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The Sweetest Encounter

Page 14

by Karlene Pitters

  “You okay, Yankee?” she drawled, embracing me. “You know he’s like a brother to me, right?”

  Cole didn’t have any brotherly feelings for Dallas, but I let it go. Didn’t want to spoil our little getaway. I reached down to capture her juicy lips again. “I’m not worried, baby,” I said against her lips. “I know how you feel about me. No one will ever come between us if I can help it.” I would fight tooth and nail to keep this woman by my side, and no rich Texan cowboy was coming between us.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Dallas, three months later

  Franco and his family were preparing for his brother Johnny’s upcoming nuptials to Sheila. It was lunchtime, and Beth and I stopped over at Macy’s to look for a gift on their registry. My brow furrowed as I glanced through the list. I did not fancy anything on it; most of the items were a little cheesy.

  “I don’t see anything on the list.” I glanced over at Beth, who was looking for something too. “I’m giving them money. I’m sure they would like that.”

  “I’m sure they would too, Dallas,” Beth said, chuckling. “Who wouldn’t want money from a millionaire? I am not sure what to get either. Everyone already bought all the nice stuff. I’ll give a card too.”

  “Let’s get on out of here now to get something to eat.” I rubbed my stomach. “I’m starving. I only had a smoothie for breakfast.”

  She nodded, and we walked outside towards Penn Station, where one of my favorite Tex-Mex restaurants was located. I was doing my best to stay in shape, working out in the gym at the penthouse. Since the weather was warmer, I jogged in Central Park in the mornings. Franco would join me when he stayed over for the night. He practically lived with me now and came to the penthouse whenever he was off duty. These last few months with my Yankee were like a dream come true. I was the happiest I had ever been in a relationship. He made me feel loved and secure.

  The only dilemma we had was back in Aspen, involving Cole. They had a little run-in at the party he threw on New Year’s Eve. What a disaster. As we approached the restaurant, my mind flashed back to that night a few months ago. I had never seen Franco so angry. When we arrived at the party, it was in full swing, and Natalia, Janique, and my brothers got to partying. Gino and Sean stayed back at the house playing video games; they were too young for that scene. Franco and I stayed together most of the night until Cole came to steal me away for a dance. Franco was not thrilled but he let me go anyway. Cole seemed like he had too much liquor in his system and was holding me tight. I could feel Franco’s gaze on our back and moved away from his grip, but he kept on pulling me closer.

  “Stop, Cole!” I complained, wiggling out of his arms. “You know Franco is watching. What’s wrong with you tonight?”

  “I’m only messing with you, darlin’,” he whispered in my ear. I smelled whiskey on his breath. “I can’t have a little fun with you? Is it because of your Yankee boyfriend?”

  “You know that ain’t it,” I protested, feeling slightly irritated, but knew that he was only acting this way because he was drunk. “I just don’t want to be disrespectful is all. I don’t want Franco getting any ideas in his head that our relationship is more than what we said it was.”

  “Well, that’s his problem, ain’t it?” He chuckled, pulling me back into his arms. “Heck, I haven’t seen you in Lord knows how long. I’m enjoying your company, sunshine.”

  I relaxed in his arms but was cautious as I peeked over at Franco. He was glaring at us with a scowl and then I saw him stomping over. Hot damn. “Let me go, Cole.” I squirmed, trying to loosen his grip on me.

  “You heard her,” Franco growled. “Get your fucking hands off her. Dude, you're really being disrespectful right now.” His green eyes flashed with anger and then he glanced over at me. “Let’s go, baby.”

  “Stop, Franco,” I said when he pulled on my arm. His eyes were a stormy green and his brows were wrinkled. I had to calm him down before they came to blows. The music was blasting, and most of the other people were too busy drinking to pay us any mind. “It’s okay. I will handle it. Cole is a little drunk and not in his right mind. I got this.”

  “No. I don’t give a damn, baby,” he seethed, clenching his fist. “He’s an asshole. He knows that you’re my woman and yet he’s still trying to make a move on you.” He turned his head away from me to glower over at Cole. “She’s my woman and will never be yours. Do you hear me, motherfucker?” I was shocked and frightened by his anger, fearing he was going to strike Cole.

  “Fuck you, man,” Cole said, stepping up to Franco. “You’re lucky that she came to New York, or else she would’ve been mine. I have known her since we were this high.” He gestured with his hand. “And loved her for a long time. I’m such a damn fool for letting her get away again.”

  My mouth fell open when I heard Cole declaring his feelings for me. I was stunned. I spent so many years pining over him, and now to hear that he loved me blew my mind. Suddenly, I was confused. I loved Franco, but to hear Cole telling me he loved me threw me for a loop. “Cole?” I said, glancing over at him. All these crazy emotions were going through me. I knew that I shouldn’t be reacting this way but couldn’t help it. “What are you saying?”

  “I don’t believe this,” Franco growled, cutting in. “Dallas, are you really going to entertain this asshole? Let’s get the fuck out of here.” He reached to pull me away from Cole, but I stood my ground. I wanted to smooth over the situation and didn’t want to leave the party without hearing what Cole had to say.

  “No, Franco,” I said firmly. “I don’t want to leave the party like this. Cole and I go way back. You know this. I love you, but he’s a good friend.” Franco looked at me in shock. Heck, both he and Cole were alpha males, but I wasn’t going to be pushed around. “He doesn’t mean any harm. Suga, I know this,” I reassured him, then glanced back over at Cole, who looked contrite.

  “Darlin’, I apologize,” he said, looking at me. “I didn’t mean to stir up trouble. Does it matter now, pudding? You’re in love with this Yankee, aren’t you?” I nodded and glanced back at Franco, who was still all worked up.

  “I love you too, but like a brother,” I fibbed, because my emotions had always been strong for him, though I didn’t want to reveal that to Franco. Cole’s eyes clouded up and he glanced over at Franco.

  “I’m sorry, man,” he said, sounding remorseful. “Didn’t mean any disrespect. Take good care of her or else you’ll have to answer to me.” Franco nodded, but I could tell he was still ill at ease. He was watching me as I chewed on my bottom lip. “Y’all enjoy the rest of the party. I need to sober up.” He moved away from me but touched my face. “Happy New Year, sunshine. Forgive my drunken behavior. I didn’t mean any harm. I want you to be happy.”

  I nodded and reached over to kiss him on the cheek. “Happy New Year, Cole.” My feelings were bittersweet. I don’t want to feel this way. Damn. Don’t be a stranger, you hear?” He hugged me one last time and I watched him walk out the room.

  I grabbed Franco’s hands but could still feel the tension in his body. “Darlin’, are you okay? Are you mad at me?” I glanced up at him, a crease marring my temple.

  He pulled me close and kissed me with hunger. “I could never be mad at you, precious,” he said, breaking the kiss. “I love you so much. I just don’t want any other man to think that they have a chance with you.”

  “I love you too, Franco,” I assured him again. “I won’t let that happen. I wouldn’t trade you for anything, darlin’.”

  He held me tight and kissed the top of my head. “Besides my family, you’re the most important person in my life, and I would fight for you. Just know that.”

  Hearing my Yankee talk like this made me the happiest woman in the world. Yes, I felt sad that Cole and I never gave each other a chance in the past, but it was too late now. Unfortunately for Cole, Franco had the biggest piece of my heart now. He should’ve acted sooner. Way before I got involved with Hank. He had a chance and he blew it
, as my daddy would say.

  “Dallas, did you hear me?” Beth said, trying to get my attention. My mind came back to the present as I gave her my full attention.

  “I’m sorry, suga,” I said, looking at her. “What did you say?”

  “That we should find a seat towards the back,” she said, laughing. “I was talking to you for a good minute. What’s on your mind?” We walked into the restaurant and spotted a seat in the back. It was always crowded during lunch, and we were lucky to find a seat. There was seating on the roof deck, but it was still cool outside.

  “I was just thinking about the past for a minute,” I said, taking a seat. “New Year’s Eve to be exact. The run-in that Franco had with my childhood friend, Cole.”

  “Really?” Beth’s eyes sparkled with interest as she sat across from me. “What happened? You didn’t really go into detail about it.”

  “Well, it was crazy. For years I had a crush on Cole, but nothing ever came of it,” I said, glancing at her. I trusted Beth; she had told me things that she never even told Patrick. She was the best friend that I had in New York besides Franco and Janique. She was a few years younger but was such an old soul, as Mama Mabel would say. She had spoken to me about her unstable childhood, how she would move from place to place with her now deceased mother. I could talk to her about anything, knowing that I wouldn’t hear it back. “But when he and Franco got into it, he said he loved me. I was feeling all types of emotions, you know. I love Franco, but part of me always held Cole in my heart. I was crushing on him even when I was with Hank.”

  “Wow,” she said, glancing over at me. “Dallas, you’re so beautiful. He was such a fool. Men can be so blind sometimes. Are you sure that he didn’t know something?”

  “No, I don’t think so,” I said, shaking my head. “I mean, we’ve always been close. I always thought that he saw me as a sister. We played together as kids, but I developed feelings for him when I hit puberty. I tried seducing him so many times, but he thought I was just playing and laughed it off. It was so crazy. And then he would bring these little hussies around. Heck, I got so tired of it that I started dating too.”

  Beth burst out laughing. “You crack me up, Dallas. I could picture you doing that,” she said, smiling. “I understand how you feel, though,” she said, glancing over at me. Her eyes dimmed for a second. “I love Patrick, but he wasn’t my first love.”

  I glanced over at her in shock at the news she just dropped. “Suga, you got some more secrets,” I teased her. “Where’s he now?”

  “I’m not sure, but it wouldn’t have worked out,” she said, looking a little sad. “I was a nanny for his family out in the Hamptons. I worked for them after I graduated from high school. They are super rich and well connected.”

  My brows creased as I glanced over at my new best friend. They were so many layers to her. “It was his loss, suga, and Patrick’s gain. You are a phenomenal woman.”

  “Thank you, Dallas.” Beth smiled and then her eyes sparkled playfully. “But this is not about me. Continue. Spill.”

  “Well, I felt a little torn, but it’s too late now,” I said, feeling nostalgic. “That ship sailed. Franco is the one for me.” She nodded and listened to me spill the beans about the drama back in Aspen. I was happy I could get it off my chest and felt better about everything now. Cole would always be my friend, the way it was probably meant to be.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Franco, a few days later

  Saturday morning, I was at the barbershop with my father, brothers, and the rest of Johnny’s groomsmen, preparing for his wedding to Sheila. Yes, my crazy brother was still going through with the wedding to that wench. Big fucking mistake, but I have to support him. I was honored that he had chosen me as the best man, though. What I couldn’t believe was that Sheila would have twenty people in her wedding party. Who does that shit? I was walking down the aisle with her ugly friend Bethany. Damn, what a fucking disaster. I wished Dallas were in the wedding, because she would be sitting at another table.

  My cock hardened whenever I thought about her. I had not seen her since Tuesday and missed her like crazy. Whenever I was not on duty, I went straight to the penthouse. I wasn’t at my apartment these days. It stayed empty now, and Patrick was dropping hints about taking it over. I didn’t want to just move into an apartment Dallas’s father bought. It didn’t seem right. When we moved in together, I wanted it to be our place, but we would figure it out when the time came.

  I worked like a maniac this past week because of the upcoming wedding. Whenever I was off duty, I ran errands for Mom. Johnny was fortunate that mom’s brother, Uncle Gus, offered to close the restaurant for the reception. He owned an Italian restaurant in Bellerose on the border of Queens and Long Island. Hell, the wedding was already costing over forty grand; the crazy bitch invited almost 250 people. They had to borrow money from our parents to pay for it. I knew forty thousand dollars didn’t seem like a lot to some people, but it was a lot for a blue-collar family like mine. Hell, one of Dallas’s handbags probably costs forty grand.

  It still bothered me she was a freaking millionaire, but I loved her and would deal with it. She was giving Johnny and Sheila money, and I was afraid to ask how much. Dallas was one of the most generous women ever; it was one reason I loved her so much. Some rich folks held on to their money, but not her. She would give the shirt off her back and always thought about the well-being of others. I swear sometimes if I did not stop her, then she would buy me expensive clothes every freaking week. I had just gotten used to the truck she bought me for my birthday. I had to admit that was one gift she had right. Patrick borrowed it sometimes when I worked long hours, and my younger brothers loved when I picked them up in it.

  I came out of my thoughts when my cell vibrated—a text was coming through, and I click on the message box. A big grin stretched across my face when I saw that it was from Dallas.

  Dallas: Good morning, suga.

  Me: Hey, baby. How are you? Miss you.

  Dallas: Me too. Are you getting spiffy?

  Me: You bet. All the fellas are here too. Then we are going to get our tuxes.

  Dallas: Great. I’ll see you at the church.

  Me: I love you, and remember all your dances are reserved for me.

  Dallas: You bet, handsome. Luv you too. I have to get pretty too.

  Me: You’re always beautiful. TTYL ☺.


  A few hours later, everyone in the wedding party was at the Catholic church near Midland Parkway. It was almost three fifteen, and the wedding was supposed to start at three thirty. I thought Sheila and her bridesmaids would be late, but they were here. I spotted the white stretch limo as we pulled up in our black limo. Nat was in the wedding party too, along with all Sheila’s evil friends. She was not thrilled about it, but my mom insisted that she be a bridesmaid.

  It was late March, and bridesmaids wore small jackets covering their long, purple satin gowns. All the groomsmen wore gray tuxedoes with purple ties, and Johnny had on a charcoal tuxedo. I glanced over at my brother, and he looked a little green. I guessed it was becoming real to him that he would be a married man in half an hour.

  Fifteen minutes later, all of us lined up outside the church. The guests were inside, and the organ played as Johnny walked down the aisle. My skin crawled as I stood next to Bethany, Sheila’s maid of honor. She was overweight and busting out of her satin gown.

  “Are you ready, Franco?” she asked, batting her fake eyelashes and grabbing my arm. I groaned. Damn. I’m so not liking this part. I couldn’t stand the girl, but I had to do it for my brother. I nodded reluctantly and walked into the church with her gripping my arm. I gritted my teeth as I walked towards my brother, the other groomsmen and bridesmaids following behind us. I took my place beside Johnny and turned around to face everyone.

  Glancing around the room, I searched for Dallas, and my breath hitched when I spotted her. She is breathtaking. Her hair was a cascade of curls around her go
rgeous face. I could not see what she wore, but she had a black shawl wrapped around her shoulders. She chatted with Beth and Janique and then turned to look over at me. I smiled, and she gave me a little wave. My heart was thumping in my chest as I looked at her lovely face. She was everything that I wanted. She was vibrant and full of life. At this moment, I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. I planned to propose soon. She was it for me. I loved her more than life itself. Wow. I never thought that I would ever feel this way about someone.

  “Franco, the rings,” Johnny whispered, bringing my attention back to the wedding. My attention was focused on Dallas and I missed the vows. All eyes were on me, and I grinned sheepishly.

  “My bad,” I said, taking the rings out of my pocket. “Here, bro.” I heard laughter in the background as I handed him the rings.

  Two hours later, we walked into the wedding reception at my uncle Gus’s restaurant. After the ceremony, we went to Francis Lewis Park in the Whitestone section of Queens to take wedding photos. Nat and I were grumpy the whole time but had fun by cracking on Sheila’s crazy bridesmaids. Bethany tried to make a play for me, but I rebuffed her. I could not believe the girl tried to hit on me. She must be fucking nuts if she thought I would give her the time of day. Nat was laughing the whole time when she saw what was happening. Patrick teased me all the way to the reception.

  We made fun of the entire bridal party except for Nat. It was so hectic after the ceremony that I only glimpsed Dallas. My girl put every other woman at the wedding, including the bride, to shame. She looked like a freaking movie star. Heads turned when she flounced by. I felt so proud to call her mine. The blue gown and the black fuck-me heels she wore looked incredible on her.

  “Ready, bro?” Patrick said, pulling me from my thoughts. “I’m so hungry. Damn, I thought we would have more food in that limo.”


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