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Whom Shall I Kiss... an Earl, a Marquess, or a Duke?

Page 2

by Laura A. Barnes

  The bloke stuttered a response, which only became drowned out by the orchestra as Wilde swept the young miss away across the dance floor. He glanced down to smile his accomplishment at the miss, only to see her scowl deepen.

  “Who do you think you are, sir, to interrupt my dance?”

  “Now is that any way to thank me for rescuing you from broken toes?”

  “My toes are not broken, nor were they at any risk to become broken.”

  “I disagree with you, my dear. From where I stood, you were at a risk of an injury to your person. A very delightful person at that,” he drawled as his eyes took notice of her loveliness.

  Sidney’s anger simmered below the surface as she listened to the arrogance of her new dance partner. Not only did he interrupt her experiment, he also had the audacity to expect her to thank him. In addition to his faults, she could also add he devoured her with his eyes. His gaze traveled the length of her body up and down, then back again. With every glance, they lingered near her breasts, and when not there, he stared into her eyes. He behaved as a scoundrel of the highest order. A rogue who wished one thing from her, in which she would never grant. Sidney recognized he would be a perfect specimen for her experiment, but her frustration toward him affected her train of thought.

  It wasn’t only her frustration that distracted her; it was the touch of his hands against her waist. While he acted like a gentleman, when he held her hand and gently placed his other hand at her hip, his touch heated her insides. The warmth spread from his fingertips as it seeped into her. She felt flustered. His touch was nothing compared to the smile lighting his eyes. They were devilish and full of humor that wrapped her in his charm. His eyes begged her to laugh with him of the situation she had found herself in. These emotions were new to her, something she should explore but hesitant to respond to. She needed to be cautious, for she was held in the arms of a gentleman who could break her heart if she allowed him to charm her. Sidney tamped down her reaction to him and let her analytical brain take over. She could play on these emotions in retrospect for her experiment, use the allure she felt and apply it to her theory.

  Wilde became cautious as the chit’s expression changed from one of anger to one of flirtation. She coyly lifted her lips into a sensuous pout while her eyes darkened to a midnight blue. Did he glimpse desire in those depths? He was caught unaware at her transformation, unprepared for the siren she became, and he stumbled when he stepped on her toes like the dance partner he had rescued her from. No wonder the bloke behaved as a bumbling idiot toward her if she had smiled at him like she smiled at him now. But her smile was nothing compared to the husky laugh floating between her kissable lips. Lips he wanted to taste. Her laugh touched him deeply, making him want to hear more. He never felt this instant attraction for any other lady. She wasn’t his usual flavor. He preferred the widows of the ton, not the silly debutantes. Wilde trifled with them from time to time if the attraction presented itself—who was he to refuse temptation? He avoided the parson’s noose like the plague and only fooled around with those he knew wouldn’t trap him. As delightful as this chit seemed to be, he needed to leave. It was either that, or he would embarrass them both by kissing her endlessly on the ballroom dance floor.

  “You are correct, sir. Please accept my apology for doubting your true intentions. You are a hero of the highest order,” Sidney cooed.

  The orchestra finished playing the current set and prepared for a waltz. He dropped his hands from around her, putting distance between them. She held her hands in front of her primly as she tilted her head, studying him. Her rescuer was tall with thick, honey blond hair and bedroom eyes which held promises of pleasure. He stepped back from her, and she took a small step toward him. Her gaze shifted behind him, and her eyes lit up even more, if it were possible. She then took two more steps toward him, and he panicked. He retreated only to smack into somebody standing at his back. A hand halted him from falling backward.

  “I believe this waltz is mine.” Wilde heard the familiar voice of his friend talking to the beauty.

  Sidney lifted her dance card and noted the Duke of Sheffield to be her next dance partner. Alexander Langley stood behind the man, who she decided would make an excellent addition to her research. Especially as she had just witnessed his reaction to her change of attitude. He wanted to flee from her as fast as he could. She decided to have a little fun with the two gentlemen who stood before her, purely for the sake of research. She needed to understand how jealousy played a part in how a gentleman pursued a lady.

  “You are correct, Your Grace, but would you mind giving me a moment to thank this kind gentleman for his assistance?”

  Sheffield stood offended that this miss would make him wait for a dance he offered. Did she not realize who he was? He knew he should have moved on from her—she wasn’t duchess material—but the smile she bestowed on him drew him to her bidding. She smiled sweetly at him while she twisted her fingers before her, obviously nervous that she offended him. At the sight of her discomfort, he changed his mind to the dance. He would wait. If he acknowledged the truth of the matter, he became more annoyed at how she wanted to thank his friend. He thought Wilde had wandered to the card room, but instead he followed the beauty. He should have known better where his friend was concerned. There wasn’t a skirt safe from his pursuits. He squeezed harder on Wilde’s shoulder, expressing his irritation with him.

  “By all means. I will await your presence for our dance.”

  Wilde cringed at the edge in Sheffield’s voice to the miss. He knew the frustration that simmered under the surface. Her actions irritated Sheffield because, as a duke, she had shoved him to the side for a mere marquess—one who wasn’t very honorable. He only rescued the chit for a chance to fool with her, and Alex recognized his intentions. But it all changed as he held her in his arms. He wanted more but realized he shouldn’t. He needed to leave.

  “Thank you, My Lord, for your kindness. If you so desire, I have one dance remaining on my card you can request.”

  Wilde bowed before her. “It was a pleasure, my dear, to rescue a damsel in distress. I am sorry I cannot accept your lovely offer; a prior engagement requires my attention. I wish you a lovely evening, My Lady.”

  He raised her hand to his mouth for a kiss upon her gloved fingers. Wilde felt the small tremble as his lips lingered. When he lifted his eyes to her gaze, he drowned in their dark depths. With a growl heard from his side, he dropped her hand and bowed to her. Before she could respond he turned and strode out of the ballroom.

  Sidney’s hand slowly dropped to her side as she watched him disappear. Her thoughts became jumbled as she recalled his stare. She pressed her hand to her side, soaking in his touch. The notes of the orchestra as they played the waltz shook her out of her state of confusion.

  Chapter Two

  “If you are ready, My Lady.” The duke held out his hand to her.

  Sidney laid her palm in his in her dreamlike state as he whisked her toward the dance floor. The dance, a mixture of twists and turns, made her concentrate on it instead of the man who had swiftly left her company. There were too many distractions tonight keeping her from what she hoped to accomplish. After this dance with the duke, she needed to find Phee and gather her thoughts.

  “You have me at a disadvantage, for you know my identity, but I am clueless to yours.” Sheffield smiled at the distracted beauty, hoping to draw her attention back to him.

  “But sir, we have met on several occasions before. Why, only last week we discussed women being allowed to continue their education at university, where you disagreed with my viewpoint. Papa ordered me to leave the room so as not to upset you,” Sidney replied.

  Sheffield halted for a moment in their dance then swept her around in a circle. His eyes not believing the words she spoke. This couldn’t be the same chit whom he had argued with on a weekly basis. No, that miss was mousy and always wore glasses. This lady had long luxurious hair bound in enticing curls, and her eyes d
id not hide behind any lenses. Her gaze drew him in to the truth of her character. Still, he wasn’t convinced as his eyes slowly traveled along her form. Pink chiffon and silk with a forest green bow adorned her body, hugging her small frame, different from the proper, plain day dresses he usually saw her in. As his eyes settled on her feet, he noticed the dainty slippers she danced in, not the usual clunky boots she wore as she stomped through her parents’ garden. His eyes moved in reverse along her body and lingered on her breasts. He noticed how her tight bodice framed her body. He gulped and raised his eyes to hers, but he didn’t meet her gaze because her eyes were busy granting him the same examination he was giving her. Her glance trailed the length of his body. Why the impudent chit, who did she think she was? Sidney Hartridge, of course, a lady who didn’t follow the usual rules of the society. When she finished scrutinizing him and met his eyes, he raised a haughty ducal eyebrow at her display of vulgarity.

  Sidney laughed at Sheffield’s reaction to her perusal of his body. She had gathered so much data this evening. The duke had been clueless to her identity. She watched the shock of admiration turn to confusion as he looked her over.

  “Lady Sidney Hartridge, Your Grace,” she informed him in her sweetest voice.

  “Yes, so you are. I apologize for not recognizing you.”

  “No need to apologize. I am aware of the difference in my appearance.”

  “May I enquire as to why the sudden change?”

  “You may. It is Mama. She wishes to see me settle, and Papa agrees with her. I do not wish to be a burden on them any longer, so I agreed to let my mother dress me as a proper lady.”

  “Well the transformation is astounding. You are a lovely young lady.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace. Your compliments mean the world to me.” Sidney took her research to the next level with the duke when she brought her hand off his shoulder. She slid her fingers under the lapel of his jacket to lightly caress him, then smoothed his suit before flashing him a flirtatious smile.

  This time when Sheffield missed the steps of the dance it wasn’t from mistaking her identity. Instead, her smile and the stroke of her fingers against his chest distracted him. He ended up making a fool out of himself like all the other gentlemen before him. Sheffield trounced on her toes and bumped them into another couple. He stared as her smile turned into a grimace of pain. Now he had become the bumbling pup. He drew her in closer as he corrected their steps and swept her over near the windows. With the doors open, he was able to dance them onto the terrace without drawing anybody’s attention. Sheffield found an empty bench and lowered her to rest.

  “It seems I owe you another apology. Not only did I not recognize you this evening, but I have stomped on your lovely toes.”

  Sidney lowered her lashes, a blush gracing her cheeks. The unexpected detour to the terrace flustered her. While this was a goal to reach in her research, it happened earlier than she expected. She hadn’t prepared herself for being alone with any of her subjects. Let alone one, who for some reason also consumed her attention. While the attraction she felt toward Sheffield differed from what she felt for the gentleman before him, it was still an attraction. What she didn’t understand was why she had never experienced this pull before. It wasn’t as if this was their first meeting. They’d had countless discussions throughout the last few years. No, more like arguments. They were always on opposite sides of the debate.

  When she didn’t answer him, he sat on the bench next to her. He reached for her hand and held it between his. Her breath quickened and her heart beat faster.

  “Are you well? Can I offer you refreshment?”

  “No, I am fine. Thank you for your attendance and the lovely waltz.”

  Sheffield held her hands and felt her pulse rise at her wrist. As he watched her cheeks turn pink, he realized what a delightful gem she was. She contained many facets, and he was curious to learn more. Perhaps, Sidney Hartridge held the charms to be a duchess after all. Her family held one of the highest ranks in the ton, with her father being an adviser to the Crown. He knew from his past arguments with her that she was a strong-willed woman who would stand against his grandmother. He would have to adjust her behavior. Once they married, she would have to respect his authority. But, she had all the charms of an attractive young lady he felt a draw toward. Sheffield wanted to test the waters. He traced his gloved fingers across her wrist and felt her pulse beat more rapidly at his caress. He smiled at her sharp intake of breath. Yes, Sidney Hartridge would make an exceptional duchess, indeed.

  Sidney gasped at his bold move. She stared as the domineering gleam lit his eyes as he stroked her wrist. While his touch sent warmth throughout her body, his male arrogance frustrated her. Her research finally came to the forefront of her mind. Was this how the scoundrels of the ton seduced the innocent wallflowers? If so, she understood how they were unable to resist their charms. Sidney herself had become a victim tonight, not once but twice. But it must end now, for she gathered enough information to get started. She needed to end this without scaring him away, though. She wanted to draw him into a chase. Sidney slid her hands away from him and pretended to act flustered as she fixed her bow.

  The last notes of the waltz drifted from the balcony windows as the terrace started to fill with couples cooling off from the dance. Sheffield slid to the opposite end of the bench, so as not to draw attention their way. He nodded his head at couples as they walked past them. He needed to return her to her parents before any gossip started about them. While he was sure of his pursuit for her, he didn’t need rumors to spread before he made a final decision. He rose from the bench and offered her his arm.

  “Shall I return you to your mother?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Sidney settled her hand in the crook of his arm as he escorted her inside. When Sheffield returned her to her parents, they were not alone. They stood with Sophia and her parents, along with Earl Roderick Beckwith. She noticed Rory’s eyes narrow, seeing her on the arm of the Duke of Sheffield. They narrowed even more when he took in the blush across her cheeks. She must distract Rory before he ruined everything for her. She hoped the duke wouldn’t linger to discuss her father’s research.

  Her eyes turned toward Phee, who motioned her head toward Rory and mouthed, “He suspects.” Sidney gave a small nod in understanding and sent Phee a message of help with her eyes. The one good thing about being close friends was that Phee understood what she wanted without her having to say any words. Phee turned toward Rory and hinted that she wished to dance. Rory, being the ultimate gentleman, offered Phee his arm and escorted her onto the dance floor, but not before he sent a glare Sidney’s direction.

  “Sheffield, my good man, I see you coaxed our Sidney onto the dance floor this evening,” her father shouted.

  Her poor father was hard of hearing and spoke as if everybody else was too. While most fathers this action would have come across as a brag to others, but with him talking loudly was his normal behavior. Sidney winced as she saw the other members of the ton glared and humphed as they wandered away. But Sheffield knew of her father’s lack of hearing and squeezed her hand in understanding as he replied in his usual friendly way.

  “Yes, and a superb dancer she is. I must admit, I was overcome by surprise at her transformation.”

  “Yes, her mother is always trying to get her into those fancy dresses, and Sidney finally changed her mind this evening. We don’t understand why, but it made her mother smile, and that is what matters.”

  “Well it has been my honor.” Sheffield turned toward her and dipped his head. “A very sweet one,” he whispered in her ear.

  Sidney’s blush grew even darker, if it were possible. Then as soon as he murmured in her ear, he wished her parents a pleasant evening and left their small group. She stared at him as he walked toward the card room. Did she really hold an attraction to the duke? Impossible. It must be the charm he wrapped around her.

  “How kind of Sheffield to dance with you t
onight, Sidney, considering how you tear him to pieces most of the time,” her father commented.

  “He was unaware of who I was, Father.”

  “What do you mean, dear?” asked Lady Hartridge.

  “He didn’t recognize me with my hair done and a lovely dress on,” Sidney explained.

  “Well, either way, you danced with the Duke of Sheffield tonight,” her mother gushed.

  Sidney smiled at her parents as they continued their discussion on how the duke behaved as a perfect gentleman. While Sidney agreed, she also witnessed the arrogant charm he displayed. She couldn’t wait to return home to document her data. She obtained a lot of information this evening to get started with her research.

  Phee and Rory returned to them after the danced ended. As Rory pulled Phee behind him, Phee shook her head for Sidney to beware. Rory stood at her side with a scowl upon his face while she smiled innocently back at him. Each of them stood their ground, waiting for the other to speak. When Sidney refused to talk, he grabbed her arm and turned to her parents.

  “Sidney has promised me the next dance, please excuse us. I will return her to you at the end of our set,” Rory informed them.

  “Of course, how sweet of you to dance with Sidney too. She has been most popular tonight,” her mother responded.

  “Yes, she has, hasn’t she,” he muttered as he led them onto the dance floor.

  They twirled for several notes before he drew her close to him in the middle of the dance floor. As other couples danced around them, they were hidden from the prying eyes of her parents. He swayed her to make it appear as if they danced, but Sidney sensed his frustration by the tenseness of his body.

  “Whatever game you play, it needs to end now. You toy with two powerful men, one who could destroy your family, the other who could ruin you.”

  “Who was the other gentleman?”

  “What? Did you not hear a word I have spoken?”

  “Yes, yes. Destruction and ruination are in my future. Now spill, who is he?”


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