Kiss Me Quick: Insta Love BBW Steamy Sweet Wedding Romance (Tie the Knot Book 1)

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Kiss Me Quick: Insta Love BBW Steamy Sweet Wedding Romance (Tie the Knot Book 1) Page 1

by Piper Cook


  Tie the Knot Series

  Book 1


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are used fictitiously.

  Copyright © Piper Cook – All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  More by Piper Cook

  Further Reading: Rock Star Recluse

  Chapter 1


  “Not a chance,” I mindlessly flip through a magazine avoiding eye contact. If I look at Amy right now, I’ll cave. It happens every single time. Her pretty please puppy-dog eyes and faux frowny face are my weakness.

  “Aw, come on.” She lets out a sigh and I already know she’s making her woe-is-me pouty face. “I can’t cancel now. They’ll be one woman short. That wouldn’t be fair, now would it?

  Don’t look at her.

  “You know I’d go if you were in my position,” she coaxes.

  She’s right. She would go. But there’s a difference between Amy and me. I would never in a million years sign up for a night of speed dating. Amy on the other hand approaches dating as if it is good sporting fun. No expectations, just a night out to see where everything goes. What normal person can be that relaxed with a complete stranger?

  “Why can’t you go anyway?” I toss the magazine on the coffee table and drop my defenses long enough to give her an appraising look. “And why are you dressed like you’re going out?”

  The answer hits me as soon as the words tumble off my tongue.

  “You met someone.” I point at her accusatorially. My eyes widen and a grin crosses my lips. “You little vixen, you. Tell me.”

  “I’ll tell you if you promise to go to Kiss Me Quick tonight.” She dangles the promise of juicy details in front of me like a reward. “Please.”

  “All right, all right. I’ll go. But first you spill. Who is he? Where did you meet him? Does he have a brother?” I tease.

  Amy rolls her eyes and plops on the sofa next to me. I poke her side and tickle. Her pout is my weakness. Tickling is hers. We giggle like schoolgirls for all of ten seconds.

  “Okay, okay.” Amy catches her breath. “I met him at the grocery store in the produce section. He couldn’t find what he was looking for and asked for help.”

  “Oh, please. Let me guess. Did he ask where he could find a juicy peach to eat or how to pick a ripe melon?” I glance at her more than ample chest. It wouldn’t be the first time a guy hit on her trying to get to her melons.

  “It wasn’t like that.” She smacks my arm. “He’s super sweet. He was shopping for his grandmother and he didn’t know what some of the things on her list were. I just helped is all.”

  I shake my head and roll my eyes.

  “Grandmother? Really, Amy?” I scrunch my face disapprovingly. But to be honest there’s a thread of jealousy woven in my thoughts. Wouldn’t it be nice to meet a sweet, caring man without wading through a sea of selfish jerks? Then again, too good to be true, usually isn’t as good as it seems, especially where men are concerned. There’s always a hitch. “Sounds like a pick-up line to me.”

  “It wasn’t,” she retorts, a hit of defiance in her voice. “I asked him out.

  Her face lights up as if she’s won something. And maybe she has. She’ll be out on a date with some tall, dark, handsome man who shops for his grandmother. I’ll be playing a dating game of chance with a room full of fellow speed daters.

  “What time is he picking you up? I want a peek at this mystery man.”

  “You’re out of luck sister.” Amy pats my leg as she slides off the sofa. She plops the ticket to Kiss Me Quick on the table. “I’m picking him up. Have fun speed dating. Do everything I would do.”

  She winks and scampers off to her room, giggling all the way. I swipe the ticket from the table and read the details. I’m not that optimistic where dating and men are concerned. Experience has taught me men are only interested in one thing—their needs. After the last relationship fiasco, my three month dry spell turned into six months, then a year. I’m currently sitting on a ticking time bomb of hormones ready to pounce on anything that moves that isn’t plugged in or requires batteries. But I draw the line at needy men looking for a surrogate mommy to do their bidding.

  I push off the sofa, blowing a ball of anxious breath from my lungs. What the heck? I’ll give it a whirl. Nothing’s worked out for me so far.

  Chapter 2


  Social networking opportunity my ass. More like a hook-up opportunity. I fiddle with the ticket, reading and rereading the details.

  I stuff the ticket back into the envelop. The instructions Gabe left were clear. Go, mingle, make some connections. He left out the purpose of the evening. Something I thought would further our new business venture, not my chances of meeting a woman. Dating is something I don’t need in my life right now.

  Though need and want are two different stories. Parts of my body desperately crave the closeness of a woman. But that kind of distraction isn’t worth the hassle or the pleasure. Not now anyway.

  I can’t believe Gabe suckered me into this. I reluctantly grab my keys and head out into the cloudy evening. Dark clouds have threatened rain all day. Looks like they’re about to make good on that promise. Hopefully, it’ll hold off until after this dating thing.

  The first pitter patter of raindrops sprinkle across the windshield as I’m pulling into Kiss Me Quick’s parking lot. A few people hurry across the lot, ducking into the building before the sky opens into a downpour. I search the lot for a spot large enough for my truck. Of course, there’s nothing close to the door and certainly nothing wide enough for my truck.

  “Damn skinny parking spaces,” I mumble under my breath.

  I finally see an opening, but a little red compact with a dark-haired woman behind the wheel darts into the spot before I have a chance at it. I mumble some more knowing full well my irritation has more to do with not wanting to be here than finding a place to park.

  I finally opt for a spot at the end of the lot. As if on cue, the heavens open and the tiny droplets of water become large, heavy splats bombarding the truck. I’m tempted to abandon the whole evening, but the woman exiting the little compact catches my eye. She’s struggling to open an uncooperative umbrella and drops her purse on the wet asphalt. The rain is unrelenting as she scrambles to gather the contents of her bag.

  I’m far from chivalrous, but the least I can do is help. I sprint from the truck and quickly make my way toward the woman.

  “Need some help, ma’am?” I wrestle out of my jacket and lift it over her crouched head as I kneel beside her. The jacket offers at least a little protection from the rain.

  “Oh, thank you.” I swear a spark flares inside me when she looks up. Her eyes are golden brown with water droplets clinging to the ends of her dark, long lashes. Her l
ips tease a half-frown, half-smile and she scrambles to throw the last few spilled items back into her bag. “Nothing’s going right tonight.”

  It’s starting to look a lot better now.

  Kiss Me Quick is the only business still open in the strip mall. I assume she must be headed there, too. She stands and we’re inches apart hovered under the jacket shielding us from the rain. My skin buzzes with energy.

  “Stay close. We’ll make a run for it.” I drink in her wide eyes like a man who’s been thirsty for days. She blinks and hesitantly wraps an arm around my back, tucking in against my side. The heat radiating from her body jolts my pulse into overdrive. I don’t know what I expected this evening, but I wasn’t prepared for her. “Ready?”

  She nods her head, and we sprint toward the door. Once we’re under the awning I lower the jacket, brushing my arm over her shoulder and down her back. She takes a step back and lets out a stifled laugh.

  “Thanks for the save.” She leans her head to the side and squeezes water from her hair and laughs. Then wipes her wet hands on her jeans. “Some good impression I’ll make looking like a drowned rat. I’m Nicole, by the way.”

  “Liam.” I shake out the jacket. “I think you pull the look off quite beautifully.”

  Her smile widens and she quickly glances down at the ground as soon as her cheeks begin to flush pink. Something about her tugs at my heart. She’s vulnerable but doesn’t need to be saved. She can obviously stand her ground and with a sense of humor to boot.

  Someone brushes past us and slips inside the glass door to Kiss Me Quick.

  “We should probably go in and get registered.” I open the door and gesture for her to go ahead of me. I follow behind and instinctively place a hand on her lower back to escort her in. She glances over her shoulder and I immediately remove my hand and hold it up in apology. “Sorry about that. Won’t happen again.”

  “We’ll see about that.” She grins and gives me a sly wink before moving toward the check-in desk.

  Maybe the night’s not a wash after all.

  Chapter 3


  That was a little cheeky of me, but Amy did say do what she’d do, and flirt is exactly what she’d do. And man, oh man does Liam sizzle. I could have melted into a puddle that close to his rock hard body. I felt warm and protected tucked into his side with his arms surrounding me like a cocoon. That’s saying a lot for someone like me. I’m not the smallest brunette in the bunch, but I do rock every curve of my beautiful body.

  “Welcome to Kiss Me Quick. I’m Rita. Please read the waiver and sign-in.”

  “The reservation is under Amy Hale, my roommate,” I quickly tell her. I sign the waver and hand her my I.D. She looks at me over the top of the glasses sliding down her nose. “Amy couldn’t make it. She sent me instead.”

  I smile wondering if she’s going to kick me out on my ass. I look over my shoulder at Liam and shrug my shoulders. He’s quite charming with the lopsided grin on his face. His sun-kissed curls flop over his forehead portraying a look of boyish innocence. But his short scruffy beard and grin tell me there’s more to him than meets the eye.

  “Everything you need is in the packet. Please place the name tag where it’s visible. First name only. You’re at table nine in the far righthand corner. Two drink tickets for the bar. Have fun and mingle.”

  The woman has a welcoming smile, but she’s obviously repeated the same instructions over and over. She probably dreams the words in her sleep. She slides more papers across the desk. I scoop them up and pluck a pencil from the container she offers. One more glance at Liam and I wander off to find table number nine, secretly hoping Liam gets the same table.

  I grab a drink at the bar and scan the room for my table. The mix of people is interesting. Blondes, redheads, and brunettes like me. There’s even a few with pink and purple highlights. It’s a good mix of tall and not so tall, again like me.

  One gentleman catches my eye as I assess the crowd. I know him from somewhere, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. He looks presentable enough, but something about him makes my skin crawl.

  “Hey there.” I turn toward the recently familiar voice behind me. “I’m twelve.”

  “Wow, when they say young professionals, they really do mean young, huh?” I tease.

  “Table twelve,” Liam clarifies with a hearty laugh. “You’re quick. I like that.”

  My heart feels light, like we’re instant best pals instead of potential dating buddies at a speed dating event. But there’s something more than comfortable friendly banter. It’s like we’re a team about to take on a room full of strangers. I suppose we are about to do just that, but individually.

  “Table nine.” I tilt my head to the corner table with the large number nine looming above it. “So, what brings you here? Besides the obvious, I mean.”

  His warm, dark eyes hold directly to mine. That melting feeling from before comes back in full force. This time it lingers in my veins, hovering in my chest like I’ve sprouted wings inside my heart. The feeling flutters deep in my chest until it reaches my throat. Hopefully Liam can’t hear the pounding of my heart as loudly as it sounds inside my head.

  “I thought tonight was a networking event. Apparently, my partner thought I needed a little adventure in my life outside of work.”

  “I suppose it’s networking of a sort.” I shrug my shoulders and catch a glimpse of mystery man moving toward the bar. Something twists in the pit of my stomach. A complete contradiction to the vibe I’m feeling this close to Liam.

  Liam turns his head briefly following my line of sight.

  “Looks like you’re ahead of the curve. Got someone picked out already?”

  He lets out a strained chuckle and takes a sip of his drink. I bring my full attention back to Liam, but something continues to gnaw at me.

  “Maybe, but not like that. Someone who seems familiar, but I can’t quite pinpoint where I know him from.”

  “You can grill him when he gets to your table,” he prompts. “So, what brings you here?”

  “Kind of the same as you. My roommate signed up for tonight but couldn’t make it.” I take another sip of my drink and raise my eyebrows. “Guess I’m lucky that way.”

  Liam opens his mouth to say something as Rita from the front desk taps on a mic to get everyone’s attention.

  “If everyone will find their table, we’ll get started in two minutes.” The mic crackles and the dull roar in the room dies down as people head to their respective tables.

  “See you when I see you,” Liam says. I swear his eyes sparkle when he flashes that grin.

  “It’s a date,” I perk up, wondering what it would be like to date a man like Liam. He’s considerate, takes good-humored ribbing in stride, and there’s no denying the attraction factor. My body’s still humming from being so close to him.

  He places his large hand on my shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze as he makes his way past me to his table. I turn to watch him go and can’t help but ogle his broad shoulders and the way his jeans fit across his tight butt.

  A date with him would be one hell of an adventure all right.

  Chapter 4


  I take my seat at table twelve. The woman across from me smiles coyly. She’s attractive with blonde hair, bright eyes, and a crooked smile. She inhales deeply, holds it, and lets it out in a long exhale. Must be nerves.

  I get it. I’m not anxious, but the whole idea of speed dating feels stressful. What do I ask? What if we have nothing to talk about? What if I already have my eye on someone and she doesn’t feel the same way?

  I glance at Nicole and the guy at her table. She’s fingering her wet hair. I think back to her drowned rat comment. She’s anything but that. She’s seriously beautiful. An instant pang of something stabs at my gut.

  Another few taps at the mic gets everyone’s attention. Just before I look away from table nine, Nicole catches my eye. She blinks and her long dark eyelashes feather acro
ss her face. Her smile dulls the pang in my gut, and it softens to something lighter, warmer. She stops raking her fingers through her hair, crosses her fingers, and mouths the words “good luck.”

  I’m going to need all the luck I can get with this room full of competition. There are too many tables to go before it’s my turn with Nicole.

  “Rules of the night. Women, the table is yours for the evening. Men, you’ll rotate clockwise around the room, moving from table to table. Each round is four minutes. When you hear the bell, wrap up your time and move to the next table. Please be respectful of your table mate. Take notes on the paper you were given. Have fun, relax, and we’ll take a break in thirty minutes for mingling and drink refills.”

  Four minutes doesn’t sound long until it’s spent looking across the table at a total stranger without a clue what to ask.

  “I’m Sabrina. You’re Liam.” She glances at the name tag sticking to my jacket. “Do you like pets? Cats or dogs?”

  “Uh, I like animals, but I don’t have any pets. Work keeps me too busy to take care of them properly. Maybe in the future.”

  Shit. Rule number one. Never mention the future with a date. Then they start thinking about a future together that ultimately leads to a walk down the aisle. No thank you.

  “If you don’t have time to take care of a pet, how would you have time to take care of a girlfriend?”

  Her words aren’t scolding, but I’m at a loss for words for a split second. How can someone go from “Hi my name is...” to girlfriend questions. I glance at my watch, which I instantly realize is rude. It’s been all of forty-five seconds.

  “Fair question, Sabrina. I’ve never had a girlfriend who couldn’t take care of herself. I like strong, independent women.”

  “So, you’re not the supportive type?” She jots a note on her paper without looking up at me.

  Why do I suddenly feel like I’m on the defensive? There’s nothing for me to prove to her. But I bite anyway.


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