Her Promised Dom (Dominant Men Book 3)

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Her Promised Dom (Dominant Men Book 3) Page 11

by Isabella Kole

  "Camille, really, not you, too," she said as she turned to walk away, sighing heavily.

  "Just saying."

  "If he were to decide to join me there, I am capable of making a hotel reservation, Camille."

  "Take a few extra days if you like. You've put in a lot of overtime the past few months."

  "If I didn't know better, I'd almost think you were trying to get rid of me."

  "Only for a few days, Cora. Take a well-deserved mini vacation. Call it comp time if that makes you feel better."

  "I'll think about it."

  Going back to her office, she phoned Cassie and then her mother. The plans were in place for her to stay at Cassie's for the four nights she'd be in town for the show. Her parents planned to meet her at her sister's house. She didn't mention to them that she might be in town a few days longer. She sent Dale a text message asking him to phone her when he got the chance, preferably in the evening when she was at home and had more time to talk.

  He phoned that very evening as she was relaxing in her bed watching a movie.

  "Hi, what's up?" he asked after she'd answered.

  "I find that I'm going to be in San Antonio for a few days next week. I'm staying at Cassie's for four nights, and the folks will be joining me there."

  "That's nice. I'm glad you'll get to see your family."

  "I'm thinking of staying on for a few days after the book show is over, but I didn't mention that to Mom or Cassie."

  "Are you, now? That sounds promising. When will this be?"

  She gave him the information, breathlessly waiting for his reply.

  "I'm looking at my calendar. If this is an invitation for me to meet you there, I can swing it."

  "Shall I make the hotel reservations, or do you want to take care of that?"

  "Let me do it. I'll email you with the information."

  "That'll work."

  "CB, I'm glad you decided to stay on a few days. I've been trying to get to New York, and it just hasn't worked out. I've missed you."

  Her heart skipped a beat as he spoke. She replied softly, "I've missed you, too."

  "I've got an early court date in the morning, so I need to get some shuteye. I'll email you soon. Sweet dreams."

  "Goodnight, Dale."

  She walked into Camille's office the next morning and informed her smugly, "You got your wish, Camille. I have decided to stay on for a few days in San Antonio."

  Camille looked up. "I hope your visit with your family is very pleasant. Is the hot Dom joining you as well?"

  "Dale will be joining me after my folks go back home." She laughed and rolled her eyes.

  "Good, Cora, I'm glad to hear that. Sit, I think we need to have a little chat."

  "Is anything wrong, Camille?" she asked apprehensively.

  "No, nothing's wrong. Take the worried look off your face."

  "All right, what do you want to chat about?"

  "Cora, since you got back from Texas last January, I've sensed a change in you, a restlessness. It's almost as if you are torn between New York and Texas. I'm guessing it's because of this man. Am I right?"

  She looked down at her hands folded in her lap. Looking up, she replied, "Dale and I were high school sweethearts. At the time, I thought we'd marry and raise a family in the hometown. That didn't happen. He broke up with me the night before he left for college, at the urging of his parents and mine. I was going to attend school in Chicago, and he was staying in Texas. I was heartbroken. We made a promise to each other that night that in twelve years, the year we both turned thirty, if we were both single, we'd find a way to connect again. If the old feelings were still there…" She looked up, unable to finish.

  "And correct me if I'm wrong, but you'll be thirty on your birthday, this summer."

  "Yes, I will. We lost contact with each other about four years ago, before I moved here. I had resigned myself to the fact it wasn't meant to be, and I'd made a good life for myself without him. Then, in January, when I went home for my grandmother's funeral, I ran into him. He was practicing law in Austin then but has since moved back to our hometown to take over his dad's firm. We got together a few times, and he invited me to spend the last weekend of my trip with him in Austin. I accepted, thinking it would be just that, one weekend. I figured that was the fulfillment of the promise. It's twelve years later, and we reconnected."

  "But it meant more than that, didn't it?" Camille looked closely at her friend.

  "It was a perfect and romantic weekend. I saw what I'd missed out on. But he has been a confirmed bachelor for years, has become interested in the BDSM community, to a small extent. He's not as into it as some are but enough to be a confirmed bachelor for several years. He enjoys scening at clubs, dates some, never gets serious. Some girl broke his heart, and he's not interested in anything beyond a few dates or hookups."

  "Yet he sends you flowers and coffee and he calls you. Now, he's agreed to meet you for another rendezvous. I'm beginning to agree with Kayla and Audrey. I think it's more than that for him, as well."

  She leaned forward in her chair, looking Camille straight in the eyes. "But, Camille, I have my life here, and he has his life there. Even if there are mutual feelings, there's no way it can work. We might have to be content with occasional romantic weekends until one of us gets tired of it and decides to move on."

  "Cora, there is no rule that says your job has to be done with you sitting in that chair behind that desk in that office. Your job can be done from anywhere in the world. You'd have to fly back for occasional meetings and you'd still have to do some of the shows, but if you love this man, why on earth would you let him get away again? If you have a chance at happiness, grab it, Cora. You say you have a life here, but do you really? You have a job here. You have friends here. You have a loft apartment here. But is it a life that you can share with someone else? Is it a life filled with love, romance, and adventure? Are you content to read about love for the rest of your life, or do you want to live it? Write your own love story, Cora, or better yet, live your own love story. As for the lifestyle, you know a little about it. What are your feelings on that?"

  "That was some speech, Camille. The lifestyle—I'm not totally opposed to experimenting with him, as long as it doesn't involve scening in front of others at clubs."

  "I'm going to tell you something I've never shared with anyone else. And you are not to breathe a word of this. I'd never want my dear, sweet Joe to ever know that he wasn't my first choice. I had a man like Dale in my life once. Like you, I lost him. The chance came along for me to have a second chance with him, and I didn't take it. I was building my career, and he wanted to start a family right away. He gave me some space, came back to try again, but when push came to shove and I had to choose, I chose the career. Needless to say, he married someone else, and they have four beautiful children now. Of course, years later, I met Joe and married him. We've been very happy together, but there are days I find myself wondering what might have been. I don't want that to happen to you. Cody was also a Dom. Joe isn't."

  "I'm so sorry, Camille. I had no idea. But you're happy now, aren’t you?"

  Her boss shrugged. "I am, but I'll never know what might have been. If this Dale should give you an indication that he wants a life with you, go for it, Cora. Move back to Texas with him, and we'll work it out with your job if you decide you'd like to keep working with us."

  "Thank you for that, Camille, but I have no idea if this is what he wants."

  "Give it time, Cora. If it is what he wants, he'll let you know when he is ready."

  "I don't know what to say."

  "Say that you'll enjoy the time you have with him and that you'll keep an open mind."

  "I will, and thank you again, Camille."

  "Now go get your work caught up, so you can go to Texas."

  She got up and quietly left her boss' office. When she returned to her own desk, she saw that Dale had already emailed her with the hotel information.

  All right
, Mr. Barton, the ball is in your court.

  Chapter 8

  Cora worked night and day for the next few days in order to clear her desk before flying to Texas. The night before her flight, she was packing her clothes, having already assembled the things she would need for the show. As she sat down with a glass of wine to relax for a moment, a call came in from Dale.

  "Hello, Dale," she answered in a sultry voice.

  "Hello, yourself. I'm just calling to make sure we're still on for San Antonio at the end of the week," he replied cheerfully.

  "I fly out in the morning, meet up with the family, and then on Tuesday and Wednesday, I'll be working. Thursday is family time. Friday morning, after they head home, I'm free. What time will you be there?"

  "I plan on driving down after I take care of a few things at the office. It's only a little over an hour, so I'm hoping to be at the hotel by one. We may not be able to check in until three, so I figure we'll grab some lunch when I get there."

  "Sounds like a plan. Since the hotel is near the Riverwalk, do you want to eat there?"

  "I thought we might do some strolling over there, maybe ride the gondolas, and there's this great piano bar. Have you ever been there?"

  "I've been to the Riverwalk, of course, but I don't think I've seen a piano bar there. It sounds like fun."

  "When do you fly back to New York?"

  "Not until Sunday afternoon. Can you stay that long?"

  "Sure, I can. I booked the suite at the Westin for two nights. I figure I'll head home after I take you to the airport."

  "It'll be good to see you again, Dale," she said softly.

  "I told you I didn't want to lose touch with you again. I'm so happy you invited me to join you for the weekend."

  "It's not often I'm in the same state as you, so I couldn't pass up the chance that you might agree to meet me there."

  "I'd better let you finish getting ready. I'll see you at the Westin around one on Friday. How will you get there?"

  "Cassie will drop me off. I wasn't going to tell anyone I was staying for the weekend, but she was having a fit because she thought I wouldn't let you know I was going to be that close. I finally caved and told her."

  He chuckled. "Dear sweet little Cassie, she always was my biggest fan."

  "Yes, she loved you like a brother back in the day."

  "Oh, by the way, I played racquetball with Bruce the other day. He said to tell you hello the next time I talked to you."

  "So he knows we are in contact with each other?"

  "Of course he does. I'm not keeping it a secret from anyone that we've reconnected. Most of the people who know are thrilled."

  "Most of them?" she asked, wondering who wasn't so thrilled.

  "Just an expression, baby, I really think everyone is thrilled. It seems that most of the people who know us seem to have this fantasy of the two of us getting back together."

  Fantasy, she thought, well, that says a lot.

  She managed to answer with, "Yes, that is a bit far-fetched, isn't it?"

  He didn't answer immediately. When he finally spoke, he replied, "You tell me, Cora, you're the one who reads fantasy every day."

  "Yes, I do read fantasy every day, and sometimes the fantasies come true, and sometimes they don't. I really need to run, Dale. I'll see you Friday," she told him, not wanting to continue the conversation they were having.

  "Can't wait to see you, CB, sweet dreams," he said just before ending the call.

  She sat on the edge of the bed sipping her wine as she thought about the weekend ahead. Will it be romantic like the last one? Or are we back to being ‘just friends?’ Do you even remember that promise you made to me years ago? Am I the one living in a fantasy world by thinking that we might just have a chance this time around?

  Finally forcing herself to get up and finish her packing, she threw the rest of her clothes into her tapestry suitcase, made sure her toiletries were packed, and collapsed on the bed. Try as she might, sleep simply would not come. She tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. Eventually, she gave up and turned on the TV, hoping to find a movie. She looked at her cell phone and saw that a text had come in from Dale. Smiling, she picked up the phone and began to read the words he'd written.


  Enjoyed the chat tonight and just wanted to tell you again how excited I am to be able to spend time with you again.

  Sweet dreams… until Friday.


  She quickly replied.


  I, too, enjoyed our little chat. I am looking forward to strolling along the Riverwalk with an old friend. I can't sleep, so not sure how sweet my dreams will be.


  Within two minutes, her cell rang. It was Dale! She answered breathlessly, "Hi."

  "Why can't you sleep, baby?"

  "I don't know. I guess I've been burning the candle at both ends to get ready for this trip, and maybe I'm overtired. Or perhaps I'm just excited."

  "I'd rather think that you are excited… to see me."

  "Now, why would I be excited about that?" she teased.

  "I'm crushed; I was expecting you to agree with me and say that was the reason you couldn't sleep."

  "You goof, you are not crushed."

  "What are you wearing?"


  "I asked you what you were wearing."

  She looked down and giggled. "I'm wearing a T-shirt and panties. Why?"

  "Take them off."


  "Must you say what after everything I say?"

  "Okay, why?"

  He let out an exasperated sigh. "If you must have it explained to you, I was attempting to relax you so you could sleep."

  "Oh, I see. And just how were you going to do that?"

  "If you can't figure it out, you are more tired than you are letting on."

  "Maybe I should have another glass of wine; this could get interesting." She giggled into the phone.

  "Ah, yes, it could get very interesting, baby," he replied in a low, husky voice.

  "Okay, I'm naked. Now what?"

  "Lie back and relax. I want you to imagine that I am there with you. I'm giving you a massage, rubbing your tired muscles."

  "Okay," she replied, not sure where this was going. She hadn't expected an imaginary massage.

  "I'm putting cool lotion on your shoulders and on your back. Feel it, baby?"

  "Um… yes."

  "Now I'm gently caressing your back, rubbing the lotion into your soft, silky skin. I'm making circular movements with my hands."

  "Um," she repeated dreamily.

  "I'm moving up to your shoulders. I'm kneading the tension out of the muscles. You are relaxing from my touch. Now I'm leaning down to kiss your gorgeous neck and nibbling your ear."

  "It's working, Dale."

  "Good. Next, I'm going to massage your tired legs. My hands are moving down to your calves, rubbing the tension out of the muscles. Can you feel it?"


  "I could go on, but I don't want to get you all revved up, baby. The idea was to make you relax and go to sleep."

  "Thank you, Dale. I'm going to go… to… sleep now."

  "Sweet dreams, baby."

  She slept like a baby for the rest of the night, waking refreshed and ready to take on the world, thanks to Dale and his late-night phone call.

  As she showered and prepared for her departure, her thoughts wandered. If I'd let him continue, I wonder what he would have said next. That would have been another thing I've only done with him… phone sex. Why is it that he is the only one I've ever been able to open myself up to totally and without question? I trust him completely. I guess I always have.

  She brewed a pot of coffee, and as she waited for it, she glanced at the watch on her dainty wrist. Grinning, she rubbed her wrist, remembering something else that had been clasped around it other than her watch. Yes, I can safely say that I trust that man completely. If any other man had tried what he did, I would
have been absolutely livid, but not with Dale. I submitted to him that weekend in ways I never imagined I could.

  She reached into the cupboard and took down a large mug, filled it with caramel white chocolate coffee, part of the selection Dale had mailed to her, and took a sip. Sheer Heaven, she thought.

  An hour later, she was sitting in a cab on her way to the airport. She grinned as a text message came in from Dale.

  How did you sleep? Have a good flight.


  She typed her reply.

  Like a baby. Thank you.

  Smiling as she put her cell back into her purse and paid the cab driver, she collected her luggage and made her way into the ridiculously busy airport.

  When she was finally in the air, she allowed herself to relax. She leaned her head back and dozed off and on throughout the long flight. As the pilot announced that they would be landing in San Antonio soon, she forced herself to fully awaken and prepared to see her sister at the gate.

  As promised, Cassie was waiting for her with a huge smile on her face. She rushed forward, pulling Cora into a hug. "It's so good to see you, sis."

  Cora smiled and replied, "Where's my beautiful niece?"

  "Oh, my, she's crawling now, so there's no way I'd bring her. Besides, I wanted some one on one time with my big sis. I took her to her regular day care for the afternoon."

  "Well, then, let's grab my luggage and get this party started. I'll be working after today, so I'm yours for the afternoon."

  "Mom and Dad will be here Wednesday and are still planning to head back on Friday. Are you still meeting Dale?"

  "Yes, we are meeting on Friday afternoon. He booked a suite at the Westin by the Riverwalk."

  "Wow, I still can't believe that after all these years you guys are hooking up. It's so romantic."

  "Well, it may be romantic, but I'm not so sure that it will ever amount to more than a weekend hookup every now and again. I can't quite figure out how he feels about this. Sometimes, I feel as if he'd like to make it more, and at other times, I don't get that feeling at all."

  "What do you want, Cora?"

  "Let's go somewhere for a drink or a cup of coffee and we can talk more," she suggested as she put her luggage into the back of Cassie's minivan.


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