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Thwarting Cheaters (Artemis University Book 5)

Page 10

by Erin R Flynn

  Both of them still looked asleep, Izzy giving us a half-wave as Darby handed me my phone and the book I’d been reading last night as he plopped down. He kissed my cheek when I shot him a guilty look. Most men wouldn’t like it that their lover woke after post-orgasmic sleep and was reading in bed with them.

  “You had a nightmare,” he said quietly. “I get it. I won’t even push and ask what it was.”

  “Thank you,” I breathed, giving him a kiss too. I mentally shivered, not able to take about the nightmare if I’d wanted too. It freaked me out bad which was why I couldn’t sleep. The situation in Faerie weighed on me and my nightmares told me that. This time instead of having one that I could never fix that world, find out what happened there or to the people… The darkness swallowed me.

  I ended up trapped there forever, never to see the people I loved and I became just as lost as the rest of the fairies, none of them ever knowing what happened to me. That would be horrible for them and I hated so many people were hurt for almost two decades not knowing. That was a horrible pain like I couldn’t imagine.

  Losing someone when they died was heart-wrenching, soul-crushing but final. Not knowing if a loved one is gone or there is still a chance to hope—never getting those answers, never being able to get closure… That was a level of hell that seemed too cruel even for the worst criminals.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t keep the nightmares away,” Darby worried when I got lost in my own head.

  I shook out of my thoughts and gave him a smile. “I don’t think anyone can keep them all away, but it was nice to know you were right there so I didn’t have to deal with them alone. Please don’t think someone else could have done more.” It felt weird saying that, like I was almost starting trouble but when I saw shadows disappear from his eyes, I was glad I’d pushed.

  He’d been worried about just that. Silly vampire. No one could do everything and he was in the dark on so much. How could he protect me from it all?

  We dropped the topic and kept eating. Just when I thought I might be done, more arrived and I started all over again with the trays of French toast. We shared a few containers of syrup to dip them in and I gobbled up all I could.

  “She eats like three of us,” Colton muttered, making me realize I had the eyes of several people on me. “We all ate a feast last night and you’ve eaten as much as three of us.”

  “I’m a growing girl,” I defended with a shrug. I gestured to my chest. “I normally grow here but, whatever, still growing.”

  He burst out laughing, blushing at the sexual tone of my joke as I had a nice rack and I knew it. But it was the best way to deflect when people brought up my eating habits or saw for the first time.

  “Magic takes a lot more energy and fuel than physical strength and knowing her, she did stuff at the party, after the party, and already this morning,” Zack said from one of the other blankets. I hadn’t even noticed he’d joined us but then again, a good guard wasn’t always visible for everyone to see. He and his cousin really did blend amazingly and kept their promise not to make me feel caged.

  “What did you order this time, woman?” a loud voice demanded.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Sean coming our way in one of the school’s utility vehicles the guards used to check the grounds. Lots of times they shifted and ran in wolf form but other times they used those gas golf cart things with the flat beds if they needed to work on fences or bring equipment around.

  Or a bunch of boxes to me?

  I opened my mouth but then closed it, completely blanking. I went with a shrug, that all encompassing gesture when nothing else worked for me. Sean seemed to appreciate it since he snorted as he pulled to a stop on the path near us. He brought over the first box and set it down in front of me, clearly wanting the answer to his question.

  “If you bring them all here, I have to drag them to my room then,” I griped.

  “I will.” He gestured to the others. “It’s not like you don’t have other help.”

  Fair enough. I tore off the Amazon tape and flipping back the flap before reaching in and pulling out the first package. The label was code I didn’t understand but after opening that I knew what it all was.

  “Wow, they really do deliver just about anything super quick,” I muttered as I dumped out the energy gels variety pack. I picked up the first and saw it had caffeine in it, tossing it to where Mel was sitting. Half of them did but that still left me with half to try. I put them back in the bag and went for the next package.

  “Wait, those are all energy gels?” Zack asked. “You ordered a ton of them after Ray and I found that one for you to try?”


  “Oh good. I thought you finally lost it.”

  I snickered. “They’re energy gels, energy chews, and a ton of protein bar variety packs because I’m tired of the ones I keep eating.” I reached in and pulled out another bag. “Oh, right and dehydrated fruit. I found some recipes for making your own trail mixes. I want to try that. I don’t like how salty they are. Plus, I was thinking I could try doing them with the fae fruit from my house if I learn how to dehydrate it.”

  I gagged when the protein bar I pulled out was roasted jalapeno and tossed the whole package over to Mel.

  She burst out laughing when she saw why. “It’s individually wrapped, Tams. The one spicy bar didn’t contaminate the rest of them.”

  “I can’t take that chance. The whole pack must be written off for the safety of all those involved.” I shot her a look I wasn’t kidding. “Do you remember the spicy cookie?”

  Her lips twitched and she nodded. “Of course. Yes, all the bars must be quarantined. I’m sorry I doubted you.”

  Smartass. Whatever, I had more than enough other options given I’d been way too click happy shopping on my phone. I doubted they all came so fast. Amazon shopping on my phone when I had so much else going on—and the money to do it—was dangerous.

  I found some Gatorade chews and tried one, shrugging that they weren’t bad. They certainly weren’t gummy bears, but yeah, I could have a couple of those in between classes to help me. Most of my teachers were pretty lax and didn’t care if I always had a closed container drink.

  “Are these just like fair game?” Colton asked as I moved onto another package and tossed more towards Mel.

  “Sure, I just can’t have them. I don’t have a caffeine tolerance since I never got into it and I find no reason to start so I don’t care who has them as long as it’s not me. It was just cheaper to get the variety packs and give the ones I couldn’t have to someone else instead of the boxes of the ones I can and risk they suck.” I pulled out the next package and smiled. “Oh, I was excited for these.”

  I opened up one of the flavors that sounded like a candy bar that was full of carbs and bit right into it. I moaned, numminess exploding over my taste buds. Much better than protein cereal bars or the same nut bars the cafeteria had over and over and over again. I should have done this long ago.

  It was like I was busy or something.

  I tossed the other half of it to Mel. She bit into it and blinked at the wrapped. “Shit, this is good. It’s a protein packed candy bar. Yeah, smart. It’s not like we need to limit your carbs.” She flipped it over and chuckled. “Twenty grams of protein. Yeah, if they all taste like this, that’s a great fill in for you. What’s the catch?”

  “They’re not cheap. I think it was twelve for thirty bucks whereas the other ones were a dollar or two at most. The low carb ones were more money as diet.”

  “Right. These are more expensive because of the organic ingredients and all the vitamins,” she muttered. “Still worth it. You’ve got enough stuff in here for a multivitamin you never take as well.”

  “The gummies taste like ass and I always forget to take pills.”

  “We need to add premade protein shakes to your diet as well,” she muttered. “You did well over break but we got distracted and fell off track.”

  “I need a damn keeper
,” I grumbled as I went for the next package but then froze. “No, wait, Salzman torpedoed that idea, remember? He wanted me to stay away from all the preservatives and… Something. We were supposed to come up with a plan but then he was going to do more research into how it all affected unknowns.”

  “Right, that was the answer.” She blew a raspberry and crumpled the wrapper in her fist. “But I’m sure he got caught up in one elite this or that. I swear I’m an adult and work here but we need like a real adult parent that the other adults will listen too sometimes to make shit happen. We didn’t even know about his concerns about your development until way after we should have.”

  “Or we need another doctor who doesn’t have another boss to answer to or people to distract him.”

  “Not sure we could trust another one,” she worried.

  “After the Power Playoffs I suggest we sit down with Mrs. Rothchild and Professor White,” Irma said firmly. “We were unaware of these concerns and they will not be tolerated, especially given all the pressures on you. If we need to specialize your diet as you bend over to protect scores of dragons around the globe, then so be it. Melody’s mother and father clearly want to help so let them.”

  “I agree and it’s the one time that you are children and need to let the adults help you,” Mr. Rothchild added. “There is information I have, some you seem to have that you’ve learned, and I’m sure Professor White is a fount of information. If we put our heads together with Doctor Salzman on this topic and develop a path and plan, we know how to follow up and help you then.”

  I searched Mel’s eyes before looking at Irma. “I thought we were trying to keep as much as we could below the radar?” I flinched as she turned bright red and hurried over to me, popping me in the forehead.

  “Not if it means risking your health and development, you silly girl. I thought all was well and progressing on that front. Your safety and health are most important. Always, Tamsin. No matter what. We get the answers we need and do more than order you bars and gels. No arguments.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I agreed, rubbing my forehead even if it didn’t hurt at all. “I’m sorry.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for. You do the best you can and don’t want to upset others. I understand. You’re new to having adults to rely on but now you do so let us be the adults you need.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said again.

  “Good. The samples for the bakery are coming at lunch and you have a photo shoot before dinner. Have fun before then.” She leaned in and kissed my cheek. “I’m glad you’re taking your fuel situation more seriously. I’m proud of you.”

  “I do listen and try.”

  “We know you do.” She glanced at the others. “Come on, children, they have more training to do. We don’t want to be in the way of that.”

  “Bye, Tamsin,” they all called out, each giving me a hug before they hurried after the others.

  “I’ve never seen her turn red when talking to you,” Mel muttered when Irma was well out of ear shot.

  “I know. It was upsetting. I felt like I might cry if she hated me.”

  “We all feel that,” Colton chuckled. “Anyone with a soul feels that with any fair folk. It’s why even Uncle Trigger won’t go against a hobgoblin. You feel like you’ve kicked a puppy if they get upset with you. They’re so pure and innocent that you can’t help it.”

  Fair enough.

  “Okay, we’ll keep sorting as you get back to training,” Izzy offered as she came over and sat on my blanket. “And we’ll get these back to Irma later. We’ll bribe Sean with some of the caffeine whatever so go show me how cool you are.”

  “Glad you’re awake now,” I chuckled, shaking my head as I pushed to stand. “You’re also going to make lists of what I like best or something, right?”

  “Yes, I’ll put a bin in the room for the wrappers of what you like and I’ll get them for auto-order and rotate our stock.”

  “You’re the best, Izzy.”

  “I know.”

  I went for my blades and was shocked when Mr. Rothchild wanted me to face off with Mel again. He had the experience for me not to question it so I didn’t worry about it and squared off with her. We went through our paces several times and then he had me go back against Colton. It gave me a chance to get a better feel for him and after the fifth time I had my blade at his throat within ten moves.

  “Astounding,” Mr. Rothchild praised.

  “Not to try and defend myself as that was an awesome move, but I did get distracted,” Colton admitted, nodding behind me.

  I backed away and glanced over my shoulder to see Hudson standing there with Juan and Lucca. Okay, I could see that. Colton and the Rothchilds were so in tune to protecting any of the Vogels, their spidey senses would probably go into overdrive the moment one appeared on the scene.

  “Let’s take a break,” one of the cousins said, tossing me another drink.

  “And maybe give us some updates,” Mel pushed.

  “On?” I asked, glancing between them.

  “The spies you caught over break?” she drawled.

  I shrugged. “Does it really matter? They were bad guys. Off with their heads.”

  She snorted when everyone gave me shocked looks. “She’s not as sweet and innocent as you all assume just because she was raised human.” She waved off what they might have said and focused on me. “You only think that because you don’t know the families and people. I do.”

  “Yeah, but it’s obvious they were working for outsiders,” I countered. “The threats to the Vogels, the ones who want to usurp aren’t dragons from their territory.”

  “How could you possibly know that?” Mr. Rothchild asked, his tone equal parts impressed shocked… And accusatory.

  I rolled my eyes. “They run a tight ship of their dragons. They have their finger on the pulse of their people but also no one has a bad word to say about them. Even the elite vamps here that snark on everyone say good things about how the Vogels have their shit together. When the original whatever happened, you undoubtedly got them but they weren’t working alone if you are all so worried there are more threats.

  “Sure, there are always threats, but you know there are. Something told you there is but you can’t find them in your own backyard after years of looking for them. They’re not here. They’re out there. My bet is that’s true for all the royals because if any others wanted to come in and take over after the initial time, the community as a whole has seen what those Alphas have done and it’s not positive.

  “So, they lost that chance at turning the tide. Regular everyday dragons like the Vogels and won’t back an Alpha usurper. Dragons here know that and no one would be stupid enough to try it. However, someone from the outside is always stupid enough to try and invade for power, glory, and the prize. So, it’s someone with Australia’s backing, but not here. It’s the only logical answer.”

  “Your right it is. That’s exactly what we learned,” he admitted. “They think they’ve found a new angle to exploit with you though. They’re the ones pushing these rumors that we and the Vogels have gone soft, weak, and neglectful being so focused on an unknown with a bit of talent who’s focused on the victim hobgoblins. We’re debating what course of action to take but we have decided what to do.”

  I smirked at him. “Now that I can be of help with.”


  A week later I was waiting for the Power Playoffs to start, more than ready to get to the good stuff and done with the foreplay. The lead-in and ceremony alone were grating on my nerves. The elites really liked to strut around like proud peacocks before they did much of anything and with all the attention this competition had, they were making a complete spectacle of it.

  Fuck a coming-out ceremony, this was it to the supe world for sure. Those close to me had carefully kept that from me, but I’d found out the day before, and how other schools had done the same for their competitions.

  Artemis was simply the best of the best so it was like th
e Super Bowl instead of any other title for football across all levels, countries, and players. Yeah, no pressure.

  Actually, I thrived under pressure if they would simply let me get to the damn fight.

  And a fight it was going to be. I’d been warned by just about any friend I had that already went through it that lots of the elites fought dirty. No shit, I would have guessed that on my own. Specifically, what they meant was the first round was a quick draw and most used an incapacitation type rune that was handed down from their families.

  So they cheated. Well, it wasn’t against the rules but it was definitely unsportsmanlike conduct. No one here cared about such things but I was grateful for the warning.

  The school’s arena was actually larger than a professional football stadium as not every supe sporting event took place on a hundred yards. Something like this it was smart to have more room and not a roof. Sure, one could magically be put on if there was bad weather, but an open top was smarter overall.

  Finally, we were given the green light to head out onto the field and we were announced by lottery to match up with our first round. I bit back a smile when I was paired up with a complete douche. It was like the gods themselves were giving their seal of approval on my plan and to not hold back.

  Because I wouldn’t with an asshole like him.

  I let out a sigh as more and more names were called, people clapping and cheering like they’d already done something instead of simply naming all of us. I stretched and shook out my limbs to stay loose, my magic ready to go and wanting the action we’d been planning for.

  And fueling up for over the past several hours already.

  “About time,” I sighed when Edelman announced for everyone to get into their places. I glanced at the countdown, ignoring the taunts of the asshole, knowing from his thoughts he was going to incapacitate me and completely confident he could draw the rune faster than anything I could do.


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