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Invasion: Journal Three (Shockwave Book 3)

Page 43

by Hammer Trollkin

  CRUISER: This is a military ship of the Empire, grossing approximately 10,000 tonnes. It appears to be a smaller version of the dreadnaught class ship. The main weapon is a GRASER . The weapon employs weaponized gravitational waves with a wide range of settings. One theory is, they are using a small teleportation gate, or gates, to focus gravitational forces.

  CYGUS PRIME: The local name is Dahkoreen. Dahkoreen means, those made superior. This is the planet whose people lead the Empire.

  DAHCRIMSON: DATA ERROR. SEE CRIMSON. The relocation world of the people of Crimson is Dahcrixxmixon, generally called Dahcrimson. It is located 125 light years from Prime; 1,525 light years from Earth. It means, those taken of Crimson. We bet Rufus and Steve are going to find out they are long lost cousins at some point.

  DAHKOREEN: See Cygnus Prime.

  DAHKOREENENAL: A citizen of Cygnus Prime. A Prime Citizen. To be a citizen of Cygnus Prime is synonymous with being a Citizen of the Empire. We call them COEs. Almost all COEs are citizens of Cygnus Prime.

  DAHNAHAASH: Pronounced, dah-nah-haash. The meaning is Devoted to the Nahaash. Root word etymology suggests the meaning, Serpent Devout. See Nahaash. The Dahnahaash represent many loosely aligned races throughout the galaxy, and likely the universe. They are, in general, highly technologically advanced. It is likely this group that is responsible for the Empire as configured with Cygnus Prime as the head race. The motivations of the Dahnahaash are not known. The locations of their home worlds are not known. It is known that 3,000 e-years ago their technology was already well in advance of current human technology.

  There does appear to be some Dahnahaash level technology currently in use on Cygnus Prime, such as the portal gate dome covers. Reports over the years speak of sentient creatures associated with the Dahnahaash that may not be completed fixed in space-time. They have a tendency to fade in and out of existence. It is unknown whether these beings are of the Dahnahaash or are merely associates at some level. (Much of this is speculative).

  DARPA: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. An agency of the U.S. government tasked with, among other things, developing advanced technological systems to aid in the defense of the United States of America.

  DESTROYER: A destroyer is a League warship that, at the time of the Viper Operation, was capable of reaching a maximum velocity of 10-times light speed. A warp bubble is opened using the quantum technique. The process is classified and not necessarily well understood. Quputer modeling with considerable trial and error, and some educated guessing, pointed to the methodology. A lack of exotic materials moved the design teams away from the better understood methods of warp field engagement such as Alcubierre drives, to methods more directly related to quantum effects.

  The quantum method actually requires far less energy than a standard model warp field generator. The actual process of travel, while different from the standard model, is on the macro-scale, similar to that of an Alcubierre process. The ship rides within the bubble, ‘hidden’ from macro-space, allowing faster than light travel. As with the more standard process, the bubble moves along as space-time is forced to expand fore, and contract aft. Essentially, a positive gravity wave is generated behind the ship, and a gravity-well is generated in front of the ship. The ship is hidden within the bubble from the limitations of space-time and can surf along at superluminal speed.

  There are numerous theories as to how the gravitational wake is generated apart from the trick of mass. By trick of mass is meant the use of the exotic negative mass material used with conventional material to mimic extreme mass. In the correct configuration, the result is a low total mass requirement that replaces the extreme mass needed to warp space-time that we see in normal macro-space.

  As compared to the standard warp model, something quite different occurs with the quantum bubble and motion process. A bubble is opened and closed using techniques that are similar to those used for quantum travel gates. League FTL scientists had a good deal of data from the Warped Project. Using quputer modeling to augment trial-and-error, they were able to ‘tune’ a single gate and open a spherical warp-type bubble. Then there was an immediate surprise. When the bubble opened, it began to move on its own. It was actually difficult to contain it.

  Some theorize the bubble interacted with quantum ‘froth’ or ‘foam’, and that is what ultimately produces a gravitational wave process. Of course, there are many other theories to explain the process.

  For what it’s worth, the theory that makes the most sense to me is the interaction of the bubble with flexible quantum regions that undergird space-time, regions that are able to compress and rebound. As the theory goes, higher frequency wave vibrational fronts actually compress space. That initiates an opposite rebound effect. The altering compression and rebound propel the bubble and the ship inside the bubble goes along for the ride. We aren’t yet able to observe and study that quantum region, only the resulting gravitational waves.

  DEW HOWITZER: Directed Energy Weapon cannon. The design is still top secret. It is likely a very upscaled model of the Longarm blaster. See: HIRC-DEW.

  DIRTY FEET: One of the two SpecOps squads most favored for joint operations by the Shockwave team. They like to work with these guys. Staff Sargent O’Malley and PFC (Private First Class) Rodgers are on this team.

  DREADNAUGHT: This is the primary military ship of the Empire, grossing approximately 20,000 tons. The main weapon is a GRASER . The weapon employs weaponized gravitational waves with a wide range of settings. That is conjecture based on observed gravitation wave anomalies related to the weapon system. One theory is, they are using a small teleportation gate, or gates, to focus gravitational forces.

  DSR: Defense shield reactor. A mobile platform reactor capable of generating an EmLaW capable of stopping high velocity projectiles and directed energy. First prototype from Germany, the Shild Verteidigung Reaktor.

  ENLINE: Abbreviated name for quantum encryption protocol communications.

  E-YEARS: Pronounced ears. Earth years.

  FLOATER: A full suite sensor drone used for reconnaissance (and other) purposes.

  FTL: Acronym for ‘faster than light’. It is a light speed designation, for Faster Than Light. For example, FTL-TEN is used to designate a ship with the capability of traveling at 10 times the speed of light.

  GALL: An aggressive race of sentient beings that invade and subjugate other races. The Gall infest other races to use as habitat for their young. Mature Gall infest and control other races to utilize their forms and access their knowledge. See Gall-Karrin. See Anatoid.

  GALL-KARRIN. Little is known of the hybridization of mature Gall infestations of other races. When the Gall infested the people of Crimson, the blending produced a hybrid species that is of particular concern to Solcom. See Anatoid-Karrin.

  GG: Abbreviated name for Gopher Guts. One of the two SpecOps squads most favored by the Shockwave team in joint operations. They like to work with these guys. Lance Corporal Martin and Lance Corporal Rodriquez (Roddy) are on this team. Rev later joined this team.

  GRASER : The main weapon system on a capital ship of the Empire (Cygnus Prime). The weapon employs weaponized gravitational distortion with a wide range of settings. That is conjecture based on observed gravitation wave anomalies related to the weapon system. One theory is, they are using a small teleportation gate, or gates, to focus gravitational forces. Bottom line, the forces involved are not well understood. It is a formidable weapon.

  GROUND CORPS: Generally referred to as Grounders. The League army, exercising direct control of the ground-based fighting forces other than the Spacors.

  HAKI: Hypervelocity Active Kinetic Impactor. A ‘smart’ missile most effectively used against a target moving at relativistic velocity. A small thermonuclear charge can be fitted to the impactor. It is employed as the primary weapon on a destroyer class League ship. SSC3s are also em
ployed when available.

  HELP, the Heavy Egg Lift Program: Military program set up to recruit monozygotic (single egg, identical) siblings with the genetic makeup allowing the teleportation capability. Identical siblings generally have the ability to combine their strength to increase lift potential.

  HIRC-DEW: High Intensity Ridiculous Capacitor Directed Energy Weapon. It is a high intensity pulse laser, hand held. Also known as a Blaster. There are two primary configurations. A hand-held holster-model. There is also a more powerful shoulder held long-range weapon generally called a Longarm.

  HOLOPID: A personal computing device. It has a 3dimensional high-definition video recorder, audio recorder, cellphone, etc. High-end holopids, such as used by the military, also include a suite of scanners that can determine temperature, local information like nearby heartbeats, infrared pictures, etc. Holopids replaced pids after holographic imaging was standardized and broadly available. Most people just call the upgrade model a pid.

  HORER: High Output Reactive Electromagnetic Resonator. A very high-end ground penetrating radar. Way next generation. Looks through pretty much anything.

  HYPE: Slang term for hyper velocity missiles that can reach speeds in excess of 48,000 kilometers per hour <30,000 miles per hour>. The 3rd generation missile is still called a hype. Actual maximum speed is classified, need-to-know. The first prototype of a 3rd generation hype variety was from Russia.

  IMR: The Interstellar-war Model Railgun was perfected by the time of the Viper Operation, with the capability of throwing a mix of conventional rounds and spooky penetrator projectiles utilizing a quantum shift displacement field to help push through energetic shielding. Spooky penetrators are made of material that tends to accumulate within warp fields to improve entanglement repositioning.

  INNEREAR TRANSPONDER: A quantum teleportation transponder with a nano-shell casing that incorporates quantum cloaking technology to render the unit invisible across the electromagnetic spectrum. The upgraded model incorporates QuIM quantum messaging technology. The device is useful for clandestine eavesdropping and tracking.

  IVAS: Generally called an IVs (Ivees) by soldiers. Integrated Visual Augmentation System. These are AR goggles which can overlay images and data without impacting views of the real world. The goggles also serve as eye protection. The goggles can be worn alone. There is also an augmentation unit, a DARPA lens, that can be synched to the IVs system. They are an eye contact lens that rolls out to cover part of the eyeball to add special features to the IVAS system.

  IVs: AKA Ivees. Common nomenclature for IVAS. Integrated Visual Augmentation System. These are AR goggles which can overlay images and data without impacting views of the real world. The goggles also serve as eye protection. The goggles can be worn alone. There is also an augmentation unit, a DARPA lens, that can be synched to the IVs system. They are an eye contact lens that rolls out to cover part of the eyeball to add special features to the IVAS system.

  JASMIN: SOME CORRECTIONS MADE. The human preferred rendering of the term Jaaaxiimin. Jaaxiimin is usually called Jasmin. Prior to the Solar League’s Viper Operation, it was a primary base for the largest of the resistance groups working in opposition to the Empire as ruled by Cygnus Prime. Most, though not all, of the resistance members on Jasmin are originally from Dahcrimson. Jasmin is a desolate planet only ½ light year from Prime. It was the site of the Kreahaam-Jasmin bridge used for Operation Viper. Rufus lived and worked there.

  JAZZ: A Prime citizen devoted to resistance against the Empire.

  KERR PACKAGE: An early report used this name for the special ship discovered on Ahaam, which was thought to be a Kerr generator star ship. It is capable of at least FTL-1,000. It can generate a Kerr bridge (Kerr wormhole). UPDATED INFORMATION NEEDED. Reviewing Solcom Directives. This is the ship now known to be Mahtenah.

  KOVANICH, DIETRICH: Prime Minister of Earth at the time the Star League was formed.

  KNUCKLED: Knuckled, knuckling. A synonymous term for upset. In a sentence: You really knuckled me when you said that. It is a commonly used term, a shorting of the term bug-knuckling. Etymology: During the invasion, an odd sound was often heard in the vicinity of bugs. There was a similarity to the sound of multiple human knuckles rapping on a hard surface. It was not until well after the invasion was thwarted that the source and meaning of the sound was found.

  Bugs have a hard, transparent, protective eye covering, an organic sand protection lens. They can cover their eyes at will. The covering is strong but very sensitive to hard pressure, such as an impacting knuckle. During the invasion, most bugs were upset (knuckled) over what the High Queen was forcing them to do. It was beyond what any had ever experienced.

  Queen pheromones had been further augmented by the High Queen’s chemists, increasing the level of control. During the invasion of Earth, bugs were given dosages of Empire berserker drugs far in excess of recommended amounts. The bugs hated what they were doing. The stress of their situation was outwardly expressed through the painful knuckling of their protective sand lens.

  KREAHAAM: Pronounced Kree-ahh-ahhm. This is the home star system of those of Kreahaam. Kreahaam means, those taken from Ahaam. They were one of the first races conquered by Cygnus Prime. They are the main force used by the Empire of Cygnus Prime to find and absorb new planets into the Empire.

  KRULL: Nod’s people are from Krull. Krull is approximately 400 light years from Cyrnus Prime; 1,000 light years from Earth. It is a very dry planet with a harsh environment, circling a blue star. Temperatures average 125 degrees Fahrenheit on Krull. The Empire was slow to conquer Krull’s people, mainly due to their low level of industrialization and lack of important resources on the planet.

  The Empire invaded Krull approximately 500 Earth years ago. The Empire did not relocate the people of Krull to another world. They are a very strong and hearty race. The Empire utilizes the people of Krull for heavy manual labor. Jewelry and small mementos are highly prized on Krull. Some of the Empire’s best jewelers come from Krull.

  LOGAN SENSOR: An extremely powerful sensor array in a relatively small package. It is most often used by port-techs to gather data from remote areas, and returning to base to download the data. In upgraded models, QuIM technology is also incorporated.

  MAGWEB: A strategic weapon using a charged nanotube web developed to collapse the warp field surrounding an FTL ship and transfer enough energy to destroy the ship.

  MAHTENAH: The name of the ship discovered on Ahaam. It was purposefully placed there by the Ahmtobim.

  MANLY: Manpad Analog Nuclear Low Yield missile. It is a low emission portable shoulder launched nuclear missile system that incorporates electronic safety features to inhibit detonation in unsafe conditions. The yield is adjustable from less than .05 up to .15 kilotons.

  MARJ: The given name of Ms. Findley. We love you, Granny-T!

  MARTIN: Lance Corporal John Martin was a SpecOps soldier working with GG (special ops team Gopher Guts). He was taken from Ahaam by a creature resembling a giant amoeba with tentacles, to be used by the Dahnahaash to communicate with humans.

  MR. PEABODY: The name Mr. T gave to the Shockwave Headquarters AI. Mr. Peabody is a very high functioning AI. Mr. T was directly involved in the making of Mr. Peabody. As such, Mr. T also uses Mr. Peabody, a compartmentalized operating section, for his personal needs.

  MORG: An agent of the Empire High Command with capabilities given directly by the Dahnahaash. Such agents are called the Nahaash’ereem.

  NAHAASH: An ancient and apparently highly technologically advanced race of beings exercising a level of control over the various Dahnahaash races. Very little is known of the Nahaash. Ancient literature often references them as having a serpentine, or dragon-like, appearance.

  NAHAASH’EREEM: Pronounced ‘nah-haash-ereem’. These are agents of Prime Command with specialized capabilities provided by the Dahnahaash.

  NAHPHALIM: Pronounced ‘nah-fall-eem’. The etymology of the word sugge
sts the meaning of the Fallen. Little is known of these people, though they are generally understood to be Dahnahaash. They seem to be highly sought as warriors. Some are very large. It is possible that groups of them lived on Earth in the distant past.

  NANEM: Nano Neural Matrix. A neural matrix device used for private communication to direct activity through a pid, or a pid-IVs interface. Military Nanems allow limited direct private communication between soldiers in direct physical contact when boosted through a pid. A Nano Neural Matrix is laid down by specialized nano factories injected into the cerebral cortex, primarily the speech and auditory areas.

  NANITE ARRAY: Often called a nanite weave. Shockwave field operatives have a nanite array that facilitates the operation of their abilities. It is a complex colony of organized nanobots.

  NANOCLOUD: A controlled nanite superstructure arranged via electromagnetic fields which provides a 3-dimensional display of data from a holopid or similar device. The nanite cloud can be arranged in a comfortable personal use configuration. Sophisticated devices are available that display a cloud of sufficient size to allow viewing by a small audience. That’s commonly called a crowd-cloud.

  NEDSEC: Near Earth Defense Sector. Defense sector area control extending two-light-minutes from current Earth position in all directions.

  OPERATION GOODNIGHT: The operational name for the planetary assault portion of the first invasion of Cygnus Prime by Earth. The space assault operational name is Viper.

  ORION CLASS CARRIER: A second generation drone and missile truck carrying military drones and missiles. It is not merely a munitions hauler. Rather, it is a fully autonomous warship with QuAI functionality similar to that of a battlestar, including launch and control capability. It is a highly capable warship, carrying Starfighter drones, hypes, shark missiles (2nd gen), and when available, SSC3 missiles. As with the first-generation Orion class ship, the gen-2 ships use nuclear pulse propulsion. Shaped nuclear charges detonate aft of the ship, causing an energetic push against a massive plate set on shock absorbers augmented by electromagnetic fields. The pusher plate/EM field shield takes the brutal hit of the nuclear explosions and also serves as a radiation shield for the main body of the ship.


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