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Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725

Page 253

by Heaven's White Crane

  If someone else had said that a piece of equipment had its aura, that person would have been ridiculed by many people. On the other hand, the people had unknowingly accepted the statement because it was Ou Yangming who said it. Besides, even if they could not notice the aura, they would never doubt the young fellow.

  This was due to his abilities and status. Ever since he produced about 100 pieces of Skill Equipment, nobody dared to doubt him anymore.


  The sky was filled with bird cries, and they were growing louder.

  Moreover, the goshawk was not the only one crying because many birds joined it too.

  It was worth noting that there was a strict hierarchy among the birds. When high-rank birds gave orders, low-rank birds could only obey them. That said, due to the power from a certain piece of equipment, every bird was obliged to contribute and had unknowingly cried as well.


  Slowly but surely, when the formation in the sky took form, it released an unbelievable might.

  Multi-armed King Kong finally looked grim. It rubbed its hands and released the thunderbolt power, but the power vanished into thin air when it got closer to the formation.

  It was a formidable walking beast, after all, hence its physical power surpassed the thunderbolt power that it grasped.

  If Multi-armed King Kong had a pair of wings and could fly toward the formation, it could at least crush the birds with its body. If it simply attacked with the thunderbolt power, it would be far from enough.

  “Hehe, insignificant walking beast and humans, die!” As the goshawk spoke, a tornado was slowly formed beneath the formation.

  The tornado was not huge at first. It seemed so tiny that it might disappear at any time. Nonetheless, it soon grew at an incredible speed.

  It was because the overall power from the Birds Formation was continuously channeled into the tornado. The power was not only the accumulation from the birds but also the abundant universe’s spiritual power. Soon enough, the power gathered by the birds grew so much that it could not be resisted through normal means.

  “Hehe, go to hell!”

  When the tornado kept expanding and extended further, the whole city became seriously affected.

  Innumerable unsecured things on the ground, as well as corpses and carcasses on the battlefield, were sucked to mid-air by the tornado’s power and entered the wind-gap. The wind-gap was like an enormous black hole, which could devour the entire world.

  Multi-armed King Kong stood firm on the ground. After some time, it leaped out of the city and shouted at Ou Yangming, “Master, quickly leave!”

  Ou Yangming’s face changed. “What?”

  “This is one of their greatest formations, and I can’t resist it, but I can protect you so that you can leave safely!” Multi-armed King Kong responded without any hesitation. “Boom, boom, boom…”

  Several explosions were heard in the sky. When the tornado became more forceful, some substandard houses were even blown away.

  The frightened folks escaped from their houses, but they could not resist the tornado and ended up being sucked into it as well.

  With that, the whole city seemed to have turned into hell on earth. Nobody could stay out of the horrible situation anymore.

  Many Supreme Great Ancestors from Feiya City exchanged glances but were helpless. Faced with the mighty power, which had not been seen before, they began to lose hope.

  Ou Yangming took a deep breath and looked at the growing tornado in the sky. For some reason, the Military Fire in his sea of consciousness became simulated at this moment. An intense rage, which seemed to have come from deep inside an unknown space, filled his mind.

  It felt like an emperor was being offended by common folk, but it also felt like a potent figure was suddenly bitten by an ant and became infuriated. The feeling seemed to have been roused in the moment, but it also seemed like it was predestined.

  Suddenly, Ou Yangming reached out his hand. He seemed to have spaced out as he pointed at the tornado.

  Chapter 427 - The Purple Fire Reverses The Course Of Events

  Ou Yangming pointed gently at the tornado. It did not seem like a threatening move at all. A faint fire emerged from his fingertip, and it was merely a tiny flame with a hint of purple. The moment the fire appeared, the air around it seemed to have undergone a peculiar fluctuation.

  The fire looked weak, as though it could be easily put out by the wind.

  Nonetheless, it burned stubbornly and went against the stream regardless of the difficult situation, and it eventually grew stronger.

  Ou Yangming reached out to point at the fearsome tornado’s wind-gap. Multi-armed King Kong’s face took on a ghastly expression. It retreated as if a giant hand was pulling it back but while it looked rather funny at the moment, it backed away at an unparalleled speed. The spirit beast stayed far away from the city in the blink of an eye.

  It seemed to have sensed something the instant Ou Yangming released the purple flame.

  Since Ou Yangming was the one who released it, he would not be hurt. Since that was the case, Multi-armed King Kong did not bother about the other living beings.

  Even if the Humans and the Birds were wiped out, as long as Ou Yangming was still alive, Multi-armed King Kong would not be mournful and would not shed a tear at all.

  Ou Yangming lifted his arm higher, as if it weighed 500 kilograms. As the fire flickered, it gave off a queer yet mysterious aura.

  At last, a strong sucking force was transmitted to the fire.

  It was the force at the tornado’s wind-gap, which could suck in anything unsecured below

  When the tornado grew stronger and was channeled with the endless universe’s spiritual power, it beamed so mighty that it did not have a limit at all. Perhaps the goshawk was determined to uproot the whole city.

  Ou Yangming sensed the intense force. Afterward, the fire on his fingertip shook, then a part of it rose with the force.

  Nevertheless, no matter how high the fire went, a part of it was still connected to his fingertip. The stream of fire was extremely thin, to the extent that one might not be able to spot it at all even if one watched closely. Even so, regardless of its size and the change in the environment, it burned steadily and could not be broken.


  Finally, the weak and seemingly insignificant flame entered the tornado.

  It was then that Ou Yangming’s eyes lit up. The young fellow was not guided by anyone when he acted earlier; he did what he did only because his Military Fire was simulated. Having said that, Ou Yangming believed in the fire very much. He figured that it was acting so proudly for a reason.

  As soon as the Military Fire entered the tornado, an odd scene appeared in Ou Yangming’s sea of consciousness.

  He seemed to be in a constantly spinning space, where the spiraling strong wind around him formed an indestructible wall, blocking everything outside it. However, within the wall, he could see various items rising and falling.

  Ou Yangming realized that he was inside the tornado.

  Almost at the same time, the Military Fire in his sea of consciousness was triggered to an extreme state—it was raging.

  It did not come from Ou Yangming, but the Military Fire’s existing pride.

  Following that, the fire exploded…

  When the forceful wind blew past the fire, it was ignited all of a sudden.

  Yes, it was ignited.

  The wind did not act like a wind anymore; it became the fire’s nourishment.

  Moments ago, the aggressive wind seemed to be able to destroy Heaven and Earth, but it was now burned by the tiny purple fire.

  What shocked the people more was when the fire began to spread, it appeared to be like water out of a floodgate, or like a bird free from control. All in all, it was unstoppable.

  The fire quickly spread at an unbelievable speed. In a split second, it seemed like Heaven and Earth were going to be on fire.

  Down below
, Wu Hanning and the others looked up and stared at the tornado. They had been paying attention when Multi-armed King Kong jumped over and wanted to leave with Ou Yangming.

  It was not because they had nothing better to do, but because given Multi-armed King Kong’s enormous build, it attracted everyone’s attention whenever it made a move.

  Despite that, the people were in despair when they heard the giant spirit beast’s suggestion earlier. In particular, the Supreme Great Ancestors from Feiya City looked grim. That said, Ou Yangming’s move after that was beyond their expectations. They followed the purple fire when it was released. Even though they did not believe in miracles, they prayed for one at this moment.

  As though their prayers were heard, the massive tornado, which was equivalent to a death trap, suddenly turned red and glowed.

  Just as the people were feeling confused, they heard an earth-shattering explosion from the sky. It sounded so violent that it was unbearable for even the Supreme Great Ancestors.

  The people felt like their eardrums were smashed by hammers, and they had somewhat gone deaf for an instant.

  In spite of that, it was only the beginning because a series of muffled sounds were heard after that. What frightened the people more was the tornado in the sky had turned into a gigantic fireball.

  The menacing tornado, which seemed like it could destroy Heaven and Earth, caught fire and turned into a blazing fireball in mid-air. Yu Hongli and the others were stupefied as they watched. They prayed for a miracle but when the miracle actually happened, they were even more fearful.

  The tornado was terrifying enough because it could suck the entire city, so one could imagine how daunting it would be if it transformed into a fireball. Would the city burn to nothing if the fireball fell?

  Without warning, spine-chilling shrieks were heard in the sky. They came from the flying birds.

  The scorching fireball enveloped most of the birds, which were constrained by a certain power in the Birds Formation, hence they could not fly higher. Consequently, a rich burnt smell filled the air.

  Ou Yangming was highly-spirited. His mental conception had extended further by now, and he seemed to have transformed into the fiery fireball in the sky. Wherever the flame existed, his mental conception lived too. He could sense everything happening inside and outside the fire and could 'see” the birds being turned into ashes even when they flapped their wings hard. Nonetheless, he did not sympathize with them at all. After some time, Ou Yangming’s mental conception was attracted by a vigorous power. When he “looked”, he noticed the goshawk flying up.

  It was the only powerhouse that could detach itself from the formation through its power, vividly displaying a spirit beast’s valiance.

  The goshawk turned to look abruptly as though it sensed Ou Yangming’s mental conception.

  Ou Yangming was stunned when he noticed the goshawk’s eyes.

  Unlike what he had expected, the goshawk was neither furious nor had strong killing intent; it looked flustered.

  It was as if the goshawk was no longer a formidable spirit beast, which surpassed this world’s power system. It had turned into a panicky, ordinary bird.

  Ou Yangming was struck dumb and was in disbelief.

  ‘It’s a spirit beast, so why did it become so weak? Even if the Birds Formation is broken, it can’t be so startled, right?’

  Nevertheless, the goshawk’s fear gave Ou Yangming an opportunity. He shifted the raging fire with the intention to trap the goshawk.

  That being said, Ou Yangming was soon surprised. The goshawk sensed his conception and noticed the fluctuation around the flame, but it did not resist nor did it try to escape. It simply stayed in mid-air and lowered its head at his conception.

  Even a fool could tell that the goshawk was submitting itself to the fire. It was seeking Ou Yangming’s forgiveness by betting on its life. In any case, the fire was still burning. Ou Yangming was dumbfounded, but he did not stop controlling the fire with his conception. At long last, the savage fire enveloped the goshawk and burned it.

  As a result, the goshawk’s body trembled. The mysterious fire was unimaginably painful, but it remained in the sky and stabilized itself as it let the fire burn its body. However, it was evident through the goshawk’s eyes that it was pleading for mercy. The fire finally stopped burning after a brief moment as if it was stripped of its life.

  While the goshawk was burnt, it cried with joy and lowered its head at Ou Yangming once more.

  Later on, the goshawk scoffed and ordered its followers through its mental conception. It then spread its wings and flew into the distance.

  Ou Yangming exhaled deeply. He gently shook his wrist, causing the fireball in the sky to diminish. Under his control, the city was not harmed at all.

  When the fireball was completely gone, Ou Yangming could not help but wonder.

  ‘Am I doing the right thing?’ He was dazed when he turned to look because he noticed many strange and familiar faces staring at him.

  They looked at him with respect.

  On this day, Ou Yangming stood proudly atop the city wall with his purple flame. His godlike bearing would forever be engraved in everyone’s heart…

  Chapter 428 - The Scheme From The Upper Realm

  “Shriek…” A flash of luster appeared in the sky, carrying billowing black smoke with it. The giant goshawk had flown straight toward Multi-armed King Kong.

  Multi-armed King Kong had long fled Feiya City to avoid the gigantic fireball. If the fireball exploded in the sky, not only would the city burn to ashes, but it would also end up in a miserable state.

  Although Multi-armed King Kong would not die, if it became severely injured in this world that lacked the universe’s spiritual power, it would be the same as dying.

  Needless to say, Multi-armed King Kong acted like that because it knew Ou Yangming would not be harmed at all no matter how intense the explosion would be, so it retreated without any hesitation. If the fireball could hurt even its master, it would not dare to escape at all. When Multi-armed King Kong looked up, it noticed the goshawk. It burst out laughing when it spotted the burnt spots on the enormous bird.

  The goshawk hovered above Multi-armed King Kong before it slowly descended. When they were previously in a standoff, the former feared the latter and dared not get close. This time, after suffering an injury, the goshawk landed a distance away from Multi-armed King Kong without worry. The stark contrast was clear to see.

  Multi-armed King Kong smiled with squinted eyes and asked, “Hey, how did my master do?”

  The goshawk glared ruthlessly at the king kong and commented, “You set me up!”

  “How did I set you up?” Multi-armed King Kong stretched its body.

  “Your… Master is clearly a phoenix descendant. Why didn’t you tell me?” The goshawk was indignant.

  Multi-armed King Kong scorned at the bird. “Why should I have told you?”

  The goshawk was stunned. It was feeling aggrieved, but it was lost for words.

  “Hehe, don’t stare at me. Given your abilities, you can’t do anything to me.” Multi-armed King Kong waved its arm and said, “I suggest you think about your deeds. How dare you strike my master? Even if he’s willing to forgive you, I’m sure you know what your clan’s elders will do if they find out, right?”

  The goshawk could not help but shudder with fear. It was not as frightened as when it was burned by the scorching fire earlier.

  It knew Multi-armed King Kong was right. If the elders in its clan heard about it, it would be lucky if it could die in one piece.

  Multi-armed King Kong laughed. “If you’d like to solve this issue, you should beg me nicely!”

  The goshawk was not resigned to the outcome, but it flashed a smile and uttered, “Yes, brother. Please guide me.”

  “Acknowledge him as your master like how I did. Hehe, this is a blessing in misfortune for you!” Multi-armed King Kong told the goshawk.

  “How could someone like sir t
ake me under his wings?” The goshawk rolled its eyes.

  “Given your capability, you wouldn’t have been noticed by sir in the upper realm, but you stand a chance here,” Multi-armed King Kong noted coldly. “I told you the method, so it’s up to you to seize the opportunity.”

  The goshawk was dumbfounded, and it had a strange look in its eyes as though it was deep in thoughts.

  On a towering mountain, in a smoke-filled area, a nearly 340-meters-long centipede, which seemed to be inhaling and exhaling clouds every time it breathed, lay on the ground. If one looked from afar, one would notice that the centipede’s body had become one with the mountain as if the mountain was its world. Given its state, perhaps it could be considered to have perfected the integration of Heaven and man. All of a sudden, the ground in front of the centipede flipped over, then a tiny centipede, which was a hundredth of its size, emerged. “Sir, the lizards received information that the Heavenly Phoenix Fire was found in the lower realm.”

  The massive centipede, which seemed to be sound asleep earlier, turned its body over. It appeared as if the mountain grew, and there was a change in the topography. Nevertheless, the huge change did not affect nor destroy the environment on the mountain, which was truly awe-inspiring

  “The Heavenly Phoenix Fire? In the lower realm… Have the Lizards gone mad? How could they make such a mistake?”


  “Sir, the Insects received news that the Phoenixes’ favored child encountered an interspatial disruption when it pursued the Sky-devouring Evil Remnant, so it ended up in the lower realm. The Beasts searched everywhere and seemed to have found it, so the Lizards took advantage of the once-in-a-century reorder and sent someone into the lower realm. After sacrificing an illusion clone, they received the valuable news.”

  “Oh, since the Phoenixes’ child appeared in the lower realm, it’s possible that the Heavenly Phoenix Fire was led there too.” The giant centipede fell silent for a while and said, “We can’t provoke the Phoenixes and can’t go fight them recklessly, but the Heavenly Phoenix Fire doesn’t have a master. If we give it up…”


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