Invasion: Journal Three (Shockwave Book 3)
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The Islands of Light began their long journeys; all called to exist by the King’s spoken Word. He filled the vast void with stars and their planets. And settled his children to share in His work.
He filled them with judgment, wisdom, and knowledge. As the morning stars sang, His children rejoiced. Perception of good and evil, He gave them; the substance of wisdom, volition, and will.
Creation was raised on a stable foundation; a framework of beauty too grand to compare. The Islands of Light with their stars were not distant; all realms graced with harmony, justice, and peace.
The King is of light, in Him is no darkness. He blesses the realms and upholds with his Word. With no limit to power, space-time flowed before Him. He viewed his creation and saw it was good.
Oh weep, the day came, that cannot be fathomed; when darkness sought ground in the Realm of True Light. An evil one rose but was swiftly defeated. His place in the Light was restrained evermore.
A question arose, why give them volition? Might a child of the King not have instinct alone? Knowing goodness and evil brought choice into focus. Yet in realms filled with love, how could good not prevail?
The Breaking has come; foundations eroding. Chaos expands as the terror unfolds. The Islands of Light retreat to far settings; their stars a long journey for travelers to bear.
Yet, the Light of the King will never diminish; His glorious realm, it will shine evermore. In the Islands of Light, a darkness has fallen. And after the Breaking, an evil has come.
The horror of chaos, disorder, destruction; His creation, it groans, hear the tormented cries. Though sorrow may come, brought forth by the darkness; be of good cheer, for the dawn will yet come.
As an all-powerful Sovereign, why didn’t the King destroy the original rebels and crush the revolt?
“You want ME to answer THAT question? I don’t presume to know why the King chooses to do or not do anything. Yet, as I ponder some sort of a response, I can see how you, as a people formed after the Breaking, would quickly settle on destruction as the best solution. I come from a people that knew this universe before darkness descended. Perhaps I can bring a different perspective.
“Why not destroy the rebels, right then and there? Can you imagine a world, an entire universe, only ever knowing peace, love, and harmony? Before the Breaking, it was as the time recorded by one of your own. Isaiah. He wrote of a time when, the wolf lived with the lamb, and the leopard rested with the goat, and a child would lead them. Isaiah saw a time of peace with no destruction. That is how it was, before the Breaking. It is how it will be, again. Some day. Worlds filled with freedom, and order, abounding in love.
“A campaign of destruction coming from the King, before the Breaking, would certainly have brought fear. But NOT the sort of fear that comes with awe and respect. It would have brought fear in the form of terror. Now, remember this is just me sharing a thought. In that era of peace, massive destruction would not have shown the heart of the King. Even after the Breaking, He is slow to anger. But He does intervene, in His own good time. Of course, the King is not impacted by time. That’s something to consider as well.
“One more thought. You can be sure the King had a plan set in place even before the rebels knew they would rebel. It is not as though the Breaking and the rebellions that followed caught Him by surprise. To allow His children the freedom of choice, even to choose between good and evil, must have been important to Him.
“Perhaps the Breaking, the Fall, has served to accomplish some ultimate lofty purpose that is beyond my understanding. I am certain His plan will unfold, in its time, to show the true heart of the King. In fact, for those of you whose eyes have been opened, you have witnessed His amazing love right here on Earth. These Songs of the King may serve as a reminder. And you can be sure there are lessons we can all learn while immersed in this Breaking. It is a time for growth. And faith building.
“I sometimes wonder, could I really know what I would choose, if I had no choice?”
The Unfallen remain, we are faithful in service. The Breaking has not found us failing in love. Yet many who shone at one time have now fallen. The darkness has captured their thoughts and their souls.
Those are the Fallen, the Dahnahaash faithful; they serve the same lord as the Nahaash before. To follow their ways leads to darkness eternal. To follow the Light leads to Life evermore.
The Nahaash advanced in the dimmed stellar systems, to follow the way of the evil-one scorned. From there did rebellion push out to all peoples, though many stayed true to the King in their love.
The evil-one stalks, tracking prey to devour; transforms to appear as an angel of light. Walk in true Light, where no darkness can follow. It is there that his guile can-not capture your heart.
The Nahaash, in truth, are a most subtle people. Their way, it is clever, their message beware. Food can taste sweet, yet be filled with a poison. They nurture your pride just to hasten your fall.
The Fallen bear gifts, and have wonders to see. In truth, those hide chains formed to bind to their cause. They proceed in this way just to stir up rebellion. Trading darkness for love, and chaos for peace.
Their paths fill with lies, and the murders that follow. They bow to their lord for the alms he might bring. Light conquers darkness, the source never failing. The crimes of the rebels will not be concealed.
The path of the King leads to mercy and honor, with justice a border to help guide the way. Be calm now, and rest, in the hope of tomorrow. In the fullness of time, his plan will prevail.
The King alone sees from the end to beginning. All the powers of darkness will bend to His will. His glory will shine on an unruly people; in the shadow of death, where a new light will dawn.
Beware, all you children, born after the Breaking; in traveling the stars watch with caution and dread.
QUESTION: It sounds as though the power of darkness is still spreading, long after the Breaking. Is there no military OPORD (Operation Order) in place?
“Darkness is not spreading without opposition. Your own people were formed after the Breaking, instilled with innocence, protected from harm. You were at peace. There was only one major command. Do not eat from the fruit of that one tree. Yet, you still had the ability to choose, and weigh the option of disobedience. You chose disobedience, resulting in eviction from your safe haven and being blocked from the source of life. That slowed the spread of darkness for a time. Yet, rebellion is ever in your hearts. The King is slow to anger, but eventually, there are consequences.
“Your planet became a battleground as the great war in the heavens raged on. At one point it was so bleak the King Himself nearly annihilated your entire population. Later, entire cities were destroyed by the King’s forces to slow the spread of darkness. Those that partake of evil are punished. Their crimes are prosecuted. It is so for humans. It is true for all peoples.
“Your own Simon Peter, tells of a prison for angels, that he calls Tartarus, here on Earth. Well, I don’t know if it is on Earth, or if the access point is on Earth. I see there’s another prison here, perhaps a prisoner-of-war site, called the Abyss.
“Your own Daniel describes a legal proceeding held in the King’s realm. He tells of the court being seated before the Ancient of Days, the King. The books are opened, and justice is rendered. It is an impressive courtroom proceeding, by the way, with millions upon millions viewing. Justice must prevail.
“I have been told that a time is coming when humans will participate in such legal procedures. Many of your people will be in a position to judge angels. Many of you, as royalty, will attend the royal courts of the King.
“Bottom line. Is that how you say it? Bottom line, darkness is suppressed. I know it can still seem terribly dark at times. Earth is a battleground, after all, a strategic focal point for the rebels, those who
desire chaos. Light will overcome darkness, in time. Until then it won’t be easy. Return to your King, those of you who are in rebellion. Fight against the darkness. The King, in turn, will give you the strength you need to overcome. Now, my mind is racing. If you will bear with me just a moment more, I will be sure to be more succinct with the remaining questions.
“I live on Fey, a world largely untainted by the fall and darkness. My people tend to live a very long time, by your way of thinking. Some choose to remain there, far removed from darkness. Most don’t even venture out in transit shells. That is their choice to make. I have chosen, instead, to travel. With that has come experience, and the means to gain perspective.
“This is a time to be overcomers. But overcoming can be complicated, and may even have an initial appearance of defeat. If one of you in this live studio audience chose to die, right now, to save the lives of all the rest, have you overcome, or have you been defeated? The answer to that question is quite important.
“Perspective is key. Is this life on Earth, surrounded by so much darkness, all there is? If that were so, even then there is opportunity to overcome, and bring light to others. If there is an eternal life to come, where darkness has been vanquished, how much sweeter to have shone as a bright light in this relatively short time of gloom?
“Your question, it seems, asks of the King’s Plan. The military influence is obvious. And it seems a fitting question, since we are in the midst of a great war. I do understand Operation Orders of Battle. But, to know the King’s Plan? How can you or I know of such things, other than the bits and pieces He chooses to disclose? A time of war calls for a certain level of caution when pushing communications.
“You humans have direct lines of communication with the King. Some of you hear from Him in a variety of ways. There are also writings with explicit directives. I notice some of the data is encrypted, as would be expected in such a time as this. But He provides the cypher key. Clarity comes with relationship, a little study, the desire to draw near to hear. He calls to you, seeking that relationship. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. He will give you understanding, to help you overcome. Seek Him while He may be found.
“Finally, consider the King’s power, his vast intellect. What would come of a decision by you or me, to take on a small project, something simple like designing and building a tiny world. Maybe a world like Earth. Or Fey. Where would we get the material to build such a place? How could we fashion it to our will? Yet, the King began construction of the vast universe even before the building blocks of matter were formed. Consider the number of stars in the heavens.
“A trillion Islands of Light, galaxies. Your galaxy, alone, has stars numbering in the hundreds-of-billions. All arranged according to His will and purpose. So much diversity. Think of it. How much can we actually comprehend? Now, consider this.
“The King made humans in His own image. What does your future hold? Why do so many remain in rebellion?”
Unfallen, we watch from the gates of our strongholds. We watch as we wait for the promises to come. The Fallen watch too, for the signs, while they tremble. In vain do they scheme, that His Plan be undone.
The light from the vessels shown as a great beacon. A Tree of vast Knowledge and the good Tree of Life. Vessels of power, on a world saved from chaos. A part of His Plan, to bear fruit in good time.
The evil-one watched, he was rapt with attention. This was no typical world to control. He would find in that place a people of blessing. Formed after the Breaking, God’s people, His own.
The dark one provoked the Nahaash to his bidding. If they gave him resistance, they did not prevail. Through a twisted half-truth, how the blameless have fallen, with this evil-one set to be prince of their world.
The children were chastised, and cast from their garden. A shadow of death marked their days evermore. This evil-one knew that his time would be coming, while the Nahaash were humbled, brought down to the dust.
The Nahaash would someday be crushed by this people, as pronounced in the judgment that brought them despair. This evil-one knew what the portent intended. His own fate was bound to the symbols revealed.
Despite their great fall, the children, they flourished; though humbled by death, their numbers increased. A few, it is said, knew the King in His splendor; while this evil-one ruled as the prince of their world.
Darkness descended, as chaos expanded. Nephilim roamed through the world in their clans. But the people were strong, formed in the King’s likeness. Their only concern was the Angel of Death.
Have no concern that the Great Plan has faltered. His thoughts are not our thoughts; His ways not our own.
QUESTION: This sounds like the Garden of Eden story, but isn’t that a myth?
“A myth? Oh, a myth, like a fun story for children, and not exactly true.
“I don’t think it is a myth. It explains the ongoing tension in your world, the continual struggle between good and evil. Humanity is incredibly good, at times. But not all the time. When I arrived today, my transit shell formulated in a park, not far from here. As I walked to this auditorium, I passed an... alleyway. There was a person, crouched over, looking so sad. Dirty clothing. Not smelling very good. He was living in a paper... in a cardboard box. I watched as so many people walked by, taking no notice of him.
“Could no one take a moment to look in on him? To make sure he was... okay? If he needed assistance, a place of safety, would the rich among you have invited him home? Or found a place for him to stay? Better, should not the poorest among you, having a place to live, invite him in? Or, sell a spare possession in order to help the poor man?
“After observing the situation for a good long while, I sat down across from him, and we spoke of many things. When we are done here, I will find a way to help this man, and return to him as I promised before I left. He did say there are places he could go for help. That’s good. But he had his own reasons to be wary. I now confess, the situation still bothers me, that no one stopped to talk with him.
“And, what of much easier things? If someone slights you in some way, do you become angry, perhaps entertain thoughts of ways to get even? If someone has a harsh word for you, are you quick to respond in like manner? These things I have witnessed, as well. Might it not be better to seek the cause of such treatment before your thoughts turn to action?
“Perhaps my observations are faulty, my sampling too small. It could be most of you entertain only thoughts of goodness and purity, with feet swift to be of service to those around you. But you and I know, that is not the case.
“And, alas, I find I must now apologize, and ask your forgiveness. For I see that I am no better than anyone, as all these biting words make clear. Even now, excuses formulate in my mind. After all, I sat down with the man in the box. Safe and sound in my transit shell, at home in my living room. As the light now engulfs me, I confess my own wickedness. So much for the title, Unfallen, the Ahmtobim.
“Yes, here I sit on beautiful Fey, sheltered from darkness. Yet, evil still finds me. And there you are on Earth, with the war raging all around you, all the time. How can I presume to judge any of you? I see, now, what your philosopher meant. Have you read the writings of Saul of Tarsus? In his renewal he was known as Paul.
“There is none that is righteous, no, not one.”
As the evil-one strives to thwart the King’s Plan, and his pride knows no bounds or sweet mercy. He ever aspires to reign in the heavens. And on Earth spread the fall beyond measure.
While the people spread out, their numbers increasing, some in high places took note of their beauty. And for those in the realms that resembled the people, thoughts emerged, to take wives, earn renown.
Not all would accept it; this thing was forbidden. You risk a judgement too great to ignore.
Many there were
, those in places of power, they fell to passion, taking wives for their own.
The unions birthed men, some of grand reputation. They became heroes, with names known to all. But unions, forbidden, reap sin and corruption. And evil fought for their hearts every day.
Our King knows all things, with no hindrance of time. At hints of goodness, His wrath is delayed. He was patient, forgiving, and filled with great mercy, but sin and cruelty covered the land.
Not many were found, who might follow the King, a remnant to walk in His light. There were only eight souls who were saved from the cleansing, while the rest washed away in the flood.
The others will bear their due justice in time; those that rebelled to seize homes not their own. Final punishment waits for that great day of wrath. The gloom of Tartarus now serves as their home.
QUESTION: This sounds like the story of angels coming to Earth to take wives, and if true, why would God even care?
“I am not sure why you think they were angels, if by that you mean spirit beings that typically inhabit the Realm of Glory. In the writing from your Moses, he uses the term sons of God in this context. Your Adam is referred to as a son of God in another writing. I am sure he wasn’t an angel.
“It’s just me talking, but it does not seem as though a spirit being would have the genetic or biological capacity to father children. I don’t think spirit beings are fashioned to have spouses. It would seem that your philosophers are divided on the identity of the sons of God. I don’t see many who even consider the sons-of-God might have been physical being from other worlds. It’s hard to fault them, though, since it is unlikely they knew any extra-terrestrials. Your people have been somewhat sheltered from that sort of thing. For the most part.
“Talking about genetics, I don’t suppose it would be terribly difficult for an advanced race with similar DNA to arrange a few modifications to allow fertility. It would be interesting to know if the eight that were saved through the flood were free of interbreeding with this fallen sons-of-God group. You may want to check your genetic makeup, to see if there are any hints of alien DNA. Oh, this is interesting. Who were the Neanderthal? Or, the Denisovans? Most of your anthropologists consider them a divergent human evolutionary line. Is that the only possible explanation? I think I’ll leave it at that, to get to the real question.