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Empire's Edge (Path of Light Book 2)

Page 4

by N. A. Oberheide

  “Ya know, I feel kinda bad.” Gully said out of the blue.

  “It’s a bit too late for that friend. I’d prefer we didn’t scare the life out of him either but…well…”

  “I know, what has to be done needs to be done.”

  Trevin sighed. “I’m happy, believe it or not. I’m glad to be back in the saddle again. This makes me feel just a bit younger…just a bit.”

  Gully chuckled. “Yeah don’t let that whimsical shit get to yer fat head. I can only hope ya won’t blow out yer back trying to disembark. Let’s face facts. Say we sneak past the blockade, make it onto shore without getting’ blown out of the water, make our way up the Kominzee or whatever the hell you said, and we find our marks. What then? What if your son refuses to listen?”

  “I didn’t really think about that. I trust that he is reasonable and…why are you laughing?”

  “Well,” Gully took a breath, “There is many words I would use to describe you, and reasonable is not one of them!”

  “You’re so full of shit I can see your eyes turning brown!”

  “Yeah well you know what they say. The apple don’t land far from the tree. At least ya didn’t introduce yer son to the family business.”

  “What business?” Trevin asked in confusion.

  “The second story business.”

  “Oh fuck off. You think I’m that shitty of a father?”

  “No, I never said that. But ya must admit, he does have yer wanderlust.”

  “I can’t really argue there. Let me take the wheel, I know this part better than you.” Behind the wheel, he was at least somewhat distracted from the thoughts racing through his head. There was no turning back now.

  The Void

  He took a deep breath. The contrast between the warm steam rising under his nose and the cool breeze above was strangely invigorating. If he didn’t know any better, he would think he was on vacation. It was a nice thought, but perception was not reality in this case. The bubbling hot spring was a colorful mess of mineral deposits. He hadn’t been this clean in a long time. In fact, he might have been more excited if Morra had told him there would be a hot spring near Dezlyn’s abode.

  He stood up, grabbing his now wet and clean clothes with him and reached for the fur robe which he was given ‘because ladies are present’ as Dezlyn so delicately put it. Being modest deep in the wilderness wasn’t the strangest thing to happen to him, but this journey was so far turning out to be full of surprises. He walked back the hundred or so yards to the clearing and made his way back inside. He strung up his clothes on a drying rack and smelled something good. After the much-needed sleep last night, he woke up to an abundance of game meat that Dezlyn had so gingerly drained of blood in last night’s rampage. It certainly beat cheese and onions, so he had little room to complain.

  “Well look at you, all cleaned up and still so shaggy. We need to get you shaved before you look like a hobo!” Morra walked in and said casually.

  “Right, but let’s just say that’s not my priority. How am I supposed to get anywhere with this busted out pack?” Naurus fiddled with the gaping hole that tore open.

  “Hmm…I think we can find something around here to replace that with. Hey Dezzy! Don’t you have an extra pack or bag we can use for our next leg?”

  Naurus heard an indistinct grumbling coming from the larder, but Morra laughed and walked out. He threw some of his extra clothes on and walked back into the main room. Something was cooking and smelled quite tasty. A cool, spring draft also wafted through and he didn’t particularly feel like dealing with that all evening. He grabbed some sticks and kindling from outside and started arranging it in the fireplace inside. He grabbed his flint and steel, sparking diligently but no spark would seem to take on the kindling. The noise attracted Morra’s attention, who looked on from the doorway and seemed to be rather amused by the spectacle.

  She eventually gave in to her sense of pity and crouched down next to the fireplace. She stuck one of her hands next to the kindling and snapped her fingers loudly. A small flame seemed to jump from her fingers and onto the kindling, where it all went up just like that. Naurus felt a bit sheepish but was fascinated.

  “I wish I could do that. Could you teach me how?” He asked.

  She giggled. “I probably could, but not right now. It’s not something that can be learned in a night. Come now, dinner is almost ready.”

  He walked into the kitchen to see Dezlyn stirring a copper pot full of stew. It smelled delicious and he couldn’t resist.

  “What is it?”

  “Squirrel stew! Got some veggies in it too. I hope you aren’t some finicky meat hatin’ elf, are ya?” Dezlyn looked up.

  “Not at all!” He had no idea elves apparently didn’t like meat, but he paid it little mind.

  The stew was paired with the signature drink of the house, which he came to realize was muscadine. The flavor was still a bit bothersome, but the water drawn up out of the well didn’t taste too great either.

  “So tell me again,” Dezlyn slurped his spoon, “Where are you two planning to go after this?”

  Morra looked up from her bowl. “Like I said, I need to meet up with some dwarven friends of mine to see about what kind of hardware they can give us. We can’t do much with our bare hands!”

  “Yeah not with your delicately little girly hands. What exactly are you planning to do with all that hardware, assuming they actually entertain you?”

  “Hah! You expect me to share every little detail eh? Can’t do that. Opsec, you know?”

  “Opsec my ass! You just show up here and make yourselves all cozy yet can’t fill me in on what in the hell is next?” Dezlyn spat.

  “Yes, that’s right. I already told you I tried to get a message to you. I guess living in the middle of bum fuck nowhere isn’t quite an address now is it?” Morra grinned.

  “Bah! Forget it. Just know I’m not going to harbor you two like some vagabond fugitives. Hell, you are already risking my ass by being here!”

  “Oh calm down you hairy old ape. We will be out of your hair tomorrow. Isn’t that right?” She nudged Naurus with her elbow.

  “Yes ma—I mean yes that’s right. If you’ll excuse me for a moment.”

  He got up and took his bowl into the kitchen, setting it down on the chiseled stone counter. He noticed a crude door that looked like it led outside. His curiosity got the better of him and he ended up on a small wooden balcony which overlooked some more patches of vegetables. He didn’t realize how stuffy it was inside until he was out here, so he simply decided to stand outside for a few minutes and take in some fresh air. A wood pecker hammered away in the distance, and an owl hooted rather close by. He heard the door open behind him, and Dezlyn walked out and leaned against the railing without saying anything.

  “Thanks for the stew! Quite a treat!” Naurus piped up, trying to avoid an awkward silence.

  “Mhmm…at least you aren’t some tree huggin’ elf. So, what’s your story?” Dezlyn asked with a softer voice.

  Naurus looked over but the favor wasn’t returned. “I don’t know what you mean. I’m here on a little mission, that’s all.”

  “Don’t play dumb. I mean how did you end up stuck with her all the way out here?”

  “Oh, well that’s a bit of a story. To make it short and sweet I was offered to undertake a more involved operation given my uh…family connections.”

  “I know you’re hiding something from me, and I don’t really like that.” Dezlyn sounded tense.

  “I’m not hiding anything. It’s just a boring story involving my dad and his previous service and—”

  “Ah, so there it is. Father dearest must be finally impressed with you eh?”

  “I’m not doing it just for him!” Naurus said defensively.

  “Is that so? Then who are you doing all this for?”

  “For my kingdom, for the oath I took not only to our King but the Blood Vows that I took with Morra. Also—”

cut him off by grabbing his palm and turning it up. The straight, thin scar was prominent right across the meat of the palm. He turned his deeply copper eyes between Naurus and his scar then laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” He pulled his hand away.

  “All the vows, all the oaths, all that for what?”

  “What’s your story? I was told you were a fleet commander. So how did you end up out here?”

  Dezlyn looked a bit taken aback. “I like it where it’s nice and peaceful. And that happens to be right here.”

  “I see. What about your oaths you took? You just up and left your kingdom and your fellow kin to settle out here?”

  Dezlyn tensed up. “You’ve got quite the fat mouth on you, boy. Have you ever been to war, hm?”

  “Well…I don’t know, I mean our Kingdom was raided a few months back and—”

  “And what? You call that little slap fight a war? Nothings official yet. Nothing’s been declared. I have my sources that I get news from time to time. You just wait until there’s a total mobilization. I can only wish that there won’t be. You just wait until you’re ordered to sneak up on a village in the dead of night and shell it from the safety of the ship. Or even better, maybe you’ll be on an infantry detachment and be close to enough to see the women and children scatter in terror. You’ll be close enough to hear their pained screaming and begging to the gods to make it stop while the only answer they get is being turned into smoking craters. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll even get to loot and plunder what used to someone’s pride and joy. Does that sound fun to you? Hm, does it?”

  “Well…no I didn’t mean that…I uh just…I don’t know.” Naurus stammered at a loss for words.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Why did they come to your shores? This I do not know. But I do know that you aren’t ready for total war. It affects you in ways words can’t describe. I can only hope that your little mission out here will find a peaceful resolution. When I look at you, I don’t see the kind of person who can stomach half the shit I had to do.”

  “I’ll do whatever Morra tells me to. I have my oath to uphold and I will do so as best as I can.”

  “Really now? Even if that means spilling the blood of innocents? Everyone you run into out here is kin to you. They may not look like you, but they all had a hand in building that place you call home. Brother wars solve nothing, only wasting life and money like it’s worthless.”

  Naurus said nothing. Dezlyn stood up straight.

  “You better watch out. We used to call her ‘man-eater’ for a reason.”


  “She’s a man-eater. Watch out boy, she’ll chew you up.” Dezlyn smirked then walked back inside.

  Naurus just stood there and heard a murmuring inside that grew louder and more frenetic. Before he could go back in, the door outside slammed open and he was spun around hard by a hand on his shoulder. By the time he realized what was going on, his mouth was covered by the flat of a blade and Morra was glaring at him just inches away.

  “I told you to keep your trap shut! I told you to mind your own business! Why are you so damn stupid?!” She growled through her teeth.

  Naurus couldn’t respond in anything more than groans and moans, as the sharp blade started cutting into his chin and philtrum simultaneously. He brought a hand up to try to push the blade away, and this was met with her hand pressing on the other side of the blade thus forcing him back against the railing which creaked and cracked. She never broke eye contact.

  “You’ve already jeopardized our mission and we’ve barely begun you fucking idiot!”

  She had spent all day whetting and polishing the blade, and he felt every bit of it as the blade felt like it was breaking skin.

  “You better not break my new deck or spill any blood on it you dumb bitch!” Dezlyn yelled from inside.

  Morra’s eyes narrowed significantly and she craned her neck around.

  “Mind your own fucking business Dez!”

  “I’ll give you something to mind if you ruin my deck you massive cunt!”

  With that, Morra wheeled around and kicked the door in sending it flying from its frame and crashing into the kitchen. She stormed inside and Naurus tried to regain his balance. He pushed his arms off the railing, but it gave way with a resounding crackling and he went tumbling into the dirt under it.

  “I heard that! You better fix it you worthless bitch!” Dezlyn roared.

  Naurus scrambled back up and heard a great commotion and indistinct yelling and loud footfalls coming from inside. He figured going back in was not wise. Instead he circled around and decided to hide out in a berry patch and wait out the fight that he could hear breaking out. In between the loud steps and random crashing noises he could see their shapes through some of the small windows. They were never in view very long but he could clearly start to hear some of what they were yelling back and forth.

  "Get over here you old cow! You better start fixing my shit or else!”

  “Or else what? Gonna cry big manly tears?”

  “That’s it, I’m about to fuck you up!”

  “You kiss your mother with that mouth?”

  “You’re goddamn right. I’ll even go dig her up, kiss her again, and beat your stupid ass with her corpse!”

  “Only if you can catch me, gramps!”

  “Hey! Don’t fuck with my beard!”

  “You look homeless, here let me help!”


  Naurus enjoyed the spectacle and had a difficulty time choking back his laughter at the absurdity of what was happening. There was no reprieve from the madness, until he felt something brush against his leg. His heart skipped a beat as he attempted to jump way but only falling over after getting snagged on the bush. He realized that it was Revolver who rubbed up against him, and this assault continued as the ocelot continued rubbing up against his legs like a giant housecat.

  “Holy shit you scared me. Curious little fellow aren’t ya?”

  “Curiosity killed the cat, and satisfaction brought it back.” A mellow, raspy voice filled his head.

  He frantically looked around, seeing nothing and no one.

  “I’m down here, idiot.”

  Naurus looked at the ocelot who started at him intently.

  “Wait…that’s you talking?”

  “Yes. Telepathy is fun, isn’t it?”

  “How the hell? How can you do that? You’re just an animal!”

  “Looks are deceiving hmm? I’m not just an ocelot. I’m bound to Dezlyn as his familiar. I’m not just a pet you see.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “It means my life force is tied to his. I share in it and therefore can use magicka in limited ways, such as this. It’s quite a story and involves boring rituals and incantations that make me tired just thinking about them.”

  “That’s…something else. Why are you out here?”

  “I figured I’d best stay out of their way too. This is just how their ilk settle grievances. They fear to show weakness, and this is the result. Pride is a hell of a drug.”

  “Well, is it kind of funny. They all act high and mighty, you know?”

  “Yes it’s quite something. Now be a good boy and scratch me!”

  Revolver rubbed up against Naurus vigorously, who obeyed and scratched as much as he could while straining to hear what was going on in the house.

  “Looks like we’ve got company. Scram!”

  The ocelot bolted off into the shadows. Naurus looked around, hearing nothing and seeing nothing even remotely alarming. He sat there for a few moments, but that was all he remembered before a sudden splitting headache overtook him and he fell over. He only felt a warm trickle starting in the back of his head before darkness took him entirely under.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  “You hit like a girl!”

  “What do you think I am, dipshit?”

  “OW! You son of a bitch!

  Dezlyn shoved her back, but she only smiled and
held another handful of beard she managed to grab.

  “You’re about to look like the big shaved ape you are at this rate!”

  “Wait just a fucking minute! Where’s that stupid kid you brought along?”

  The smile melted off Morra’s face. She wiped a streak of blood from the corner of her lip and looked around slowly.

  “Uh…maybe he’s outside?”

  They both made their way outside and circled around the perimeter but couldn’t find any sign of him.

  “Well…maybe the little shit ran off.” Dezlyn grumbled, holding the torn halves of his belt in his hand.

  “No, he wouldn’t do that.” Morra fixed her hair and attempted to cover her shoulder back up with her torn tunic.

  “Something just doesn’t feel right…” She added, looking around frantically.

  Dezlyn started sniffing intently.

  “I smell something…follow me.”

  She did so, and they came to the berry patch. It had been flattened out and destroyed in certain parts.

  “Well that looks like something.” She said.

  “Can you smell that?” He asked.

  “No, all I smell is your nasty funk.”

  He scraped through the bushes, sniffing even more. He ran his finger over a flattened bush and studied it closely. He stuck it under Morra’s nose.

  “Smell it now?” He asked.

  “Yes…that’s blood alright. How could you have smelled that from over there?”

  “It’s the gift of my curse.” He said casually, then stuck his fingers in his mouth and loudly whistled.

  Within seconds, Revolver was at their feet.

  “What the hell happened?” He demanded.

  “While you two idiots were having at it I was out here with him. We were having a gay old time, but I smelled some people with a shift of the breeze. I tried to warn him, but he just sat there with this dumb look on his face!”

  Morra failed to stifle a laugh.

  “So this kitty is your familiar eh? How cute is that!”

  “Yeah its just adorable. Well what say you?”


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