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The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series)

Page 18

by Emma Shae

  “Grams, I’m sorry that Emry had to go into a psychiatric ward, but he needs help. I’m still shocked that I never realized how truly sick he is. All of those months of pretending to be deathly ill and having everyone believe that he died. I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive him for putting our family through that hell.”

  “I understand Damon, Emry has hurt us all, but he is family, so I have to take care of him. I know that I will never trust him. Even if his doctors sign off that he is well, I will never be able to look at him the same way again. I’m afraid that from now on I’m going to see him as a murderer, and a liar, and nothing more. I hope the doctors at Faith Hospital can help him, but I’m afraid that he is too far gone.”

  “I hope that something can be done for him too, Grams, but I have to agree with you. I’m afraid that Emry is lost. He has allowed himself to believe that the entire world owes him, especially you and I, and I don’t think that he will ever get away from that mindset.”

  “Sadly, Damon, I fear that you are right. We have probably lost Emry forever, and he will continue to sink into his self-made hell for the rest of his life. On another note, though, Damon, I would like to bring this up to you, even though I realize that this is probably not the right time to discuss it. My greatest desire in life for you and Sasha is for you to get married. I realize that I’m old-fashioned, and you young people don’t see the need for a license to make your love legal, but I do. In my heart, the baby makes you a family, and a family needs to have the same last name. If you do nothing else for me in this life, please marry Sasha. I’ve dreamed of the day when the two of you say I do, and I know that she has too. Do this and make this old woman even more proud of you than I already am.”

  “I’ve asked her to marry me, Grams, and she has said yes. With all that has been going on, though, we haven’t discussed a date yet. I’ll bring the subject up with her this evening. We are very much in love, so I don’t think it will be very long from now.”

  “I hope not, Damon. I would love to see you place a ring on her finger before I leave this world.”

  “Don’t even think about leaving this world, Grams, because you are going to live for a very long time. I expect you to see your grandson grow up to be a man one day and make you even prouder of him that you are of me.”

  “Life has its unexpected moments, Damon, and many of those we cannot control. Please, let me know if you and Sasha pick a date.”

  “You’ll be the first to know, Grams.”

  Maida arrived at that moment, just as Damon was about to leave. She brought Vanessa some food. Damon took the tray from her and set it on Vanessa’s nightstand. Maida smiled at Damon and said, “I made a tray for you and Ms. Sasha too, Mr. Damon, are you ready for me to bring it up as well?”

  “No need, Maida. I’ll come downstairs with you and pick it up.”

  Maida made sure that Vanessa was comfortable and didn’t need anything else, and then she and Damon headed down to the kitchen. After Maida placed the bowls of stew on the tray for Sasha and Damon, he began to question Maida, “I know that you and Vanessa share many things, and you are loyal to her, but I hope that you will be honest with me and tell me the truth about her health. She’s been trying to hide her weakened health from me for a long time now, but I can see that she is getting weaker every day. She isn’t one to complain, but- she’s dying, isn’t she?”

  “Mr. Damon, I am loyal to Ms. Vanessa, but I also know how much you love Ms. Vanessa. For that reason, I will tell you, she will not be able to have another surgery, and this pacemaker is failing. She will not be with us much longer.”

  “I was afraid that was what was happening. Vanessa tried to make me think that she just had a cold or a sinus infection and was feeling under the weather, but I knew it was more significant than that. Is there anything that we can do for her? Have her doctors tried everything?”

  “She has been told by the best specialist in the land that she cannot physically withstand another surgery. The medication they have her on is the strongest they can prescribe for her for the pain. She is also on a trial medication to help regulate her heart rate, which was helping at first, but more recently seems not to be working anymore. I know that her last wish for you and Ms. Sasha is that you marry. It would make her incredibly happy if you did that soon. She would love to see the two of you become man and wife before she passes, I’m sure of that.”

  “I know that she is anxious for Sasha and me to marry, she’s told me that before, and I would love to grant her wish if I can. Sasha agreed to marry me before all of this turmoil with Emry started. I don’t know how she would feel about having the ceremony in Vanessa’s bedroom, though, that might be pushing her good nature a little too far, but I’ll talk it over with her and see what I can arrange.”

  Maida agreed with a nod of her head that she understood, and then she finished up the tray of food. Damon then took the food up the stairs to speak with Sasha.



  As Vanessa looked at the tray of food Maida had so lovingly prepared for her, nothing appealed to her. Vanessa did not have the energy to eat anything.

  She could not stop thinking about Damon’s mental state. He was so upset with Emry. His anger was justified but knowing how angry he was with the entire situation, Vanessa held back from telling Damon everything.

  There was so much more that she needed to share with him, but her strength was waning, so it was more critical that Vanessa get the information down on paper as soon as possible. It would have been less shocking to him if she could have explained everything to him face-to-face. Still, Vanessa would have to trust the handling of that to Tammy, Burton’s transcriptionist. Hopefully, she would be able to get everything down appropriately, and in a fashion that would not seem so harsh and uncaring.

  Vanessa had never meant to wait this long to tell Damon about his heritage, but she just ever felt the right opportunity for delivering such earth-shattering news presented itself.

  It was now inching past the noon hour, and Vanessa felt that she needed to rest. Perhaps if she slept for a little while, then maybe she would feel like eating something. Vanessa eased down into her bed and, in just a few minutes, was sound asleep.

  In the meantime, Damon had returned to Sasha’s bedroom, and as he knocked on her door, she playfully asked, “Who’s there?

  Damon played along, “It’s the big bad wolf, and if you don’t let me in, I’m going to huff and puff and blow your door down.”

  Sasha opened her door, smiling, and said, “Well, there is no need to get radical.”

  Damon grabbed her and danced with her a couple of turns, and then he spun her around. Almost breathless, Sasha asked, “What has gotten into you? You must have good news. They caught Emry, didn’t they? Please say yes. I hope they got those two killers too. Please tell me that they are all in custody and make my day.”

  “Okay, I’ll make your day. All of the bad guys are in custody.”

  The smile then left Sasha’s face as she said, “I’m sorry that they had to put Emry in custody, Damon. I know that he is your brother, and this was the last thing that you could have wished on him.”

  The jovial mood quickly left the room as Damon contemplated for a few seconds, and then he said, “You know, Sasha, I should be upset because my brother is going into a mental institute, but he needs help. I can’t feel sorry for him because of all the pain that he has caused everyone in this family. He brought all of this upon himself. I do pity him, though. He has always felt that the world owed him. He has been unhappy all of his life, grabbing for something that wasn’t there. Emry will never know happiness, not like the happiness that I have found with you. He will never know true love.”

  Then Damon looked deep into Sasha’s eyes and said, “Let’s get married.”

  “I’ve already said that I would marry.”

  “I know that you did, but we never set a date. Let’s get married today.”

a smiled and simply said, “Okay.”

  “What, you didn’t hesitate, or ask questions? Don’t you want time to plan things?”

  “Not really, I love you, and I want to marry you. I see no need to wait. As long as my father and Vanessa can attend, I’ll be happy. If it’s okay by you, though, I’d like to have Maida, Thomas, and William there too, and if Captain Phillip can attend, that would be nice too.”

  “You want the staff to attend your wedding?”

  “It’s your ceremony too, so if you don’t want them there, that’s fine.”

  “You are the strangest woman that I have ever met. You don't want a big wedding, and you want our staff to attend?”

  “They are my friends.”

  “Of course, the staff can attend if that is what you want. Are there any other friends that you would like to attend?”

  “I don’t have any other friends. After high school, I lost contact with my only friend in school. I found out later that she had died from complications after a failed weight reduction surgical procedure. I spent so much of my time during college studying that I didn’t have time for a social life. After my mother died, I had to take care of my father, so dating was out of the question. Do you have any friends that you would like to invite?”

  “Now that you mention it, I’ve lost contact with all of my high school friends too, and like you, I was so busy in college, trying to impress my grandfather with good grades. There isn’t anyone else that I'd like to attend besides the people that you have named off.”

  “Then it's settled, we will have a small ceremony here and invite just staff, your father and my grandmother. Now, when do you want to have the ceremony?”

  “When I visited Vanessa this morning, I got the impression that she wanted us to get married as soon as possible. I know that it's asking a lot, but do you think that we could get married today, and would it be too much to ask that we get married in her bedroom?”

  Sasha got a slightly surprised look on her face but then said, “I don’t mind that Damon, especially if Vanessa is okay with that.”

  “It is Vanessa’s fondest wish that we get married. It will make her proud, knowing that we are man and wife.”

  “Okay, then, it’s settled. We are getting married today and having our ceremony in Vanessa’s room.”

  “You need a wedding dress, and we need some decorations.”

  “I don’t need a wedding dress, just pick something out of my closet that you like, and we’ll call it my wedding dress. What I wear isn’t that important to me. We don’t need any decorations either, besides I don’t think we have time for all of that today.”

  “Maida can send Thomas to pick up some flowers and a cake for us. I like the green dress I bought for you. Will that be appropriate? Or I can send William out to pick up a dress if you would like to have a wedding gown. I know that isn’t the ideal way to choose a wedding dress, but it is an option.”

  “The green dress is perfect, and if Maida has time to order flowers and Thomas doesn’t mind picking them up, I like daisies.”

  “Daisies, it is.”

  “I need to talk to Vanessa for a few minutes, though. Do you think that she is awake?”

  “When I left her, she was going to take a nap, but that was about an hour ago, so she’s probably awake by now.”

  “Can you watch Trenton for a few minutes for me?”

  “Sure, sweetheart, take as long as you need. I’ll be right here waiting for my bride to be.”

  “I can’t wait to tell Vanessa about our plans. I’m getting more excited by the minute.”

  “I’m happy too, Sasha. I’ve waited a long time to find someone like you, and now that I’ve met you, I’m not about to let you get away from me. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you are willing to do this for Vanessa. She loves you and can’t wait to have you as her daughter in law. Doing this will mean the world to her, I’m sure.”

  Sasha rushed to Vanessa’s bedroom. She was excited to tell her about her news. Sasha gently tapped on Vanessa’s bedroom door, and when she heard a very weak, “Come in,” she then slowly opened the door.

  Sasha found Vanessa lying in bed, and when Vanessa saw Sasha, she tried to rise in bed. Sasha immediately ran to her side and plied pillows behind her back and neck to help support her. Sasha was very distressed at Vanessa’s condition. It was quickly apparent to Sasha that Vanessa did not feel well.

  Sasha knew that Vanessa had a pacemaker and that she had a heart condition, but she was not aware of the severity of her health situation.

  After helping Vanessa sit up, Sasha tried not to alarm her that she was concerned about her condition, so she smiled.

  Sasha didn’t fool Vanessa with her smile though, Vanessa said, “There is no need for you to put on a good front for me, sweetheart, I know that I look bad. I do not feel well today, so I decided to stay home. I felt like being a sloth today, so I haven’t even brushed my hair.”

  “I’m sorry that you’re not feeling well today, Vanessa. The matter that I came to discuss with you can wait till you’re feeling better.”

  “No, it cannot. I’m sure that you have come to tell me about your wedding plans.”

  Sasha looked up at Vanessa and said, “It's okay, Vanessa. We can talk about this another day when you’re feeling better.”

  “No, we can’t wait, dear, you see, I’m not just under the weather, my health is failing, and I’m not sure how much longer I have. It’s important to me, though, that you and Damon marry before I breathe my last breath. So, please, let’s have your wedding today if you don’t mind having it here in my bedroom, and make this old lady the happiest person in the world.”

  Sasha was taken aback by the news that Vanessa’s health was failing. Sasha knew that Vanessa’s heart was weak and that she wore a pacemaker, but Sasha had no idea that she was dying. A tear immediately rolled down Sasha’s face, uncontrollably, and she didn’t even realize that it had fallen.

  Vanessa saw the lone tear and said, “I’m not sad, sweetheart, so don’t you be either. I’ve lived a very long and fruitful life, and I’m leaving this world knowing that I have played my part in strengthening, not only our economy through Lockheed International, but my family as well. Before I draw my last breath, I wanted to see Damon married, and Emry took care of, and it pleases me more than you will ever know, having received those two gifts.”

  “I don’t mind having my ceremony here in your room, as long as you feel up to it. I’ll only invite my Dad and the staff if that’s alright.”

  “Sasha, it’s your wedding, you can invite anyone you like, have all of your friends over. I limited your fake ceremony to Emry, with no guests, but I won’t do that to you with Damon.”

  “I don’t have that many friends, but I would like the staff here, and Damon agrees that my Dad and the staff are all that he needs present too.”

  “If that is your wish, I’m more than happy with your choices. Now, what time would you like to have this wondrous occasion take place?”

  “I have to find a preacher that can come on such short notice, and Damon wants me to have flowers.”

  “What kind of flowers do you want, dear?”

  “I like daisies, but I’m not sure if I can find those this time of the year.”

  “Why don’t you leave everything up to me? I’ll arrange for the preacher, a real one this time, and the flowers, you just pick out your dream dress and get yourself fixed up real pretty for your future husband. It is three o’clock now, how about we give everyone around three hours to get ready and have the ceremony at six. Does that sound doable to you?”

  “That’s a lot, are you sure you want to do all of that. I don’t want you to overdo, Vanessa, because I know that you don’t feel well.”

  “I have people to help me, so don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Let’s get this party started.”

  “I’m getting excited. I have wanted to marry Damon ever since he asked me several months ago, but things hav
e just been so crazy around her. He is my dream lover. I think I fell in love with him the first time I laid eyes on him.”

  “Hearing you say that makes me so happy. I know that the two of you are going to be so happy together. Now, I called Blue Sky Boutique earlier and asked them to send over a dozen or so dresses for your approval. Damon gave me your size. Select whatever you like. This wedding is my gift to you. Petra will be here soon to fix your hair, and Sheila will help you with your makeup. Then Petra will try to fix my hair. Hopefully, he will be able to get all of the knots out of it since I’ve been twisting and turning in this bed all day. I’ve probably knotted it up pretty good, so he is going to have his job cut out for him. Run along now, sweetheart, and leave everything to me.”

  Sasha bent down and kissed Vanessa on the cheek and said, “I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done for me.”

  “Go, go, go, get yourself pretty, and be her at six. You don’t want to be late for your own wedding.”



  Sasha was all a flutter by the time she left Vanessa’s room. She almost skipped on her way back to Damon. When she burst into her room, Damon was holding Trenton, and the baby was cooing. An immediate smile crossed Sasha’s face. She could be no happier than she was at this very minute. To top off the sight before her eyes, she was getting married today.


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