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Thwarting Cheaters (Artemis University Book 5)

Page 7

by Erin R Flynn

  I gave her an evil smile. “I always do. I’m the most lethal when caught in a fight. Mel made sure of that. If I lose, so be it, but I will make sure that I take a lot of them with me and not give anyone a reason to think that I’m prey or an easy target, I promise you. It’s also better that all the eyes who will be watching will see your surprise so make sure to have it.”

  “Even me?” Craftsman checked, frowning at me.

  “Especially you. Word’s already spread that you want me to take a knee and not jump into the fray when the deck is stacked against me. As much as that pissed me off, that’s boosted the egos and plays on the other side.” I moved away from him and stood over by Mel, Zack, and Ray. “Besides, I don’t think you’d agree with the plan so honestly, I don’t want another fight with you where you’re disappointed with me.”

  Mel snorted and headed for the door. “I’m using the grounds keeper’s shed, Edelman.”

  “Mel, you’re not burying a body,” I growled, hurrying after her. “We’re not killing Von Thann and if we do, we’re not burying him. Let the damn fae dogs eat him.” I frowned. “Would their fire get rid of the body fully?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe? Something to try out for sure.”

  “Oh good, they’re experienced killers,” Collins drawled.

  “Only in self-defense,” I snapped. “And we meant like a large animal just to see if it would work in a pinch.” I shot him a nasty look over my shoulder. “You forget people keep coming after me and more than you know. I don’t exactly have Superman on speed dial to always swoop in and save my ass. I need real options to stay alive.”

  “It’s said nothing burns hotter than the fire of a fae dog so yes, it would burn a body completely to ash,” Edelman told us, shocking his colleagues. “I want her alive. We need her alive and not for the glory of Artemis or her power.”

  “Agreed,” Professor White added. “And we might not be Superman, Ms. Vale, but you can call on us. You do ask for help as a last resort. Sometimes you need to ask for guidance earlier than you do.”

  “A mistake I’ve learned from. I called in for backup right away on this one, I promise.”

  “You simply didn’t tell Geiger that Von Thann was trying to out you because he wants to kill the man now too,” Edelman muttered, sounding equal parts amused and tired.

  “No, I left that out,” I sighed. “There will be a line for him if he risks me and the chance I can figure out what happened to Faerie and the loved ones people have there. Asshole.”

  “Try being related to him,” Lucca grumbled.

  No thanks. I had enough issues of my own every day that ended in Y.


  I didn’t make up with Craftsman like he’d clearly thought the meeting would have gone. I still wasn’t happy with him but I wasn’t as upset after he profusely apologized over a series of texts and messages saying he didn’t realize how dismissive he had been. He promised he was upset at the situation and the position it put me in and it was completely on him that he didn’t explain that better.

  And that he didn’t push to come home for spring break like he should have instead of letting the fight fester. It warmed my heart he thought of my house as home, but I still felt rocky with him which sucked because he’d been my main foundation since arriving at Artemis.

  Friday afternoon I was ready for a weekend of relaxing studying since I didn’t have an outing with the dragon royals since the Power Playoffs were next week… Until an alarm on my phone went off and reminded me the fun I’d set up months ago was in an hour. Right, that.


  I knew the competition would be stressful and it was a chance to have some fun right before that, kick back and let loose. I needed it—even I knew my stress levels were too high—but I really wasn’t in the mood. Still, I hopped in the shower and changed, Izzy giving me a funny look that I did since she and the others thought it was something casual.

  Nope. I hadn’t even told them until more recently. Others I had to invite further out as it would have been harder to coordinate it all with schedules and getting nights off. There was only one person who was in on it and honestly, she enjoyed starting the mischief as much as I did.

  When it was time, I led Izzy over to the faculty lounge where everyone thought we were meeting to have the party at the conference room. Mel was waiting with Natalie, Ayesha, and all of our friends. Hudson, Juan, Lucca, and Darby were there as well along with all the teachers who knew about me or I liked.

  Minus Campbell. Honestly, I simply couldn’t take her flirting with Craftsman on my night off. She might have stopped after spring break, but I hadn’t known before and I was tired of it. I’d invited the hobgoblins but they’d politely declined, figuring out I was up to more and knowing their glamours would be a hindrance. However, the guards who knew about me and I got along with were waiting as well.

  And there was a lot more to this as well.

  I liked all my plans to be that way.

  “There’s nothing set up in the conference room,” Mel muttered. “I figured you were having Portal Chow deliver a spread.”

  “Yes, it’s like I wanted you to think that,” I teased, smirking at all of them. I simply chuckled when people frowned at me. “I’m borrowing the portal. Can someone set it for…” I trailed off as Katrina Calloway stepped out through the portal. “Never mind. Let’s go.”

  “We’re going to Veritas Portas?” Professor Pillay asked.

  “I have no idea but her aura is glowing with joy and mischief,” Professor White replied. “I find that always leads to something fun.”

  “It does,” Edelman confirmed.

  Well that was something at least. I followed Katrina back through the portal and nodded to the group of people already gathered at her receiving area of the store. They had questioning looks as well and stepped back to accommodate us when they saw more and more of us coming.

  “Mother?” Hudson asked as he saw his parents.

  “Why are my parents here?” Mel asked me as well.

  “They were invited,” I answered her. “Duh.” Once we were all through the portal, Katrina looking just as amused as I was that several others had confused or shocked reactions like Professor Richardson that his mate was there or Craftsman to find his mom standing there, she opened a temporary portal. “Now that the whole group’s together, we can go.”

  “Go where, Ms. Vale?” Professor Collins demanded.

  “Somewhere bad,” I drawled. “Clearly I’m taking you all somewhere horrible like a sewer system. That sounds like me.” I smiled when Katrina burst out laughing and stepped through the portal and into Cote, a fancy Korean barbeque and American steakhouse fusion restaurant in NYC that I had rented out for the night.

  The owner was a falcon shifter who lived in human society and generally stayed off the supe radar and out of the society but Katrina Calloway knew everyone worth knowing in NYC as it was her turf. That was why I came to her when I said I wanted to have a night out before the Power Playoffs to thank everyone who’d been involved in either keeping my secret or just dealing with the drama of an undeclared unknown.

  Or my friends. I wasn’t going to do something cool without them. Plus the people I liked. I mean, I wasn’t really tight with Natalie’s parents and uncles but, yeah, I invited them too. Might as well if I was renting out a whole restaurant that fit over a hundred and fifty people at the tables with the grills plus room at the bar. So yeah, I made sure to do it right as I had to guarantee so much to rent the place.

  Not that we wouldn’t totally hit that amount given how much we all ate and I invited a bunch of Mel’s family. They were dragons after all so yeah, we’d eat all the meat. I’d spoken to the owner about that in advance because if he didn’t make an exception for us being supes we’d completely eat out his fancy, fancy stock of dry age meats completely to screw him for a while.

  He agreed, giving us lots of other fresh options as well that and pork which to me made Korean barbeque, Korean ba
rbeque but not the steakhouse version. I got it, but well, now we were going to get the best of both worlds and he was going to give me a big fat bill at the end.

  I was pretty sure we’d both be happy with the outcomes.

  “Thank you for letting us take over on a busy Friday night,” I greeted, shaking his hand.

  “Not at all, Ms. Vale,” he replied. “It’s our pleasure to serve your party. I hope you and your guests enjoy your time with us and if there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask any of us. We’re completely at your disposal.”

  “I’m sure everyone’s going to ask about drinks and your wine selection as I’m not even of age and know none of that. We went over the menu only but add whatever anyone wants.”

  “Of course, I understand. The desserts you ordered from a few blocks over were also delivered and are in the kitchen for when you are ready.”

  “Oh great, thank you for allowing that.”

  “Certainly. You made it clear you wanted a relaxing and fun atmosphere for all night, not a quick meal you’d have to rush out for dessert somewhere else. Our wine selection will pair well with whatever your guests select from what you ordered.”

  I just bet it would.

  “You’re nuts,” Mel grumbled from next to me. “Where are we sitting?”

  “You’re sitting with your parents and siblings,” I told her firmly, glancing over and finding the Rothchilds and pointing to them. “Go. I’m sitting with Darby and… I have no idea. We’ll figure it out.”

  “They’re guarding the Vogels,” she argued.

  “Right,” I muttered, glancing at the portal and then Katrina. “Everyone through?”

  “A few more,” she said.

  I waited until she went through and confirmed we got them all and shut down the temp portal. Then I locked the restaurant and put up a barrier around the whole place, ignoring the shock of everyone before focusing back at Mel. “Great, now no one can get to the Vogels. They can sit the next table over and still be close enough for dinner when it’s just all of us. Go eat with your family or no booze or dessert.”


  “Yup.” I waved her away and went over to Darby.

  “You are too much, agra,” he chuckled quietly.

  I smiled up at him, getting lost in his stunning gray eyes. He pushed up his rimless glasses, always doing that when I stared as if nervous that he had someone’s attention and I found the gesture endearing especially because he normally got the attention of a lot of women since he had the sexy geek thing on lock.

  His shaggy red hair was always styled with natural bedhead guys tried to recreate and with his lush lips, he constantly looked like he’d just rolled out of bed after doing something naughty. Plus, he was incredibly smart and for women who appreciated that, Darby was all around catnip to them even if he was a prickly pear. Hell, lots like that aloof coldness.

  I knew I did because he was only warm with me. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my hair, his lean swimmer’s build pulling me closer and making me hope he might stay overnight in my room before I focused on finding a table and food.

  “I’ve gotta keep you on your toes,” I teased him.

  “That’s not why.”

  “No, it’s not. We’ve had too much bullshit. We needed a night off.” I knew I had other ears so I decided to elaborate. “And as much as I give people shit, I know too many have also gotten crap because I’ve stayed undeclared or an unknown did well over prissy elites and that crap hits people like ripples in the pond. It’s not my fault but I’m not blind it doesn’t hit only me.

  “So this is my apology for that. It’s my thank you for the backup people give. It’s a chance for us to recharge and have a night off before the tournament next weekend. And if you’re really lucky, it’s even the chance for you to be the boss of the tongs and grill.”

  “How gracious of you,” he murmured, sneaking a quick kiss before leading me over to a table close to the Rothchilds. It put us in the middle of that dining room whereas the faculty and the Higgins clan seemed to move along to the other one. I didn’t really care how it all worked out as long as people were relaxed and enjoyed themselves.

  I also didn’t take offense as I understood most couldn’t be their normal selves around dragon royals when they grew up in the supe world. I, on the other hand, didn’t give a shit at all. So, the normal people could take that side and those of us who didn’t care or who were used to being around them would use the tables over here.

  Worked for me.

  I sat next to Darby with Juan and Lucca across from us. I was shocked Izzy didn’t join us but she was really getting tight with Natalie and the other witches. I didn’t take offense. She was one of them and she would need their guidance, especially with how shitty her family was so I was glad they wanted to take her under their wing and it wasn’t like they slighted me. Not at all.

  “So what’s the menu, cuz?” one of Mel’s cousins called over. “The menu shows beef and beef and with all of us we’ll put them out of business and drain your bank account.”

  “You’re a class act,” Mel drawled.

  “He’s not wrong on one of those though,” I chuckled, grabbing one of the menus as well. “Order whatever appetizers, sides, or extras you want but each table was preordered the Steak Omakase which is a bit of everything for each person. And a pork version of that which they’re doing just for us. Oh, plus whatever you guys want off the drinks or wine menu.”

  “You know some of the teachers will absolutely abuse that,” Darby warned.

  I shrugged. “I can afford it. Let them. It’s not like they’re each going to order eight bottles of three grand wine with their colleagues or the headmaster watching. I think that was the priciest one. If Collins wants to be a brat and order a bottle that’s a grand and pretend this a romantic date with his mate, good for him.”

  “You’re much sweeter than people give you credit for,” he murmured, leaning in and nuzzling my neck.

  “Shhh, don’t go spreading that shit around,” I grumbled, Juan and Lucca chuckling at my antics. I batted my eyelashes at the server when he came over to me to start, clearly knowing I was footing the bill for it all. “Hi, we’d like to have the seafood treasures starter and the caviar service. Also, what wine pairing would you recommend with that? A fancy one to impress my boyfriend I want to take advantage of later once he’s buzzed would be good.”

  Everyone was quiet a few moments but several people started laughing at once, the server even looking like he was going to lose the battle to stay professional.

  “Agra, you can’t take advantage of the willing,” Darby reminded me, kissing my hair as he looked over my shoulder. “And I’d much rather try the imported lager they have and focus on the meats. I know as little about wine as you do and now isn’t the time to learn. After you turn twenty-one, we can visit some vineyards and learn together if you want.”

  I felt my cheeks flush. That was so ridiculously sweet and romantic I found myself leaning into him. “Okay.”

  “She also has an ultra-sensitive palate to spices so please warn us of any sauces or dishes she needs to avoid,” Darby said to him.

  “Of course,” he agreed, noting it down and my drink. We ended up getting a few more appetizers and all of the sides for the table to share before he moved on, other servers taking other tables. All of them were supes so they knew who were the important people to hit first.

  “I should complain you pulled a fast one on us but honestly, I could use the night off,” Geiger said from across the aisle. “And I enjoy your fun surprises. It’s when you’re in more danger that I get worried.”

  “Or that one time you were pissed with me,” I grumbled, wincing when I realized he heard me.

  “That truly bothered you,” he muttered, not hiding his shock well.

  I shrugged. “Disappointing you and Edelman is like kicking Santa in the nuts. There’s something about you guys that—I could give a shit about disappo
inting tons of people but a very short list that it bothers me. Plus, the reason you got mad at me—”

  “I was not angry with you, Tamsin,” he sighed. “I was simply angry. I was angry you were in that position. Angry this is your life at this time. I’m angry there is so much corruption and pain in our world and greed that now falls on you too often. I am proud you put so many before yourself but for someone I care for like a niece, it hurts to see you in danger. I was not angry with you. I don’t think I’m even able to be.”

  “I like you too, Geiger,” I said after a moment.

  “Glad we agree on that then.”

  “Where are we getting dessert from?” Mel asked.

  I pulled up the place on my phone and texted her the link. I smiled when she groaned. “Yeah, I thought you might like it.” I showed Darby and shrugged when he chuckled. “I thought we’d go with an Asian theme. Fine, Korean barbeque fusion and Japanese cheesecakes and fusion fancy cakes from Keki.”

  “Knowing you there’s enough for each of us to have our own,” he mumbled as he scrolled through the options. He froze when I didn’t reply and slowly looked up at me. “Tamsin, did you order each of us are own full cake?”


  “How is that a question you answer by asking me that?” he wondered, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “I wanted to bring back some for the hobgoblins.”

  “Fine, of course you did,” he accepted.

  “And leftovers.”


  “Plus, there were tarts and cream puffs we needed to try.”

  “Oh, agra,” he sighed.

  “Plus, they were suggest serving sizes but we’re not normal people. I mean, they looked like I could eat one on my own like a donut so that’s not reasonable. And not all of Mel’s family could come. How fair would it be that only the ones who could come got on guard duty tonight couldn’t even get some fancy cake?”


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