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Colton's Secret Bodyguard

Page 18

by Jane Godman

Rylan reached for her hand. “I think Trey needs to hear about the possibility of an accomplice.”

  “It sounded more like the other person was the mastermind,” Bree said. “David appeared nervous that he’d annoyed him.”

  Rylan called Trey and quickly updated him on the information Bree had just given him. “David told Bree the plan was to start with the gallery. That means your informant might have been correct when he told you there could be future attacks on The Lodge and The Chateau.”

  “Yeah.” Rylan could hear the disbelief and weariness in Trey’s voice. “Another nightmare to add to the list. Let me speak to my sister.”

  Rylan finished his snack while Bree chatted with Trey for a few minutes. His mind was processing what she had told him. The situation had just gotten a whole lot more sinister. Because if there was another person in the background, directing David’s actions, that person had to have deliberately sought the security guard out. David’s motive against Bree was clear, but what about this shadowy figure? Was his grudge directed toward Bree or, which seemed more likely, toward the whole Colton family?

  Bree ended the call. She sipped her coffee but pushed the half-eaten sandwich aside. “I’m sorry. I just can’t manage any more.” She raised her eyes to Rylan’s face. “I’m starting to realize that I’d be dead by now if it weren’t for you.”

  “I told you I wouldn’t let him hurt you, Bree.”

  “That’s right.” She gave him a lopsided smile. “It’s your job.”

  “If you truly believe that’s the reason, then you don’t know me.”

  Rylan caught the flare of emotion in her eyes before she looked back at her plate. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t know if the words were about him rescuing her, or for telling her that he hadn’t done it because it was his job. “I don’t want your gratitude.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “This is too hard. I should still be angry at what you did to me, but I need you to hold me—”

  Rylan moved around the table. Kneeling at her side, he wrapped his arms around her waist. Bree bent her head and pressed her cheek to the top of his head.

  “This...” Her voice choked up, and she paused before trying again. “You have no idea how much I needed this.”

  He laughed. “Believe me. I do. It’s been on my mind as well.”

  She framed his face with her hands. “Take me to bed, Rylan.”

  “On one condition.” Bree quirked a brow at him and he grinned. “Not a sexy sort of condition. We sleep. That’s all.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “I might just be.” As she started to speak, he pressed a finger to her lips. “Hear me out. You said it yourself. You should still be angry with me. I let you down, and you have every right to never trust me again. Today, you went through a horrible shock. You have no idea how much I want to hear you ask me to take you to bed. If it ever happens again, I want it to be for the right reason. Because you want me. Not because you need comfort.”

  “You’ve turned my world upside down and destroyed my trust in you. Now, you’re showing me that you are a good guy after all.” She shook her head. “You’re confusing me, Rylan.”

  He held out his hands and pulled her to her feet. “You don’t have to think about any of this right now. Just get a good night’s sleep.”

  “That’s another thing.” Her face was serious. “I know I will if I’m with you.”

  * * *

  The last time they had shared a bed, Bree had been conscious of the invisible barrier between them. It had felt like there was no way back from the damage caused to their relationship. Now, things were different. She was too tired to analyze how, or if the change was permanent. But if it meant she could fall asleep with Rylan’s arms around her, she wasn’t going to ask questions. Not after the day that had just passed.

  Through half-closed eyes, she lay back on her pillows and watched Rylan as he got ready. These tiny things were what she wanted. This closeness. Resting her head on his chest and listening to the steady beat of his heart. Sharing his body heat. Those incredible Rylan morning cuddles. The feeling that nothing could ever hurt her when he was holding her.

  As if he could read her mind, Rylan slid beneath the bedsheets and drew her to him. His lips were a feathery touch on her forehead.

  “Good night, Bree.”

  Her eyes drifted closed as he spoke.

  * * *

  She woke with a start. Rylan’s side of the bed was empty, and sunlight was streaming through a gap in the windows. Clearly, it was morning. But...what was that noise? The high-pitched wailing sounded like the exorcism of a dozen reluctant demons. It was accompanied by wild scrabbling at the base of the bedroom door.

  She smiled. Jekyll.

  The door opened. “I told him not to disturb you.” Rylan carried coffee and toast. “But he wouldn’t listen.”

  Jekyll hurled himself desperately at the bed, his little legs flailing. Bree reached down and scooped him up with one hand. He threw himself at her, his body language clearly indicating that he had been subjected to unbearable torture in her absence.

  “Breakfast in bed.” She smiled up at Rylan. “I could get used to this.”

  He pointed at Jekyll, who had draped himself across her ankles. “You may have to. I think that means you are never allowed to leave again.”

  The words hung between them for a moment, igniting tiny reminders of everything that still remained unsaid. Rylan sat on the bed while Bree leaned against the pillows and sipped her coffee.

  “Have you heard from Trey?” She almost didn’t want to say the words, didn’t want any reminder of David Swanson to intrude on this peaceful moment.

  “He called to say that they haven’t found David yet. When they searched his apartment, they discovered a huge stash of guns, which goes beyond worrying and into frightening. Trey doesn’t believe David has the resources or connections to buy the high-powered weapons they found. He certainly doesn’t have a permit for most of them.” Exhaling roughly, he raked a hand through his hair. “It all comes back to the same questions. Who is behind this, and what are they planning? Luckily, Trey also found David’s laptop. The Bradford County tech guys are at work, trying to get some information from that.”

  Bree nibbled at the corner of a piece of toast. “If he started out wanting to scare me out of town, he didn’t need to stockpile guns.”

  “Exactly. It looks like attacking you was part of a bigger strategy,” Rylan said. “What will you do about the gallery? With Kasey out of commission, you don’t have anyone in charge.”

  “My mom offered to get together with a few of her friends and keep the gallery open until I’m able to return.” Bree sat up straighter. “You know my mom. She can do anything if she puts her mind to it. I’m just concerned that it would be a Colton running Wise Gal. Would she be another target?”

  Rylan fell silent as he gave the suggestion some thought. “So far, the action has all come from David. With him in hiding, I can’t see his mentor, or senior partner, whoever this other person is, coming out of the shadows and changing his role. I think your mom will be safe, especially if Trey puts a guard on the gallery.”

  “By that reasoning, can’t I go back?” Although Bree asked the question, she wasn’t hopeful of a positive answer.

  “Not a chance.” Rylan didn’t hesitate. “David could be anywhere. No matter what other plans he and his partner have, we know he is obsessed with you, Bree. That isn’t going away just because he’s a wanted man. You are staying right here, where I can watch over you.”

  Bree’s stubborn streak made a half-hearted attempt to rebel. But Rylan was right. She had the memory of what had happened in that basement to convince her of that. The look on David’s face when he talked about what he wanted to do to her before he killed her...

  She was safe here. With Rylan. His presence gave her the
security she needed.

  “I need to call Kasey’s mom,” she said. “I want to check on how she’s doing, and if there’s anything she needs.”

  “I’ll leave you to speak in private.” Rylan got to his feet. “Any thoughts on how you want to spend the day?”

  She studied him thoughtfully. “The toast has made me hungry. How about we start with pancakes for breakfast?”

  He grinned. “I can do that. Anything else milady desires?”

  Actually, there was something she desired very much. Rylan, with his rugged good looks and muscular physique, was everything she wanted. Maybe it was because of the danger she had been in. Possibly, it was the memory of their former connection. Right now, all she wanted was to grab the front of his T-shirt and haul him closer...

  Whoa. She should probably turn the shower down nice and cold this morning. Aware that Rylan was watching her with a quizzical look in his eyes, she sank back onto her pillows.

  “After the pancakes? I want to check in with everyone. Wonkey, Boo, Cindy from Finance...all of them.” She became serious again. “When I was in that basement, I thought of the people I needed to see again. My family.” She hitched in a breath. “You and your crazy animals.”

  Rylan went very still. He stared down at her, his eyes appearing bluer than ever. After a moment or two, his lips parted and he raised a hand toward her. As she smiled up at him, his expression changed. It was as if a switch had been flicked and the light in his eyes went out.

  He lowered his hand. “You ordered pancakes, right?”

  Feeling slightly bewildered, Bree watched him leave the room.

  * * *

  Rylan pushed his body to the absolute edge of its physical endurance. His workout routine was as demanding and difficult as that of a professional athlete, and he stuck to it rigidly. Until now, he had applied the same ruthless precision to his emotions.

  Ever since his mother’s death, he’d made a conscious decision. He didn’t do feelings. By maintaining complete control over his heart, he had built up a facade that proved his father wrong.

  Weak? Wimp? Worthless? He had never let anyone get close enough to find out if it was true.

  His encounters with women had been brief and casual. The rules were established up front, and both partners had walked away with good memories and no regrets.

  Then along came Bree.

  And Rylan was learning the hard way that his heart wasn’t as iron-clad and compliant as he’d always believed. No matter how much he tried to suppress the need to tell her how he felt, it was there below the surface, like a volcano waiting to blow.

  But he couldn’t do that to her. She had just gone through a horrible trauma, and she was vulnerable. The physical attraction between them was already strong, and there was more to it. An emotional connection that went beyond sex. It was only natural that Bree should turn to him right now. She saw Rylan as the man who would take care of her. Deep down, some primal instinct made her want to take shelter in his arms.

  What kind of man would take advantage of that? One who had already proven himself untrustworthy? Unworthy?

  His mind might be whirling in a million different directions right now, but one thing was irrefutable. For the first time in his life, Rylan was truly afraid. Because if he told Bree he loved her, he could only see two outcomes. The first, and most likely, was that she would gently let him know that she didn’t feel the same way. The second was that, caught up in a web of fear and anxiety, she might mistake her own heart. He wanted to hear Bree tell him she loved him more than he wanted his next breath, but not because she was looking for a comfort blanket.

  And she doesn’t know me.

  Like the rest of the world, she saw the tough guy exterior. If she knew what lay beneath...

  His musings were interrupted as Bree entered the kitchen with Jekyll at her heels. It was hard to believe she’d been through such a stressful incident the previous day. She was wearing jeans with tiny flowers embroidered all over them, a huge baggy fisherman’s sweater and biker boots. Although her hair was loose, a floral headband kept it back from her face. She was fresh-faced, bright-eyed and absolutely gorgeous.

  “Pancakes.” He forced himself to concentrate. “And there’s syrup or fruit. There’s even freshly squeezed orange juice.”

  “Heaven.” Bree took a seat and helped herself to food. “Kasey was in surgery when I spoke to her mom, but she had a restful night. Mrs. Spencer said she had been talking, she understood what was happening and seemed in okay spirits. Her mom will send me a text message later to let me know how the surgery went.”

  “From what the doctor said, this is just the start for Kasey,” Rylan said quietly.

  “I know.” Bree’s expressive mouth turned down at the corners. “She was only in the basement because of me. When David asked me to go with him to look at paint, I wasn’t really suspicious of him, but I remembered what you’d said about not trusting anyone. So I asked Kasey to come with us.”

  “You couldn’t have known what would happen.” Rylan attempted to reassure her. “At that point, none of us suspected him.”

  She ate a few bites of pancake. “Based on your experience, what do you think David will do next?”

  “Hard to say without knowing the motive of the mystery puppet master,” Rylan said. “If his intention was purely to cause a problem for the Coltons, he may decide David has become a liability. If that’s the case, David is on his own. He must know Trey has all his resources focused on finding him. Sticking around Roaring Springs wouldn’t be his smartest move.”

  “So you think he’ll leave town?”

  “He will if he’s got any sense. And if he’s thinking straight.” Rylan gave her a direct look. “He’s already proved he has an obsessive personality. I’m not sure we can rely on him thinking straight.”

  “This other person seems to have another motive. Stockpiling weapons sounds sinister.”

  “If we’re dealing with something very different, your brother probably needs outside help. I’m sure we can leave it to Trey to deal with that.” Rylan leaned back in his chair. “After we’ve checked on the animals, how would you like a spa experience?”

  She raised her brows. “I thought I was supposed to stay here on the ranch? Don’t get me wrong, The Chateau is one of my favorite places, but it is all the way back in Roaring Springs.”

  Rylan grinned at her. “You Coltons are not the only ones who have a hot spring on your property, wise gal.”

  Chapter 16

  They followed the creek on a winding route for about twenty minutes until it reached the spring. It was a single warm pool at the base of a steep cliff, with piled rocks in the form of an oval creating a large natural hot tub right on the edge of the river.

  Bree eyed the water suspiciously before studying the surrounding white-tipped peaks. “Are you sure it’s warm enough at this time of year? What about the snow from the mountains?”

  “Even with the runoff, it’s like a warm bath,” Rylan said. “Try it for yourself.”

  When she’d packed her things for a stay at the ranch, it hadn’t occurred to her that she might need a bathing suit. The only option for this activity had been the shorts and tank she was wearing under her outer clothing. Sitting on a rock, she pulled off her boots and socks, then tugged off her sweater. Standing, she shimmied out of her jeans.

  Stepping cautiously over the rocks and pebbles, Bree entered the pool. Rylan was right. The temperature was perfect.

  “Oh, it’s glorious.” She turned in time to see Rylan heading her way wearing just his boxer briefs, and Bree decided that glowing accolade also described his body to a tee.

  The pool was just wide enough to stretch out and float, but its attraction was the rocky shelf on which it was possible to lie flat, or sit with her legs extended in front of her, and be massaged by the thermal bubbles. Bree leaned ba
ck, her skin tingling as she closed her eyes and relaxed. When Rylan joined her, he sat opposite her. Legs apart, he rested his feet on either side of her hips.

  She sighed. “Perfect.” He didn’t need to know she wasn’t talking about the water.

  Bree’s own feet were close to the inside of his thighs. Every now and then, the movement of the water caused her toes to lightly brush his skin. Through half-open eyes, she watched his reaction. Smiling, Rylan casually reached under the water and took hold of her foot. Slowly, he ran his thumb from her heel to her toes, then back again. The sensation sent tiny darts of pleasure running through her entire body.

  Something in her reaction must have drawn his attention, because he paused. “Should I stop?”

  Unsure whether she could trust her voice, Bree shook her head. Rylan continued to rub the bottom of her foot in firm circular movements. The action was soothing and sensual at the same time. Lying back, she let the feelings carry her. Warm water, the sounds of nature, soft bubbles caressing her body and Rylan’s touch. She drifted between awareness and bliss.

  Reaching a hand to her side, she stroked Rylan’s foot. Running her fingernails across his skin, she continued to lie back and enjoy whatever this was without analyzing it. She had done too much thinking just lately. It was time for a bit of acting on impulse.

  Opening her eyes, she sat up straighter. Looking into his startling blue eyes, she smiled. “Can I kiss you?”

  “Bree...” There was caution in his expression, but she also saw hunger.

  “You wanted to be sure this was about you. Let me prove it.”

  Leaning forward, she placed her lips gently against his. When his mouth opened, she moved her tongue inside, exploring every inch. With a murmur of satisfaction, she pressed her hands against his chest as she deepened the kiss. Gradually, she felt Rylan relax. His hands moved to her hair, her face and the bare skin of her shoulders. Instantly, her nipples tightened with anticipation.

  Feeling totally unlike her usual reserved self, she continued to take the lead. Reaching her hands around to his back, she slowly raked her fingernails down his spine, enjoying the shudder that ran through him. Drawing his tongue into her mouth, she sucked it slowly in and out, teasing him with the suggestive action.


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