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A Duke in Time--The Widow Rules

Page 23

by Janna MacGregor

  Kat sighed her frustration. “Thank you. Now, I should go up to my study and read it.”

  “Aye,” Willa grunted softly. “If ye need me, I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  “The letter sent by the royal courier? Who is it from?” Kat asked.

  “Who do you think it’s from?” Willa arched one eyebrow. “It’s from the Secretary to the First Lady of the Royal Bedchambers.”

  Without another word, Kat raced upstairs.

  Indeed, two letters lay on top of her desk. The first from her friend and the second from the secretary. She decided to open the one from Helen first. If the secretary’s letter said she had not been chosen as the royal linen supplier, she’d be devastated and wouldn’t want to read the other one.

  Dearest Katherine,

  I miss you. I’m aware you’ve been busy with your project for the Prince Regent, but we used to have tea together once a week. The last time was at my house. If you don’t want to host, then allow me. Would you come tomorrow?

  All my love,


  Katherine let out a slow breath. She had been negligent in her friendship with Helen. She owed Helen the world, and she truly enjoyed her company. Now that the evaluation had been completed, there was no reason why she couldn’t visit her friend. If she did receive the contract, then her time with Helen would be diminished to almost nothing. Katherine would have to travel to the Royal Pavilion for measurements, and when she returned to London, new employees would have to be trained.

  She immediately penned a return note to Helen, accepting her tea, then sealed it. She’d have Rodney, the young man she employed at the workshop, deliver it first thing in the morning.

  With a deep swallow, she placed her quill back on the stand, then picked up the letter from the secretary. The vellum stationary was heavy and expensive. The wax seal was twice as big as hers.

  Her heart plodded through its beats as she turned the note over and over in her hand. It could only mean one thing: she was not the chosen vendor for the contract. The correspondence was too light for there to be a contract inside. Plus, this note had arrived only hours from the time she had departed company with the secretary.

  She closed her eyes and forced herself to consider other options. Perhaps he wouldn’t send the contract immediately. Maybe there had been a delay in the decision making. Everyone knew the royal court didn’t move quickly on anything. Or, more likely, the secretary wanted additional information in order to make the decision.

  Yes, that had to be it. The quicker she opened it, the quicker she would know the answer.

  With great care, Katherine slid a knife under the seal, gently unlodging it from the paper. She carefully unfolded it, then smoothed it out on her desk.

  Looking out the window, she said a small prayer and then forced herself to look down.

  Dear Lady Meriwether,

  It gives me great joy to inform you that you are the chosen new linen supplier to His Royal Highness’s Royal Pavilion. Not only are your linens superior to all others that we evaluated, but the idea of offering matching furniture accompaniments is intriguing.

  His Royal Highness is quite fond of the Duke of Randford, and when he heard about your work with the duke’s new charity, his Royal Highness asked that I look favorably on your work.

  My dear lady, it should come as no great surprise that if the Prince Regent makes such a request, I simply could not refuse.

  I will personally prepare the contracts and have them sent to your shop at the Beltic Arcade. I look forward to working with you in the future.

  One final note, you may now address your business as a supplier to the Prince Regent by royal appointment.

  Please accept my heartfelt congratulations.

  Sincerely yours,

  Edwin Sherman,

  Secretary to the First Lady of the Bedchamber

  Katherine gasped aloud and jumped from her chair.

  She was the newest supplier to the royal family. That honor alone would triple her business since everyone in society shopped where the Prince Regent did.

  For once, it felt as if her past life was firmly behind her. The business she’d created and its success ensured she was worthy of her position in society. It was what she always wanted.

  She held the letter close to her chest, then walked to the window to stare at the London night. Though the street outside her window was quiet, she could hear the hustle and bustle of the city in the near distance. She truly was the master of her own destiny.

  Beth and her advice popped into her thoughts. You should tell the duke and celebrate with him.

  Indeed, she would, first thing tomorrow. Now she had to tell Willa, who by the sly look on her face, probably had already figured it out. She’d been the first one who heard the story about the secretary’s visit. Willa had assured her that she would be the winner.

  With a lightness she hadn’t felt since she’d agreed to marry the trigamist, Katherine descended the stairs and made her way into the kitchen. Willa sat at the kitchen table, holding a cup of tea.

  “I have news,” Katherine called out with a huge smile and not hiding the glee in her voice.

  Just then, Morgan peeked around the corner with his own cup of tea. “What is it, my lady?”

  “I was chosen to supply the linens for the Royal Pavilion!”

  Willa jumped for joy and took Kat in her embrace. “I’m not at all surprised. Congratulations, lass! This calls for a celebration indeed.” With her Scottish lilt blazing at the news, she turned to Morgan and pointed to a cabinet above her head. “Wull ye fetch th’ whisky doon?”

  “Of course.” Gallantly, he retrieved the bottle and handed it to Willa. “Congratulations,” Morgan joined in.

  “Thank you,” Katherine said then tilted her head in his direction. It was odd to find him in their kitchen this time of the evening. “How are you feeling, Mr. Morgan?”

  “I’ve been having trouble sleeping,” he answered. “Sometimes, my memories won’t let me be. Willa was preparing a tonic for me.”

  Kat was well-familiar with those type of memories. She smiled empathetically. “Willa’s tonics are a godsend for me when my memories won’t let me rest. I’m sure you’ll find them helpful.”

  “My lady, I didn’t know you had the same type of sleep problems as me. What memories keep you up at night?”

  Before Kat could answer, Willa did the honors. “The lass worries too much.” She turned to Kat. “I knew you’d git the contract,” Willa announced proudly as she poured a third cup of tea. Then she put a fingerful of whiskey into each cup. “My lass, may this be the first of many.” When Willa held up her cup, Katherine and Morgan did the same.

  All three of them took a drink. Katherine’s was a sip. Willa’s whisky was known for its potency. She turned to Morgan. “The duke planned to call on me tomorrow, but I think I’ll visit Rand House early in the morning before he can leave. I must share my news.”

  “Why don’t you come back with me this evening? I know the captain would love to share in the celebration.” Even with his eye patch, Morgan’s sheepish smile gave him the appearance of a young man. “Actually, I wanted to ask if you could help me with the linens Lord Meriwether bought from you last year. We found them in some of his possessions with a note that they were for the captain’s bed. Neither the housekeeper nor I can figure out how to put your beautiful pillowcases on the pillows.”

  “Is the duke home?” Katherine asked while hiding her excitement that Christian would soon be sleeping on something she’d made.

  Morgan shook his head. “No, my lady. But he soon will be.”

  “Then let’s you and I finish making his bed before he arrives home.”

  She couldn’t wait until tomorrow. She had to see him now.

  Chapter Nineteen

  After an evening with Grayson, Christian was in a delightful mood. His friend had been excellent company, helping Christian see the advantages of receiving his half brother’s strange beques
ts. They’d laughed over Poison Blossom and the tigers. The horse was currently in Christian’s London stables and wouldn’t be moved until she foaled. Christian had sent the tigers to a tenant at his ancestral estate who had experience with the creatures. Meriwether’s paramour had been thrilled when Christian had cancelled the rest of Meri’s contract and had given her the deed to the house where she lived. All in all, everything appeared to be working out well for him and the three wives.

  He hummed a little ditty as he climbed out of his carriage, then proceeded up the front steps of his London home. Like clockwork, the door opened as soon as he reached the landing to the front door.

  “Good evening, Your Grace,” Wheatley called out with a smile.

  “Indeed, it is,” Christian answered, stepping into the entry of his home. After he handed off his beaver hat to a nearby footman, Christian stopped. A delicate fragrance floated through the air, one that reminded him of violets. “Is Lady Meriwether here?”

  The butler chuckled. “How observant, Your Grace.”

  “Where is she?”

  Wheatley pointed toward the second floor. “Your bedchamber, sir.”

  “Thank you.” Christian took the steps two at a time to the second floor. Morgan was coming down the steps at the same time. They met in the middle.

  “Captain, Lady Meri—”

  “In my bedchambers?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir. She has a surprise for you. I would have stayed with her, but there’s a problem with the laundry. Two of the laundry maids are arguing over the starch in your shirts. I hope it’s all right that I left her.”

  “Of course,” Christian agreed. “Go save my shirts.”

  “If need be, I’ll call in the dragoons.” Morgan laughed, then proceeded down the steps.

  Without looking back, Christian made his way in the opposite direction, toward his bedchamber. Katherine’s violet scent lingered. His lucky stars had to be in alignment at the moment. He could tell her about the marriage proposal, and afterward kiss her until …

  Then it hit him, the full force of realization. For once in his life, Rand House seemed like a true home.

  Because of one unique thing.


  The thought of her living here made his chest squeeze with a desperate need as vital as air. She would return from her long hours at the shop and he from his day in Parliament. With welcoming arms and warm kisses, both would be anxious to share an embrace and discuss the hours they’d been apart. It was a heady vision, one he could easily crave.

  He entered his apartments, closed the door behind him, then headed straight for the bedroom. Katherine stood over his bed, straightening it as if she were a maid.

  “I don’t recall hiring a new upstairs maid, but if you’re applying, I think you’re a little overqualified.”

  Katherine glanced up and smiled. The brilliance of her eyes shone brighter than a perfectly cut topaz. He was riveted by the sight and couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  “Good evening, Your Grace.” She dipped a slight curtsey, then waved her hand over his bed. “Tonight, you’ll sleep on a complete set of my bedding.”

  For a moment, he thought she was inviting him into bed. He shook his head slightly to rid himself of the image of her lying there, waiting for him to join her to share all the erotic and sensual fantasies they could think up with each other. She wouldn’t have a stitch of clothing on.

  His body tightened as his cock enthusiastically thickened from such wicked thoughts. He forced himself to concentrate on the bedding as he rubbed a hand across the folded sheets and the duvet. It was almost as soft as Katherine’s skin.

  “This is a lovely gift.” He tried desperately to appear nonchalant and completely comfortable with a beautiful woman in his private apartments. Yet she was more than that. She was part of his life.

  “This is the set that Meri bought when we first met. Morgan discovered it this evening in Meri’s things with a note that it’s for you.”

  “Finally, my half brother left me something that I’ll cherish.” He winked at her, then took off his evening coat and threw it on a chair that was close to the bed.

  She neatly folded the sheet corners, tucked them under the mattress, then smoothed the lovely duvet across the bed to cover the sheets.

  Every inch of his body tightened at the sight.

  Katherine walked around the side until she stood next to him. “I received a letter this evening.”

  Christian frowned. Another missive from his miscreant half brother? No. She wasn’t upset. Instead, Katherine practically shimmered with excitement. “What?”

  “From the Secretary to the First Lady of the Bedchamber.” She took his hands in hers and squeezed.

  Christian lifted one side of his mouth. He suspected she won the contract based upon the way she was flushed, her pink cheeks betraying her excitement. But he wanted Katherine to tell him so he could watch the absolute joy that would transform her from a beautiful woman into a spectacular one.

  “And?” he prompted.

  She tightened her hold on his hands as if trying to keep herself grounded and not float away. The biggest grin spread across her face. “I received the royal appointment.” Then without letting go of his hands, she bounced on her toes. “Can you believe it?”

  “I had little doubt. Your work is exceptional. They wouldn’t have chosen you otherwise. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” When Katherine reached up and brushed her lips across one cheek. Instantly, that familiar undercurrent that sizzled between them sparked anew. In a slow, easy movement, she drew away, but their gazes locked, and neither of them looked away.

  How long they stood there, he hadn’t a clue. But what he did know was that he wanted to kiss her more than he’d ever wanted anything in this life. Such was the power she held over him. “Katherine.” His voice turned gruff, much like a growl. “We’re playing with fire.”

  She answered by brushing her lips over his. He didn’t move but closed his eyes. Unable to bear it any longer, he kissed her in return. The light violet scent wrapped around him, and in turn, he wrapped his arms around her. She sighed in pleasure, and he slipped his tongue past her lips. Immediately, she met his with hers. It was like coming home from a very long war.

  The moan that escaped her hit him like a shot, instantly spreading desire through every part of him. He had wanted her before when they’d shared intimate kisses. Each kiss had built upon the last, bringing them closer and closer to the inevitable. Here and now, Katherine stood in his bedchamber.

  He pulled her tighter into his embrace and ground his thickening member against her body, ready to mark her as his. This all-encompassing need to be close to her—claim her—wove around them, locking out their pasts and everyone that had come before them.

  She gasped slightly, needing to breathe. He kissed her tender neck, trailed his lips across her shoulders, and she leaned her head back, closing her eyes. He licked the indentation at the bottom of the neck, then gently nipped her skin before kissing it. “You drive me mad. I would devour you if you let me.”

  “Eat your fill,” she whispered.

  “I adore it when you talk naughty like that.” He chuckled against her mouth before he deepened the kiss.

  The sweet taste of mint in her mouth was more powerful than any aphrodisiac known to man. But he didn’t need anything to increase his desire for Katherine. He burned for her with a want and need that he’d never experienced before.

  However, Kat would have to make the choice with how far they would go. He pulled away, then cupped her cheeks with his hands. The trust and desire in her eyes was a heady sight and one he’d never tire of. He was sure of it. “Kat,” he whispered. “My Kat.” He swallowed in an attempt to find some semblance of good judgment rolling around in his brain. “We should talk about this. I want you in my bed, but … is that what you want?”

  Her heavy-lidded gaze almost undid him, but they wouldn’t take this any further unless she
wanted to. The rest of the world mattered little. It was only them, and whatever she wanted, he’d give her.

  “I do,” she answered. “I want to make love to you.” Her pink cheeks deepened to a crimson color that only enhanced her beauty.

  He drew a slow, deep breath, then released it. “This hunger between us, this ache is getting stronger.”

  She nodded. “It feels right.”

  This woman could easily possess his heart and soul.

  Earnestly, she stared at him, then squeezed his hand. “I don’t want to risk a child,” she said softly.

  He trailed his forefinger down one of her cheeks. “Agreed. I’ll withdraw.”

  Katherine pressed her lips against his as she unbuttoned his waistcoat. With each button she released, he groaned in response. This time, she was the one to deepen the kiss as she slid his waistcoat over his shoulders before it fell to the floor. She smoothed her hands across his shoulders, and against his lips, she whispered, “Did you know that the first thing I noticed about you when we met was how wide your shoulders are and how trim your waist is? I can’t believe I’ll be able to explore every inch of you.”

  With the back of his finger, he lightly caressed the exposed skin of her décolletage. With a tremulous breath, she moved his hand to the hidden tie of her bodice. Her heated skin made his cock twitch. His eyes never left hers as they untied it together. He loosened the gown, and with a gentle shimmy of her shoulders, the material floated to the ground like leaves falling in surrender to an autumn wind.

  Together they discarded her stays. The thin material of her chemise did little to hide her hardened nipples pressed against the cloth. This was a delectable torment, much like sweet treats in a candy shop window. With reverence, he palmed each breast, and she moaned, deep and wild. The sound reverberated through him. She would be glorious in bed. He had little doubt. Her passion ignited his own.

  She stood before him and smiled, then reached for his cravat. Together, they untied it, then pulled his shirt free of his waist. With a tug, he had it over his head. Her gaze met his then fell slowly down his chest. She licked her lips, and her breath quickened.


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