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Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725

Page 116

by Heaven's White Crane

  Additionally, Ou Yangming’s seemingly casual attacks were incredibly wonderful. As long as he made a move, he was rewarded.

  A flash of saber light was seen cutting a giant wolf’s body. It was at that instant the Devouring attributes in the saber’s blade were unleashed, and they naturally absorbed energy from the wolf’s flesh and blood.

  If the military saber stayed in the wolf’s body for a long time, the other people would quickly notice the abnormality.

  Nevertheless, Ou Yangming controlled his saber such that he withdrew it right after he slashed the wolves, thus there was a limited amount of energy that could be absorbed. Even then, the limited energy was sufficient to support Ou Yangming as he continued fighting tirelessly.

  As compared to before the fight, not only was Ou Yangming’s Qi and blood not consumed at all, but they became more abundant.

  Instead of saying the giant wolves on the ground were killed, they were actually tortured to death because energy from their flesh and blood was absorbed, causing their body to be exhausted and suffer excessive bleeding.

  Moreover, even though the giant wolves that initiated attacks earlier were stimulated by the smell of blood, the look of fear could be seen in the depths of their eyes.

  It was notable that giant wolves’ endurance was ranked top five among large-sized creatures in the dense forest, so a fight of this level was not worth mentioning for them. In fact, they would not hesitate to pursue their prey for three days and three nights until they succeeded.

  Despite that, the injured giant wolves had already begun to gasp for breath, and their physical fitness was declining at an outrageous speed. This was the biggest reason they developed a fear for Ou Yangming. Ou Yangming suddenly whistled out loud. His whistle spread far and wide while it carried an invisible and majestic aura.

  He stood proudly with both feet on the ground and held his saber horizontally.

  Even the giant wolves around him hesitated to press forward at that moment.

  On the tree, Ni Yinghong’s eyes were bright, and she was deeply fascinated.

  ‘A good brave man like him is the kind of man that’ll move a lady’s heart.’

  At the spur of the moment, an irritable roar was heard coming from the wolf pack.

  Once the roar was heard, the wolves that flinched just now underwent a huge change. They craned their necks and howled in high spirits too.

  Following that, they charged again. That said, they were different this time because other than attacking Ou Yangming, some of the giant wolves went to the side of the big tree and stuck their sharp claws into the bark to begin climbing Ou Yangming’s face changed. He shifted his feet faster and sped up his attacks with the saber.

  With the endless compensation from the wolves’ flesh and blood, Ou Yangming did not mind having his Qi and blood consumed. However, the tree was too big, after all, and as he said before, some of the giant wolves would slip through even if he did his best.

  “Oh no! They’re going to give it their all!” He Liangce’s face took on a grim expression. After looking far ahead, he said coldly, “Younger sister, there’s a wolf king that leads this wolf pack, so the king must be slaughtered to end this misfortune.”

  Ni Yinghong nodded. She was not a wealthy family’s young lady who had never gone outside to see the world, so she understood the principle very well. Nonetheless, killing a wolf king in a wolf pack was not something that could be accomplished by anyone.

  “Young Sister, go as high as you can. Though the giant wolves can climb the tree, they’re limited by their physiques. Besides, Brother Ou is already stopping them, so there won’t be too many of them coming up here,” He Liangce added.

  “Are you going to kill the wolf king? Th-that’s too dangerous.” Ni Yinghong was stunned.

  “It’s just a wolf king, so it’s not considered dangerous.” He Liangce chuckled.

  Ni Yinghong’s face changed several times, then she looked down at Ou Yangming, who was resisting endless attacks from the wolf pack. At last, she nodded and said, “Elder Brother, please take this sword with you.”

  It was difficult to resist a wolf pack, but it was unquestionably tougher to sneak an attack on the wolf king.

  While Ni Yinghong was reluctant to let go of her longsword, she would not let them down during the crucial moment.

  Despite that, He Liangce smiled proudly and responded, “Brother Ou gave you this weapon for you to protect yourself—I don’t need it.” Subsequently, he fluttered down.

  By tapping the tip of his toe on the nose tip of a giant wolf that was climbing up the tree, He Liangce borrowed force to fly up to another big tree. He flashed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  Below the big tree, Ou Yangming was still borrowing power to stop the wolf pack, but he was still observant and alert.

  When he suddenly noticed He Liangce going far away, his heart could not help but sink.

  ‘Has that fella actually escaped? But it’s different from his usual style.’

  A giant wolf was falling above Ou Yangming’s head at that instant, and it happened to be the one that was stepped on by He Liangce.

  Tears and mucus were flowing down the wolf’s face, and it moved its limbs crazily in the air but failed to grab anything. As such, it just fell.

  Ou Yangming dodged the giant wolf nimbly and slashed it with his saber, leaving a roughly 16-centimeter-long cut on its underbelly. Next, he flew backward to arrive below the big tree.

  By tipping his toes a little, he jumped up the tree.

  Ni Yinghong was standing on a huge branch. When she was faced with a giant wolf, whose eyes were green and fierce, she quickly calmed down. She stared at the giant wolf without fear, and she was so calm that her emotions did not fluctuate at all.

  Just as the wolf reached out its claws to grab the tree and widened its greedy mouth to bite Ni Yinghong, she smirked disdainfully.

  A sword-light was suddenly seen in the air, and it instantly lit up Heaven and Earth like a strike of lightning in a pitch-black sky.

  In front of Ni Yinghong, the giant wolf’s head was already detached from its body, and its eyes were still opened wide as though it did not know how it died. Ni Yinghong glared hatefully at it with her hazel eyes and while holding the magic longsword. “If I don’t teach you brutes a lesson, you’re really going to think I’m a pushover!”

  Ou Yangming, who was scaling the tree halfway, paused and almost fell from failing to hold his breath.

  Being too concerned would cause a disorder. It turned out that the gentle and adorable Ni Yinghong in his eyes was not a weak lady with little strength.

  She was a tigress who was equipped with pieces of equipment at the peak of Fine Grade Rank Five and a magic longsword, which were all carefully smithed by him.

  If they were attacked by more than a hundred giant wolves in an open area, it would be hard for Ni Yinghong to escape the disaster even if she had a divine sword. However, since Ou Yangming was stopping most of the wolves below the tree, there were only very few that could climb up the tree. In that case, any giant wolf that climbed up was like a free meal for her.

  With a change of mind, Ou Yangming turned in mid-air and went back down. Saber-lights flashed in his hand again, followed by a rain of blood.

  If the two of them were on the tree, they would have little space to turn and shift around. Therefore, it would be better for him to guard the big circle below the tree and occasionally let two giant wolves up to seek their deaths.

  Although He Liangce fled, Ou Yangming was still confident about Ni Yinghong.


  “Lil’ Ming, hold on!” Ni Yinghong’s voice was heard all of a sudden. “We’ll be out of this trouble in a while.”

  Ou Yangming raised his eyebrow and replied to her loudly, “Okay!”

  His mind was composed, his footsteps were swift, and he attacked with his saber at the speed of light. That being said, he immediately guessed that He Liangce had left to fight the wolf king
. Giant wolves normally traveled alone in the dense forest because each one of them was proud. Ou Yangming figured that the wolf king was certainly not an easy opponent given that it wanted to subdue its own kind. He even suspected if the king had advanced into a half-spirit beast.

  If that was not the case, how could a mere wolf king control this amount of wolves in a wolf pack?

  Since Ou Yangming could figure it out, it only made sense that He Liangce did too, but the young master still went to fight the king. Regardless of He Liangce’s intention, it was an admirable act.

  That being said, Ou Yangming’s face darkened. ‘Isn’t He Liangce doing this to show me that he’s not going to give up? If he doesn’t stop pursuing Elder Sister Ying, I’ll only be ill at ease.’

  After 15 minutes, an exceptionally shrill roar was heard from afar.

  The wolves that were attacking Ou Yangming halted at once. They stopped attacking, and their heads began to shake.

  Ou Yangming was moved. He took a deep breath and yelled without warning.

  Afterward, he dashed to the front of a giant wolf and mustered all his energy to slash with his saber.

  The wolf’s head flew high into the sky, causing blood to splatter everywhere.

  As though they were stimulated, the remaining giant wolves ran away. Ou Yangming’s armor was covered in blood, and he carried a threatening killing intent.

  He turned around abruptly and looked far away.

  A figure walked slowly in the forest. He kept a plain smile on his face, and his upper garment was neither stained with blood nor wrinkled.

  When they exchanged glances in mid-air, their eyes were as bright as the stars, and they were unwilling to give way to the other.

  Chapter 195 - Explosive Wolf Fangs

  Chapter 195 Explosive Wolf Fangs

  Ni Yinghong flashed down from the big tree.

  Her eyes wandered about as she asked gently, “What’s wrong?”

  Ou Yangming and He Liangce looked away from each other at the same time, then the former laughed and commented, “Brother Ou, you’re really skillful. Killing the wolf king is like taking something out of its pocket, so I’m impressed!”

  He Liangce shook his head and remarked, “Brother Ou, you were born with endless Qi and blood, as well as great endurance, so I’m amazed too.”

  ‘If you say this to Chen Dishou, I wonder how that Supreme Great Ancestor will react,’ Ou Yangming thought while pouting his lips.

  He asked as a thought crossed his mind, “Brother He, is that wolf king a half-spirit beast?”

  “Yes, but it hasn’t been long since it incited the Blood Meridian Power, and sent its strongest wolf protectors here, so I was able to kill it in one swoop,” He Liangce answered seriously and added after a pause, “Brother Ou, you’re not even hurt after being attacked by a pack of wolf protectors-you hid your light well.”

  Ou Yangming let out a hollow laugh and replied to him, “You’re overpraising me. Your accomplishment of killing a half-spirit beast among a wolf pack is truly shocking.”

  Ni Yinghong already had goosebumps by now. She quickly expressed, “Stop flattering each other already, what should we do now?”

  “Of course, we’re going to see that half-spirit beast,” Ou Yangming immediately said, then he turned to look around him. “We shouldn’t let go of the wolf fangs here too.” Following that, he flashed to the side of a dead giant wolf, then he used his saber to remove all its fangs.

  Ni Yinghong was stunned. She had dared not do the same when she saw the giant wolf’s tragic state after death.

  Earlier when both parties fought, Ni Yinghong was merciless against the wolves. She killed one if one attacked her, and she killed two if a pair of them pounced on her. With the magic longsword, she fully displayed a heroine’s imposing manner.

  Nonetheless, once the fight ended, she felt uncomfortable seeing blood all over the ground.

  “Younger sister, you can keep watch for us. I’ll do it.” He Liangce volunteered with a smile, then he crouched and removed the wolf fangs with his folding fan.

  In actuality, He Liangce did not know why Ou Yangming wanted the fangs, but since the three of them traveled together, he decided to trust the young fellow.

  Although plenty of giant wolves were killed, there was a limited amount of wolf fangs, hence they collected all of them without taking a long time. Afterward, He Liangce led them to another battlefield, which was tens of meters away.

  Ou Yangming’s face could not help but change when he arrived at the battlefield.

  The scene was bloody and chaotic, and there were more than ten dead giant wolves on the ground. Among them, an especially huge wolf, which was the size of a big buffalo, was baring its fangs in a pool of blood.

  It was evident from the situation that He Liangce had had a tough fight, but he did not say a word about it, making it seem as though the fight was insignificant. His cultivation base and steady composure were commendable indeed.

  Ou Yangming licked his lips when he saw the wolf king’s gigantic body, but he instantly suppressed his thought of wanting to steal its flesh and blood.

  A half-spirit beast’s flesh and blood were priceless. Not only could they be used to recover one’s Qi and blood, but they also had a mysterious function of improving one’s mental power. If Ou Yangming absorbed the beast’s flesh and blood, his mental power would probably be upgraded once more.

  Nevertheless, he was unable to do so in front of Ni Yinghong and He Liangce.

  While feeling regretful, Ou Yangming kept a straight face and knocked out the wolf king’s fangs one by one.

  He Liangce glanced at him, then turned to help him remove the fangs.

  Ou Yangming gathered the wolf fangs together and turned his wrist to release the Military Fire. The mental power in his head was released bit by bit, slowly instilled into a wolf fang together with the purple flame.

  He was already extremely familiar with the process, thus a wolf fang was remodeled after a brief moment.

  He Liangce nodded when he came to a sudden realization. They had limited pieces of equipment and supplements with them, but they were staying in the forest for a long time.

  Therefore, it would be unusually important for them to utilize locally available materials.

  Ou Yangming sighed a breath of relief after an hour when he finally finished smithing all the wolf fangs into explosive wolf fangs.

  After a moment of hesitation, he split the fangs into three parts. “These are hidden weapons smithed by me, and they have great might. You may use them as you wish, and there’s no need to be stingy at all.”

  Hundreds of wolf fangs were made, each one similar to the most superior explosive arrow. Even though the shooting range was shorter for the fangs, they were not inferior to explosive arrows at all in terms of its might.

  Ni Yinghong’s eyes lit up because she had heard of the famous explosive arrows in the military camp. She picked up one of the wolf fangs and channeled a hint of essential Qi into it, then she threw it far away.

  Though her power was not on par with Ou Yangming’s and He Liangce’s, it was not negligible after essential Qi was used. The wolf fang hit a big tree about 7 meters away, then it exploded at once.

  “Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…” Whistles of strong wind filled the air at that moment. The big tree was covered in holes due to the explosion, and small holes were also seen on the ground within a 2-meters-radius from it.

  The eyes of Ni Yinghong and He Liangce glowed at the same time. They had guessed it when Ou Yangming employed his Military Fire earlier, but the explosive wolf fang’s might was so powerful that it was beyond their expectations. “Nice! Ah… If I had these items just now, I wouldn’t have needed to…” He Liangce shook his head. He sounded rather regretful, which made it obvious that he paid quite a huge price to slaughter the wolf king.

  Ou Yangming laughed and suggested, “Let’s continue our journey.”

  “Wait.” He Liangce reached out his hand to
stop him. He turned around to approach the wolf king, then he retrieved a dagger to cut the wolf’s body and took out a small pill-sized ball.

  Ou Yangming was intrigued because he had previously acquired a similar item from the Black Magic Crawler king in the Chaos Cave after he killed it with Big Yellow.

  Big Yellow became a Supreme Great Ancestor after it ate the item and took a long nap.

  Ou Yangming did not expect the wolf king’s body to contain the item too.

  Ni Yinghong noted, “Elder Brother He, you’re very lucky that this half-spirit beast already has an inner core.”

  He Liangce grinned. He took out his bottle to wash off the blood on the inner core with water, and he uttered, “Younger sister, this is yours.”

  “A noble person doesn’t steal another person’s treasure. Thank you for the offer, Elder Brother, but I don’t need it,” Ni Yinghong responded right away.

  “This item’s tremendously helpful toward one’s cultivation in mental power, and the greatest effect will be unleashed if you use it. It’ll be such a waste if you don’t take it.” He Liangce could not help but laugh.

  Ni Yinghong hesitated for a while but was firm on her decision in the end. “Thank you for your kind gesture, but I won’t take a reward if it’s undeserved.”

  He Liangce sighed and turned to ask, “Brother Ou, the three of us have entered the dense forest to seek the peculiar bamboo, so we should work as one. Since this item suits Younger sister the most, shouldn’t she accept it?”

  Ou Yangming looked deeply at him and said, “Elder Sister Ying, just accept it.” “Lil’ Ming…” Ni Yinghong grumbled. Ou Yangming took a step forward to take the inner core, then he gave it to Ni Yinghong. Subsequently, he turned and pointed out, “I owe you one.”

  He would not allow Ni Yinghong to accept He Liangce’s gift for no reason, but it would not matter if he was the one who gave her the gift instead.

  As for whether he would be able to return the favor in the future, Ou Yangming was not worried at all.

  After all, it would be easy for him to repay the kindness as long as he could use smithing art. He Liangce weighed the hundred explosive wolf fangs in his hands and asked with a smile, “What are these regarded as?”


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