and spring (phoenix)

  Zalx (zahlks )–– Dákun Daju General within the Army of Light

  Zamora Argatör (zuh-moor-uh ahr-guh-tour) –– Amorez’s alias

  Zhaman Verrs (zah-mon verz) –– King of Arctica

  Zhealocera (zee-low-ser-uh) –– Dákun Daju friend of Xyleena

  Zhücka (zoo-kuh) –– Feykin General within the Army of Light

  Zön-Rígaia (zohn-ree-gayh-yah) –– High powered Feline Demon guild

  Zrehla (zer-ey-luh) –– King of the Southern Stretch

  Other Languages:

  Bakari-Tokai (buh-kahr-ee toe-kahy) –– ‘City of Survivors’ in the Dákun Daju dialect

  S’vil-Tokai (suh-vhil toe-kahy) –– ‘City of Invaders’ in the Dákun Daju dialect

  D’go-Pahngíl (dug-oh pawn-geel) –– ‘Blood Fang’ in the ancient Demon dialect




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