Her Promised Dom (Dominant Men Book 3)

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Her Promised Dom (Dominant Men Book 3) Page 10

by Isabella Kole

  As she got into bed, she remembered that she had told Dale she would call him. Picking up her cell, she dialed his number. After the fifth ring, she was about to hang up when he breathlessly answered, "Hello."

  "Did I catch you at a bad time? Are you with someone?"

  "What did you just ask me?"

  "Forget it, none of my business."

  "Cora, it took me so long to get to the phone and I am breathless because I was lugging boxes into the foyer."

  "You don't have to explain, but I guess I did catch you at a bad time."

  "I'm ready for a break. In fact, I think I'm going to call it quits for the night. I've packed about all I'm going to for one night."

  "Poor Dale. If I were there, I'd help you."

  "No, if you were here, we'd probably be busy doing other things, baby," he teased.

  "You're so bad. So, how is the packing coming along?" she asked, hoping to steer the subject away from the direction it was going.

  "Way to change the subject. Slowly, but I'll get there. This is my last week at the firm, so I'll have all next week."

  "I'm glad you were able to get the place you wanted in Fredericksburg."

  "I am, too. I didn't think it would be a problem. I'm going to do some work on the place, but I'll be able to live in it while the work is being done. And if it gets too messy, I can always stay with the folks."

  "It sounds like you're going to have your hands full for a while, with the new job and the new house."

  "I suppose so. How's your week going? Are you getting caught up?"

  "Pretty much. I've brought manuscripts home with me every night to catch up."

  "Oh, reading those love stories, are you?"

  "Some of them are. A few are mysteries."

  "You need to learn to pace yourself. A good Dom could take care of that for you, you know."

  "Do you know one?" she quipped, teasing him.

  "Very funny. Good thing I'm not there. You would be over my knee by now."

  "Promises, promises."

  "Seriously, Cora Beth, I want to tell you again that I really enjoyed our time together last weekend."

  "Dale, it was wonderful getting to know you all over again too. The invitation is still open for you to come here and visit if you get a chance."

  "Want me to bring my handcuffs?"

  "You're never going to let me forget about those, are you?"

  "If you'd seen your face when you first saw them and then again when I put them on you. It was priceless, baby."

  "It just so wasn't you, Dale."

  "I know, and back when you knew me before, it wasn't. But people change. We both have. I might add that I didn't hear you complaining."

  "I trusted you, Dale. I guess I always have, even though things didn't quite work out the way we'd planned."

  "I'm glad to hear that. Trust is the most important thing in any relationship, be it friendship, a vanilla love affair, or a D/s couple. Those cuffs would have been a way to keep you from getting on that plane, though. Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to find the key."

  "You would have gotten tired of me."

  "Why would you say that?"

  "Having me handcuffed to your bedpost would certainly put a crimp in your lifestyle."

  "Ah, yes, my lifestyle," he agreed with a chuckle.

  "I'm going to get off here and let you get some rest. Call me when you're settled."

  "I will. Sweet dreams, CB."

  "CB?" she asked with a giggle.

  "I think that's my new pet name for you. Short for Cora Beth." He chuckled into the phone.

  "I like that. Goodnight, Dale."

  The next few weeks passed quickly. Cora went to work, took work home, and did little else. A male friend whom she'd dated a few times called and invited her to dinner, but she declined. She just didn't care to see anyone right now. The weekend with Dale had made every other man she knew seem dull, so she had politely told her friend she had other plans.

  She stayed in on the weekends, relaxing and catching up on sleep. She flew to Los Angeles with Kayla to attend a book show, enjoying the change of pace and the company of her friend. While there, she had received a brief email from Dale letting her know his new email address. She had replied, telling him she was in L.A. on business and that she would touch base with him when she returned home and could catch her breath. Although she was dying to hear his voice, she didn't want him to think she was chasing after him. She thought it better to play it cool.

  Her mother phoned one Saturday about a week after she'd returned to New York.

  "Hi, sweetie, we haven't heard from you," she said when Cora answered her cell.

  "I've been busy catching up. How are things there? Did you ever get Gram's house cleaned out and put on the market?"

  "Yes, we did. As a matter of fact, we already have a buyer."

  "That's great. Now maybe you and Dad can concentrate on your plans. Are you still thinking of moving to San Antonio near Cassie?"

  "We're not sure. Dad's not ready to retire completely. We're thinking he may semi-retire and we'll just travel or spend part of our time in San Antonio and part of our time here. When do you think you might get out here again?"

  "Oh, I'm not sure. I haven't given it much thought. Probably not until summer," she replied, although she had actually been thinking about it a lot.

  "Cassie said she spoke to you the other night."

  "Yes, she wanted all the dirt about my weekend rendezvous with Dale." She giggled, remembering the conversation with her sister. She'd told her things she could never tell her mother.

  "Have you heard from him?"

  "A few times, but he's been really busy with the new job and the move, so I haven't bothered him. I figure when he has the time, he'll get in touch with me."

  "Honey, I'm still pulling for you."

  "I don't know, Mom. There may not be anything there to pull for."

  "I truly believe the one thing missing in your life is Dale Barton. I also believe the two of you will be together someday."

  "Keep on believing, Mom. Maybe you can believe enough for the both of us, because I'm not as certain of that as you are."

  "I've got to run, honey, someone is at the back door. Call us soon."

  "I will, Mom."

  She hung up and wandered into her bedroom with a cup of the gourmet coffee Dale had sent home with her. Curling up on the bed, she found a movie on the TV and settled back to watch it. The memory of the Saturday afternoon she had shared with Dale, watching movies in his beautiful condo, came to mind. Closing her eyes, she allowed her thoughts to drift back to that day and the total contentment she had felt with him. She remembered the laughter, the teasing, the shopping, the cooking, the showering, and of course, the lovemaking that had followed.

  Yes, my darling Dale, it was one perfect weekend, and I will cherish the memories forever.

  It was the week after Valentine's Day when they arrived. A bouquet of yellow roses and lilies, the same type of flowers he used to send her when they dated as teens. They were delivered to the office with a card addressed to Ms. CB Watson.

  Audrey was breathlessly excited as she called Cora to tell her that a delivery was waiting for her in the front office.

  "Can't you just tip him out of petty cash and send him on his way, Audrey?"

  "I think you'd better come out here yourself."

  "Okay," she said, clearly agitated at being disturbed.

  When she walked out of her office, the young delivery boy smiled at her. "I was told to deliver these to a Miss Watson, in person."

  She handed him some cash and took the bouquet from his hands, thanked him, and sent him on his way. She started for her office but was stopped by her inquisitive assistant.

  "No way, Cora; you get right back here and read that card."

  "I know who they're from, Audrey. I don't need to read the card."

  "Cora, you are not going to leave me hanging here. Read the dang card."

sp; "Oh, okay, if you insist." She set the flowers on the counter and opened the card. Her eyes misted and she smiled as she read the words on the card.


  Sorry I missed Valentine's Day. You were in L.A., so I waited to send them. I hope they will help you remember Texas. Happy belated V Day.


  "So, give it up, Cora, what's it say?"

  "They are from a dear friend back home. He says he hopes they will help me to remember Texas."

  "They're from him, aren't they? The guy you hooked up with?"

  "Yes, Audrey, they are, but it means nothing. He used to send me this same flower arrangement back when we were young. It's not signed with love or anything like that."

  "But he sent them. Cora, when are you going to wake up and realize that this guy has got it bad for you?"

  "You're wrong, Audrey. He's a confirmed bachelor. Ask anyone who knows him."

  "Maybe he was before January, but I wonder if that hasn't changed."

  "He has given me no indication that it has, Audrey. He's a Dom. There, I've said it. The guy I thought I would marry years ago is now a Dom. Now, may I please get back to the editing I was doing?"

  Audrey's eyes grew big. "Now it's getting really interesting. You hadn't told us that part of the story. We need to talk more about this."

  "No, we don't. He told me he enjoys the lifestyle. Now, I'm going back to work. You need to do that, too, if you want to get out of here on time tonight."

  "Oh, you are no fun at all."

  Cora rolled her eyes and walked back to her office with the flowers in her hand. When she was finally in the privacy of her own office, she set the vase on her desk and opened her email. Thinking for a minute about what she wanted to say, she finally began to type.


  The flowers just arrived. They are beautiful, and, yes, I do remember Texas and the many bouquets of yellow roses and lilies you sent all those years ago. They have brought back many sweet memories for me. I've been meaning to call but have been swamped with work. I trust you had a nice V Day. L.A. was a welcome change from the cold, dreary New York winter. We'll talk soon.


  She hit the send button and settled back, watching her screen for a reply. After ten minutes with no reply, she returned to her work. Five minutes into the edits she was working on, her cell rang. Reaching for it, she smiled when she realized who was on the other end.

  "Hello, Dale."

  "Hello there. I decided that if I waited for you to call me, I might be waiting a long time, so I'm calling you."

  "I'm sorry. I've just been so busy since I got back."

  "I've been pretty swamped myself, as a matter of fact. I've taken on some new cases, and I'm still finishing up one in Austin that I promised to see to the end when I left the firm there."

  "How's your new place coming along?"

  He hesitated for just a minute before answering, "Slowly, but it's beginning to shape up. I've been staying with the folks for two weeks now."

  "Oh, how that must put a crimp in your style." She giggled.

  "Not really, I've been much too busy to go out much. Besides, who would I go out with? I don't know that many people here anymore. All the girls we went to school with are either married or spoken for by now."

  "Poor Dale, you may have to spend your weekends in Austin at some of your old haunts to see any action."

  "Who says I want to see any action?"

  "You are the swinging bachelor Dom, remember? I can't imagine you holding out for long. You might have to put those handcuffs to use again."

  "The handcuffs only belong on one wrist now, and that particular wrist is many miles away."

  Her breath caught in her throat at his words. "Really, well, you know you have an open invitation to visit any time."

  "And I might just take you up on that, but it won't be soon. I don't see any way to clear my schedule any time in the near future."

  Surprised at the immense disappointment she felt, she replied, "I've been enjoying the gourmet coffees you sent home with me. They're almost gone; you'll have to clear that schedule soon to bring me some more."

  He chuckled. "That's playing dirty, you know, laying a guilt trip on me."

  "I never said I was nice all the time."

  "If I come to New York, believe me, I will be bringing more than coffee with me."

  "Whatever do you mean, Dale?" she asked innocently.

  "I really don't think you want me to say it out loud. You might get embarrassed, but I'll give you a hint."

  "Never mind, I think I know what you are going to say. Get your mind out of the gutter, Barton."

  "Impossible when I'm talking to you."

  "I really need to get back to work. If you'd like to continue with this type of phone conversation, you're going to have to call me at home."

  "Can I take that to mean you'd be interested in continuing this conversation?"


  "When I call, make sure you're naked."

  "Goodbye, Dale."

  He laughed heartily. "Goodbye, sweet CB."

  She hung up, her face flushed and her heart thumping. Why is he teasing me like this? It's almost like the old days, when we were a real couple. But I know that's not the case. He's just feeling his oats because he's been doing without. Still, I find it very hard to believe that he couldn't make a connection with someone if he really wanted to. Is he really that busy, or is there another reason he's not going out?

  The next month flew by as Cora continued to become buried in manuscripts and edits. A package arrived one day at the office from Dale. It was a box filled with assorted flavors of gourmet coffees, accompanied by a note.


  Sorry I couldn't deliver these in person, but still snowed under here in the Lone Star state. That other thing I told you I'd bring can't be mailed, so you'll just have to wait for that. LOL… gotcha! Enjoy the flavors. I made sure to include extra chocolate and hazelnut varieties.


  Audrey, Kayla, and even Camille, her boss, each had a comment for her.

  Audrey said, "I'm telling you, Cora, he's got it bad."

  Kayla added, "I'm beginning to think she's right, and you're a fool if you let him get away again."

  Camille asked, "What am I missing here?"

  Cora looked at her boss and explained briefly, "I hooked up with an old flame, back in January when I was home. They think he's got it bad for me. But I know better."

  Camille gave her an odd look, and then, smiling, she replied, "Is he hot?"

  Laughing, Cora replied, "I've always thought so." Taking the coffee to her office, she told them, "I'll make a pot and share. What flavor would you all like?"

  "You can choose. After all, hot Dom guy sent them to you." Kayla giggled as Audrey answered the question.

  "You girls are out of control." Camille laughed as she walked toward her office, shaking her head. She stopped and turned around. "Dom guy?"

  Audrey supplied the information before Cora could speak, "It seems that the old boyfriend is now a Dom."

  Kayla said, "I couldn't believe it when Audrey told me. I mean, poor Cora has listened to all of us talk about our experiences, and now she gets to have some of her own."

  Camille looked at Cora. "We have a lot to catch up on." To the others, she added, "Leave her be. Cora is a big girl. She needs to make her own decisions without the two of you egging her on."

  "Thank you," Cora said as she went into her office for some peace and quiet.

  After she'd put on a pot of hazelnut coffee, she once again sat down to her laptop and opened her email.


  You really are going to have to stop sending things to my office. I'm getting a lot of ribbing from the other girls. I'm kidding. Actually, I love the attention. They actually think I have a life now.

  Thanks again. I have a pot of hazelnut brewing right this minute.


  And his immediate reply.

  So glad to know your friends think you have a life. Enjoy!


  She let the other girls know when the coffee was ready and went back to work, smiling as she sailed through the edits on the mystery she'd been working on. Somehow, the areas she was having problems with seemed to fall right into place after she'd heard from Dale.

  Relaxing at home that evening, she made a call to her mother to see how the family was doing.

  "Hi, Cora, so glad you called."

  "Hi, Mom, it's been crazy here. I'm sorry I haven't called sooner."

  "I saw Dale the other day at the bank. He looked very handsome."

  "I'm sure he did, Mom. I had an email from him today."

  "Really, that's encouraging," the older woman replied.

  "Don't get excited, Mom. I told him I was almost out of the gourmet coffee he sent home with me, so he mailed some to me. I emailed him to say thank you, and he replied. It was just a friendly gesture on his part."

  "Did he send you your favorite coffees before your weekend in Austin?"

  "Well, no, but we had lost touch before that."

  "Say what you will, but I think things have changed since that weekend."

  "You sound like the girls at the office; you all just don't know him as well as I do. How's the family?" she asked, anxious to steer the conversation away from Dale.

  "Everyone is fine. Cassie, Clay, and the baby were here last weekend."

  "I might be in San Antonio next month for a show. I'll let Cassie know when I find out for sure if I'll be the one going."

  "That would be wonderful. Maybe your dad and I could drive down and visit with you while you're there."

  "That's what I was thinking. I'll let you know. I need to run now. I'll call when I know for sure."

  "All right. Goodnight, honey," her mother replied as she ended the call.

  Two days later, she was informed by Camille that she would indeed be the one representing the publishing house at the San Antonio book show. She would be going alone this time, as Kayla wasn't able to attend, and neither was Camille.

  "I can stay at my sister's house, so there's no need to have Audrey make a hotel reservation for me," she told her boss when she heard the news.

  "If you're sure, Cora, but you might want to rethink that. Maybe that hot friend of yours will want to meet you there."


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