Kiss Me Quick: Insta Love BBW Steamy Sweet Wedding Romance (Tie the Knot Book 1)

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Kiss Me Quick: Insta Love BBW Steamy Sweet Wedding Romance (Tie the Knot Book 1) Page 2

by Piper Cook

  “I’m supportive, but I’m not looking for a woman who needs me to take care of her.” Hell, I’m not looking for a woman at all. It’s Gabe’s fault I’m here. “What is it you’re looking for in a date?”

  “I’m not looking for a date,” she says pointedly. “I’m looking for husband and father material.”

  And right there is the reason I haven’t dated in quite a long time. Sabrina and women with her agenda scare the hell out of me. Thankfully, the bell rings and I scoot my chair away from the table.

  “Good luck. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

  I move quickly to the next table, unsure if this is how the rest of the night will unfold. I steal a glance in Nicole’s direction and notice her looking in the direction of the man who drew her attention earlier. Her brow is creased, and she bites at her lower lip while tapping the pencil on the table. She scrawls something on the paper and frowns.

  My gut twists. Did she figure out how she knows him? If she has, it doesn’t appear to make her happy. Another man approaches her table, and my attention is quickly drawn back to table thirteen by a not so subtle throaty noise.

  “Ah, I’m Liam.” I sit and remember to smile and focus my attention on the woman in front of me. If I take control of the first question, maybe I won’t be caught off guard again. “What brings you to speed dating?”

  “I’m Joy. Tired of swiping left and right, you know. There’s no feeling in that.” She has a twang to her voice that’s intriguing rather than annoying. Maybe southern? “What about you?”

  “Social networking.” I blurt out. It’s true, but not what I meant to say. As if there’s anything I mean to say or ask. I’m not good at this. “What I mean is I enjoy meeting people, but usually it’s related to business. I guess my mind is still focused on work.”

  “That’s all right. What’s your job?” Joy tilts her head to the side and twirls her long blonde hair around her fingers. Her smile widens.

  I half expect a wad of gum to appear with her smacking it loudly, but that doesn’t happen. She’s sincerely nice. Nice. Is nice what I’m looking for? Am I even looking for someone?

  “My day job is information technology, I.T. My buddy and I have a side hustle doing software development. Games and apps. We’re trying to get that business off the ground.” I’m feeling a little more at ease talking about something with definitive answers. I lay the paper and pencil in my hand on the table and fold my hands over it. “I guess my head is wrapped around work twenty-four seven.”

  “I thought tech people were nerds.” She gives me the once over. “You don’t look like a nerd.”

  Her grin deepens and she leans forward. Her top gapes open revealing an impressive amount of cleavage. She’s attractive, but my body responds with zero interest. Nothing. I lean back in my chair and hold my eyes to hers.

  “What do you do for work?” I ask as nonchalantly as possible, hoping she gets the hint that I’m not interested in anything beyond small talk.

  “I’m an accountant. Always loved math in school, but really it’s boring as heck.”

  “Ah, so basically you’re a nerd, too.” I laugh and she snickers. The bell rings signaling it’s time to change tables. “Nice to meet you Joy.”

  I look up in time to see the man at Nicole’s table reach over and pat her hand. She visibly withdraws from his touch. The smile on her face fades and she’s immediately stony. Glad she didn’t react that way when I touched her shoulder. Usually, I’m not a touchy feely kind of guy. Something about Nicole makes me want to be close to her, take care of her. Still, that’s no excuse to make an unwanted advance. I move to the next table wishing I could skip the next grueling twenty minutes and get back to talking with Nicole.

  “Well, hello there,” a thick sultry voice murmurs. Her overly long, bright red fingernails tap on the tabletop. “Aren’t you a tall drink of water?”

  I look at my watch again. This evening can’t end quick enough.

  Chapter 5


  The last guy was fine until he started making a few lewd remarks about my abundant physical attributes. I can’t help the fact I’m overly blessed with grade A jumbo knockers. Just like some men can’t help but act like hormonal teenagers when they see them.

  Touching me was the last straw. Mr. Creepy got the not so subtle hint that his gesture was unwanted and inexcusable. It’s sleazeballs like him that make it difficult to trust men, even the ones who feel safe.

  Something in my brain clicks and a vague memory begins to materialize. It’s fuzzy like a television station that’s gone off air. Gritty and jumbled. But it’s there and the man who caused the knot in my gut earlier comes into focus. I can’t quite fill in the blanks before the next dating contestant takes the seat opposite me.

  “Levi.” He pats the sticker bearing his name. It’s studiously and squarely affixed to his shirt. “I’m a personal finance advisor. I like to travel, skydive, and occasionally cook. I’m an active volunteer in the community and would one day like to pursue an elected government position. Go.”

  I’m breathless listening to him rattle all that off in seemingly one long-winded breath. He looks at me and moves his hand rapidly, prompting me that it’s my turn. His spiel would be impressive, but I’m instantly turned off by his arrogance and impatience.

  “Oh. I’m Nicole.” I wince not bothering to point out the sticker on my shirt. His eyes made a beeline to my chest midway through his personal sales pitch. I’m not interested in humoring him with the details of my personal life and aspirations. “I’m a pet groomer, have numerous cats, and food is my hobby.”

  I try not to sound as sarcastic as I feel. He leans back in his chair, pulls the paper everyone picked up at check-in and slides his pencil across the paper in a swooping gesture. I lean forward, slightly amused and pretend to peek at what he’s writing.

  “Guess I’m a no.” Now I grin, satisfied my off-the-cuff fib left him silent and disinterested.

  I lean back in my chair and look across the way. The woman at Liam’s table looks like she could eat him alive in one gigantic bite. Liam quickly jerks his hand from the table when she reaches for his hand. I snicker to myself.

  The joker at my table scrolls through his phone, completely ignoring me. I’d call him out as rude, but honestly, I don’t care. I’d rather soak up Liam’s rugged good looks and brawn than waste a breath on this guy.

  The bell rings and Levi jumps to his feet as if he can’t get away quick enough. Two more rounds go by. The men are pleasant enough. Good looking and slightly interesting, but nothing stands out as extraordinary. I’m listening to the guy occupying the chair across from me when the hair on the back of my neck prickles.

  I get the feeling someone’s staring. I glance around and there he is. The guy I semi-recognize. He doesn’t avert his eyes when I stare directly at him. He’s one table from mine. When the bell rings we’ll be face to face. I have three minutes to figure out how I know him. Who is he? And why does he make my skin crawl?

  The guy in front of me talks animatedly about his favorite restaurants around town. The phone in my purse dings several times. I reach to silence it and mouth my apologies to my tablemate. He continues to talk, and I glance at the multiple messages. All of them from Amy. I type in my pass code, silently praying her date hasn’t gone horribly wrong. I’m ready to bolt if she needs me.

  Dates gone wrong. That’s it.

  I jerk my head up and the man at the next table continues to stare at me. Amy went out on a blind date with him. One of those dating app things. He seemed all right at first, but then he weirded her out. She excused herself to the bathroom and he followed her. When she came out of the bathroom, he stood guard at the door.

  The bell rings and Rita taps the mic.

  “Everyone having fun?” she asks enthusiastically. “Let’s take a breather, mingle for a few minutes and refresh drinks.”

  Music begins to play. I grab my purse and make a beeline for the door.
I stop suddenly when a hand wraps around my elbow.

  “Where do think you’re going without me?” I freeze, gathering all the courage I can muster to tell the guy off. Just as I turn to lay into the guy grabbing at me, Liam’s deep voice chuckles and pleads. “Please don’t leave without taking me with you. I’m dying here.”

  Instant relief floods my veins and the numbing sensation threatening my fingers and toes wanes. My heart’s still thudding, but not from panic or imminent conflict.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Liam’s hand brushes up and down my arm. The look of concern crinkling his brow makes me feel better. Safer. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “I’m fine. Just fight or flight mode.” I look over his shoulder. The man I made a mad dash to get away from paces back and forth beside the small bar. His face is pinched and red. “I’m glad it was you.”

  Liam looks over his shoulder in the direction of the bar. He scans the area, before turning his attention back to me.

  “Did someone do something or say something inappropriate, Nicole? You don’t have to put up with that kind of thing.”

  I shake my head and focus on Liam’s soothing voice. He looms over me as if I’m a waif, though I’m anything but tiny. I’m a big girl. I can protect myself. But having the wall of Liam’s body between me and the jerk across the room is a definite bonus. Any woman would feel protected with Liam standing between them and potential harm.

  “Not tonight. That man over there.” I dart my eyes back toward the bar. “Don’t look. He went out with my roommate. Ended up stalking her. I thought I’d never forget him, but I didn’t put two and two together until Amy texted me.”

  Oh, my God. I didn’t have time to read her texts before I darted. I scramble for my phone. My fingers shake as I try twice to type in my pass code. Liam gently takes the phone from my hand and rests a hand at my waist.

  “What’s the code?”

  I search his eyes trying to keep my fear in check. I know I shouldn’t give personal information out to strangers, but Liam doesn’t feel like a stranger. He’s safe, trying to help.

  “Love. 5-6-8-3. It spells love,” I blather. The rattle in my voice sounds foreign and distant. Liam types in the numbers, pushes the message icon and clicks on Amy’s name. He doesn’t read it. He places the phone back in my shaking hand and tucks a stray hair behind my ear while I quickly read the messages she left a few minutes ago.

  Damn, Amy. Why can’t you send a message like a normal person? Every sentence is a new message. Halted and filled with emojis. No cry for help. Far from it.

  I breathe a sigh of relief. She’s fine. I type in a couple of hearts and throw the phone into my bag.

  “Thank you.”

  I look up and the concern on Liam’s face is endearing and comforting. The weight of his hand at my waist feels natural and soothing. I smile sheepishly and my cheeks flush toasty warm. I place a hand on Liam’s chest, and he glides a finger down my cheek and neck.

  I notice the pacing man making his way toward us. He looks steamed. Renewed panic surfaces and I do the first thing that comes to mind. I grab Liam’s jacket lapel and pull him closer.

  “Kiss me, quick!”

  Chapter 6


  Nicole’s lips crush into mine before I have a chance to think. Not that I would have denied her request. I haven’t been able to get my mind off her since the parking lot. She lit a spark in my belly from the first moment our eyes met. The instant connection undeniable.

  Nicole’s lips are soft, plump, and inviting. A hurried, diversionary kiss turns into something deeper, more meaningful. I feel the anxious tension release from her as the stiffness in her body relaxes into mine.

  Her arm glides up my chest and she curls an arm around my neck. I cradle the nape of her neck, lacing my fingers through her thick, dark hair. She slips her free hand inside my jacket along my side. Heat follows in the wake of her touch, stoking the fire inside me. She presses her body into me, escalating my desire. Her heart thumps against my chest keeping time with my racing pulse.

  For a moment I forget we’re standing in a crowded room, surrounded by fellow speed daters on a mission to find The One. A room that includes a brassy gal with a public address system at her fingertips. The speakers crackle and the sound of tapping is immediately followed by Rita’s voice.

  “Looks like we have a Kiss Me Quick love connection already. Now that’s how it’s done. You two love birds should get a room,” she teases.

  A few people clap and someone lets out a whistle. We hesitantly pull our lips apart, breathless, and still clinging to one another. The warm air between us a testament to the heat stirring between us.

  I stare into Nicole’s large doe eyes, searching for a hint at where we go from here. I’m not the sort to back away from showing someone I care. Public displays of affection don’t bother me at all, but I’d rather not be part of a dog and pony show for the benefit of Rita.

  “Would you like to get out of here?” I manage to croak out. She nods her head, holding my gaze to hers. “Good.”

  I tuck her under my arm, my jacket encasing her. Her arm circles my waist, clutching a wad of my shirt in her hand as if to cement herself to me. I raise a hand over head and wave to Rita without glancing at the crowd behind us.

  The rain stopped while we were inside, leaving a wet, glassy sheen to the moonlit parking lot. We slosh through the quiet lot and approach Nicole’s car.

  “Guess this is it,” she says when we reach the driver’s side door.

  She slides her hand across my back as she begins to let go. My skin tingles and a shiver snakes its way up my spine. The warmth of her body snuggled next to mine is replaced by a cool, desolate feeling. I don’t want to part ways, but I’m not sure how rattled she is from the last half hour.

  “Guess so.” I jam my hands into my pockets, not sure what to say. She’s been hit on for the last half hour. The last thing she’ll want is for me to ask her out or get a phone number. She doesn’t know anything about me. I stall, not wanting to watch her go. “You’ll be okay getting home?”

  She nods and reaches up, nervously fingering her hair. Then lowers her head as if scuffing her foot around in the water is the most interesting activity of all time to watch. When she glances up her lips form a small frown. Her brows are wrinkled with concern. She looks at me through heavy lashes.

  “Thanks for what you did in there.” Her gaze lowers to her feet again. “I, um, I shouldn’t have forced a kiss on you like that.”

  “If you’re thinking I’m upset about that kiss, think again.” I lean in and place a finger under her chin, lifting her head to look into her eyes. “I would have said yes given the chance.”

  I make light of it even though my brain is scrambling to figure out why one kiss from her left me lightheaded and woozy. It was short but so sweet and steamy. It burned a trail of desire straight to my belly and I have a feeling it won’t stop there given the chance to do it again. And I’d really like to kiss Nicole again. Next time without an audience so I can take my time and taste every last bit of her.

  “Even so, I should have given you the chance to say yes. Everyone deserves the right to decide.”

  My brain fog lifts and what she’s saying sinks in. The answer is never yes by default. No is no and no answer is still no. Her point is well taken, and I appreciate she sees me as an equal. No matter who we are, the choice is ours to make.

  “I appreciate your progressive insight and wish to keep my honor intact.” The corners of her mouth perk up and her eyes sparkle in the moonlight. “You can make your lapse in judgement up to me by accompanying me for a drink.”

  She rolls her lips together, worrying them as she thinks. Her cheeks flush a rosy shade of pink. She fiddles with her hair and scuffs the heel of her shoe in the water again. She appears to mull the thought around, possibly weighing the pros and cons of going out with a man she met less than an hour ago. Her mouth makes a small popping sound as she opens he
r lips to speak.

  “There’s a little place down the street with food and drinks. My roommate didn’t give me much notice about tonight. No time for dinner and I’m starving.”

  “Same here,” I smirk. “So, is that a yes?”

  She lets out a small laugh and playfully rolls her eyes at me.


  Yes has never sounded sweeter than when it rolls off Nicole’s lips. I’m hoping to hear it again and again.

  Chapter 7


  My gut tells me Liam is one of the good guys, but my brain has me err on the side of safety. We take separate cars to the bar and meet back up in the parking lot. I steal a quick look in the mirror and access the damage the rain did to my hair. It’s one hot mess, an apt description of me any given day.

  I let out an involuntary snort. My professional life is squared away. Mostly anyway. My private life is another story. It’s almost uncanny the knack for which I choose the most unlikely men to date. Liam quite certainly falls into the unlikely-for-me category.

  He’s charming, sincere, and clearly as hot as molten lava. One look into his warm chocolate eyes is enough to make a woman’s panties melt. Mine are proof of that. Our kiss may have been spur of the moment for all the wrong reasons, but the way it made my toes curl speaks volumes to his sex appeal.

  And therein lies the difference between Liam and the men I’ve dated in the past. The instant attraction is undeniable. Whereas other men have left me feeling like I’d be settling. Who needs a man who makes me feel like a side dish? Or worse, a man who needs constant adoration and a surrogate mommy to wait on him hand and foot? Not me.

  The knock on my window pulls me from reflecting on the past. Liam stands in the moonlight waiting patiently for me to exit the car. How long has he been standing there staring at me? He must think I’m a goof. I take a deep breath and embrace my inner Amy. Do everything she’d do. Her text made it obvious what she’s planning to do. Even so, I’m not sure I’m ready to go that far with a man I’ve barely met.


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