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His Lady Brat (Rakes of Mayfair Book 6)

Page 12

by Melinda Barron

  “I saw no one who looked like you,” he said. “When I asked Fiona she said the woman had not returned, and that no one had asked for her while she was gone.”

  “I just wonder if he’s tossed her out,” she said. “The man has no honor. But is a week long enough for him to hear about what is happening?”

  “If he keeps spies in London, yes,” Jonathan said.

  He kissed her, and when he looked down at her he could see she was having problems with something. Her expression was a mixture of confusion and, was that resentment? If it was he was doing things wrong.

  “What is the Rakes Club?”

  He pulled back as if she’d slapped him.


  “The Rakes,” she said.

  “Where did you hear about this? From Charlotte?” This was so far from what he’d expected to hear that he wasn’t sure how much to tell her.

  “Does it matter?” She moved over to another cushion. “It is obviously something that is part of your life that you don’t want to tell me about.”

  When he didn’t answer immediately she said, “You said I was the woman you loved, yet you don’t want to tell me about your life.”

  “You’re right, of course,” he said. “Belinda, do you trust me?”

  “If I did not I wouldn’t be here with you,” she said.

  “Very true.” He took her hand in his. “You trusted me enough with your secret. Now, I’m going to tell you one of mine. A big one.”

  She didn’t respond, only sat and waited for him to continue.

  “My friends and I are part of an organization we refer to as The Rakes of Mayfair.”


  “There is a group of us, about thirty, the numbers vary.” He needed to tell her the whole thing. “The Rakes consist of married couples and single men and women who enjoy sex. Not really just sex, but sex that many people consider depraved. Spankings, bondage, some do group sex.”

  “Orgies?” she asked. “Like the Romans did?”

  He shrugged.

  A look of astonishment took hold of her face. Her mouth was open and her eyes wide. Finally, after a few seconds, she closed her mouth and gulped heavily.

  “I’m stunned,” she finally said. “I knew some people did different things, but I had no idea. I’m… oh my.”

  She got up and started to pace.

  “I did not think something like this would bother you,” he said.

  “You thought it enough to keep it secret.” She turned to him, and he could see anger burning in her eyes.

  Before he could respond she said, “I cannot marry you.”

  “Because of the Rakes?” He collapsed against the divan. “I must admit, Belinda, that I didn’t expect you to be a prude.”

  “Me?” She looked around the room and he felt as if she were scoping things out looking for a weapon. In the end it was just her finger, wagging at him like his nanny had done when he was younger.

  “You think I’m a prude? You won’t even touch me. I’ve wanted you to make love to me for days and you’ve refused. Your silly little club has nothing to do with it!”

  “Then why?” he yelled.

  “Because, all of London will soon know that I’m a divorcee. Your family would never approve. I’ve been a mistress to many men.”

  “I don’t care. When we’re married you’ll be only one man’s mistress. Mine. And my family could care less. I haven’t seen them in ages.”

  “But society…”

  “I could give a rat’s ass about society,” he said. “What I care about is you, Belinda. Do you think I am doing all of this to push you away in the end? I want to hold you close and take care of you for the rest of our lives. If you don’t want that, let me know now. We’ll finish what we’ve started, but I will put a wall around my heart so I am not hurt in the end.”

  Was he being too much of what Essex would call a ‘Nancy’? Did he need to buck up and tell her that they would do things his way or no way? He watched a myriad of emotions fly across her face. For a few brief moments, he thought she would say no, that she wasn’t interested in being his wife. When a smile bloomed across her face he smiled in return.

  “And if I say yes, will I get to hear more about this unusual Club you mentioned.”


  She pursed her lips and then her eyes brightened. Warmth spread through Jonathan’s belly, and to parts south.

  “Then tell me about this Club.”

  “We will marry very soon,” he said. “Because I take your demand as a yes.”

  “Demand?” She moved toward the door. “How’s this for a demand, Lord Barton. Come upstairs and fuck me, or you can forget about marrying me.”

  She raced out the door and Jonathan stood and ran after her. That demand was one he thrilled to hear, and one that would bring them both pleasure.

  Chapter 10

  Belinda paused at the top of the stairs and wiggled her bottom. “If you hurry you might get a taste of this.”

  She headed for her bedroom, savoring the sound of his boots pounding the floor as he ran behind her. Perhaps she’d been wrong all along. Perhaps he did want her. She hurried into the bedroom and crossed to the side of the bed near the wall, putting the bed between them when he came into the room.

  Once he’d closed the door he gave her a look that she thought might make her clothes melt from her body.

  “Naked.” The one word made her shiver.

  “It will take a while,” she said, hoping she sounded as if she really didn’t care if she followed his order or not. “I shall summon Merry.”

  “You shall do no such thing,” he said. “I shall help you.”

  He bolted toward her, and Belinda screamed in laughter and climbed onto the bed in an effort to get away from him. She’d waited so long for this that she wanted it to last, wanted to savor this, relish every second.

  Jonathan must have anticipated her move, because he was on the bed in seconds, wrapping his arms around her waist and tossing her onto the mattress. They wrestled for a moment and then he was on top of her. He pinned her arms on either side of her head and said, “I thought you wanted to be fucked, Belinda. You’re making it hard for me, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe I was right the other evening,” she said. “Maybe you’re unable to fuck. Does your cock rise to the occasion, or will I be lying here, unsatisfied, for ages?”

  He let go of her arms, but she kept them in place, then she giggled. Doing it the hard way was rather entertaining… until he grabbed her bodice and ripped it in two.

  “You’ve ruined my dress!” She tried to push him away but this time he gathered her wrists in one of his large hands and held them above her head. With his other hand he pulled her shift, ripping it easily. When her corset was bare he pulled it down, and then he captured her freed nipple in his mouth.

  His lips tightened, and the suction caused a little bit of pain, which she found she enjoyed. She struggled against his hold, half-heartedly. His control was perfect. When he released her hands and pulled down her corset on the other side she felt the tightness of the garment’s hold on her, but she didn’t care.

  “Jonathan,” she whispered.

  “Do you want to know how much I’ve wanted you?” He nibbled on her nipples, first one side and then the other. “I’ve gone to bed every night dreaming of being inside you, of bending you over and pumping into you so hard your entire body quakes under me. Your imaginary screams of pleasure kept me awake, until I had to take matters into my own hands.”

  He switched back to sucking and Belinda rocked under him, wishing she hadn’t run, wishing she’d taken off her clothes so he could take her as she wanted.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered.

  “With pleasure.” He was off her in seconds, and then pulling up her skirts and petticoats in a haphazard fashion to gain access to what they both wanted. She wiggled to help him, pulling on her pantalets as he tugged on her skirts. She heard the ripping of materi
al, and the pulling of threads, but she didn’t care. If the dress ended up in the rubbish heap that was just fine with her.

  When her skirts were finally above her hips and her quim was bare he stroked it, and she arched into his touch.

  “Hurry, take me, take me.”

  When his hands went to his trousers she tried to help but he pushed her hands away. Instead of helping she stared at his crotch, and when his prick popped free she licked her lips and spread her thighs at the same time.

  He plunged into her and she gasped, arching her shoulders and wrapping her legs around his hips. He pumped as she bucked her hips into each movement. When he finally yelled out that he was climaxing she held him tight. When she let go of him he collapsed on top of her, rolling off in a few moments.

  And then, to her surprise, he propped himself up on his elbows and started to play with her clitoris. She was so excited, so roused from being fucked that she exploded within seconds, stars appearing before her eyes as the pleasure spread through her body.

  “My God, that was perfect,” she said.

  “I’m sorry we waited so long,” he said. “That was my fault.”

  “Forget the fault,” she said. “We have the rest of our lives to enjoy being together. And, in that light…” she stopped and tried to catch her breath. “Tell me about this club of yours.”

  “Curious, aren’t you?” he said with a laugh. “You like anything to do with sex?”

  “I enjoy sex, very much,” she said. “Too bad you didn’t realize that earlier. Remember when you asked me about sucking cock? I’m very good at it.”

  She turned toward him and kissed his jaw. “As a matter of fact, I love it. Tasting your salty, male skin. Running my tongue along the blood veins, feeling them throb under my touch. I even like to take a slight taste of your semen, and rub it into my breasts while you watch.”

  “You are wicked,” he said. “You will fit right in with the Rakes Club.”

  “Tell me more about them,” she said. “Or don’t you yet trust me.”

  “If I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t have said anything at all,” he said. He put one arm back and cradled his head. “It’s been around for a while. Let’s just say I’m not one of the original members.”

  “That’s why you and your friends are so close,” she said. “You have sex together.”

  He chuckled. “Saying we have sex together is a little misleading. We have sex with ladies, while the others either watch, or have sex with their ladies.”

  “Lots of spankings going on at that time?” she asked.

  “It’s a possibility.” The way he was stretched out made him look sexy and wicked. She looked down at his crotch.

  “You spank women during your Club events?”

  “Many women enjoy the activity,” he said. “You might even learn to do so.”

  “Highly doubtful,” Belinda said.

  “Not all spankings are like what you’ve been through so far.” He ran his free hand down her thigh. “You just haven’t been in the right mood for it. The spankings you’ve received were punishment spankings. They’re not supposed to be enjoyable.”

  She took a few pins from her hair.

  “So let me get this straight, you and your group of friends, and a few others, gather to have sex with women who are either the members wives, or society widows.”

  “You have it in a nutshell, Lady Brat.”

  “Don’t call me that.” Belinda’s eyes narrowed.

  “No? Why not? I rather like it. I think it may become my nickname for you.”

  “You’re incorrigible.” She turned her back to him. He moved so that his body was pressed into hers, separated only by the clothing they both still wore. Belinda slowly swept her hair over her shoulder, and from the sounds he made, right into his face. He pushed it away, and then kissed her exposed skin.

  “Jonathan.” Her voice was breathy.

  He trailed his lips up to her neck.

  “Yes, Lady Brat?”

  “Are you always going to be incorrigible?”

  “Count on it,” he said.

  She moaned when he kissed her, his tongue tracing lines over her shoulders and making her shiver. She melted against him, never wanting to leave the warmth and safety of his arms.

  “If you’re not going to make love to me again, you need to stop that.”

  His breath trailed over her skin and neck as he laughed. Belinda shivered.

  “It’s a good thing I’m not really impotent.” He lifted his eyebrows at her and cocked his head.

  She blushed furiously and hung her head.

  “I let that fact slip this afternoon, in the teashop.”


  “The ladies surely told their husbands. Do you think Lady Essex would take tea with me tomorrow?” Belinda snuggled back against him. “Today’s was a set up, but I would like for it to be something she would want to do. Does that make sense to you?”

  “It does, and I’m sure any number of my friends’ wives would be happy to take tea with you.”

  “I haven’t exactly been polite to them over the years.”

  Shivers ran up her spine when Jonathan caressed her shoulders. She turned and put her arms around his neck.

  “You will find that my friends, like me, are accepting of people, and forgiving.”

  “I’m so happy your reputation will be restored. I’m afraid, though, I might need a sample of you, to prove that I’m telling the truth.”

  She jumped when he slapped her behind.

  “I’m afraid I’ll need a little more time to recover.” The clock bonged seven times, and his eyes widened. He sat up and she did the same.


  “We’re supposed to be at Buxton’s house in half an hour,” he said.

  “Oh my. Merry!” He jumped out of bed and walked toward the basin. He turned his back to the doorway as the maid came in.

  “I have to be ready to leave as soon as possible,” she said. “Take out the blue dress, the one that is Lord Barton’s favorite.”

  “As you wish, milady,” Merry said.

  “I’ll meet you downstairs as soon as possible,” he said. “Sooner than possible, if possible.”

  “That makes no sense,” she yelled after him as he went out the door. But she couldn’t help but smile. Tonight was going to go well, and things were going to be perfect after it was all over.

  “You’re late.” Buxton pulled his pocket watch from his pocket, and Belinda felt as if she were being admonished for being a bad child.

  “Something came up,” Jonathan said.

  “I can imagine, but I would think this was a little more important,” Buxton said. “As you can see the place is crowded. Friends, and people I’ve never seen before in my life, are here to see what happens next. Get in there and mingle. We’ve pushed the séance back to nine-thirty.”

  “Thank you.” Jonathan took Belinda’s arm and led her into the main part of the house, pushing past people who stood shoulder to shoulder. They whispered about her as she walked by, and familiar words, such as slut and bitch, were used. She found, though, that it didn’t matter too much to her right now. She wondered if it ever would again.

  Sometime in the future she would cease to be Lady Strauss, and she would become Lady Barton. The idea thrilled her beyond belief, especially after tonight’s amorous activities. Barton was a far better lover than she’d ever had before, and the only man she had ever loved.

  The thought made her giddy, and she put her hand against her mouth to hide the smile. She didn’t want people to think this was funny. If they thought that, they might think this whole thing was a farce.

  She tried to remember what they were supposed to talk about during the séance. She supposed Alice had all the right things to say, but how was Belinda supposed to answer her?

  “Jonathan,” she whispered in his ear, “I’m not sure… this is a bad idea.”

  “Don’t get stage fright on us now,” he said. “
Just follow Alice’s lead and if you seem to stammer, or need some help, I’ll be right there.”

  “I’m nervous,” she said.

  He put his lips against her ear and said, “If you do well on this I’ll let you suck my cock later, upstairs, in one of the bedrooms. There will be a great deal of people here. You are excited by the prospect, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “Then think about that as a reward.” He kissed her ear. “Now, let’s go speak to Alice and tell her we’re ready.”

  They pushed their way through the crowd and went to where Alice stood with her husband.

  “I’m ready,” Alice said. “Although I think we have more people here than I expected.”

  “You just have to put on a show,” Buxton said. “Like you did at the Stanhope’s house party.”

  “I’ve told you several times that wasn’t a show,” Alice said, the words hissing out from between her teeth. She turned to Belinda. “Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. I meant to make it look like he was talking through me, but he actually was.”

  Belinda was floored. She knew she’d heard Taylor’s voice that day, and he’d been talking with her about what she’d done wrong. She felt like she’d paid for her sins. But now, she knew Victor was still alive, unless Gloria knew something she didn’t. Perhaps Gloria was trying to find her because something had happened to Victor. What if Victor really did appear during the séance?

  The thought frightened her, but before she could voice her objections once more, Buxton took a walking stick and rapped it against the floor. To Belinda’s surprise, the room grew quiet, or as quiet as a group of what she estimated to be at least two-hundred people could.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Buxton said. “I am happy that you are all in my home, and I have to tell you that we locked up the silver and any other valuables when we saw how big the crowd was getting.”

  The pronouncement brought out nervous giggles and laughter. “In all seriousness, we are here tonight because there is a possibility that someone whom we thought to be dead is alive, and is hurting my friend’s fiancée.”

  The crowd grew louder, and Belinda was sure it was at Buxton’s use of the word fiancée. No one had announced in public that she and Jonathan would be married. It would, she was sure, invoke a myriad of emotions amongst the people of London. How would they look at her if they knew Victor was still alive? Would they see her as a victim?


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