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Her Promised Dom (Dominant Men Book 3)

Page 15

by Isabella Kole

  As she settled into her seat on the plane and prepared for the long flight, she began reliving the weekend and all that had happened in her mind. Finally, she leaned back and napped, filled with hope for the first time in twelve years.

  As she nodded off, the words kept repeating themselves in her mind, Dale, please don't break my heart again. I love you. Remember the promises you've made to me. Please remember our promise.

  Hours later, an exhausted Cora made her way into her lonely New York loft. After she'd unpacked and climbed into bed, she dialed Dale's number.

  "Baby, thank God, I was beginning to worry," he said with obvious relief as he answered.

  "I just got in and got ready for bed. I had trouble getting an Uber."

  "I miss you, Cora."

  "You know I miss you too. Get done what you need to get done and get out here as soon as you can. We'll do New York together."

  "Or we might just do each other in New York, instead," he teased.

  "Yes, well, we'll probably do that, too." She giggled. "Sweetie, I'm bushed. I'm going to say goodnight, but call me when you have a chance and I promise I'll talk longer."

  "You got it, babe. Sweet dreams."

  "Goodnight, Dale." She turned out the light and fell asleep, dreaming of a life with the only man she had ever loved.

  Chapter 10

  Cora didn't wake until her alarm went off the next morning. She got up, stumbling into the kitchen to start the coffeepot, and then quickly ran through the shower. The weather was much cooler in New York than it had been in Texas, and she was feeling the chill when she stepped out of the steamy hot shower. Shivering as she dried hurriedly and wrapped the towel around her slender body, she made her way back into her bedroom to find something warm to wear to work. She decided on a gray skirt and black blazer with a crisp white blouse underneath. With pearls around her neck, she looked every bit a professional. Stepping into her black pumps, she went back into the kitchen and poured herself a mug of hot, steaming coffee, popped bread into the toaster, and sat down. Back to the real world. The fantasy is over until the next time, she mused as she buttered her toast.

  When she finally arrived at the office, she was met by Audrey and Kayla, who were anxiously awaiting the details of her trip.

  "Give me a chance to catch my breath, you guys," she teased as she walked into her office and hung up her coat. They followed, and she briefly filled them in, promising to tell them more at lunch.

  "Camille said to tell you she wants to see you in her office whenever you get settled," Audrey told her as she walked toward the door.

  "Okay, let me grab a cup of coffee. I'm sure she wants the scoop on the new book deals I signed at the show."

  A few minutes later, she knocked on her boss's door. When she heard a voice from within telling her to enter, she walked in and sat across from Camille.

  Taking a sip of her coffee, she said, "Good morning, Camille."

  "Welcome back, Cora. I want to hear all about your trip. Let's talk about the show first. Fill me in on everything."

  She proceeded to tell her boss—and friend—about the books she'd sold, the agents she spoken with, the other editors she had swapped ideas with and, finally, about the three book deals she had signed while at the San Antonio show.

  "Sounds like you had a very busy and productive two days, Cora."

  "I think so. I'm pleased. I think after you read these manuscripts, you'll agree with me."

  "I'm sure I will. I've never disagreed with any of the decisions you've made in the past. Now, tell me, how was your family?"

  "The visit was wonderful. Cassie's baby is crawling now."

  "I'm glad you were able to spend some time with them. I know it has be hard living so far away from them."

  "Yes, at times, it is," she admitted, although she'd only just recently realized that fact.

  "And Dale? Did you see him?" Camille ventured to ask next.

  "Yes, we spent the weekend together at a hotel near the Riverwalk."

  "Well, don't keep me in suspense. How did it go?"

  Cora sighed, not knowing where to begin. "It was an eventful weekend, Camille."

  Camille raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

  "It started out fine. We spent Friday afternoon on the Riverwalk. Friday evening, we checked into our suite, and it was very romantic. Vanilla, too, I might add. Then, on Saturday, we had an argument."

  "An argument, Cora? Oh, I'm so sorry. Did it get resolved?"

  "He demanded to know if I thought this was all a game and if I'd been seeing anyone else since our weekend in Austin. He told me that he hadn't been with anyone else since then. Then he asked me to make the relationship exclusive."

  "I don't understand. Isn't that what you want? Why would that cause an argument?"

  "Yes, it is what I want, but he wants to carry on a long-distance affair. He never said he loved me, he never asked me to give up New York and move back home, and he never said that he remembered the promise he made to me twelve years ago."

  "Baby steps, Cora. Give him time."

  "This may be the perfect setup for him. He can maintain the squeaky-clean image he wants to portray, now that he's joined his dad's firm. This way, he can be the good boy at home and the bad boy when he gets together with me. He has the best of both worlds."

  "Cora, you don't really think that, do you?"

  "I don't know what to think. On the one hand, I'm ecstatic that he wants us to be exclusive, but on the other, I wonder how long this type of relationship can last before he gets tired of it and strays. I told him that if I ever get wind of him not living up to his end of the bargain, we're finished, for good."

  "Cora, you may not want my opinion, but I am going to offer it anyway. This is a big step for a confirmed bachelor, especially a club Dom, one who hasn't been in a committed relationship. Don't do anything rash. Just enjoy your times with him for now. Absence makes the heart grow fonder sometimes. In time, he may come to want the same things you want. And if not, then you'll have to decide whether to continue or end the relationship. But for now, enjoy what you have. You have the love of your life back, and even if it's not a perfect setup, there's time to work on that."

  "Maybe you're right. I couldn't end it right now if I wanted to. I'm in too deep already. I'm just so afraid of having my heart broken again. It took me years to get over it the first time we broke up."

  "No one knows if this will last or not, but you'll make yourself and Dale both crazy if you think that way. You might as well end it before it goes any further if you can't relax and enjoy the moment."

  "He's hoping to come here for a visit the first chance he gets."

  "Then that shows he's willing to compromise. The last two times you've been together, it's been in Texas."

  "True. All right, Camille, I'll try not to let my insecurities run away with me. Thanks for the chat."

  "Anytime, Cora. Now, I guess we'd both better get back to work. Good job on the show."

  "Thank you."

  When she returned to her desk, she saw that Dale had sent an email.

  Hope you have a good day. Thinking of you and missing you.

  She replied.

  I hope your day is good, as well. I miss you, too. Call me soon.

  As she forced herself to focus on work, she spent the rest of her day catching up on her correspondence, only breaking long enough to have lunch with Kayla and Audrey. Of course, they were waiting with baited breath to hear more about her time in San Antonio with Dale. She told them a little, leaving out the part about the argument. She didn't want or need any more opinions right now.

  And when she returned home, she anxiously awaited a call from her lover. She was not disappointed.

  "Hey, baby, what are you wearing right now?" he teased as she answered.

  "Fly to New York and find out," she baited him.

  "Oh, don't tempt me. If I didn't have to be in court at eight in the morning, I would do just that."

  "I guess you'll
have to settle for phone sex, then."

  "You read my mind."

  And so began another first to be shared by Cora and Dale.

  "I want you to undress," he said.

  "Yes, Sir," she replied. "But how do you know I'm not already there?"

  "Ah, cheeky tonight, are we? Do you know what that will earn you?"

  "No, Sir."

  "Are you naked yet?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Okay, I want you to roll over on your stomach. Then, you're going to self-spank."

  "I'm going to do what?" she asked, mortified.

  "Not the proper response, young lady. Do not question me."

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Since I'm not there to personally keep you in check, you're going to have to administer the punishment yourself."

  "I'm not sure I understand, Sir."

  "You will. Now, I want you to reach around with your right hand and smack your bottom ten times, five on each cheek. I'll wait, and I'd better hear the sound of skin against skin through the phone."

  Was he freaking serious? She decided she'd better not ask and just do as he said if she wanted some pleasure from him later. After all, it would be more fun with him on the other end of the line than to do it herself after they hung up. So, she started smacking her own ass, one to the left, one to the right, and so on until she'd counted out ten for him.

  Surprisingly, her own hand stung as it made contact with her butt. Of course, if he had been spanking her himself, she was sure her cheeks would have smarted a lot more. So, not only did her bottom hurt, but so did her hand. Great!

  "Well done, baby," he praised. "Now, you may turn back over onto your back. Tell me how you feel."

  "My butt hurts, Sir. So does my hand."

  He laughed. "Are you turned on?"

  She was confused. Actually, she was. Was that from the spanking? "A little, Sir."

  "Just a little? Hmm, I want you to put your fingers on your slit and tell me what you find there."

  When she did as he asked, she was very much surprised to find that she was wet.

  "I'm waiting," he reminded her.

  "I guess I'm more turned on than I thought," she replied.

  "That's what I thought. What can we do about that?" he asked in a low tone.

  "I can think of a few things, but why don't you tell me?" she asked then bit her lip in the hopes he hadn't thought she was being cheeky again.

  He chuckled. "You're feisty tonight. I love it."

  Whew! She had made it through that one. This whole submissive gig was so new to her, even though she had heard Audrey and Kayla talk about it. After all, she'd never really lived it before. Books and other people's experiences weren't quite the same.

  "If I was with you right now, baby, I'd be kissing those sweet lips of yours. You would part them for me, allowing my tongue to enter, and the kiss would deepen. Can you feel that?"

  "Mmm, yes, Sir."

  "Move your fingers down to your breasts. I would kiss your neck and the creamy white skin on your shoulder, then I would tease your nipples, one at a time. You'll have to do that for me tonight."

  She obeyed, moaning into the phone as desire shot through her. His words were hot coming through the phone line.

  "Move on down to your clit, and I want you to imagine I am there with you. You know what I would be doing, so I want you to do that to yourself. I'm going to talk to you as you do it."

  Cora did, and when he started to whisper into the phone, she arched her hips and moved her fingers faster.

  "You're so sweet, CB, so sexy. I love when you moan. I love to watch your face as you become aroused for me."

  She was getting closer. Would he allow her to come soon?

  "Now, I want you to insert two fingers and pump as if I was doing it. When you get used to that, add a third, and then I'll let you come since you've been such a good girl."

  She began to pump inside herself, faster and harder, all the while imagining that Dale was here with her, that he was inside her, thrusting while he kissed her neck and whispered sweet words to her.

  "That's it, baby. I can hear you moaning. I wish I was there. I would be loving you so hard right now. Think about that. I'm there, inside of you."

  That's all it took. She was screaming into the phone as the waves rolled over her, washing her body, consuming her, as she shook and shuddered uncontrollably. "Dale!"

  "Ah," he moaned, and she guessed that he too had allowed himself to release. He was feeling the same sweet sensations, miles across the country from her yet so close.

  Finally, he spoke. "Think you can sleep now?"

  "Oh, I'm pretty sure I'll be sleeping like a baby."

  "I'll let you get some rest then. But, baby, we'll talk again tomorrow night. Really talk about our day, okay? I want to know everything about your life, the highs and the lows. I don't want to take you out of your space right now, though, when you're so relaxed. Sleep tight. Sweet dreams, my sweet angel."

  "Goodnight, Dale," she murmured.

  She ended the call and forced herself to get up long enough to go through her nightly regime before collapsing on the bed and falling into a blissful sleep.

  Weeks passed. It was late May, and Dale still had not been able to break free to fly to New York.

  As he listened to his contractor tell him of the delay in receiving the order of supplies to finish his house, he cursed silently. "Okay, Jim, let me know. I really want to wrap this thing up soon. And no, I don't want to choose something else. It has to be that one."

  He hung up the phone and slammed his fist on the desk. "Damn!"

  His dad walked in and asked, "Problems, Son?"

  "That was Jim. The order for the kitchen and bathroom countertops has been delayed. I can either pick out something else or wait for the backorder. You know I really want to get this house done, Dad."

  "Dale, I know what this means to you, but these things happen. How soon are you going to be free to fly out to see Cora? A visit with her will occupy your mind until the house is finished."

  "I was hoping to fly out for her birthday, next month. I don't know if it's going to work out or not."

  "We'll make it work. You haven't seen each other since April. You need to get out there. Don't keep that girl dangling."

  "It's more like she's keeping me dangling, but I think we're in a good place right now, Dad. We'll see how things are looking when the time gets closer to her birthday."

  "I need to discuss the Barnes case with you. Do you have a minute?"

  "Sure, Dad, sit down. Maybe if I get my mind off Cora and the house, I'll be better off."

  "You're never going to be better off until you get things settled with both the house and Cora, but at least maybe it will make the waiting easier."

  He spent the rest of the day working, and when it was almost over, he typed an email to Cora.

  Hey, baby,

  I'm still hoping to get out there next month sometime. Trying like hell to get everything done here. I'll call you later.


  She replied ten minutes later.

  My bed is very cold and lonely.

  He typed furiously.

  I'm going home. I'll call you in one hour. Be home.


  Her answer came immediately.

  Yes, Sir.

  He chuckled as he typed.

  You're learning fast. I love it when you call me Sir.

  Five minutes later, she answered.

  Quit emailing me. Go home. I'm leaving now. Call me in fifty minutes. You've already wasted ten.

  Grinning as he shut down his computer, he grabbed his briefcase, told his secretary goodbye on his way out, and drove to his house. The contractors would be gone for the day, and he would have privacy. He was still at his folks' house as he waited for his own home to be completed, and he was getting tired of it. Staying in his house while the contractors were working had proved impossible. He was ready to be in his new home. And he was more than ready to see Co
ra again.

  Once inside, he did a walk-through, checking the progress made by the contractors. It's shaping up, he thought as he plopped down on the floor of his bedroom. His furniture was still in storage. He glanced at his phone, giving Cora a few more minutes to get home before calling her. He loved to tease her through emails and text messages, but it wasn't the same as holding her in his arms, getting lost in her amethyst gray eyes, or kissing her. Amazing how they'd clicked after all these years, almost as if they'd never been apart.

  Unable to wait another second, he picked up his cell again and dialed her number, waiting for her to pick up. When he finally heard her soft, gentle voice come on the line, he closed his eyes and said, "Are you home?"

  "Yes, I've been here about five minutes."

  "Damn, you mean I could have called you sooner?"

  "You're in a bad way, aren't you, Dale? I guess that tells me you've been keeping your promise to me."

  "My sweet girl, don't you know by now, there is no one else who can hold a candle to you? It would be a wasted effort for me to even try with anyone else."

  "Well, in that case, what can I do for you, Mr. Barton?"

  "You know damn well what you can do for me, Miss Watson."

  "I'd much rather be doing this in person, you know."

  "Then let's run away together, leave the world behind, and spend a week in bed."

  "I wish we could."

  "Why can't we?"

  "If you can't find the time to fly to New York for a weekend, then you sure as hell can't find the time to run away with me for a week."

  "Point taken, but it was a tempting thought."

  "Now, where were we? Oh, yes, what are you wearing?" she teased.

  "I'm loosening my tie as we speak, how about you?"

  "Damn, the thought of you doing that is pretty hot."

  "Oh yeah, well, the tie is on the floor, and now I'm unbuttoning my shirt."

  "Mmm, keep going. Oh, by the way, did I mention the fact that I'm naked?"

  "Damn, woman."


  "Yes, Cora?"

  "I can't do this virtual sex thing much longer. I need you with me."

  "I know, baby, and just as soon as I can swing it, I'll be on the next plane to New York. I promise."


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