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Thwarting Cheaters (Artemis University Book 5)

Page 21

by Erin R Flynn

  “Tamsin Vale, you have the thanks of every dragon,” an older student I didn’t know said loudly from the front. “May the gods bless you for what you did today and may all dragons give you thanks for many days to come.” He thumped his fist against his chest, everyone following him and then taking a knee.

  I gaped at them, glancing at Darcy and then Mel who was beaming with pride at how her people were behaving. They might have been spoiled elites and jerks at times but they were dragons.

  “You didn’t just save a royal dragon, but a beloved ruling, mated pair,” she explained. “You have the gratitude of all dragons for doing what you did.”

  “I only did what was right,” I muttered. “And no one ever thanks me. Normally I get more shit and shit on.” I stared out at everyone as they stayed kneeling. “Um, I was glad to do it. Thanks for appreciating it?”

  Several people snorted and stood.

  “Not to seem ungrateful, but why do you guys care about this but helping with the crystals didn’t give me any kind of goodwill?” I asked that guy who instigated it all.

  He frowned, letting out a heavy sigh. “Because people were keeping that under wraps and there were a lot of lies about it.”

  I bit back a growl. “Because people were still hoping to get me under control and as theirs and if it got out I was doing something good instead of just being a pain in the ass, people would fight to keep me a free agent. Something like that, right?”

  “That’s how I would see it, yes.” He shrugged. “Welcome to supe politics.” He held out his hand to me. “Thank you for saving my king and queen. My people are blessed to have them as our rulers.”

  I accepted the gesture but decided to be honest. “They’re nice people and I like them. I didn’t do it because they’re king and queen. That’s reason enough for me to help. Plus, I was the target too. Hopefully, we can get any other traitors out of their camp.”

  His eyes flashed shock. “Is that what it was? A traitor?”

  I winced, glancing around as people started whispering. “Whoops. I figured you guys got all the deets if you knew what happened. Okay, keep that quiet as they’re going to clean house fast to make sure they’re safe. I don’t know all of that, just it was a guy working with the Underground to get me and assassinate them.”

  “How did you figure it out?” he asked as he let go of my hand.

  Mel cleared her throat, shaking her head. “Maybe later but not yet. Don’t risk giving that ace away until we know everyone is safe.”

  “Yeah, that’s a good point.” I was shocked people seemed to actually agree, taking safety over their needs. I studied the guy and saw genuine worry over the normal petty shit. “The Underground is circling to make a move. Warn your families. They’ve got their shit together much better than people are reporting. It’s not only the Diazes’ in danger. It’s time to fight together, not with each other.”

  “It’s well past that time, yes.”

  Well hot damn. Something good could come out of a bad morning after all.

  My stomach growled loudly before anyone else could ask questions or chime in so that gave me the perfect excuse to duck out. I understood Darby’s comment when my tray was loaded up and we were sitting at our normal table. I had thought people were buzzing about the attack and fallout but I realized it was something else.

  “You’re going to want to see this,” Natalie informed me as she handed me her phone.

  I sighed, wanting to simply eat my weight in food and take a nap. Instead I tapped the waiting video on supe social media. I almost spit out the bite of my food when I saw it was perfectly shot footage of my altercation with the councilman who was tagged as Elder Harjo.

  Darby. That was why he had hung back even when everyone else had arrived and joined us. He had blended with the group and gotten evidence of the corruption and harassment after I took down the bad guys.

  Even better, someone else got video of me doing just that and proof only White and Edelman used the runes to restrain Underground agents. It was all over social media and even if the council tried to gag it at this point there would be no containing it with how fast people were sharing it.

  I was glad they didn’t show I had taken in the magic of those temporary portals as I wasn’t sure that was something I should have been able to do at my level. But the fight was pretty badass and getting to see White and Edelman in action was awesome. There were a few angles so a few people had the same idea at least to take evidence for the police.

  Or maybe to cover their own asses. It seemed needed in this world.

  Maybe I should look into a fucking body cam?

  “There’s more,” Natalie warned me, taking back the phone and tapping it several times before handing it back.

  I frowned when I saw it was the supe social media page for the hobgoblin co-op. Then my eyes went wide as I read the statement posted.

  “‘Tamsin Vale is not only our ambassador and model but founding investor and greatest champion for the freedom and helping of all fair folk. Any who seek to oppress and wield her as a tool for their own selfish gain and corruption are not in keeping with the beliefs of fair folk. Going forward they—and their people—will not be allowed to do business with the co-op or any hobgoblin businesses.

  “‘All business with witches and warlocks is suspended until further notice and Elder Harjo issues a formal apology to Ms. Vale as is befitting of a councilman and a man of his status. Hopefully, he sees reason and does soon, but if not, full refunds will be given for any pending orders and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

  “‘We have also informed Katrina Calloway of our stance and she has agreed and understands the firm and unwavering loyalty of the fair folk. No products from any of the havens, co-op, or businesses will be sold to witches or warlocks from her branch of Veritas Portas until further notice as well. If any hobgoblins would like to leave their current employment, we have openings and positions available. Thank you.’”

  “Holy shit,” Izzy hissed as I blinked at the phone. “Well they’re certainly taking a stand with their new found power. Hot damn.”

  “Turn on the news,” someone called over the noise of the cafeteria.

  I handed Natalie back her phone in time to see professors and instructors making screens appear magically and putting one or the other of the two supe networks we had that humans couldn’t watch. I thought my eyes might seriously pop out of my head when I saw Jeremy Sims, who was the lone wolf Alpha in charge of protecting the hobgoblin sanctuary on both channels.

  “You have no business here,” someone growled at him.

  “I was called and asked to escort the hobgoblins who worked here to the sanctuary. They’ve asked to leave. Are you denying them their rights to leave?” Jeremy demanded. “Are you keeping fair folk as slaves? Is that who Elder Harjo is?”

  “No one called you, wolf. Leave now and take your bullshit with you. This is some media stunt to smear the council,” the guy snapped.

  “Then let us speak with the hobgoblins that work here,” one reporter shouted. “We’ve gotten reports from hobgoblins at every council member’s estate that they resign and won’t work for council families after they saw the recording of Elder Harjo admitting the council wants to possess Tamsin Vale. We’ve confirmed hobgoblins inside this estate are trying to leave as well.”

  “Don’t,” Mel breathed when I moved like I was going to stand. “Don’t react this time. Let others handle this. You started it. Let them finish it, Tams. It can’t always be you. Others will fight this fight and it needs to be others who fight as well.”

  I slowly nodded and relaxed, swallowing loudly and hoping others could handle it. I felt better when Darby took my hand under the table. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, knowing he’d started this. That altercation with Elder Harjo wasn’t even an hour ago and yet the video was taken and the dominoes pushed over from there falling since.

  He moved fast for the right reasons and I was proud to be
his girlfriend.

  The camera view changed to show a temporary portal off to the side that Liluth stepped through… Along with the fae dogs that protected the sanctuary. Holy fuck they were throwing down.

  “Fae dogs don’t answer to hobgoblins,” the guy declared, scoffing at the move.

  Liluth chuckled, clearly mocking him. “Yes, child, please, lecture me how fair folk interact with each other. You as a warlock clearly would know more.” She looked at Rainbow who was the Alpha who guarded the sanctuary. “There are hobgoblins who requested our help and not allowed to leave this estate. I humbly ask your aid in saving some of ours.”

  Rainbow nodded for the camera to see and growled at the guy as he burst into flames, the pack following suit. The guy cursed up a storm as they approached the gate.

  “Stand down!” someone bellowed from the estate. Another guy came into view, someone higher up the food chain from his attitude. “This is a misunderstanding. Any employee of Elder Harjo is allowed to leave at any time. We weren’t informed first and there was confusion given their contracts. There are matters to discuss and—”

  “All of those menial matters can be handled after our people are on even footing and not pressured to sign any contracts under duress,” Liluth cut in.

  The guy glared at her. “No hobgoblin here was forced to sign a contract or ever under duress.”

  She snorted at him, turning bright red to show how angry she was. “We cannot blend with humans and you have the gall to say that to my face? Promising protection for our children while offering what is basically indentured servitude is really no different than a gun to our heads and under duress. One has freed us from that and given us what others should. Now release our people and contact our attorney.”

  “That is not how things are done,” he objected.

  She smirked at him and gestured to the fae dogs. “I believe they say otherwise. We have the full list of everyone who is in the estate. We’ve been compiling it for months knowing everyone who wanted to leave. This was simply the last straw and we have safe places to live and protection now. Let our people go or admit to our media and everyone watching you keep hobgoblins as slaves.”

  I doubted I was the only one holding my breath waiting for the answer.

  “They are packed and making their way out of the estate now,” the guy ground out. “We will handle the breach of contract and penalties with the co-op’s attorney as I assume you’ll be covering that then?”

  “Oh, yes, they’ll have lots to say about the contracts when you show them to Mr. Geiger,” Liluth taunted.

  I had to slap my hand over my mouth when the guy’s face went visibly pale even on camera. I doubted they were going to show how they screwed over the hobgoblins just like other households hadn’t when they learned Geiger was involved and we got hobgoblins free.

  The first hobgoblins came out of the estate, their skin bright yellow to show their joy, and even pet the fae dogs after they turned off the fire. They all hugged Liluth and shook Jeremy’s hand before heading for the portal.

  And I almost broke down crying. I turned into Darby and blinked back tears. We’d done that. This was what we’d been fighting for. We’d freed more fair folk from assholes who used and abused their situation and the fact they were locked out of their home and didn’t have protectors anymore.

  “You are amazing, agra, and I’m so proud of you,” he murmured as he hugged me tightly.

  “This was your win today, my prickly pear,” I breathed. “You’re the one who took the video and got it to Irma so she could start this all.”


  Maybe my arse. I knew he did it.

  I planned to thank him later.


  “You’re supposed to be resting, agra,” Darby muttered as I kissed along his neck.

  I chuckled as I moved my hand under his shirt. “Are you saying you don’t want me?”

  “I would never say that.”

  I slid my hand under his boxer briefs and ran my fingers along his hard dick. “He seems to want me.”

  “He always wants you, Tamsin,” he growled. “Never doubt that. I’m trying to be good.”

  “I am too,” I purred as I flipped back the bedding and sat up. I slowly pulled off my satin nightie he somehow resisted so I was fully naked for him. “I need you, Darby. My body is so wound up.” I ran my hands over my skin, letting my fingers tease my nipples and slide over my clit so he could see. “Are you really going to leave your agra in such a state when she needs you?”

  He groaned, like groaned and then was suddenly without his boxer briefs. “Never. I would deny you nothing. Ever.”

  What woman didn’t love to hear that? I mashed my mouth down to his as I moved his hands to my breasts, knowing what he wanted too. “You’ve wanted to touch the tits others stare at and want, huh? I saw you looking earlier. You want to suck these tits you get to, Darby?”

  “Shit, aye, talk dirty to your man, agra,” he begged. “Fuck me dead. You have the best tits and they be mine, all mine.” He brought them to his lips, sucking both nipples at once and then I was the one groaning loudly. He lavished them with such attention that I was seriously seconds from finishing just from that but I needed a bit more and he seemed to know that.

  He reached down and pinched my clit, only that, one little pinch and set me off.

  “That’s it, wipe it all on my cock,” he growled as I squirmed against him. “Fuck, I love when you soak my cock like that.”

  “I know,” I cried as another wave of my orgasm hit me. I pulled him to sit up and crushed his face against my breasts as I kept rocking my hips. I used one hand to help him tease both nipples while he dug his fingers in the flesh of my ass and moved with me. It was glorious and exactly what I needed.

  Funny how this was supposed to be my thanks for him and I was getting off but whatever.

  “I need more,” he snarled when I finished.

  I nodded and went to kiss him… Except his fangs came out. I yelped and moved off of him in a flash.

  He covered his mouth and moved away. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t going to bite you. I meant I wanted to lick you.”

  I had actually thought he meant sex and I was agreeing. I was ready until I saw the fangs and was thrown back to months earlier. I cleared my throat and tried to calm my racing heart. “I know you didn’t mean blood. I’ve felt them come out before. I trust you.”

  “You just haven’t seen them,” he sighed.

  “Yeah, sorry.”

  “Only you would be sorry after what I did,” he chuckled darkly.

  I crawled over to him and pulled his hand away, forcing myself to look at his fangs. Then I lowered my forehead to his. “I actually think they’re sexy, Darby. I think you’re sexy with them. We’re okay.”

  “Are we?”

  “Aren’t we? I think we are.” I swallowed loudly and gestured to where we were. “This is the bed where it happened and I didn’t think of it once until the fangs came out. I was begging you to do lots to me.” I frowned and leaned back. “Are you saying it’s not enough or—”

  “No, no, not at all,” he rasped.

  I studied his eyes and slowly nodded. “You promise? I mean, maybe you could try biting my thigh if you really need it or—”

  “No, don’t offer,” he choked out, covering my mouth with his hand as he ducked his head. He let out a slow breath and shook his head before shivering. “Fuck, don’t offer, Tamsin. I’m thrilled with where we’re at. I would rather have your heart than your body a million times over and I know your feelings for me are real and we’re getting closer all the time. The rest is falling into place at the pace we need.”

  “So, you were asking to check with me?” I wasn’t sure if that made sense but it did in my head.

  Sort of.

  He nodded though. “Yes, I wanted to know how you felt and make sure.”

  “Then my answer is yes. I think we’re good.” I decided to go for cheeky an
d move us over this bump. “I’d be better if you were doing what you had been trying for though. I mean, offering to eat out your girlfriend and then hitting the breaks is just fucking mean when her pussy’s fucking dripping for you and—”

  I yelped as he moved his hands behind my thighs and flipped me onto my back. His head was between my legs before I blinked and his tongue licking me all over. Shit that was hot.

  “Do I taste like yours, Darby?” I moaned as he pushed two fingers in me. Guess he had a possessive, jealous side as well. Good to know. “I’m going to get a shirt made that says ‘I like three fingers of Irish and it ain’t whiskey.’”

  “Agra, you do that and I’ll spend all night eating you to show my appreciation for how gobsmacked all the twits will be,” he promised.

  I snorted. “You’d do that anyway because you’re addicted to the taste of me.

  “Aye, I am.”

  And then he proved it by giving me a couple of orgasms.

  I rolled us so I was on top and rocked my hips so I rubbed against him. I kept glancing down, knowing it would be so easy to take him in me and move past this hurdle. If we finally pushed forward it would be everything for us and put what happened in our rearview mirror.

  Darby seemed to realize what I was thinking and moved his hands to my ass, licking his lips when I looked at him. “That’s it, agra, dance for me. Rub against the cock you own and make me come. Show you own me. I’m yours, all yours just like your mine. I wanna see your tits bounce for me as you tease me like this.”

  I moaned, my eyes about rolling up in my head at his dirty talk with the thick Irish accent that did me in. I hated I got possessive but apparently that was part of who I was and I liked when they declared they were all mine.

  I gave him what we both wanted and we finished hard, smiling at each other as we gasped for air. “You are such a kinky fucker.”

  “Only with you.” He shrugged when I couldn’t hide my shock. “You make me feel free to try new things. I like being dirty with you now and again. You let me and know it’s not demeaning you. Plus, we just say ‘tits’ and ‘cock’ more than ‘breasts’ or ‘dick’ so it always seems dirtier but really, it’s just words.”


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