Kiss Me Quick: Insta Love BBW Steamy Sweet Wedding Romance (Tie the Knot Book 1)

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Kiss Me Quick: Insta Love BBW Steamy Sweet Wedding Romance (Tie the Knot Book 1) Page 4

by Piper Cook

  Nicole wraps her legs around me, locking me to her core. Beads of sweat form across my forehead and down my back. Buried deep inside her is the sweetest temptation I’ve ever experienced. Her walls flutter, clutching to my shaft. When we move, it’s as if we’ve been in sync for a lifetime.

  “Yes. Liam. Oh, oh, yes.” Her voice cracks as she croaks out the words. Her pelvis crushes into mine as she meets me stroke for stroke.

  Her moans and gasps match mine as I thrust deep and shallow until the mounting storm raging in our bodies is too much to bear. The tempest overtakes us with a fiery rage, pulsating and throbbing until the last ounce of energy is drained from our bodies.

  I collapse beside her, tucking her into my body afraid to let her go. I pull the covers over us and hold her in the warmth of my body.

  “Holy heck,” she says with a breathless giggle. “I’ve never been so thoroughly fucked.”

  “Loved, baby.” I smooth a thumb over her bottom lip and sweep across the grin that lights up her face. Her smile glows like a woman completely loved. And I do love her.

  “Loved,” she says softly, then kisses me with sweet tenderness.

  Chapter 11


  I’m not sure how it happened, but Liam boldly walked into my heart and plucked down my walls one by one until all that’s left is a burning desire to hold onto him forever. It should frighten me or make me wary, but this thing between us, it’s more than sex. I can’t recall five facts about him, but I know in my heart and soul I could be his forever.

  We spend the night snuggled together, mostly napping between sessions of slow love making. By the time morning comes every inch of my body feels the ache of Liam’s lengthy workout sessions. I relish the soreness. It reminds me of the smallest touches and the tenderness we shared through the night.

  Liam wakes me with luxurious kisses trailing across my chafed breasts, suckling my nipples one by one. His languid tongue leaves a damp trail down my tummy until he reaches my achiest spot of all. He dots warm, soft kisses along my mound then slowly glides his tongue between my swollen lips. I’ve felt him on my skin and inside me time after time through the night, but his lips on my most sensitive area reawakens my desire every time.

  He swirls his deft tongue around my clit, kissing, licking, and gently sucking. The sexual tension in my body mounts under his skillful touch. I want to squeeze my thighs together and come quickly, but he holds me in place, furthering my desire until it overtakes me in butterfly waves. I buck and arch my hips, pressing into his mouth until the last flutter of energy releases.

  “You have a magic tongue.” I catch my breath as he crawls back over me, cocooning me with is massive body. I grin, enjoying the loopy grin he’s wearing on his wet, slick lips. “How do you do that? It’s a trick, isn’t it,” I tease.

  “It’s a well-known fact that men have to bring their whole bag of tricks to make a lasting impression.” His dark eyes sparkle. He dots my nose with his fingertip. “You can dole out a trick at a time and have me dangling for the rest of my life.”

  An anxious wave of uncertainty floods my thoughts. This feels special as if I’m the only one. Like he reserved his tenderness for me and only me. I fight back my insecurity. Last night wasn’t supposed to happen. It was a fluke. Two people thrust together by a series of circumstances. I read too much into the intensity of our night together.

  “Then I’m a lucky woman.” I try to stay casual and unflustered. “May the next one be so fortunate.”

  “I don’t want a next one, Nicole.” Liam’s eyes darken and his brow wrinkles. The grin on his face disappears into a solemn expression. “I want you.”

  “But,” I stammer. “You don’t know me. I—”

  “I know every inch of you. Every curve, every sensitive spot on your body. How to make you scream and moan my name.” His sincerity overwhelms me. My eyes dampen and I’m at a loss for words. “I wasn’t looking for a date last night, but I found you and I don’t want to let you go. We have all the time in the world to figure out favorite colors, foods, and each other’s quirks.”

  I’m at a loss for words, but what he says feels like truth. I felt it last night. I feel it now. I would’ve never brought him home if the connection felt anything but real. Truth is as real as it gets. So I blurt out the first thing my brain can wrap itself around.

  “I have a confession.” My eyes dart between his. His brow wrinkles and jaw twitches. “I’m not a pet groomer and I don’t have any cats.”

  He chuckles so deeply my bones shake, and I feel him inside me. Inside my heart. We laugh until my stomach rumbles and food cravings overtake my desire for more intimacy.

  “We never ate dinner.” Liam pulls me from the bed and wiggles his eyebrows. “We need sustenance to get us through the weekend.”

  “I’ll make coffee while we clean up.” I laugh and slip Liam’s shirt over my head. “Be right back.”

  Chapter 12


  Nicole’s right. We don’t know anything personal about each other except tattoos, birthmarks, and ticklish spots. But I want to know everything about her from childhood knee scrapes to best friends and family. I glance around her bedroom for the first time in daylight. It’s ordinary, nothing splashy. Comfy chair in the corner with a footrest and pile of books beside it. She’s a reader. I know something more about her already. The thick furry rug beneath my feet also suggests she likes cozy comfort. A few black and white framed prints and photos are arranged on the wall in a block pattern. Apparently, she leans toward clean lines, early Elvis, Beatles, and has a posse of friends.

  I take a closer look at the group photos. The photos contain groups of all women, another with an older couple who could possibly be her parents, another with an elderly woman old enough to be a grandparent, but the one that catches my eye is a large group of men and women. It looks like fall with the leaves on the ground. Everyone’s piled on top of each other. Nicole sits piggyback atop a man I know all too well. At least I thought I did.

  “Is that you, Liam?” Nicole calls out just as I hear the front door close and footsteps across the living area. Shit. I scramble to pull my jeans on. “Liam?”

  “Liam? Who’s Liam?” a woman’s voice sing songs in a suggestive way.

  “Amy. I wasn’t expecting you.” A brief pause and I hear panic and confusion in her voice. “What are you doing here? With Amy?”

  I poke my head around the bedroom doorframe sincerely hoping the creepy dude from Kiss Me Quick didn’t follow us here and sneak up on her roommate. When I round the corner, I see Nicole squirming to pull my shirt down as far as possible to cover her lack of panties. Then I see him.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Gabe gives me the once over and I see his nostrils flare and hands clench into angry fists. He takes a step toward me then points at Nicole. “Is that his shirt?”

  “Oh, please Gabe.” Nicole is exasperated but blows him off like he’s full of wind. I on the other hand am wondering how I’m going to explain the trail of shoes, socks, bra, and belt across the living room floor. “This is embarrassing and all, but none of your business.”

  “Look man, I didn’t know you two were a thing. I just saw the photo of you two in...” I think twice before reminding him I’m standing half-dressed in his apparent girlfriend’s bedroom.

  “What?” Nicole and Amy say in near unison. Amy looks between Nicole and Gabe and then back at me.

  “Nicole doesn’t have a boyfriend. Gabe’s with me.” The look of confusion on her face is evident. Gabe has the look of a man who’s about to tear me apart with his bare hands. Amy places a hand across Gabe’s chest as if she could hold him back then looks toward me. “Who are you?

  “He’s my, um...,” Nicole stammers. Her eyes dart around wildly.

  “Business partner,” Gabe hisses out through gritted teeth. His jaw flexes. “Someone I thought I could trust.”

  “Look man.” I have no words other than why would Nicole be at a speed
dating event if she already had a boyfriend? And why is Gabe with Amy if Nicole is his girlfriend? “I’m sure we can clear this up if we all take a breath and calm down.”

  “Business partner?” Nicole turns to me. “You’re in business with Gabe? You two are working on that gaming app. Um—” she pauses. “That one with fake answers to fool friends.”

  “Yeah.” Gabe glares daggers at me. “I just didn’t expect my business partner to fool me and head straight for my little sister’s bedroom.”

  “Whoa. Sister?” I’m relieved, but still shirtless and shoeless which damn near makes me defenseless if Gabe decides to use the fists clutched at his side.

  “What a minute.” Amy interrupts and tries to untangle the mess. Her eyes widen. “You two met at Kiss Me Quick last night, didn’t you?”

  “Well, yeah,” Nicole answers. I nod in agreement.

  “You just meet someone and bring him home with you? You know better than that Nicole.”

  From the look on Nicole’s face, Gabe’s condescending, double-standard tone doesn’t go unnoticed, and it certainly won’t go unchallenged. She’s feisty and prepared for a fight. I’d cheer her on, but she doesn’t need me to fight her battles, especially with her own flesh and blood.

  “Oh, that’s rich, Gabe. You go around picking up women in the produce section at the grocery store and invite them home with you?”

  “Hey.” Amy sounds offended, but the smirk on her face gives away the fact she could give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks about her. “I asked him out, remember?”

  “I’m not judging you Amy. We’re all adults here.” She’s sensitive and caring toward Amy, but the kinship in her voice turns harsh when she turns to Gabe. “Liam and I did nothing wrong, Gabe. Every woman is someone’s little sister, daughter, or second cousin with a brute who thinks he knows what’s best for her. I’m no different. Neither is Amy.”

  My eyes widen as she dresses Gabe down, throwing his own wily ways back in his face.

  “My sex life is none of your business.” Nicole walks precariously through the living area past Amy and Gabe while trying to keep my shirt from creeping up her ass. “Coffee’s in the kitchen. We’ll be out in a minute.”

  She smirks at me as she brushes past. Amy giggles and buries her head into Gabe’s chest. He finally releases a fist and places a hand over Amy’s shoulder. His eyes still burn into me. I know there’s a conversation coming and I’m not exactly looking forward to it.

  Chapter 13


  Coming face to face with my brother and Liam in the same room with me standing in nothing more than a shirt threw me for a loop. It took everything I had to pull up my figurative big girl panties and stand my ground. There’s no way in hell I’m allowing Gabe to lecture me about my sex live or Liam. Sure, they’re business partners and Gabe knows more about Liam than I do. But Gabe obviously trusts him enough to risk his financial future by going into business together. What’s the big deal if I took a risk with Liam for one night? It’s not like I make a habit of bringing strangers home with me. Last night felt...right.

  I close the bedroom door behind me. Liam paces the floor beside my bed. He rakes a hand through the loose curls that topple over his forehead. He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen with his bare feet and blue jeans. He glances at me as I pad across the fluffy throw rug.

  “Guess we should get dressed.” I pull his shirt over my head and stand before him naked as a newborn.

  His nostrils flare as his darkened eyes peruse every square inch of my body. Heat follows in the wake of his pensive gaze. My nipples pinch into tight little buds and a sharp twinge of arousal shoots straight to the apex of my thighs. As much as I’d like to do something about that right now, I know how inappropriate it would be with Gabe standing a few feet from my door.

  “We need to talk.” Liam lets out a sigh and runs his hand over the scruff of his face.

  A dull ache takes hold inside me and whips my brain into overdrive. I toss Liam his shirt and he catches it with a quick jerk of his hand. His brow furrows into lines of wrinkled worry. His eyes finally land on mine and a frown fills in the corners of his mouth.

  I make a beeline for the closet and wrestle on a pair of jeans, bra, and t-shirt. There’s no way I’m having a serious conversation completely nude. Especially if the conversation turns out like I have a feeling it will. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. It’s not like we made any promises to each other.

  When I emerge from the closet, Liam and I are on equal footing. No shoes and socks, but fully clothed otherwise. He sits on the edge of my bed with his head slouched, a dead give away this won’t be good. My heart can’t take lame excuses or the old it isn’t you, it’s me routine. We’re adults. If I clear the air of expectations, we can go our merry way. Though, my heart will be heavier for it.

  “You don’t owe me anything. No explanations, no promises. Last night was just a night. Nothing more.” I put on a brave front even though I’m lying through my teeth. The rumpled sheets are a blaring reminder of what we shared last night. It was more than two bodies. My heart was in it. “I’ll smooth things over with Gabe so it won’t be weird for you two.

  Liam springs from where he sits on the bed. He closes the distance between us quicker than I can react. He reaches up, grasping my arms in his solid grip. He doesn’t squeeze. It isn’t meant to cause pain. The tenderness in his eyes tell me that much.

  “Last night was more than that and you know it Nicole. Tell me you know it.” He slides a hand down my arm, taking my hand in his. Then he places my palm on his chest just above his beating heart. I count time to its thudding rhythm. “I feel you here. Gabe is the least of my worries. I’m worried about walking away and losing you before we even give this a chance.”

  I’m speechless. I do feel something more. And it sure didn’t take anytime at all for my body to warm to Liam. But what is this? Sure, I believe in lust at first sight, but love? Who falls in love overnight? Maybe it isn’t love, but it feels like something on the road to deep, sincere, long-term more than mere like, bordering on love.

  I blink back indecision and embrace the feeling in my heart. I want to take a chance. Amy’s playful approach to dating has been what I needed all along. I’ve dated with the expectation things won’t work out. My hesitation to trust myself to be carefree has held me back in the past. It’s time to take a leap of faith. And Liam is the only man I want to catch me as I fall in love.

  “Talk to me, Nicole.” His face twists and scrunches as if he’s in excruciating pain. “Please say yes. Say you’ll give us a chance.”

  “Yes.” I nod my head and watch the expression on his face soften. His eyes glimmer and shine as a smile forms on his lips. “You’re the only one I trust with my heart.”

  Liam scoops me up and kisses me so quickly I barely have time to breathe.


  One Year Later


  I nervously fidget with the bow tie around my neck. It’s tight, constricting my ability to breathe. Maybe it’s the cummerbund or the fit of the rented tux. Whatever it is has my pulse racing. Beads of sweat pearl at my temple and along the back of my neck.

  The crowds mumbled conversations and camera flashes are a welcome distraction leading up to the ceremony. Do these things ever start on time? Gabe elbows me with a little chuckle.

  “Nervous?” He’s the picture of calm while I’m losing my mind waiting on the woman I love to walk down the aisle.

  I tap my front pocket for the hundredth time today making sure the ring is there. Every unfortunate scenario possible flashed through my mind last night. What if I forget the ring, lose the ring, drop the ring? What if Nicole bolts on me? We haven’t seen each other since the rehearsal dinner two nights ago. The bachelor party last night was low key. Gabe and I received a stern warning that no one show up hungover. The last person I want to cross is Nicole. She’s the love of my life, but she’s fierce when I screw things up.
  The officiant arrives, shakes our hands, and says a few last minute reassuring words before taking his place under the arch. Music begins to play, and a mumbled hush falls over the crowd.

  “This is it,” Gabe whispers out of the side of his mouth.

  I take a deep breath and hold it, trying to keep my pulse in check. When she walks out into the aisle, she takes my breath away. She’s the most radiant woman I’ve ever seen. Her hair is swept up with tendrils cascading around her face, framing her gorgeous smile and sparkling eyes. Her dress falls gracefully over her curves, highlighting her shapely figure.

  She gives me a subtle wink as she slips past Gabe, stopping only to kiss him on the cheek. I hear her whisper, “You got this.” It’s only then I notice perspiration on Gabe’s brow. The ring bearer and flower girl follow behind Nicole. They finally make it to her side with a few giggles and sighs of cuteness from the crowd.

  The music changes and everyone stands, turning to catch the first glimpse of the bride. I steal a glance at Nicole. She’s beaming with a tear in her eye as Amy steps into the aisle adorned in a svelte, white satin dress. She reaches the altar and takes Gabe’s shaking hand. I barely hear a word the officiant says. My ears buzz with my own nervousness.

  A few minutes later Gabe and Amy say, “I do” and make their way down the aisle. I take Nicole’s arm to follow behind them and feel like this is our own dress rehearsal.

  After all the speeches, toasts, cake, and dancing, Nicole and I finally have a chance to catch our breath. I grab two glasses of champagne and whisk her away to the moonlit courtyard. Music and laughter fade in the distance as I take her into my arms.

  “Long day, hmm.” She wraps one arm around my neck and we sway to the faint hum of music.


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