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Borderlands (The Dreams of Reality Book 5)

Page 48

by Gareth Otton

  “So what was the point?” Jacob demanded. “What did they give you for betraying your own kind?”

  Brad snorted, suddenly unable to believe he ever looked up to this man.

  “Nothing,” he answered.

  “Bullshit,” Jacob snapped, jabbing a finger in Brad’s chest to emphasise his point. “There must be something. How else could you convince all those people to follow you?”

  Brad thought about the question, and answers started clicking into place. The satisfaction he felt that belied the horror of what he had lived through started to make sense. The reason the locking door didn’t bother him as it once had became clear and Brad saw what had been missing from his life for a while now; a path back from this hole that he had dug for himself.

  “I offered them something that you never could,” Brad said, brushing Jacob’s pointing finger aside and stepping past the man. “I offered them a chance to do the right thing for a change, and take one step back towards becoming a good person again. Nothing else was needed. But something tells me that this is something you will never understand.”

  Smiling at the confused expression on Jacob’s face, Brad walked past the man and headed back towards his cell, ignoring Jacob’s shouted questions that followed him all the way.


  Saturday, 14th January 2017


  Lizzie glanced at her watch and then at the camera.

  “Come on then, let’s see if we can do this in one guys, I’ve got places to be today.”

  The commotion behind the camera settled and Lizzie waited for the words to scroll up the teleprompter before speaking into the camera.

  “Happy Saturday everyone. Congratulations, you’ve survived another week, and it’s time for your five-minute weekend fix. And how about we start with some good news? The three new factories commissioned for the creation of new dreacmatchers to replace those destroyed on New Year’s Eve two weeks ago are now online and the first shipments of the new dreamcatchers are already on the road. This is just the first step in meeting the increased demand for dreamcatchers worldwide, but Prime Minister Clayton has assured me we are on schedule with her promise to get a dreamcatcher in every home before the month is out.

  “Speaking of Prime Minister Clayton, she will be making an appearance at the Dream Gate renaming ceremony at mid-day, which is being streamed live from this channel so tune back in at twelve o’clock. Not only is she renaming the site in honour of the ghost that sacrificed himself that day, but rumours have it she will also be honouring Tony Suen’s sacrifice by announcing her promise to revisit the disastrous Supernatural Act that passed shortly after the dreamwalker attack on Cardiff in November. We will be following that promise very closely on this channel, and we will make damn sure that the Prime Minister honours not just her promise, but the men, women, dreamwalkers and ghosts who overcame their differences and laid down their lives two weeks ago to protect us all from a much darker future.

  “Across the pond, tensions are still running high as investigations are ongoing and heads continue to roll as the lengths to which the eidolon corruption has spread throughout the American government continues to be uncovered. Other countries around the world are mirroring similar actions as every day the lengths to which these people have infiltrated our governments and most influential companies continue to be uncovered.

  “Unfortunately, this is slow work at the moment as the world is still struggling to come to terms with their new realities after the Second Merging. Nightmares continue to run rampant across the globe, but the number of dreams come true is also on the rise. Once again, it’s important to remember that it is uncontrolled fear that creates nightmares, and there’s a lot of good to come from the Second Merging. So try to keep a positive outlook because I genuinely believe we’re past the worst of this, and with new dreamcatchers rolling out every day, things will only get better from here.

  “With the Merging affecting the entire world and not just the area formerly known as the Borderlands, there has never been a more exciting time to be alive. And of course, where better to keep up to date with everything that’s happening in the world than right here. So don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to the channel for all the latest news. And it wouldn’t be one of my videos recently without a reminder that with Dream going global, we are too, so if you’d like to be part of my team, then visit and head on over to the careers section.

  “So there’s your five minute weekend fix, but if you’ve not had enough of me for one day, head on over to my second channel where we’ve just dropped the new studio tour amongst other behind-the-scenes shenanigans. So until next time, stay safe, love you all, and bye for now.”

  She stayed silent for a second so that the editors had a natural place to cut the video, and then she started speaking again before anyone else had a chance to.

  “I know, Mike. I went off script a few times even though I promised you I wouldn’t, but it’s my show so you’re going to have to deal with it.”

  The man standing behind the camera held up his hands in surrender and snorted at her words.

  “My little tangents aside, I think that was okay, wasn’t it? We don’t need to go again.” When Mike gave her the all clear, Lizzie breathed out a sigh of relief, hopped to her feet and disconnected her microphone. “Then I’m out of here,” she said, marching off stage and over to Miles’ desk. “You ready to go.”

  “Just waiting on you,” Miles said, even as he finished tapping out a few commands on his computer, putting the lie to his words.

  “Come on Miles, it was you who told me we needed a weekend off for a change. Don’t keep me waiting now that I’m done for the day.”

  “Alright, alright,” Miles said, his screen going dark. “I just wanted to finish a few things and make a good impression at the end of my first week on the job. I can’t let the boss think I’m not pulling my weight.”

  Lizzie grinned and said, “I know your new boss quite well, and I think she might be persuaded to put any slight performance glitches down to first week jitters.”

  Miles’ smile fell.

  “What performance glitches?” he demanded.

  Lizzie laughed. “I’m just joking. You’ve done great as expected.” A little more seriously, she asked, “So how was it? No regrets about coming to work for me and leaving all that excitement behind.”

  “I’ve had enough excitement to last me a lifetime,” Miles said, motioning to his bad leg that was still healing up after the DTHQ attack. Then he looked around the studio and said, “Though, something tells me I might get some more working here whether I like it or not.”

  “Not today,” Lizzie promised, taking his arm and helping support him as he limped away from his desk. “I promised you a nice relaxing day and I’m giving you a—”

  “Lizzie. I just heard that there’s a hundred foot tall kangaroo bearing down on Sydney in Australia,” someone shouted, making Lizzie stop so suddenly that Miles almost fell over. However, rather than be frustrated with her, Miles just gave her a knowing look.

  “I don’t have to go,” she said.

  Miles rolled his eyes and disentangled himself from her.

  “Of course you do. It’s a hundred foot tall kangaroo, Liz. How often do you get a chance to see something like that?”

  “You sure?” Lizzie asked. “I mean, I agreed to spend the whole day—”

  “Go,” Miles interrupted. “If it wasn’t for my leg, I might just go with you.”

  Lizzie grinned then leaned in to kiss him and pull him in for a quick hug.

  “I won’t be long,” she promised, already backing away towards the equipment cage so she could arm herself with a camera and hopefully a camera man before heading off.

  “Sure you won’t,” Miles said, rolling his eyes again. “Just remember this next time you complain about me playing with my computer at three in the morning.”

  “I’ll remember,” she promised. “Love you,”
she called before she committed to turning away and running towards the cage where Lewis, their newest recruit, was already waiting with a camera in his hand and a hopeful expression on his face. The boy couldn’t have been a day over sixteen and she should be taking someone else, but he had been the first one to get to the cage and she remembered what she had been like at his age, willing to do anything to get a chance like this.

  “You ever travelled by dreamwalking before, Lewis?” she asked.

  The boy both perked up at the thought of going and looked nervous at the same time. He shook his head, and Lizzie grinned.

  “Then you’re going to love this, just remember to jump.”

  She grabbed his arm, looked back to wave at Miles, and then she thought about the new tattoo that she had just had done two days ago. She had been nervous to get this one after the pain of the last one overloading, but then she thought about all the benefits of dreamwalking and how much better it would be now that she could use that for the fun stuff again. Against all odds, what Tad did that day had halted the war long enough for her story to take hold, and for the conflict to die down. There were still flare-ups from groups like the children of ADaM, but as Lizzie didn’t fear for her life any more. Instead she was just rediscovering the excitement she felt soon after the first Merging, only now she had a whole world to cover, which was fine by her because she’d always wanted to travel.

  A giant kangaroo nightmare, she thought to herself, amazed at this new world she lived in. Then, not willing to wait any longer, she told Lewis to jump and changed the channel.


  Thursday, 4th February 2017


  On the cold and wet streets of Cardiff, a young ghost walked alone, lost in dark thoughts.

  Thoughts of the twins plagued Amber, of other child ghosts who had been in her care and moved on before they were ready, and of course Tony. It was more than that he’d been a good friend and she was looking forward to seeing if they could be more; it was that he had made her wait behind when maybe she could have helped. Jen explained how it had to be Tony or it wouldn’t have worked, but Amber couldn’t shake the feeling that if she was there, it could have been different.

  So she was left with that guilt while she was still living with Tony’s parents, who were locked in their own grief, and still looking out for child ghosts. That calling seemed ten times harder without his help. It shouldn’t feel that way because, in large part thanks to Tony’s sacrifice, things were so much better for ghosts. None of her kids had been bullied in weeks, and the newest ones were lucky enough to never have experienced bullying at all. But every day she felt like she was at the end of her strength and was losing struggle to keep going on. She would have given up long before now if it weren’t for Jen.

  Poor Jen was a mess.

  She hadn’t taken Tony’s passing well either, and in some ways she might have been taking it worse than Amber. She had known him longer, and combined with everything else going on in her life, Jen had been dangerously unstable this last month. The last thing she needed was Amber losing it when they spent time together, so Amber had to be strong for Jen’s sake, if not her own.

  But she had been doing that for over a month and it was too much. After another bad night with Jen, Amber left the Burman’s house this morning and started walking. She couldn’t bear going back to Tony’s parents, nor going to the Phoenix to help Kimberly. She just needed to walk and clear her head and not be strong for anyone for a change.

  A few hours into that walk and she was thinking this was a mistake. She had been locked in nothing but bad thoughts for hours, and rather than letting the weight off her shoulders, it was only making her sadder. She only merged with Jen a few hours ago, but strangely, the pull of the next life felt heavier than ever, and it was so tempting just to give in and join Tony and the kids wherever they might be.

  I did tell him he wasn’t getting away from me that easily, she thought, and for the first time her lips twitched like she might smile. It wasn’t enough for any kind of happiness to take hold, but it was enough to break her mood long enough to look around to see where she was.

  All dark thoughts vanished as her eyes widened in shock. She thought she had been walking aimlessly, but this road was incredibly familiar.

  She had seen these houses almost every day of her living life, and one house in particular pulled at her heart. There was a powerful urge to flee, however suddenly she remembered Tony yet again. For the first time in weeks, it wasn’t his loss that brought his face to her mind, instead it was a memory of their talks.

  He had tried so hard to get her to come here. Right before he left for that stupid fight, he had almost talked her around.

  He wouldn’t want you to run, she thought and before she even realised what she was doing, she had placed one foot in front of the other and started walking again.

  Every new step down the familiar path was making one part of her mind panic at the thought of what she was about to do, but another part didn’t care. It was revelling in the familiar surroundings and with every step closer to the door it got stronger and the hesitant voice was drowned out. It didn’t help that with every step she could almost feel Tony urging her on until she found herself standing before a familiar door and she paused to control the trembling in her limbs.

  While she built up her courage, she glanced around and noticed the new car in the drive. It was different to the one they had when she was alive and not at all what her dad would like. He liked his cars and usually opted for something sportier. This car was big, boxy, and not sporty in the slightest.

  The kind of car that’s perfect for getting a wheelchair in and out, and for helping a paralysed boy into the back seat, she realised. Don’t do this. They hate you and have suffered enough. You’re the last person they want to see.

  It was almost too much, and she was about to turn and walk away, but again Tony’s face popped up in her mind, telling her that if she wouldn’t do this, then he would. She remembered him saying how he would come here and introduce himself as someone who met their daughter in a strip club and was stalked by her for a few days before he started living with her and raising kids together. The thought made her laugh then and made the corners of her mouth twitch up in a smile now, and before she could think better of it, she pressed the doorbell.

  If she had a heart to beat, it would have frozen as she held her breath in the ten seconds that followed pressing that button. She didn’t remember ever feeling so scared in her life. Her mind was screaming at her to run away, but her fear kept her planted on the spot. However, she was losing her nerve and was about to go when the door opened.

  There was a smile on the face of the man who opened the door that vanished upon seeing her as his eyes widened in stunned amazement and his mouth dropped open.

  See, I told you they wouldn’t want to see you. You shouldn’t have come. You should have left well enough—

  “Amber?” the man whispered.

  “Hi daddy,” she said, her voice barely audible as it squeaked passed the lump in her throat. She was about to say more, but suddenly she was grabbed by an inescapable force as her father pulled her into a hug, squeezing her so tight it might have hurt if she still had ribs to break.

  “Amber. Oh my god, where have you been?” he asked, never once releasing the pressure. Before she had chance to answer, he shouted, “Mandy. Christopher.”

  Amber was torn at hearing those names as half of her was desperate to see their faces while the other half was overwhelmed by her father’s reaction and didn’t want to ruin this moment by what their reactions might be.

  “What is it?” a woman asked as she stepped out of the kitchen with a dish towel in one hand and a plate in the other. “I’m nearly finished and…”

  Her words trailed off as both the dish towel and the plate fell to the floor, the plate shattering into a thousand pieces as the woman lifted trembling hands to cover her mouth. She stood that way for a long second befo
re she shouted, “Christopher,” and then she was running.

  She collided with her husband and Amber so hard she nearly knocked them over. She was speaking as well, but the words were drowned out by her tears.

  “Mum, are you okay?” a younger voice asked, worried by the shouting and the broken china. Then, from between the bodies of her parents, Amber saw her little brother wheel himself into the hallway with wide, frightened eyes.

  He looked at the door in confusion until he saw her, and then his face lit up with the last expression she ever expected to see.

  “Amber,” he cried, grinning in excitement and wheeling his chair faster to get at her. The sight of him trying so hard broke her heart and without thinking she went insubstantial, slipping through her mother and father’s bodies and then running to close the distance between herself and her brother, wrapping him up in her arms.

  “I’m so sorry, Christopher,” she sobbed as she squeezed him tight. “I’m so, so, sorry.”

  Christopher said nothing, he just hugged her back every bit as hard as she was hugging him as his own happiness turned to tears. A few minutes later, Amber felt more arms wrap around them and more tears flow. Over and over she kept repeating how sorry she was, and didn’t stop until one thought brought the first genuine smile to her face in over a month. It was a stupid thought, but it made her giggle and helped pushed the worst of her dark thoughts away.

  She couldn’t help but picture Tony’s smug expression as he was no doubt itching to tell her, “I told you so.”

  She decided she’d let him have this one, and then she forgot about Tony for a little while as she let herself enjoy the embrace of the family she had been desperate to come home to since the day she died.



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