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The Shifter's Dream

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by R. A. Boyd

  The Shifter’s Dream

  The Ghost Shifters Series, Book 2

  R. A. Boyd


  Other books in the Ghost Shifter series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Up next in the Ghost Shifters series

  Other works by R.A. Boyd

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locations is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.


  Text copyright ©2018 R.A. Boyd

  All Rights Reserved

  Other books in the Ghost Shifter series

  The Shifter's Wish, Book 1

  The Shifter's Dream, Book 2

  The Shifter’s Salvation, Book 3 (Coming February 2019)

  To Belles. You are definitely going to be an inventor, scientist, archeologist, and a chef when you grow up. It’s not too early to start now…

  Chapter 1

  Teague stood at the large red doors of the fire station with his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes. He was whistling some silly tune that he’d heard Cass humming a few days ago. He liked it.

  He was trying to force himself to be happy, whistling and rocking as he pretended. His Alpha and Omega, Jax and Damon, had found the third in their Alpha Triad and she was great for them. Cass managed to light up the whole clan with her hope. Teague wanted that for himself, but he knew he wouldn’t find it. Not if his other half was who he thought it was. Not if he kept up his loyalties.

  Staring out across the parking lot and into the snow-capped trees, he took a deep breath, watched the smoky ringlets of his breath fan out in front of his face, and started up that damned tune again. Teague’s feigned happy whistle turned into a deep rumbling growl in his chest as his pain in the ass coworker Aaron came out of the side door of the station. If Teague could pick his dumbass up by the seat of his pants and scruff of his neck and toss the son of a bitch into the woods he would have done so happily. But that would be frowned upon, and Teague wanted to keep his job. Humans didn’t do things like that. He liked it here, and it was the only fire station in New Rose. They kept him busy. He needed busy. His sleeping beast required he stay busy, and working out in a gym didn’t cut it.

  “Hey,” Aaron said as he noticed Teague. “You seen Riley?”

  Teague blinked slow and quieted the growl inside him, fisting his hands in his pockets to keep them from grabbing hold of Aaron. “Nope,” he said, not turning to look at Aaron and his artificial tan.

  Teague could hear Riley’s old pick-up truck making its way down the pot-holed, ice covered road about a mile from the station, but he wouldn’t tell Aaron that. He’d let ass-face go back into the station and take off his heavy coat, just so he could warm up and be forced to come back out into the bitter cold again. Aaron hated the cold and everyone at the station was tired of him complaining about it. It was fucking winter in Maryland. What the hell did he expect?

  “I’m heading back in to warm up,” Aaron said, bouncing around like a kid who had to use the bathroom. “It’ll probably take her a while to get here.”

  Teague nodded as Aaron walked back inside, and listened as Riley’s truck got closer and closer. In anticipation of seeing her dark coily mane of hair and wide child-bearing hips, his dick thumped against the seam of his navy blue khakis and his heart ran a race inside his chest. He was finally going to get to see if she was it for him. Finally going to see if it was his turn to find his special one, only to have that door closed in his face.

  Riley was happily married to dumbass Aaron, the man that smiled in her face and called her sweet names but fucked everything that had a vagina that would let him within twelve inches of it. Nope, Teague was not going to be the one to break her heart. She would forever associate him with that. He wasn’t strong enough to carry that burden. He’d never survive if she looked at him with hatred.

  Teague could have told her but he’d witnessed that scene play out before his eyes too many times with too many other people. You tell them that the love of their life was a lying piece of shit, and they called you jealous and said you didn’t know what you were talking about. He wouldn’t do that to her. Wouldn’t ruin their friendship without even knowing if she was really the one for him.

  “Why are you growling?” a sweet familiar voice said way too close to him. So close that her breath tickled across his earlobe.

  “Jesus,” Teague said, startling so hard he jumped and fought the urge to turn around and put his fist through the person’s face.

  It was Cass. Since she’d been claimed by Jax and Damon she was quieter than a mouse running through a snowstorm. Besides, if he made a mistake and hit her she would hit back. Cass was a beast. She was sweet as sugar and had an attitude as bright as the Sun, but that saber-tooth inside her wasn’t stable yet. They’d had to stop her from changing and eating Simon at least once a week.

  “How the heck did you not hear me?” she said, shoving a lunch bag at him. “Your hearing should be better than mine, man.” She stomped her feet a few times to clear the packed snow from her boots.

  “You walk here?” Teague asked, unzipping the lunch bag. He’d told her too many times to count that they cooked food here at the station, but she brought food anyway.

  She nodded and pulled a bag of almonds from her pocket. Shifter metabolism made her hungry all the time. She’d get used to it. “Yep. I walked. Too much energy, and you forgot your food. Again. They don’t know you’re a shifter but you need to eat like a shifter. So, I’ll feed you.”

  He looked at her and she smiled, and for a few seconds he forgot that he hated everyone. Cass took care of the clan. She was a good Alpha and Omega all wrapped into one little danger-ball of love.

  “Is that Riley?” she asked, nodding her head in the direction of the silver and green pick-up truck as it cleared the hill and skated into view.

  It was her. Teague’s insides rejoiced at knowing he’d get to talk to her, if only for a few minutes. She was probably dropping off Ass-face’s lunch or dinner. She was nice like that. Made sure her husband had what he needed to get through the twenty-four hour shift.

  “Yep,” he said, starting the gentle rocking movement again. “That’s her.”

  “Did you know that Aaron cheats on her?” Cass said through a mouth full of almonds. “The last time I saw him he smelled just like that slut-bag that works at Cheap-O! Mart. And condoms. Slut-bag and condoms equal a cheater. I’m going to tell her.”

  Better Cass than him.

  Teague could see Olivia, Aaron’s daughter from an old girlfriend who had passed away during childbirth, sitting in the seat next to Riley. Olivia and Riley weren’t related by blood but he’d never seen a mother and daughter fit the perfect description of mother and daughter more than those two.

  Cass inhaled sharply and punched Teague on the arm. “Do you like her?” she asked.

  “Ow, Cass. That kind of hurt.” He rubbed his shoulder and looked at her little hands. This woman packed a horrible punch now, and she needed to get that shit under control. “And how the fuck did you— never mind. It’s the ‘Damon’ in you, isn’t it?”

  A sadness took over Cass’s eyes as
she shook her head. “Yes, it’s that. I didn’t mean to intrude. I can’t help it. I feel what you all feel and it’s… I’m working on it.”

  As Teague watched her, he could see her starting to shut down. She didn’t mean to intrude on the clan’s emotions, but she couldn’t help it. The Omega’s job was to bring emotional stability to the clan and Cass was taking on the attributes of both the Alpha and the Omega. She was a combination of power, compassion, and stability for all of them. She’d get better at keeping out of their feelings. Or at least keeping quiet about it.

  In fear of her going momentarily psycho if he hit her too hard, he lightly punched her shoulder and gave her a sideways smile. “Now you get to keep my secret, yeah? It’s fine. You’re learning. Look,” he said, motioning toward the truck. “Riley’s waving.”

  Cass instantly perked up and waved back.

  As Riley pulled to a stop she waved at Teague and gave him a huge smile. It faltered as Olivia leaned in and whispered something low to her.

  “It’s okay, Liv,” Riley said to the teenage girl. Even from a few yards away and through the closed windows, Teague could hear her as if he were sitting next to her. “You’ll always be my little girl. Well, not so little I guess. Your dad and I are getting a divorce, but you’re still mine. I’ll fight to the fucking death to get visitation rights. I’ve been raising you for the past eight years.”

  Divorce? Riley and Ass-face were getting a divorce?

  “Dude,” Cass said, doing some weird looking shimmy and jump. “You are totally in love with her—”

  “Am not.”

  “— and she’s getting a divorce. You’re heavy thoughts of being loyal to your fellow douchy fireman don’t have to be so heavy.” She drew in a deep breath so fast Teague was amazed she didn’t choke on it. “Is she yours? Have you touched her?”

  Teague wanted to jump for fucking joy and go punch Aaron in the balls for whatever Riley had found out. Was this the Universe letting him know that she really was his? He’d known all this time that if he had his pick in a mate Riley would be it, but he wouldn’t have been able to find out until his Alpha and Omega had found their third. And now, they had.

  He cleared his throat and tried to settle himself. “I haven’t touched her since before the guys met you. She used to shake my hand all the time.” She’d even hugged him a few times.

  “But you’ve been avoiding her. Sorry. Didn’t mean to intrude.”

  “Yeah. Been avoiding her.”

  “Welp,” Cass said, bringing her shoulders up to her ears in a shrug. “You’re going to. Like, today. Like, in about five minutes. As soon as they get out of the car.”

  “Cass, no.”

  “Teague, heck yes.”

  All he had to do was touch Riley. Just one touch and he’d know if it was her. What would he do if she wasn’t his? Keep pining for her until his true mate broke the spell?

  He hadn’t stopped to consider that. Fuck.

  The low sniffles of a sad little girl broke through Teague’s joy and confusion.

  “What if the judge won’t let you get custody because you’re not my real mom?” Liv murmured, leaning her head on Riley’s shoulder. “And Dad’s a dick. He won’t give in easy. Not because he wants me around, but because he’s trying to make you stay.”

  Riley looked at Teague again, gave a tight-lipped smile, and then averted her glance. She didn’t know he could hear them. No one here except the Pump Operator, who was a polar bear shifter, knew he was a shifter. Well, Teague was kind of a shifter. His beast had been lying dormant for millennia now. He was strong, fast, had almost perfect hearing, and lived forever, but he had no real beast to speak of. Not yet.

  Teague unclipped his sunglasses from his shirt pocket and put them over his eyes. He didn’t want them to know he was watching them, listening to them. He knew this moment was personal but he had to find out what was happening.

  Riley shook her head and then put her hand on the girl’s cheek, pushing her shoulder-length red hair from her face. “I can’t stay with him, Liv. You know I can’t.”

  “You’re God-damned right you can’t,” Liv interrupted.

  “Language, child,” Riley said in an irritated tone, but Teague could hear the smile in her voice. “I’d find a way to see you. Hell, you’ll be eighteen in a little over two years. If I have to wait until you’re older to spend time with you, you know I will. Come here, kid.”

  Riley leaned forward and gently placed her forehead against Olivia’s. She spoke soft words to the girl and Teague’s heart bled for them. No judge can tell me you aren’t my daughter. I love you more than tongue can tell. You are the best of everything in this world.

  Words only a mother could speak to her child.

  Teague turned and watched as Cass sniffed, wiping at the moisture gathering in her eyes. “You think I should eat him?”

  For a split second Teague thought of telling Cass he would help her cover up the potential smorgasbord that was Aaron, but then good sense broke through. He was letting his emotions control what he thought. How he felt. That was never a good thing.

  He shook his head and put his hand on Cass’s shoulder, squeezing it a few times for good measure. “Nah. She’ll get partial custody. Everyone in New Rose knows that Aaron is no good.”

  Teague watched her fan the tears from her eyes and smiled. Cass was good. Down to her bones good. Sensing other people’s feelings or not. But that good part of her vanished way too quick as Aaron came through the side door, swinging it open so hard it banged against the wall. The whiskey brown of her eyes changed to a light, reflective gold and a growl came rattling up her throat. He could practically see the dominance shimmering around her like a mirage in the desert heat.

  “Umm, Cass,” Teague said, inching his way in front of her to block everyone from her vision. No one in town knew she was a shifter yet, and they didn’t need to find out because she decided to attack Ass-face. “Look at me.”

  Cass’s snarl tapered off and she rolled her eyes like a badass snarky professional. “I’m not going to kill him. It just pee’d me off to see his stupid face.” Her eyes bled back to their normal brown, and she shook her body as if warding off the cold. “I’m fine now. And here comes your girl. Hey, Riley!”

  Teague turned around to see Riley and Liv getting out of the truck. Riley maneuvered around Aaron’s hug and speed walked straight toward him and Cass, leaving Liv to talk to her father.

  “I’m right here, Liv,” she said over her shoulder.

  Aaron gave Riley a look that didn’t sit quite well with Teague. The look spoke volumes. Riley was protective over the girl, but Aaron’s look of ‘she’s mine, not yours’ was stamped over his face. But when his eyes made their way down Riley’s body and to her ass, that complete look of possessiveness disappeared.

  Everything in Teague’s world vanished as she walked toward him. She was beautiful. Breathtaking. Sweet. Tight blue jeans fit around her thick thighs, and her body swayed from side to side with each carefully placed step in her knee-high, fur-lined, brown boots. Her cherry red winter coat was zipped up to her neck, and her lovely mocha skin seemed to glow in the sunlight.

  “Good to see you, Teague,” Riley said, nodding in his direction.

  Teague gave her a closed mouth grin. “Hey,” he said. His voice was even, quiet.

  Whenever he was around Riley he turned into a schoolboy. Without even trying she managed to make him feel a collage of emotions all at once. A heady mix of excitement, nervousness, fear, resentment, and rock hard cock. All at the same time.

  He couldn’t touch her. Not now. He didn’t know what he’d do if he found out she wasn’t his. Or what he would do if she was. Shit. His guts were ice cold and hollowed out, and the urge to throw up everything he’d eaten in the last two days threatened his forced happy and cool demeanor. He had to get away from her.

  Teague took a step back and Cass must have taken notice.

  With a smile on her lips and all the authorit
y of an Alpha, Cass said, “No, Teague. I insist you stay.”

  She just issued him an order. A fucking Alpha order that she knew he couldn’t defy. And he was stuck. He wanted to run away from the both of them, but everything inside him that was a loyal angel and pack animal had to obey an order from a member of the Triad. When he did finally get his beast back he was going to pick a fight with Cass and make her pay for sticking her nose in his business.

  Yeah, he’d probably be left with his innards hanging out, but he would get his point across.

  “Damn-it, Cass,” he said, standing rooted in the spot as Cass took a step toward Riley.

  “Gimmie a hug, girl,” Riley said to Cass as she leaned in and hugged her tight. “I haven’t seen you in so long. You should drop by my shop and have coffee.”

  Teague watched as Cass carefully hugged Riley. They’d warned her plenty of times about not hurting humans when she got excited, and he could practically see the happiness bouncing off of her.

  “What?” Cass said. “You opened a shop? You always talked about doing that.”

  Riley looked down at the ground like she was embarrassed and then shrugged her shoulders. “Yup. I started the process of opening a business the week after you left the coding company. You inspired me to do the same. The shop I’m in used to belong to Aaron’s dad before he passed away, and he left it to Aaron.” She looked up and gave a lopsided grin and nodded her head to Aaron. “I told him I wouldn’t sue him for alimony if he gave me the shop and agreed to partial custody of my girl over there.”


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