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Breaking Point

Page 4

by Amy Bright

  Tess looked skeptical, but still somewhat relieved. "I’ll be back later tonight to talk to Dawn, and you better be gone."

  "I will be. I need to explain to her why I am leavin’ and why I can't see her anymore," I said, "she deserves an explanation, and she shouldn’t have her feelin’s hurt any more than necessary, right?"

  She considered what I said for a moment, and then said, "No, she shouldn’t. Don't ever come back here." She walked out the door, slamming it. I let out a huge sigh and sent Dawn a text message.

  I realize you are probably in the middle of your showing, but as soon as you get this I need you to call me. It's urgent. - AGM

  Five minutes later my phone rang. "Dawn?"

  "Hey, I only have a minute, what's up?" she asked.

  "Tess was here when I got back. Here, inside the house," I said.

  "What?" She said, "How was she in the house?"

  "She wouldn't tell me, but she probably made a copy of the key at some point," I said, "I had to tell her I was leavin’ to allow y’all a chance to work things out."

  "What? No!" She said, "You can't leave. Why would-"

  I cut her off, "Sweetheart, I’m not goin’ anywhere. I said what I needed to get her out of the house."

  "Oh, thank god," she said. I could hear the relief in her voice. "I have to make it through this showing. I’ll be home as quickly as I can."

  "Would you like for me to call a locksmith and get your locks changed," I said.

  She was quiet for a moment, "I suppose I don't really have a choice. Go ahead and call. I will be home soon. Andi, please be careful."

  "I’ll be fine. I am more worried about you and your safety," I said. "If anythin’ happens, please call me. I’ll see you soon."


  I called four locksmiths before finding one who could come right away, and I had to bribe him to start the job before Dawn got home. I understood his reluctance, after all, I was not the homeowner. Dawn called at half past four to say she was headed home. The locksmith was almost finished when she arrived. I was sitting at the table catching up on some work to ensure I could take an extra day off. When I saw her, I went over to her and held her tight. I could feel her shaking, and I realized she was crying. "Hey, it's alright, darlin’. I’m here, and I ain’t goin’ anywhere right now," I said. She continued to sob, and I simply held her.

  She was finally starting to calm down when the locksmith cleared his throat to get our attention. I looked his way and he said, "I’m finished with the locks. Is she the homeowner?"

  I nodded my head and spoke to Dawn, "Sweetheart, Jimmy here was nice enough to start changing the locks before you got here, but he needs to see your license to verify you live here."

  She wiped her eyes and went to her purse to retrieve her license. She handed it to him and said, "Thank you for going ahead and getting this done."

  As he swiped her license on his handheld computer he said, "No problem, ma'am. I’m sorry you’re having trouble." I handed him my credit card to pay, and Dawn started to speak. I held up my hand and simply shook my head. I signed for the payment, and Dawn signed the work order. "Thank you, ladies, I hope you have a better evening," Jimmy said as he handed Dawn the new keys.

  I walked him out. As he walked out the door, I heard a door slam. I locked the front door and went toward the sound. I found the hall bathroom door closed. I heard Dawn throwing up. I knocked on the door and said, "Dawn, sweetheart, I’m gonna come in." I waited to see if she would object before I opened the door. She was on the floor beside the toilet. I knelt beside her, put my hand on her shoulder, and said, "Darlin’, what can I do?"

  She shook her head as if to say nothing. I sat down next to her, took her into my arms, and held her until she finally spoke, "I’m not sure what to do, Andi."

  I knew what she needed to do, but I wasn’t entirely sure if she was going to be willing to do it. I took a deep breath and said, "I’d like for you to consider gettin’ a restrainin’ order." I saw the color completely drain from her face, and she moved toward the toilet, throwing up again.

  I decided talking right now wasn’t going to work. I got up and got a washcloth. I turned on the faucet at the sink and wet the cloth. I sat back down on the floor with Dawn and wiped her mouth. She looked grateful. I spoke again, "Sweetheart, are you are able to get up? I wanna get you to the sofa to lie down." She nodded her head and I helped her up. I walked her to the living room and sat down on the end of the sofa. I let her lie down with her head on my lap and I caressed her hair. After nearly ten minutes, her breathing slowed, and I could tell she had fallen asleep. I pulled my phone from my pocket and sent an email.


  I hope you are well. I am in Charleston and was hoping I could set up an appointment to meet with you. I have a legal issue here that needs some attention. Let me know if you can meet with me Monday.



  At least an hour had passed, and I was reading on my phone when Dawn opened her eyes. She looked up at me and stared for a moment. "Hi," she said groggily.

  I put my phone down and stroked the side of her face. "Hi," I said. "Are you feelin’ better?"

  "Yeah, I'm sorry I fell apart on you," she said.

  "Hey, you don't have anythin’ to be sorry for," I said, "this is a bad situation."

  "How could I not see there was a problem?" She said, "I have known her for over 30 years." I could tell she was struggling.

  "You told me you have lost relationships before. Because of Tess," I said. I knew I might be opening the wrong can of worms with what I was doing, but Dawn needed to realize this was always in the background of her relationship with Tess. I continued, "What's different this time?"

  She sat up, looked at me questioningly, and said, "What are you talking about?"

  I braced for her anger, "What’s different with how you are handlin’ Tess this time?"

  I saw the acceptance on her face, but not the anger I expected. She finally spoke, "What's different is I wanted this – us – bad enough to stand up to her." That wasn’t what I was expecting. Well, the part about standing up to her, yes, but not the why. She could tell I was surprised. "What did you think I was going to say?" she asked.

  "Well, I was honestly only wantin’ you to realize the catalyst was you standin’ up for yourself. It seems like you hit a breakin’ point. We all have them. Hopefully, you also realize Tess has probably always been this way. Now, suddenly, she's no longer in control, and she’s lashin’ out," I said, "the other part, well, I wasn't expectin’ you to say that, but I’m glad you want to give this thing between us a go. Because that is exactly what I want, as well." I decided it was time to bite the bullet. Today had been ridiculous, and I needed her to understand how I truly felt. "Can you wait here for a minute? I need to get somethin’ from the bedroom." She nodded her head, and I went to retrieve the bracelet from my purse.



  Andi walked out of the room. What started out as a fantastic day had really gone to shit. How could I have spent so many years being friends with Tess and never realized she was so unstable.

  I knew my time with Andi was coming to an end. A woman like her avoids drama, and this was drama to the nth degree. I figured I would never hear from her again once she went back to Atlanta, and who could blame her. I was preparing myself for the heartbreak I knew was coming, because I had fallen in love with this amazing woman who deserved so much better than this shit-show my life had suddenly turned into.

  Andi reappeared in the living room with a smile on her face and a box with a ribbon tied around it in her hand. "I got you somethin’ today while I was out," she said, "I was gonna wait until after dinner tonight to give this to you, but I don't believe either of us is in the mood for a night out." She sat down beside me and handed me the box. "Go ahead," she said, "open it."

  I slowly untied the ribbon and opened the box. It was beautiful. It was a gold and platinum bracelet with two
long rows of diamonds. "Honey, it's beautiful," I said. I was torn. I was unsure accepting such an expensive gift was the right thing to do. I needed more information. "Why?" I asked.

  I could tell she was debating what to say. She finally spoke, "I honestly had no intention of tellin’ you this yet, because I realize how stereotypical lesbian this is. And I truly hope this doesn’t scare you off, but it’s been a ridiculous day, and I need you to know."

  She was rambling, and I’m sure I looked confused. I finally asked, "Needed me to know what?"

  She appeared to take a deep breath to steady herself. "You are amazin’, and wonderful. I love every second I get to spend with you. You deserve the world, Dawn, and," she paused before continuing, "I'm fallin’ in love with you."

  I was shocked. This woman, who I knew I was in love with, had just confessed she was falling in love with me, too. I’m sure I looked flabbergasted, and that is certainly how I felt. Before I had a chance to respond, she was attempting to apologize. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anythin’. I didn't mean for you to be uncomfort-"

  I put my hand over her mouth to stop her from talking. Nervous and flustered Andi was adorable, and I was enjoying it, but I didn't want her to think she had made a mistake. "Baby, stop talking," I said. She closed her mouth and I removed my hand. "I have some things to say, and I need you to listen." She nodded but didn't speak. "You asked me what was different this time, and I told you I really wanted this. Meaning I wanted there to be an us, but that's only part of it," I said. "When Tess has done things like this before, it was always just easier to end things with whoever I was seeing. I had never once considered ending my friendship with Tess over someone I was dating.” I paused and took a deep breath, “Then, I met this beautiful, amazing, and talented woman who was unlike anyone I had ever met before. When I came home from Atlanta to find Tess here, well, that’s when I realized it.” Andi looked at me curiously, and I continued, “I realized I am in love with you, because I knew at that moment, if I was forced to choose between you and Tess, I would choose you every single time."

  I waited for Andi to say something, but she just stared at me. I finally said, "Aren't you going to say anything?"

  "Oh," she said grinning at me, "I didn't realize I was allowed to speak."

  I punched her arm, and said, "Andi, say something!"

  She pulled me into her arms and kissed me before finally pulling away and asking, "Does this mean you’re gonna keep the bracelet?"

  "How did you know I was considering not accepting it?" I asked.

  "Darlin’, the indecision was written all over your face," she replied.

  "It's very expensive, Andi. I don't want you to feel like I’m using you," I said honestly.

  "Hey, I’m completely confident you would never use me. I bought it for you because I wanted to give you somethin’ beautiful. You’re beautiful, and you deserve to have beautiful things," she said. "Can I put it on you?" I nodded my head and she placed it on my wrist and clasped it. I held it up and looked at it. "See," she said, "it's perfect."

  I leaned in to kiss her and the doorbell rang. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. "I'll be right back," I said.

  I started to stand up, and Andi stopped me. "It's probably Tess," she said. "She told me she was comin’ back to talk to you, and she expects me to be gone."

  I was shaking. I just wanted her to go away. I looked at Andi and asked, "What are we going to do?"

  "We’ll answer the door together, and you can tell her she needs to leave. If she refuses, we’ll call the police," she said matter-of-factly.

  I took a deep breath and nodded my head as the doorbell rang again. We walked to the door, I left it closed and locked but said loudly, "Who is it?"

  "It's Tess, let me in."

  "No," I said, "I want you to leave and not come back unless you are invited."

  "Dawn, you don't know what you are saying," she said, "it's that bitch. She's brainwashing you."

  "Tess, this has nothing to do with anyone else. I asked you to return your key and not come around for a while," I said, "instead of respecting my wishes you entered my house without permission and harassed my girlfriend. Now for the last time, I want you to leave and do not return without an invitation."

  "This isn't over, Dawn," Tess yelled, and I flinched.

  Andi put her arms around me, "Come on, darlin’, let me see what I can throw together for us to eat. A simple, light dinner, OK? And before you say it, you need to at least attempt to eat somethin’."

  I just shook my head at her; it was like she could read my every thought. It could be disconcerting at times, but also oddly comforting. I finally spoke and said, "Fine, I’ll try to eat something."


  Andi made a pasta salad for dinner. We had just sat down at the table when the doorbell rang again. I tensed, and Andi said, "Stay here, I’ll be right back." I watched her walk down the hall toward the front door, and she asked through the door, "Who is it?" A moment later she said, "Just a moment,” and I heard the door being opened.

  I walked toward the door to find out who was there and saw two police officers. One was a tall, blonde man, and the other was a petite African American woman. The woman nodded at me and began speaking, "Good evening, ladies. I’m Sergeant Daniels, and this is Officer Mitchell. We’re looking for Dawn Williams."

  "I’m Dawn Williams. What's this about?" I asked.

  The woman looked at Andi and spoke again, "And your name, ma'am?"

  "Andrea G. Morris, Esq.," she replied.

  "Ms. Morris, would you mind coming outside with me for a few moments?" Officer Mitchell asked.

  "Sure," Andi replied and followed the tall man out the door.

  The woman closed the front door, and turned to me, "Do you have some identification, just to verify who you are?"

  "I will be happy to show you my ID if you can tell me what this is about," I said firmly.

  "We received a report you were being held here against your will," the woman said.

  Fury, that was the only word to describe what I was feeling at that moment. "My purse is in the kitchen." She followed me into the kitchen; I retrieved my license and handed it to her.

  "Thank you, Ms. Williams," she said, "is Ms. Morris holding you here against your will?"

  I tried my best to remain calm, "Absolutely not! She is my girlfriend. She lives in Atlanta and is here visiting for the weekend."

  "Do you have any idea why someone would make a report like this?" she asked.

  "Teresa Allen. She was a friend, but now, it seems she might be obsessed with me. She isn’t happy Andi and I are dating," I replied, "She was here in the house earlier today without permission and was trying to intimidate Andi. I had the locks changed, and she came back this evening demanding I let her in. I asked her to leave and not return unless she was invited back. The last thing she said was that this was not over."

  "I see," she said, "would you like to file a report? Her behavior is certainly concerning; however, there isn't a lot we can do at this point. It is always smart to start establishing a paper trail in cases like this. I would highly recommend it."

  "Yes," I said without any hesitation. "Can you not charge her with filing a false police report?" I asked.

  "We’ll investigate it, but we would have to prove she didn't actually believe you were being held against your will, and that would be nearly impossible," she said. "We’ll make sure she’s aware you aren’t being held against your will and if she makes another report, we can move forward with charges."

  She was making notes as we spoke, "When we speak with Ms. Allen, we’ll also tell her you’ve indicated you don’t wish for her to return to your home. We’ll inform her doing so would be grounds for trespassing charges," she said, "also, Ms. Williams, I would recommend you consider filing for a restraining order."

  "Yes, Andi already suggested it," I said.

  "I think we are through here. This report will be ready in 48 hours," she sai
d, "if you do decide to file for a restraining order, make sure your attorney is aware there is a report. I’m sorry for the inconvenience this evening, Ms. Williams."

  "You are just doing your job Sergeant," I said, "I’m sorry you had to come here for nothing." She nodded and headed for the door. A few minutes later I head the front door shut and the lock turn.

  Andi made her way into the kitchen and put her arms around me. "Are you alright?" she asked.

  I sighed, "Yes, I’m okay. I just want try to enjoy the rest of our evening."

  "Let's finish our dinner," she said.

  We sat down at the table. The pasta salad really was tasty, but I just didn't have an appetite. I mostly just pushed the food around on the plate. We didn't say much through dinner, and I noticed Andi wasn't doing much better with her plate than I was. I finally said, "Let's just go to bed. I need to be in your arms, and I’m sure things will look better in the morning."

  She smiled at me and said, "That’s a great idea. Why don't you get ready for bed, and I’ll get the dishes loaded in the dishwasher?”

  I wanted to argue with her, but I just didn't have it in me. I nodded and headed to the bedroom. I had just crawled into bed when Andi came in. She took her jeans off and exchanged her blouse for a tee shirt. She went into the bathroom to prepare for bed. Five minutes later I felt her arms wrap around me and I said, "Thank you for everything, baby. You have no idea how important it is to me you are here right now."

  She kissed my neck just below my ear and whispered, "I’m right where I belong and wouldn’t be anywhere else."


  I had been right; things definitely were looking better the following morning. I opened my eyes as the sun was rising. I turned over to find Andi still sleeping peacefully. She was so beautiful, and she was in love with me. Well, on her way to being in love with me. I reached out and stroked her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, beautiful," I said.


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