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Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725

Page 212

by Heaven's White Crane

  Ou Yangming could tell from the Supreme Great Ancestors’ expressions that they were still hesitant. Though he was the one who guided them to the Extreme Grade, they dared not defy the imperial family’s will.

  When he turned to look at the pieces of equipment on the casting table, he somehow felt that it would not be easy for him to achieve his goal.

  “Alright, Master Ou is going to do something important, so leave if you’re unrelated to it!” Jin Shengjie roared out of the blue. His voice spread far and wide, thus the blacksmiths and ordinary spectators were forced to leave. Nobody wanted to offend Jin Shengjie, but they were even more unwilling to offend Ou Yangming. Besides, seeing as many Supreme Great Ancestors gathered, a sensible person would know that one could not simply be involved in the matter. Jin Shengjie looked deeply at Ou Yangming and sighed before he left with Wu Hongxi.

  With that, Ou Yangming and the 26 Supreme Great Ancestors were the only ones left in the square.

  Ou Yangming glanced at the people and remarked, “Brother Woo, not everyone is here


  Woo Lejia was stunned. “They’re all here, aren’t they?”

  “There were other people after you!” Ou Yangming laughed.

  When Woo Lejia came to a sudden realization, he could not help but laugh. “Brother Ou, they’re too embarrassed to come because they failed to become Supreme Great Ancestors.”

  Ou Yangming commented, “They failed to advance, but the other people from their clans have hope.”

  Woo Lejia’s eyelids twitched. He pondered for a while before he replied to the young fellow, “Okay, I’ll invite them over by using your name.”

  Ou Yangming nodded as he was pleased, whereas the newly-advanced Supreme Great Ancestors exchanged glances because they could sense an upcoming storm.

  Chapter 355 - Gifts At The First Meeting

  Chapter 355 Gifts At The First Meeting

  When Ou Yangming’s invitation was sent by word to the absent Supreme Great Ancestors, they followed their hearts. Not only did they show up at the square, which belonged to blacksmiths, but they also brought other powerhouses from their clans.

  Ou Yangming was conversing with many newly-advanced Supreme Great Ancestors at the moment, and he seemed to be getting along with them. Even so, he generously flashed a big smile at the latecomers when he saw them.

  The powerhouses sighed breaths of relief.

  They were at the peak of Yang Grade too, but they failed to seize the opportunity to become Supreme Great Ancestors. It was certainly a huge blow for them.

  Nonetheless, as long as one was still alive, one would get out of the shadow of failure sooner or later. It was torturing for those powerhouses to meet Ou Yangming and the Supreme Great Ancestors, who used to be on par with them, but it was also a form of spiritual relief.

  Seeing as everyone had arrived, Ou Yangming stood up and bowed at everyone. “Greetings, brothers.”

  Everyone else immediately stood up to return the salutation; even the Supreme Great Ancestors dared not receive it without returning it.

  Woo Lejia remarked in a deep voice, “Brother Ou, you’re treating us like strangers.”

  “Exactly.” Chen Yixian agreed as well. “Master Ou, why have you gathered us here? As long as you’re not scheming a revolution, I’ll follow you to the ends of Earth!”

  The other people burst out laughing, but deep down they were feeling slightly worried.

  Given that Ou Yangming assembled so many of them, it would only make sense that he had something to appeal; even a fool would not believe that he had no requests to make. If it was for a normal matter, the Supreme Great Ancestors would definitely offer their help, but they would be powerless if it was related to the imperial family.

  Ou Yangming could not help but laugh. He knew their worries, but he did not intend to overthrow the imperial family to dominate instead.

  “Brothers, since you’re all here, I’ll cut to the chase.” Ou Yangming turned around and pointed at the piled-up pieces of equipment on the casting table in the middle. “I prepared gifts for you at our first meeting, so go ahead and take your pick.”

  The powerhouses looked at each other. Including the Supreme Great Ancestors, they desired the items.

  This was because they were aware of Ou Yangming’s level of attainment in smithing art, and they witnessed him working together with many Advanced Blacksmiths. The scene where many blacksmiths smithed together in public was so awe-inspiring that it could not be compared with usual smithing processes behind closed doors.

  Therefore, the powerhouses knew the pieces of equipment were top-notch even though they were not magic tools.

  Nevertheless, could they acquire Ou Yangming’s items so easily?

  Woo Lejia looked around and laughed out loud. “Since you said that, I’ll be making a move.”

  Just as he was going to step forward, Chen Yixian beat him to it and commented, “Brother Woo, we all know you obtained the best item, so you won’t get your pick, hehe!”

  The other people exchanged glances and laughed out loud. They went forward and teased Woo Lejia as they forced him to move behind.

  Woo Lejia looked indignant, but he did not intend to snatch a piece of equipment from the pile.

  Indeed, he had gotten a custom-made magic nine-ringed saber, so what more could he ask for?

  Many Supreme Great Ancestors and the few Yang Grade powerhouses walked around the casting table. They did not check out the pieces of equipment alone because they were accompanied by an appraiser each. When they were told the items’ attributes, while looking calm on the outside, they were incredibly perturbed on the inside.

  Every piece of equipment was of Fine Grade. In particular, the suits and the pieces of equipment that were embedded with gems were extremely eye-catching.

  They wanted very badly to claim everything for themselves because their clans’ overall strengths would improve if they possessed the pieces of equipment. Despite that, they knew it was impossible to take everything.

  Even if they could suppress the other clans, the imperial family was not going to stand by idly if a clan seized everything.

  The imperial family would turn a blind eye if the pieces of equipment were distributed to various parties, but if they were all gathered in a clan… The clan would be drawing attention and would be courting their death.

  After a brief moment, the powerhouses tacitly began to choose a piece of equipment each according to a mutually agreed order in the capital.

  Once everyone was done, about half of the original pieces of equipment were left.

  Everyone lamented when they saw what remained, and they revered Ou Yangming more than before.

  The pieces of equipment were originally raw materials, but they were turned into pieces of powerful equipment by Ou Yangming. It was even more terrifying that there was such a wide range to choose from, making the powerhouses feel like everything one expected to find was available.

  Needless to say, the powerhouses knew that the credit was also shared with over ten Advanced Blacksmiths.

  The Advanced Blacksmiths were reputable and experienced blacksmiths in the capital. Although they were not Superior Blacksmiths, based on their achievements in certain aspects, they were not inferior to those who earned the Superior title.

  In fact, over ten Advanced Blacksmiths as a whole could surpass several Superior Blacksmiths.

  It was exactly because of their wonderful cooperation that they were able to produce many pieces of mighty equipment in a short period.

  Without the blacksmiths, it would be difficult for Ou Yangming to reenact the day’s glorious event even if he wanted to.

  That said, nobody dared to underestimate Ou Yangming. They respected the young and mighty blacksmiths more than ever because they knew who was the real core of the team.

  Ou Yangming would need to spend more time and effort without the Advanced Blacksmiths, but he could still finish the pieces of equipment.

bsp; However, without Ou Yangming, not to mention the Advanced Blacksmiths working together, even if there were twice as many of them, they would still be helpless in the end.

  Woo Lejia asked with gleaming eyes, “Brother Ou, how do you plan to handle the remaining pieces of equipment?”

  Everyone else’s eyes lit up as they looked forward to Ou Yangming’s answer.

  Ou Yangming laughed out loud and approached the casting table. He brushed his hands across the remaining items to keep them in his interspatial bag to stop everyone from staring at them.

  Having said that, the crowd became more attentive because they noticed his interspatial


  “Brothers, I suppose you’re aware of my background?” Ou Yangming grinned.

  Woo Lejia laughed out loud and responded, “Brother Ou, we didn’t know you before you became famous, but if anyone still has no idea who you are, they won’t be qualified to stand here.”

  The powerhouses were supported by great forces, thus they were informed about different news without needing to ask around themselves.

  “Since you know who I am, I won’t beat around the bush.” Ou Yangming nodded and glanced at everyone with lightning eyes. “According to what I was told, Changlong County’s beast tide is about to happen. Though the spirit beast’s trace is yet to be found, likely, the creature’s here already.”

  Woo Lejia and the other people instantly looked grave. They knew this was going to happen, but they were still anxious when it happened.

  Ou Yangming continued, “I’ve decided to return to Changlong County to… Kill the spirit beast!”

  He spoke in a deep voice but made sure that everyone heard him clearly.

  Everyone was taken aback, but Woo Lejia inhaled deeply and expressed, “Master Ou, I’m willing to go to Changlong County with you. Hehe, isn’t it just a spirit beast? I don’t believe that it has three heads and six arms!”

  Chen Yixian hesitated for a while before he uttered with a smile, “Brother Woo, count me in.”

  The other people looked at each other. They looked grim and embarrassed at the same time.

  One would be risking one’s life to face a spirit beast. Since Woo Lejia was given a magic nine-ringed saber, he was somewhat compelled to fight. As for the Chen family, their relationship with Ou Yangming was already known to everyone. Given the young fellow’s connection with Chen Dishou and Chen Yifan’s magic spear, they were left with no choice too.

  What about the other clans? They were evidently undecided about fighting a spirit beast.

  Ou Yangming was not furious at all. He added, “I hereby promise that Supreme Great Ancestors who are willing to come to Changlong County with me will be given a magic tool each.”

  The square was dead silent all of a sudden, so much so that nobody could be heard breathing.

  A falling needle would certainly be audible at this moment because everyone held their breaths; even Woo Lejia and Chen Yixian widened their eyes in disbelief at Ou Yangming

  They even wondered, ‘Were we hearing things just now?

  ‘Magic tools?

  ‘Ou Yangming promised to reward everyone with a magic tool each?

  ‘A magic tool-a tool that surpassed everything in this world!’

  Even the lowest-ranked magic tools were much greater than an ordinary piece of equipment because the two had entirely different properties.

  They did not doubt Ou Yangming at all because they received verified news that Woo Lejia had indeed acquired a magic nine-ringed saber.

  Having said that, could magic tools be smithed so easily? Even if Ou Yangming could smith them, there was probably a limit, and he would need to consume unimaginable energy for it.

  When the imperial family was at their peak, they dared not promise everyone a magic tool at all.

  Eventually, someone stood out. It was He Xinfang, the He family’s new Supreme Great Ancestor. He questioned, “Brother Ou, can you really give us magic tools?”

  Ou Yangming answered without any hesitation, “A replacement is guaranteed if it’s not genuine. I won’t go back on my word!” “Okay, I trust you.” He Xinfang was in high spirits. “Brother Ou, from today onwards, I’ll be following you!”

  A Supreme Great Ancestor had just made such a promise in front of everyone else.

  Nonetheless, the other people were neither surprised nor disdainful. Their eyes dazzled instead.

  Chapter 356 - High-profit Temptations

  Chapter 356 High-profit Temptations

  A small man slowly walked out from the crowd. He had a height disadvantage, but the other people looked at him with fear.

  Ou Yangming had an extremely deep impression of the man. He was Qian Yuxing, the Qian family’s Supreme Great Ancestor, and was one of the powerhouses who benefited during the Myriad Treasure Meet. Ou Yangming still remembered the man’s valiance during their fight that day. Faced with the big multicolored tiger, many powerhouses were unwilling to admit defeat until the very end. Nonetheless, Qian Yuxing was the only Yang Grade powerhouse who had the guts to go head-on against the tiger and did not suffer a huge loss. He had a tough character and cultivated an incredibly unique technique. Moreover, his body was not inferior to a half-spirit beast.

  Among his peers, putting aside the elements and differences between pieces of equipment, he could triumph over everyone in terms of raw capabilities. “Brother Ou.” Qian Yuxing cupped his fists at Ou Yangming. “I dare not doubt your ability, but to smith 26 magic tools, I’m afraid that even you…” He did not finish his sentence, but everyone else understood his concern. In actuality, the other people were worried about the same thing too.

  “Brother Ou, as long as I return to Changlong County’s prefecture, I’ll have enough raw materials to smith magic tools. Besides…” Ou Yangming grinned and glanced at everyone with sharp eyes. “I’m not going to smith 26 magic tools.” Qian Yuxing was stunned. “How many can you smith? Half of that?”

  Everyone else paid attention to Ou Yangming, and the atmosphere had somehow become tense.

  Nevertheless, the powerhouses had the same thought; they would head to Changlong County regardless of the costs as long as Ou Yangming could complete half of what he promised.

  If there were 13 magic tools in total, every two clans could share a magic tool each.

  A Supreme Great Ancestor was very important for a clan. Without a great ancestor, a clan would decline to a lower level. In a way, a figure as such was the backbone of a clan. Despite that, a magic tool’s importance was not at all inferior to a Supreme Great Ancestor’s significance. This was because a magic tool was a treasure that could be inherited in a clan, and having one meant that a great ancestor could be produced in almost every generation.

  In comparison, the powerhouses who paid more importance to their clans’ inheritances were more passionate about magic tools than they were about having an extra Supreme Great Ancestor in their clan.

  After all, a Supreme Great Ancestor represented the present, whereas a magic tool symbolized a clan’s glory for centuries.

  Ou Yangming looked at Qian Yuxing and answered, “I’m going to smith 100 magic tools.”

  “What?” Qian Yuxing shuddered, and he looked dubiously at Ou Yangming. When he turned around and saw the other people being dumbfounded too, he confirmed that he heard it right. “Master Ou, you… 100 magic tools?”

  If someone else had said that, the Supreme Great Ancestors would have charged at the presumptuous fellow to beat him up.

  However, when Ou Yangming boasted about it, the powerhouses looked at each other as they were dazed. Although their rationales were telling them that it was likely impossible, they somehow became fervent when they looked at the casting table and the young fellow’s interspatial bag, which stored sufficient pieces of equipment. The powerhouses realized that they were willing to trust him.

  Qian Yuxing took a deep breath, which went straight to the bottom of his heart and seemingly reduced the heat in his body.
r />   Following that, he asked out loud, “Master Ou, why do you want to smith so many magic tools?”

  He no longer questioned if Ou Yangming could smith that many magic tools, which was evident that he chose to trust the young fellow.

  “Because I’d like to lead an army of 100 great ancestors back to my hometown, and a magic tool’s might can only be fully unleashed by a Supreme Great Ancestor,” Ou Yangming noted with a proud smile. He glanced at the other people again but noticed entirely different looks on their faces. “I hope your clans can provide more dependable powerhouses at the peak of Yang Grade.”

  Qian Yuxing’s eyes lit up right away, and he shouted, “The Qian family can provide 10 powerhouses!” “Brother Qian, you’re going overboard!” “Exactly. The Fang family can provide 15 powerhouses!”

  “Hmph, we can provide 20 powerhouses!”

  Ou Yangming was struck dumb. He did not need ordinary Yang Grade powerhouses, but those who had been at the peak of years and accumulated enough experiences. He needed powerhouses who had a high chance to enter the Extreme Grade.

  It would be great if a big clan had 2 or 3 of those powerhouses, but Qian Yuxing, Woo Lejia, and the other people claimed that they had more than 10 of those powerhouses from their clans. As such, Ou Yangming was truly shocked.

  ‘Are these clans so profound that they have so many hidden powerhouses at the peak of Yang Grade?’ He wondered.

  Chen Yixian approached Ou Yangming discreetly and expressed softly, “Brother Ou, Yifan, my dear younger brother, asked me to send his regards to you.” Ou Yangming nodded and asked, “Is General Yifan well?”

  “He’s fine. There are some changes in the immense forest, but the military camp hasn’t been attacked yet, so everything is still under control,” Chen Yixian answered softly and added after a pause, “The Chen family has more than 20 of such powerhouses.”

  The young fellow’s face changed, and he could not help but ask, “Brother Ou, does a noble clan really have so many suitable powerhouses at the peak of Yang Grade?”

  “Our clan obviously doesn’t have that many powerhouses, but we can definitely gather more than 20 powerhouses at the peak of Yang Grade from our vassal clan and independent tributaries.” Chen Yixian could not help but laugh, then he whispered to Ou Yangming, “Don’t forget that the Chen family are also friends with many clans from the eight counties. If you give us sufficient time, we can find at least 50 suitable candidates.” Ou Yangming’s eyelids twitched as he came to a sudden realization. It turned out that the other big clans had also considered their vassal clans and independent tributaries.


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