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Page 2

by Hartley, Jennifer

  He wore his heart on his sleeve but now that he felt rejected, he was trying to put up walls, walls which she’d always beat down. Because she knew him better than he knew himself sometimes.

  “Will you just listen to me for a moment?” asked Kimberly in an exasperated tone.

  Adam stayed silent, stony-faced.

  “I am scared. I’m scared because it’s you. Because I can’t imagine even a day going by without you in my life. Because relationships are complicated and if something happened, if it didn’t work out, I’d be devastated. I need you, Adam. I can’t imagine the worst-case scenario of breaking up and us ending up hating each other and never seeing each other again,” said Kimberly, her voice breaking with emotion.

  Adam was speechless as she opened up about her feelings.

  Taking a few calming breaths as the emotion threatened to spill over, Kimberly continued.

  “I love you. I can’t even imagine that kind of emptiness. I’d never recover. I don’t want to ever lose you. That’s why I’m scared, that’s why I need time. Because I love you and I need you in my life always,” said Kimberly, a few tears had escaped down her cheeks, despite her attempt to withhold them.

  Her eyes bright, she looked at Adam, almost afraid of his response.

  Chapter 3

  Adam felt like the luckiest guy in the world. She loved him? He knew he had to form words…but how? He was speechless at what Kimberly had said. She was tearful, watching him for a reaction and he couldn’t bear it.

  “Kim, come here,” he said, holding his arms out.

  Kimberly gratefully fell into his embrace, holding him tightly.

  He rubbed her back comfortingly, dropping a soft kiss onto her hair.

  “I’m sorry for being a jerk,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry I upset you.”

  Kimberly pulled back to look into his face. “It’s okay,” she murmured.

  She was feeling utterly exposed for everything she’d just said. She’d said the ‘L’ word…as often as they had said that to each other over the years, this time it was different. She knew he would have understood the difference. Being the first to say it though was nerve-wracking.

  Adam seemed to sense her unease, and he smiled.

  “Sorry, the power of speech is slowly coming back to me,” he said, trying to lighten the mood.

  He saw a small smile appear on Kimberly’s otherwise scared and nervous face.

  “Gosh Kim, I get it. I completely get it. I understand; you’re right. We do need to tread carefully. It’s a risk, of course. Relationships can be complicated, but I think in our case, the risk is small. We’ve already been together ten years,” said Adam, pausing. He tried to think about how to say what he needed to next, a bundle of nerves. In the end, he decided to just say it. He had perhaps intended to say it over a romantic candlelit dinner but now was as good a time as any.

  “I love you. I think you know that. I think it’s clear that I haven’t been able to hide it. I hope you know. I love you, Kim, and I can’t imagine even one day of not seeing you smile,” said Adam.

  Kimberly smiled, her eyes shining with tears; happy tears this time.

  “We are idiots, aren’t we,” said Kimberly, throwing her arms around him.

  “Idiots?” asked Adam with a bemused smile.

  “Yes. For not working this out sooner,” said Kimberly, pulling out of his embrace to smirk at him.

  He laughed. “What do we do about it, though?” he asked.

  Kimberly paused, her brow furrowed as she bit her lip, nervous.

  “I don’t know. It’s complicated, and I can’t imagine the kind of heartbreak that would come if this didn’t work out. I need time, please. Don’t go away though, I need you,” said Kimberly, afraid of his response again.

  This time though, Adam smiled.

  “I get it, I do. It’s a scary thought. I would never want to hurt you – ever. I literally put any guy that gets close to you through a strict screening process, and now I’m doing that for me,” said Adam.

  “You’d always pass with flying colors,” smiled Kimberly, affectionately stroking his hair.

  “Thanks,” said Adam with a smile. “Seriously though, I’m happy to wait to do this right. You deserve my patience. I’m here, a million percent.”

  “A million percent?” smiled Kimberly. “Me too.”

  “So where does this leave us?” she added nervously.

  “How about we slowly work out the details with time? And we’ll hang out, best friends, no pressure. Just us,” he said.

  “That sounds good,” said Kimberly.

  “And you won’t date other women?” she asked, for good measure.

  “All yours,” smiled Adam, having laughed. “You too, no other man is allowed anywhere near you.”

  “Or you’ll fight them?” teased Kimberly.

  “Oh, yes,” smiled Adam.

  “I’m all yours,” said Kimberly seriously.

  “Shake on it?” he said, holding a hand out.

  “I love you, you goofball. No, this one we kiss on,” said Kimberly, blushing.

  “What happened to taking things slow?” asked Adam warily.

  “It’s just a kiss,” said Kimberly softly, now nervous.

  Adam didn’t need another invitation and kissed her. The moment their lips touched, their previous conversation about taking it slow almost went right out the window. A seductive dance played out as their tongues tangled, pulling each other as close as possible. Kimberly’s hand in his hair, Adam fought to not lose his head. But they both reigned themselves in, parting reluctantly, their cheeks flushed, both breathless.

  “Just a kiss she says,” managed Adam, chuckling.

  Kimberly giggled, snuggling against his side.

  “I love you, Kim,” said Adam, thrilled to now be able to say it. He kissed her cheek, feeling her grin.

  “I love you,” said Kimberly happily.

  “So, you’re most worried about things not working out?” asked Adam after a few moments of silence.

  Kimberly nodded, moving to look at him. She placed her hand on his arm, rubbing it gently.

  “I don’t want us to be a statistic. You’re the most important person in my life. You not being there is a scary thought,” she said.

  “I get that, you not being there is definitely the scariest thought there is,” said Adam.

  “Plus, don’t take this the wrong way,” said Kimberly.

  “Oh, okay, you can tell me anything,” said Adam, a little worried.

  “Alright. You know this whole ‘in love’ thing scares me too. I like being able to control things in my life, and I can’t really control this,” said Kimberly, pausing, blushing profusely. She hid her face in her hands for a moment. “Not sure I can tell you the rest.”

  Adam chuckled, and she looked up, her cheeks burning.

  “Hey Kim, this may be news to you, but I know you. It’s been my honor to grow up with you and get to know you,” said Adam, ruffling her hair.

  Kimberly blushed but nodded with a smile. He did know her; he knew her better than she knew herself.

  “I know that about you. I know you like keeping things neat and in order. Love doesn’t fit into that neat little box though, and it scares you, I get it. I mean you’re walking around basically holding my heart in your hands, so that’s pretty scary for me,” said Adam.

  “That’s what I wanted to say too. It’s scary, but you’re also my best friend and I know you wouldn’t hurt me. But things could still get all screwed up and what then?” said Kimberly.

  “Nice and slow, Kim. No need to get ahead of ourselves right now,” said Adam. “Tell me something,” he added, cupping her cheek gently.

  Kimberly leaned into his touch, her eyes on his.

  “Is it a risk you want to take? Is it worth it to you? For me, it’s absolutely worth it. The risk is tiny compared to other relationships, I think. I love you, and it’s worth it for me,” said Adam.

  “I love you so
much that’s it’s definitely worth the risk. I know the risk it won’t work out is smaller, we know each other so well already. If you’re willing to just be a bit patient with me…I want this. I just don’t want to rush in. I want us to do this right,” said Kimberly.

  “Agreed. I’d always be patient for you, Miss Marcus,” he said with a grin.

  Kimberly grinned and placed a quick kiss on his lips.

  “Looks like I’ll have to be the one to keep you accountable though,” laughed Adam.

  “Can’t help it,” said Kimberly with a smile, raising her hands in defeat.

  “So, we’re good?” she checked.

  “Better than good,” said Adam, pulling her into his embrace.

  She got comfortable against his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “I could just fall asleep, so comfy,” said Kimberly, snuggling closer.

  “Again? You already fell asleep on me yesterday,” said Adam with a cheeky smile.

  “Didn’t see you complaining,” pointed out Kimberly.

  “No complaining here. Who complains about having a beautiful woman in their arms?” laughed Adam.

  “Charmer,” said Kimberly with a grin.

  He stroked her hair, pushing a few strands out of her face.

  Kimberly smiled, enjoying the moment. She was feeling happy and positive about the future with Adam.

  Adam, too, was relieved. After the awkward post-Championship period, it was good to have some clarity and understand Kim’s hesitation. This was the one relationship he needed to get right, and he knew that it was the same for Kimberly.

  Chapter 4

  They had a few days of freedom before their next tournament. Kimberly’s family assumed she’d be staying with them and it was with surprise that they heard she’d actually be staying with Adam.

  “Did it finally happen?” asked Jennifer, watching her daughter closely.

  Kimberly smiled. “We’re not officially dating, but yes, it did.”

  “Finally!” said Jennifer, hugging her excitedly. Her family all expressed their happiness, and Kimberly smiled as she thought of Adam having the same conversation with his family right at that moment.

  “Why didn’t you bring him over?” asked Jennifer.

  “I will, how about tomorrow night?” asked Kimberly.

  “Perfect,” said Jennifer. “I’ll make his favorite.”

  “Thanks, mom,” smiled Kimberly. “I better go, Adam will be waiting, we’re heading out for dinner.”

  “Have a good time,” said Jennifer with a grin.

  Kimberly left her parents’ house and drove over to Adam’s.

  “Adam?” she called as she entered the apartment.

  “Hey Kim,” smiled Adam, greeting her with a quick peck on the lips.

  “How did it go?” asked Kimberly.

  “I think my mom’s still crying…she wouldn’t stop,” said Adam with a laugh.

  “Oh no, I don’t want her to cry. I want to go give her a big hug now,” said Kimberly, wrapping her arms around his waist and snuggling against him.

  “Want to come to lunch tomorrow? Mom insisted you come for lunch,” said Adam.

  “Sure. And will you come to dinner? Mom insisted as well, and she loves you more than me, she’s making your favorite,” teased Kimberly.

  Adam chuckled, still holding her close, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume and shampoo.

  “Ready for dinner?” he asked.

  “Let’s go,” said Kimberly, reluctantly parting from him.

  “Want some tea?” asked Adam as they got home from dinner.

  Adam helped her with her coat, and she smiled her thanks. He then hung it on the coat rack, removing his own jacket.

  “Sure, want to choose a movie?” asked Kimberly.

  “Up to you, whatever you want to watch. You’re the special guest; you get to choose,” said Adam with a smile.

  “Alright,” smiled Kimberly, stepping closer and kissing the corner of his mouth lightly.

  He winked at her and went to the kitchen to make the tea.

  Kimberly went to the living room and chose a movie she thought they could both enjoy. She sat down on the couch after setting up the movie, though she wondered if she should go change into something more comfortable.

  Adam entered the living room and bent to kiss her hair, putting his phone down on the coffee table.

  “All okay?” he asked her.

  “Would you stop worrying? I’m fine,” said Kimberly with a smile.

  Adam had been checking she was comfortable, warm enough, not hungry or thirsty since they’d got to his place earlier that day. They hadn’t even discussed the sleeping arrangements, though Kimberly assumed they’d be sharing the bed. She certainly didn’t intend to let him sleep on the couch. They were still taking things slow. It had been only a few weeks since they’d talked about their feelings. She was looking forward to spending the night in his arms.

  “Sorry, I’m looking after my special guest. I don’t mean to be annoying,” chuckled Adam.

  “I am perfectly comfortable and happy,” smiled Kimberly.

  “I’m glad,” grinned Adam.

  “What kind of tea do you want?” he asked, ruffling her hair affectionately.

  “Anything, do you have peppermint?” asked Kimberly.

  “I do, coming up!” said Adam, disappearing again into the kitchen.

  Kimberly stood up to go and change to be more comfortable. She looked down at the coffee table as she heard Adam’s phone vibrate. The screen was lit up, with the name ‘Stacy’ on it. Kimberly felt her stomach do a flip-flop movement. She sat back down on the couch, feeling sick at the thought that had entered her mind. Was this some unknown girlfriend or old flame? She didn’t have more time to ponder the question as Adam re-entered carrying two mugs of hot tea.

  Kimberly tried hard to bite her tongue. She tried to say nothing but her mouth formed the words before she could stop herself.

  “Who’s Stacy, and why is she calling you?” asked Kimberly. She was trying to be nonchalant and failing.

  “When?” asked Adam, picking up his phone. He saw the missed call and glanced up at Kimberly.

  “It rang while you were in the kitchen. The screen lit up. I saw the name,” said Kimberly.

  “And you automatically assumed what exactly?” asked Adam, almost amused as he noted her current agitation.

  “I don’t know, you tell me,” said Kimberly, her eyes on his.

  “She’s a friend of my brother Dawson’s. She does call sometimes if I’m in town…” began Adam.

  “At this time? For what? A booty call?” asked Kim, her eyes narrowed.

  Adam snorted with laughter. “Come on, are you seriously jealous?” he asked.

  “I’m not jealous,” said Kimberly, knowing he would see right through her.

  “Well?” she asked, waiting.

  “No. We have flirted in the past,” said Adam honestly.

  “And?” asked Kimberly, her eyebrows raised.

  “That’s it. That’s all that’s happened, Kim. Just flirting…and not any time recently,” said Adam.

  “Well, she obviously hasn’t forgotten you,” said Kimberly, glaring at the phone.

  Just to make matters worse, it lit up again.

  Kimberly groaned. “Just answer it.”

  Adam grabbed the phone, shaking his head at Kim.

  “Hey Stacy, oh yes, sorry I missed your call,” he began.

  Kimberly rolled her eyes, picking up a magazine and flipping through it.

  Adam hadn’t left the room. She could hear his side of the conversation. It seemed Stacy wanted to meet up with him. Adam declined, citing he was busy with work and family things for the few days he was in town. Hanging up, he glanced at Kimberly, who was pretending not to listen.

  “Honestly Kim, like there’s any reason to be jealous,” said Adam, sitting down beside her and kissing her cheek.

  That’s when Kimberly surprised him. She
swiftly climbed onto his lap, pulling him into a kiss that made him lose his train of thoughts.

  “Kim, we said slow and steady, right?” he finally managed as they parted breathlessly.

  Kimberly ignored him, having already unbuttoned part of his shirt, her lips kissing a trail down his jawline to his neck. She sucked the skin there, sending a shiver right through him.

  “You’re way too much of a gentleman right now,” complained Kimberly, nuzzling his neck.

  “Well, that’s what happens when you date your best friend. Protecting you always comes first,” said Adam.

  “I love you,” sighed Kim, truly touched.

  “I love you,” said Adam.

  “Guess, I better be nice and move then. I’m sorry,” said Kimberly, getting off his lap.

  “Don’t apologize,” said Adam, kissing her lightly as she settled next to him.

  “I’m going to go change into PJs…and maybe have a cold shower,” he said with a chuckle.

  Kimberly giggled. “Alright. I’m going to change too when you’re done.”

  “You want to go change first?” asked Adam.

  “I’m good, go change,” said Kimberly. “I’m really sorry,” she added, looking up at him guiltily.

  “Don’t be, not like I didn’t enjoy being seduced,” winked Adam.

  Kimberly laughed, blushing.

  Upstairs, Adam decided a cold shower was in order and had a quick shower before changing into sweats. He went down and placed a swift kiss against Kimberly’s cheek as he sat down.

  “My turn,” smiled Kimberly.

  She went up to change, soon back dressed in a pair of cute pajamas. Nothing sexy so as not to cause a problem but still new, a soft green long-sleeved top and dark blue pants. She knew Adam loved the green on her, so it had been an easy choice. She saw Adam look up and take her in.

  “It should be illegal to look that good right now,” he said.

  “I’ll say,” she said, winking at him and grinning as she sat down and snuggled in his arms.


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