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Page 25

by Melinda Terranova

  “Thank you.” I take a seat and look up at him.

  He positions his barstool in front of me and slowly eases himself onto the seat with his leg between mine. I concentrate on not looking at where his leg is touching mine and take a big sip of my drink.

  “Where are you from?” He eyes me with curiosity.


  “So far from home.” He grins.

  “I know.” This mindless banter is starting to irritate me, so I stand, hearing his heart rate quicken. I stand between his legs and sip on my drink without taking my eyes off him.

  “What’s your name?” He smiles.

  I shake my head. “You don’t sound like you’re from here.”

  “I’m not.”

  I raise my eyebrows.

  “I’m from the land of stars and stripes.”

  I take another sip of my drink and watch the couple head back inside, glad to be alone on the balcony.

  “So…” He grins.

  “What?” I place my empty glass on the railing.

  “Are you going to tell me your name?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “And I don’t want to know yours.”

  “Okay,” he chuckles.

  He places his hand on my waist. His heartbeat drums in my ears. My eyes fall to his throat where I can see the rhythmic pulse of his vein under his translucent skin—inviting me, teasing me. I slowly allow my eyes to trace up his neck, across his strong jaw and lips, where he licks them in anticipation. Oh sweet human, what I am about to offer you will be nothing short of amazing—for me. My eyes travel farther up until they are looking into his deep blue eyes. Eyes that are ready and inviting. I hear his heartbeat quicken again and this only adds to my need.

  “Don’t make a sound.” I stare deep into his eyes hoping this is how you hypnotize.

  I lean in and kiss his neck, flicking my tongue against his skin. I feel him swallow and place his other hand on my waist before pulling me into him. The heat radiating off him excites me and I place my hands gently on his chest. I nip his neck; he flinches against me, but he does not make a sound. I take in a sharp breath before I bite down to allow my fangs to pierce his salty skin, savoring that first flow of warm liquid into my mouth. I feel his hands clench against my waist, pinching me between his fingers, slowly increasing in pressure the harder I pull on his vein. I hear him whimper and shift under my hands. His fingers are now gripping my top trying to pull me away. I detach my mouth and gently lick the bite marks. He does not move as I pull away from his firm grip. I see fear and longing in his eyes.

  “Don’t tell anyone what happened,” I whisper.

  He continues to stare as I retreat through the closed doors and make my way back to Sofia.

  “We should go,” I tell her. My heart races in my chest and I know she can hear it.

  “Ciao,” she calls to the cute waiter’s friend before we head to the exit.

  I feel exhilarated as we step outside into the cool night air. The wide grin I am wearing does not go unnoticed by Sofia.

  “So, how was he?” She nudges my arm.

  “Mouthwatering.” I lick my lips and giggle. “How did you know they were going to be there?”

  “I was listening to their conversation back at the restaurant. I saw the way you were eyeing him.”

  “Thank you.” I place my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me. “It tastes so much better straight from the source.”

  “Tell me about it. Maria is so adamant on following the rules,” she sighs.

  “I wanted to drain him dry,” I reveal.

  “That’s normal. I’m glad you didn’t though, not sure how we would have hidden the evidence.”

  My mouth gapes open. “You’ve had to before?”

  “Yes, of course. Do you think we are all self-controlled angels?”

  Sofia leaves the conversation at that. We walk the short distance back to our hotel in silence, our arms linked like always. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for this girl. She has become like a sister to me. My heart aches at the same time for my own sister and the fact that I have not spoken to her this whole trip. I make a mental note to ring her when we get back to Rome. Right now I need to concentrate all my efforts on freeing Dominic and putting on the façade that his capture does not affect me.

  I stand at the open window of my bedroom, the lights from the hotels across the Grand Canal reflecting on the inky water. I watch the boats and gondolas glide up and down the Canal and wonder how many of their occupants are here for the gala, how many I will have to act in front of tomorrow night. I retrieve my phone from my bag. I want to message Dominic and let him know I am thinking of him, but I stop myself. I don’t want Donato to know just how deeply I feel for Dominic. He may use it against me. I need to play my cards close to my heart.

  “Where are you?” I text Toby in the hope that he too is here in Venice.

  I wait for an hour. He does not reply.

  Shallow breaths, I remind myself repeatedly. The corset pinches my waist to the point of pain. I am unsure how I am supposed to wear this all evening when I can barely breathe just standing in front of the bathroom mirror. I look deep into my eyes and search for the human in me; she is there somewhere. Sofia’s knock pulls me from my thoughts.

  “Come in,” I say.

  She enters, and the pink of her dress brightens my mood instantly. Our hair is styled in the same half updo with cascading curls over one shoulder. Her silver mask is already in place.

  “I came to help you with your mask. Mine was a pain to put on; it kept getting tangled in my hair,” she explains.

  “It’s on the chair in the lounge.” I watch as she disappears and re-appears in a split second.

  “Here, turn around.” She carefully places the mask against my face and I am instantly transformed into someone unrecognizable. I feel her fasten the plaited ties to my hair with bobby pins. “That should keep it in place.”

  I turn around and look at myself in the mirror. My blood-red lips stand out against the black of the mask. “Okay. Let’s do this,” I say out loud more to myself than to Sofia before I take one last sip of blood from my blood bag.

  We wait in the hotel lobby for Maria. I notice the stares and the sideward glances of the humans as they pass us.

  “Maria will be here in a few minutes,” she says as she glares at a group of young men walking through the lobby.

  I giggle. “Sofia.”

  She simply shrugs before standing, causing them to scurry across the marble floor quicker than intended. I shake my head at her.

  “Girls,” Maria chides as she rounds the corner. “Best behavior, please. We have a gala to attend.” She takes off toward the Canal entry.

  I manage to board the boat with as much grace as if a one-ton cow were being herded on board. Both Maria and Sofia laugh under their breath when I try to sit.

  “I don’t know if I can wear this all night.” I pull at the tight material against my ribs.

  “We won’t stay too long. We’ll make an appearance, mingle, and leave. Okay?” Maria reassures me.

  “Okay.” I smile.

  The boat ride is short and choppy. We pull up alongside the pontoon and I hesitate before I stand, fearful I will trip and fall out of the boat. I am thankful to our driver when he offers me his hand as I step onto the pontoon. I smile and he tips his hat and jumps back on board to ferry the next lot of guests. I climb the stairs toward the hotel and wait for Maria and Sofia at the top. The Canal is teeming with boats and gondolas this evening, and I wonder if they are all headed somewhere more interesting.

  “Are we ready, girls?” Maria links her arms in each of ours.

  We make our way through the front doors after having our invite checked against the list and enter a lobby, which resembles an art gallery. Statues are placed throughout the room for viewing, and oversized paintings are hung on all the walls. My eyes scan the room and I sense the other vampires watching our party of three. My heart skips and
I feel Maria’s hand slip into mine for reassurance. I dare not speak as I am sure every single being in this room will hear what I say. It is going to be a long night.

  “Let’s find our seats.” Maria ushers us through the lobby.

  We enter a grand ballroom decorated with opulent gold fixtures and royal blue curtains. A wide staircase carpeted in blue leads up to the second level where the ornately carved balcony overlooks the dance floor. I spot the band set up on stage behind the slightly open curtains. The tables are decorated with tall, white floral arrangements, crisp white linen, and gold cutlery. The entire room reeks of royalty. I follow a few steps behind Maria and Sofia as I take in the grandness of this vast ballroom. I scan the room as more vampires arrive and wonder where Donato is. The distaste sours my mouth at the very thought of him.

  “Katalina, sweetheart.” Maria pulls me from my thoughts and places her hand on my back. “Meet Countess Marina.”

  “Nice to meet you.” I smile at the beautiful vampire standing before me. Her jewel-encrusted gold dress shimmers under the lights.

  Taking my hand in her delicate cold fingers, she says, “Welcome to Venice.” Then she winks at me.

  I at once take a fondness to her. “Thank you.”

  Maria and Countess Marina chat while Sofia and I take our seats. I struggle to sit in my stupid dress and notice Sofia trying to not laugh at me.

  “You okay there?” she manages to say between giggles.

  “I will be once I can take this dress off,” I huff.

  “We shouldn’t be here too late. Well, I hope we’re not.” She takes out her phone and starts scrolling through it.

  My eyes sweep the room searching for him amongst the suited strangers in their different masks, but I cannot tell who is who. I watch carefully as the other guests find their designated seats and the curtain parts to reveal the band. A roar of cheering and whistling erupts, the sound deafening. I clap halfheartedly as the band starts up and the vampires around the room take their seats once more. The constant hum of everyone talking starts to irritate me. I close my eyes and concentrate on blocking the noise out when a hand lands on my shoulder. I flinch. My eyes fly open to see the beautiful Allegra smiling warmly at me.

  “I am so happy to see you all here this evening,” she purrs.

  I want to rip that smile off her face but remember my manners and smile in return.

  “Katalina wanted to see Venice so it was the perfect opportunity. I really should attend these events more often,” Maria replies.

  “No other city compares to Venice. I hope you enjoy your visit, Katalina.” She squeezes my shoulder gently before moving on to the next table.

  I want to scream at her that I know who Toby is, that I know she has Dominic, that I want to slaughter her whole family. Maria must sense my anger and shoots me a warning look—a look that threatens to stop me in my tracks if I even think about moving. I avert my eyes to the waiters that carry the platters of food. I sniff the air and the faint scent of vanilla fills my nostrils. I lick the corner of my mouth as one of the waiters arrives at our table. His platter has shot glasses filled with sweet, sweet blood. I graciously take two and drink them at once. Warmth fills my stomach and saliva pools in my mouth. I look to Sofia who is still on her phone. Her shot glass sits in front of her untouched.

  “Are you going to drink that?” I lean over and whisper in her ear.

  “No. You can have it.” Her eyes never leave her phone screen.

  The food arrives in alternate drop style. I end up with some sort of fancy dish with curled carrot on top. I scowl at my food and look around at the others at our table. They seem to be happy to eat their meals as they chat amongst themselves. I push my food around on the plate unable to stomach the thought of eating it. Once the plates are cleared from the tables, the band starts up once more and I watch as the dance floor fills with elegantly dressed vampires. My clutch vibrates against my legs. I retrieve my phone to read that I have a message from an unknown number. I look around to see who it could be before I open the text message.

  “Any leads? —Vincent”

  I hold the phone to my heart; the ache is almost unbearable. I would do anything to have Dominic safe again. I quickly reply, “Not yet.”

  “I’m going for a walk.” I stand and excuse myself.

  “Sofia, go with her.”

  “No. I’ll be fine,” I quickly reply.

  Maria looks at me, her eyebrows raised.

  “I won’t do or say anything. I promise,” I sigh. “I’m bored sitting here.”

  “Don’t go for too long.” Maria grabs my hand and squeezes it. “I’m worried about you, sweetheart.”

  “I’m okay. Honestly, Maria.” I nod.

  I push my chair in and meander through the tables to head toward the lobby. It is empty, and I relax knowing I have a few spare minutes to myself to collect my thoughts. I need to find Donato. I need to find out what he is doing with Dominic. I’m distracted by the lights beyond the pontoon, and I find myself standing in the doorway gazing out at the Canal as the gondolas slowly glide through the black water. I touch the skeleton key charm that hangs next to my bloodstone and my thoughts drift back to Dominic and how I wish he were safe, I wish he were standing here with me. I have caused him nothing but problems since he met me, and this makes me more determined to ensure he is released.

  The chilly breeze causes goosebumps to spread over my sensitized skin. I sigh as I turn and head back inside the lobby. I marvel at the statues and artworks as I slowly wander through the still-empty room. I hear the happy laughter and chatting between the guests. I want to run away, far away, where I don’t have to hear their happiness. I hover in the doorway watching them dance and eat and mingle. My eyes roam the room and come to rest on a tall vampire with a bird mask. He’s watching me. He starts toward me and my heart flips in my chest. As he approaches I notice it couldn’t be Donato; his hair is too light.

  “Would you like to dance?” His deep voice echoes over the music.

  I smile up at him. His beaked mask amuses me. “Thank you but I’m more of a spectator than a dancer.”

  “As you wish.” He grins and bows his head before walking back to his friends.

  I walk through the crowds to find myself at the base of the grand staircase. I search the crowded dance floor for a familiar face before deciding to climb the stairs. The second level runs the entire length of the main floor below. There are more than a dozen closed doors and a darkened room at the far end. I head toward the room, slowly trailing my hand along the balcony rail. The dance floor below is a colorful mix of flowing fabrics all swirling to the music. I lean against the railing mesmerized by the colors and the music. I am not sure how long I stand and watch everyone on the dance floor. I am not sure how long he has been standing behind me, silently watching me watch the others. I don’t turn to face him. I do not want to look at him. Not yet. I feel his movement as he takes a step toward me. I grip the railing waiting for him to speak first, too afraid to move in case I cause a scene.

  “I’ve been watching you all night.” His voice is velvet.

  I don’t speak.

  “You look beautiful,” he adds.

  I still don’t speak as I stare at the vampires down below, unaware of our party of two up here in the shadows.

  “Katalina.” He places his hand on my arm.

  “Don’t touch me,” I growl and fling his hand off me.

  “Look at me.” His voice is laced with confusion.

  I turn and glare at his perfect face under the mask. He wears a fox mask, bronze in color, and his eyes glow as they stare at me. His black suit is perfection.

  “What have I done? Why are you so angry?” He looks at me, waiting for my reply.

  “Are you seriously so stupid?” I grit through my teeth.

  “Apparently.” He scratches behind his ear.

  “Yesterday back in Rome you kidnapped a hunter,” I seethe.

  His eyes grow wide. “I did no s
uch thing. My family and the hunters are not at war; we live harmoniously.”

  “I was there.” I could slap him, he makes me so angry.

  “What are you talking about?” he hisses.

  “You know exactly what I am talking about.”

  “Please fill me in because clearly we are not on the same page.” He steps closer to me, agitated.

  “Your over-privileged friends injected some substance into Dominic’s neck and then bundled him into their car. They said you wanted what was yours,” I spit.

  “Do not accuse me of such things.” His anger is bubbling. “I am sure there is an explanation for what you think you saw.”

  “I know exactly what I saw, and you and your friends are going to pay for it.”

  A movement to my left catches both our eyes.

  “Toviah,” Donato growls under his breath.

  Toby steps out from the shadows of the far room wearing a mask encrusted with black jewels, black suit, black shirt, and dark grey tie. I feel a sense of ease as he strides toward us.

  “We should all stop meeting like this.” He smirks.

  I stare at him, confused. Why is he acting so chirpy?

  “What are you doing here?” Donato glares at him.

  “All in good time,” Toby answers.

  “I think it would be best if you left,” Donato snaps.

  “You would think that, wouldn’t you, little brother?” Toby shakes his head.

  I stare at the two of them as anger bubbles deep within me. “Stop.”

  They both look at me.

  “Tell him to release Dominic. Please?” I plead to Toby.

  “I don’t have him captured,” Donato seethes.

  “No. No, he doesn’t.” Toby shakes his head.

  “What?” I grab a hold of Toby’s arm.

  “Well, you see.” He rubs his thumb across his bottom lip. “It was all an elaborate plan. One that I didn’t think would work this easily.”

  “What are you saying?” Donato glares at Toby.

  “Brother, it was so easy to make it seem this was all your doing.” Toby grins.

  “Don’t call me brother,” Donato growls.

  “You silly, silly boy—thinking that you had any chance to claim the royal blood as yours.”


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