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The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series)

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by Emma Shae



  The week drug by as Sasha tried to busy herself doing odd things. She enjoyed gardening, so Vanessa had given Sasha permission to plant flowers in a small area in the back yard to fill her time. It was warm outside Thursday morning, so Sasha put on a pair of cut off shorts and a skimpy little top to be cool. She had picked an array of colorful blooming flowers to plant and was arranging them in the soil when Damon looked down from his grandmother's bedroom window. He watched as Sasha dug the holes, then selected the flowers and carefully placed them in the soil.

  Damon could not help but enjoy the scene before him. Sasha was a beautiful woman. She had pulled her long blonde hair up into a chaotic knot on the top of her head, and several errant strands of hair had fallen out, gracefully framing her face. Her top was knotted at her waist, showing her lovely breast as they rose and fell with her breathing. Her tanned abdomen was exposed, and her tiny shorts almost revealed her beautiful lady parts, but not quite.

  Damon and Sasha met every week on Thursday and had been doing so for a month now. Damon had started looking forward to their weekly meeting. He loved being with Sasha and realized that he was beginning to have feelings for her. Damon had promised Vanessa that he would keep their relationship professional, so he knew that he had to fight those feelings. Damon feared, however, that the more time he spent with Sasha, the harder that task was going to become.

  Damon was letting his mind wander as he watched Sasha. He was thinking about the special moments they spent together when Vanessa walked into her bedroom.

  "Damon! Why are you here in the middle of the day? You must not let Sasha see you. She is out in the garden right now."

  "I know, grams, I can see her. She's planting flowers."

  "Get away from the window, Damon! She can see you standing there."

  "Don't worry, grams, I'm careful. Sasha will never know I'm here. The reason why I’m here is that I needed to talk to you about something that couldn't wait. I want you to have some of my stock diverted to the baby once Sasha conceives."

  "Divert your stock? Damon, no! You have the controlling interest at present, and I want it to stay that way. Our company is safer if you have the majority of shares. Please think about this some more. Breaking up your shares might weaken our company."

  "I will keep the majority shares grams, but I want Sasha's baby to have something from me. I cannot be the baby's father on paper, but I can give it something of me. I hope you understand."

  "Well, as long as you've thought this through and know that it is what you want to do."

  "I'm sure I've thought about it a lot, and I think that it is the right thing to do."

  "Well, since you feel that strongly about it, I'll have Burton set it up for you so when the baby is born, it will become effective. Now, you need to get out of here before Sasha sees you."

  As Vanessa ushered Damon down the stairs and toward the front door, she asked him, "What do you have planned for the two of you tonight, or is that a secret?"

  "No secret's gram, just a surprise, and a pleasant one, I hope. I'm going to take the yacht out this weekend, can you notify Wayne to have everything ready."

  "Ahh, a boating excursion. What a great idea, Damon. I do not think that Sasha has ever been on a yacht before, so that will be a real treat for her. You haven't been out on the water in a long time yourself, not since," Vanessa paused mid-sentence. Then Damon said, "I know, grams-since I lost Carma. I think I'm ready to take it out again."

  "I'm glad. You need to enjoy yourself a little bit. You have been so involved with the business, lately. It's time that you relaxed a little and had some fun. "

  "I haven't felt like relaxing, or having fun, for that matter, grams. These last few years have been tuff."

  "I know, and I understand, but it's time for you to get away from the business for a while."

  "I'll hire a nurse, and a sitter to watch over Emry for the weekend, and let Sasha know so that she doesn't have to worry about him. Then, I'll let Wayne know to stock the yacht and have it ready for a three-day outing."

  They had reached the front door by that time, and Vanessa said, "Now get out of here before Sasha finishes up her gardening and accidentally sees you. I don't want to have to explain to her why you are here."

  "Yes, ma'am, and thanks for everything."

  "You're welcome, sweetheart. Just relax and enjoy yourself, and make sure that Sasha has a wonderful time, too."

  "Don't worry, grams. I'll take excellent care of Sasha."



  After an hour of gardening, Sasha was ready to take a break. She put away her gardening tools and walked upstairs to take a leisurely bath. Once in her bedroom, Sasha checked her dresser for her Thursday afternoon note. The envelope was there, as usual, Sasha picked up the sealed envelope, opened it, and as she read the information outlined in the message, and she smiled.

  Her rendezvous this week with Damon was to be on the water. How cool. Sasha had never been on a yacht before, so this was going to be a unique first for her. Sasha was to meet Damon this afternoon at the dock and then spend the entire weekend with him.

  The smile on her face widened as Sasha thought about the time that she was to spend with Damon. Three full days and three nights in Damon's arms was an exciting picture. In the note that Vanessa wrote this week, she said she was hiring a nurse, and a sitter to take care of Emry for the weekend, so Sasha did not have to even think about Emry for the entire time.

  That meant that she was not only going to be able to spend an entire weekend with Damon, but she would not have to listen to Emry gripe about everything for the whole weekend. Sasha regretted thinking that way, and she wished that she could be more understanding and patient with Emry, but it was hard to be patient with a person that you hardly knew and was always miserable. Sasha knew that she needed to be more compassionate. Emry was dying, and in constant pain, which made him grumpy and out of sorts all the time. Patience was never one of Sasha's virtues, and she knew that was something that she needed to work on for sure.

  Sasha put away the note and then undressed. While she drew a tub of water, she grabbed her bath pillow and tossed it into the bathtub. After adding some aromatic bubbly to her bath, Sasha slowly inched her toes into the inviting, warm bubbles.

  While languishing in the tub, Sasha closed her eyes and started to daydream about the upcoming weekend with Damon. She had never spent an entire weekend away from Emry. Better yet, she had never spent three days in a row with Damon. Just thinking about three days with Damon made her skin tingle. Sasha fantasized that Damon was in the tub with her. She touched her breast and then slowly trailed her fingers down to her thighs, imagining that it was Damon's hands, not her own. As the warm water caressed her body, Sasha could feel the water tease her breasts as they rose and fell, in and out of the water with each breath she took. Sasha then trailed her fingertips down to her most intimate parts, enjoying the sensations as she pleasured herself. Completely sated now, Sasha could feel her fingers starting to wrinkle and recognized that it was time to get out of the water, dry off, and get dressed.

  Sasha went to her closet and started rummaging through it. She wasn't sure what to wear. Sasha had never been on a yacht before, so she didn't know what to take on her trip. Sasha first grabbed a couple of swimsuits and stuffed them into her bag to take with her. Then, after eyeballing a couple of crop tops and some skimpy shorts for several minutes, she stuffed those into her bag as well. Sasha then decided to wear a lemon-yellow sundress and some brightly colored sandals.

  Sasha dressed slowly and carefully, paying close attention to every detail of her outfit and her makeup. When she finished dressing, she stepped back from the long mirror to take a look. Sasha nodded her head that the outfit she had chosen was perfect. She then braided her long blonde hair and pinned it up on top of her head. As Sasha gazed back at the mirror once again, a soft knock on her bedroom door drew her attention

  Vita, the maid, was knocking at Sasha's bedroom door, saying, "Miss Sasha, Thomas is downstairs with the car. He is ready to take you to the yacht."

  "Thank you, Vita. Tell Thomas, that I'll be down in a few minutes."

  "Sure thing, Miss Sasha, I'll let him know. Can he take your bag?"

  "No, I'll bring it downstairs. I'm not taking that much stuff with me."

  Sasha did not wear a lot of makeup. She did not need to because she was a beautiful woman. Checking her bag one last time, Sasha felt satisfied with her choices and zipped the bag shut. Sasha then put on her hat that matched her sundress, and after adjusting it, she pinned it in place. She then smoothed down her dress, and after slipping on her sandals, almost ran down the stairs. Sasha was so ready for a weekend away from the mansion. The big old house felt cold and unwelcoming to her, and Sasha could not wait to get away from it.

  Thomas was waiting out front with the limo, and as soon as Sasha came out the front door, he met her and took her bag. Thomas loaded her luggage into the trunk, and once Sasha was seated comfortably inside, he drove her to the pier.



  When they arrived at the dock, Thomas unloaded Sasha's bag that she packed for the trip from the trunk of the limo, then he escorted her to the cross-bridge and into her room onboard the yacht. The yacht was huge and quite impressive. The accommodations on board the vessel was lavish. The bed in the room that she was to stay in was a massive four-poster bed, made of dark mahogany and beautifully carved. The bedspread on top was deep oxford blue with plush quilted flowers. The porthole coverings were a lighter shade of blue and tied back with laced flowers. The entire room was inviting and smelled of lilacs. Sasha sat down on the edge of the bed and contemplated what she was supposed to do next. While considering her choices, there was a knock on her cabin door. "Come in."

  Damon casually strolled into her room. He was so virile. Everything about him smacked of man, from his height to his physique. He was tall, over six feet, and dark-skinned. His olive complexion made him dynamic in appearance. He carried himself with such pride and always dressed impeccably. As he strode toward Sasha, he made the entire room seem insignificant. Sasha admired the tapering shape of his limbs and the raw power that he exuded as he walked. Sasha's heart began to pound as Damon got nearer to her. She could not take her eyes off of him. Sasha noted the way his dark hair waved around his ears and across his forehead. His jeans rode low on his hips, and her mind did not stop at denim. Then Damon spoke, "Hello, there, I'm glad you could join me. I hope you like your accommodations."

  "Oh, yes, the room is beautiful, and this boat is huge."

  "I'm glad you like your room, and I hope that you enjoy the outing that I have planned for us. I guessed at what you might like to eat, so I hope you don't starve on our trip."

  "Oh, I'm comfortable with food, almost anything is okay. The only thing I don't care to eat would be liver. Other than that, I like pretty much everything."

  "Good. I like a woman that eats what she wants. I think it's foolish for a woman to starve herself just to stay skinny."

  "That will never be me. I seem to stay skinny no matter what I eat. Of course, after I get pregnant, that may all change."

  "I don't think so. I think you are one of those women that will always stay in shape no matter what you eat. You look lovely, by the way. "

  Hearing Damon say those words made Sasha smile, "Well, thanks, that's one of the nicest things that anyone has ever said to me."

  Damon then walked toward the door, saying, "Chef William has made us a lovely meal. I told him to have everything ready about six. Do you want to meet me downstairs then?"

  "Sure. That sounds lovely. See you at six."

  Damon then casually strolled out the door.



  Sasha looked up at the clock on the wall and realized that she had about twenty minutes before it was time to meet Damon downstairs. Since he had admired her outfit, Sasha felt that she had made the right choice in wearing her yellow sundress and white sandals. She removed her brightly flowered hat and pinned her long blonde hair up on top of her head. Then Sasha retouched her makeup, reapplying her rosy red lipstick and pink blush accenting her fair, almost porcelain complexion. Sasha was a beautiful woman, but she was unaware of how attractive she was.

  Taking one last look in the mirror, Sasha nodded her head. She felt that she was ready and headed out of the cabin door. Sasha quickly realized that she did not know where the dining room was on the ship, so she paused, and while standing in her doorway, she gasped softly at the scene before her.

  The yacht was no longer at the docks. Sasha did not realize that the boat was now moving. Sasha was now looking out across a vast expanse of water. She could see the sun starting to set, and it was the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen. There was a rainbow of colors displayed across the sky. Sasha had never really noticed how beautiful the sunset could be until now. She walked across and grabbed the rail and soaked in the beauty before her.

  While Sasha stood at the rail watching the beautiful sunset, Damon was admiring the curve of her neck and her long shapely legs. They were the same ivory hue as her breast. Damon let his eyes wander across the top of her breasts and down to her tiny waist. She had the smallest, most delicate feet and beautiful hands. Damon loved having those hands touch him.

  Sasha was beautiful and so feminine. Everything about her was alluring. Damon was unable to look away from her.

  Sasha turned to face Damon at that moment, and when her eyes met his, Damon could see something in them that was not surprise, and not quite desire, but had elements of both.

  Sasha's heart began to pound as she stood there, staring at Damon, unable to take her eyes away. She noticed the way spikes of his dark hair fell over the nape of his neck when he tipped his chin upwards slightly. Sasha loved the way the muscles in his shoulders bunched when he moved. Sasha could smell Damon's cologne as the aroma became trapped in the mild breeze. The scent drifted all around her and assailed her senses. When Damon reached his hand toward her, Sasha automatically placed her hand in his. When he clasped them together, he turned and led her toward the dining room.

  "I didn't figure that you knew the way to the dining room, so I decided to come and get you. Are you hungry?"

  "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. I didn't have lunch today."

  "Were you too busy doing other things and forgot to eat?"

  "Yes, I guess I did. I was gardening today and got so caught up planting flowers I lost track of time. I didn't even think about food."

  "Well, it's okay because William has made a feast for us tonight."

  Once Damon had escorted Sasha to her seat, he sat down himself, and within a few minutes, William served them. He placed a lovely plate of baked fish, and a colorful leafy green salad in front of Sasha and another one in front of Damon, and then he excused himself for the evening. The two of them ate in silence, stealing glances at one another as they ate.

  Sasha had never spent time in Damon's company before. She had met him three times already for their sexual interludes, but all three occasions were for sex only. Sasha felt a little odd having the time to carry on an actual conversation with him. She did not know what to say, so she continued eating.

  Damon spoke again, "So, you like to plant flowers. Where did you plant them?"

  "Vanessa, my mother in law, gave me a small plot in the back yard to do my gardening in today. I had fun spending time outdoors."

  "I'm glad you like the outdoors. I was not sure if you would like to be outdoors or on the water. I was taking a chance that this outing was a good idea."

  "I've never been on a yacht before. The largest boat I have ever been on was a paddleboat with a friend of mine. It was a lot of fun, but I think this boating trip will be a lot more fun than that."

  Damon said, "I hope so."

  They ate the rest of their meal, chatting casua
lly now and then, and when they finished their meal, Damon stood and escorted Sasha to her room.

  Once inside her room, Damon turned her around to face him, and he kissed her. Then he gathered her close to him, molding her body to his. Sasha locked her arms around his neck. There was a mild form of desperation in her motion, but it was so close to passion, it took Damon a while to notice the difference. Damon inhaled the scent of Sasha. He then realized that he had been starving for the taste of her since their last encounter. Damon lifted Sasha against the swelling in his loins. Her groan was lost in his mouth as he covered her mouth with his. Damon then lifted Sasha off the floor and carried her toward the bed. Once he reached the bed, Damon laid her down with his body half covering hers. Sasha was clinging tightly to him, caught up in the kiss as much as he was. Damon let his desire reign unchecked, touching her all over. He could not get enough of her.

  Damon's lips moved to Sasha's neck, kissing her behind her ear. Sasha wiggled with delight, and then she trembled slightly. Damon's lips parted hers again, pulling her into the intimacy that he needed her to share. Sasha had craved the taste and smell of Damon without realizing it, but her body knew and was thrilled beyond measure. Damon filled his hand with her breast uncoiling the heat deep within her. Sasha could not think straight. She did not want to think at all. She held Damon tightly as if she feared that he might pull away from her. Damon's hands continued to roam over her body. He lifted her dress and slowly caressed across her hips and then down her legs. Even with her clothes on, Sasha was still thrilled by his touch. Once Damon's hands found Sasha's bare skin beneath her sundress, he trailed his fingers up her back and around to the strap tied around her neck. With one slow pull on that strap, the dress began to fall downward. Now her breasts were completely exposed to him, and he could see her pulse beat in her slender neck as it was racing with expectancy.


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