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Healthy Scratch

Page 2

by Robyn M Ryan


  JENNA STIRRED, BREAKING into Lauren’s musings. Why the heck did that wedding reception fiasco come to mind after all these years? Because I haven’t seen Marty in ages? She peeked at Jenna who nestled in her arms. “Bet your mama thinks I kidnapped you. Shall we find her?”

  She lifted Jenna against her shoulder as she walked back to the vast living area. Most of the guests had left, and Caryn caught her eye, a teasing smile on her face.

  “Did you think I ran off with her?”

  “You two looked so adorable napping in the rocking chair, I didn’t have the heart to wake you. I snapped a photo earlier—I’ll show you later.”

  “Didn’t mean to fall asleep. I wanted to give you a break, not abduct the guest of honor.”

  “No problem. Drew had a ‘moment’ when he didn’t see Jenna, but once I informed him…”

  “Oh, geez, that’s all I need, your husband believing I kidnapped Jenna.” Lauren glanced around the area for Andrew, exhaling in relief when he didn’t appear annoyed.

  Caryn laughed as she reached for her daughter. “Dave told him where you’d gone; I confirmed it.”

  Lauren saw the gleam in Caryn’s eyes and shook her head. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “Didn’t know before he arrived. Andrew had neglected to mention it. A wonderful surprise, don’t you agree?”

  “For the Suns and you guys? Sure.” Lauren glanced around the room until she found Martin chatting with new teammates John Peterson and Steve Rogers.

  “So, did you two talk?”

  Lauren shrugged, keeping her tone indifferent. “For a few minutes. He mentioned the trade before my sweet Goddaughter needed to freshen up.”

  Caryn’s eyebrows rose, but she didn’t comment. “Still thinking about moving here?”

  “Some. I’ll give it serious consideration once I wrap up the McRainey project. Not enough space in my brain for anything else.”

  “After tomorrow, you can purge your brain of McRainey.” Caryn nodded toward the buffet. “Let’s grab something to eat before the caterer puts up the food.”

  Lauren took her plate and walked out to the pool deck while Caryn said goodbye to the few lingering guests. She leaned back in the chaise lounge and stared at the sun’s reflection in the pool. Returning to St. Louis in the grip of winter did not excite her. Her travels to the West Coast, especially San Diego and LA, and the many days working in Phoenix and Miami helped her to ignore the seasons—and she was not ready to endure harsh cold weather again.

  Why would I live in St. Louis? Nothing there besides snow and slush. Maybe I'll break the lease and move…where, Vancouver? Her sister would allow her to live in her home…at least short-term. Amanda’s daughter Cassie loved spending time with Lauren. They enjoyed chatting, shopping, and spending “girl time” together. If Lauren moved to Vancouver, she’d slide back into the daughter/guardian role her sister had adopted when she and Trevor agreed to take Lauren into their home when she wasn’t even a preschooler. Like moving back home after trying independence.

  Besides her sister and niece, she’d lost touch with any friends who remained in Vancouver. Most secondary school “friends”—rather not revisit those memories. Definitely not my finest moments. It doesn’t matter where I live. With a sigh, Lauren selected a brownie from her plate. She’d figure it out after she took a few weeks off…maybe two weeks on a cruise through the Caribbean? Plenty of time to relax, party a little, and plan.

  She looked up as someone slid into the chair beside her. “Did you get everyone…” She smiled when she saw that Dave Martin, not Caryn, sat beside her. “Never mind…that was a Caryn question.”

  “Figured.” He nodded toward the brownies. “Sharing?”

  “Oh, I had planned to stuff my face…please take one or two, or all.” Lauren handed the plate to him. “Suns giving you a room at the Marriott?”

  Dave swallowed the chunk of brownie he was chewing. “They have a room for me, but I have offers from Andrew and Steve Rogers to stay with them until I get things figured out.”

  “At least you don’t need to sell a home in St. Louis,” Lauren said as she reached for her water bottle.

  “Thank God. I’ll explore the area as soon as I can.”

  “Caryn picked this house in a matter of hours.”

  Dave chuckled. “If I recall, Andrew got the contract offer the morning they planned to leave on their anniversary trip. No time to look around, with the trip and training camp about to start.” He glanced at Lauren. “It’s a nice area, though. Haven’t considered buying a house, maybe a condo, once I know if I’m a ‘rental’ player or perhaps considered for a contract.”

  “You’ll get a contract,” Lauren predicted with a smile. “These homes are very nice, don’t you think?”

  “A lot more space than I need.”

  “There’s a condo community as part of this development. I looked at a couple floor plans,” Lauren offered.

  “You moving here?”

  She shrugged. “Not sure. No reason to stay in St. Louis. Maybe here, Vancouver…or perhaps South Beach,” she added with a giggle.

  “You’ve been there?”

  “Briefly during one of my trips to Miami.”

  Dave nodded, then held back a grin. “You like that scene?”

  “Something to do. Seemed easy to meet people there.”

  “Oh, I’m sure,” Dave smirked.

  Lauren’s eyes narrowed as she studied him. “What are you suggesting, Mr. Martin?”

  “Not a thing, Ms. Gentry. I’m certain you could enjoy yourself in South Beach.”

  Lauren wasn’t sure how to take this observation. Is he saying I’d meet lots of guys? More friends with benefits? “Well, you’ll find Tampa up to your standards.”

  “How so?”

  Lauren blurted the first thought that came to her mind. “Just head out to one of the beaches—huge choice of beach bunnies, not to mention puck bunnies, Tampa style.”

  Dave frowned and pinned her with his eyes. “Lauren, you don’t know me better than that?”

  She saw the irritation flash across his face and apologized.

  He brushed her words aside. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll catch up with you later. I’ve got to figure out where to take my suitcase tonight.”

  Lauren shut her eyes as he strode inside. Good job, Gentry. Insult the one man you can’t forget and can never have. She’d realized their time together had an expiration date. Guys like Dave didn’t consider serious relationships with girls like her.


  Dave Martin leaned against the counter as he sipped a beer and talked playoff scenarios with the remaining new teammates. His glance wandered to Lauren, kicking himself for the terse response to her comment about bunnies…beach, puck, or otherwise. Should remember Lauren has no filters, especially if she’s nervous. Too quick to react; I’ll need to grovel before she’ll acknowledge me.

  He watched as a younger player he didn’t recognize walked to the pool deck and took the chair he’d vacated. Lauren greeted him with a bright smile. Young, but they’re laughing like old friends. Wonder if she’s in a relationship with him? Probably nothing serious, with Lauren’s commitment phobia—or is it “the grass is always greener” syndrome?

  Andrew stood beside him after pulling two beers from the fridge. “You think about where you’re staying short-term? I do not recommend living in a hotel room for the rest of the season. The offer stands for you to stay in one of our guest rooms.”

  Dave scoffed. “That’s all you need, someone else in the way.”

  “We have plenty of room. At least until you decide where you want to play next season.” Andrew offered the beer to Dave.

  “Hope the Suns aren’t using me as a rental player.” Dave shrugged. “I can find an apartment with a six-month lease.”

  “The Suns will sign you,” team captain John Peterson predicted, joining the discussion. “I hope I get to center your line.”

  “I hope I
’ll play on your line.” Dave glanced at Andrew. “You sure I won’t impose if I hang with you a while, Chad?”

  “Caryn suggested it. She reminded me how much I hated living in a hotel in St. Louis.” Andrew nudged him with an elbow. “Not promising she won’t enlist your help with the twins.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Dave nodded toward the pool. “New face? Don’t recognize him.”

  “Cliff Camden,” John said. “First-round draft pick. He’s been playing in the AHL. Good winger, just needs to mature. Could be an interesting dynamic.”


  “Almost twenty.” John chuckled as he glanced at Camden. “He’s earned quite the reputation around the AHL, for both his talent and his tendency to over-party. He has great potential. Stayed with us a few days before training camp…until he received the nod to the AHL. Hope we can help him ‘adjust’ his attitude during this opportunity at this level.”

  “I remember those days—young, awestruck, and determined to make the most of every minute,” Dave said. “Lucky for me, I had an AHL coach who kept us on short leashes and paired the new kids with the veterans.” His gaze strayed back to Lauren. Surely, she’s not interested in him?


  AFTER HELPING CARYN feed and bathe the twins, and then rocking Daniel until he fell asleep, Lauren excused herself. She needed to prepare for the following day’s meeting with Jim Wesley.

  “What time should I leave for the eight o’clock appointment?”

  “No later than seven,” Caryn responded. “You remember where I keep the car keys?”

  Lauren shrugged. “I’m calling Uber. Let someone else drive.” She bit back a yawn. “Give my brain time to function.”

  “Call me when you’re through. We can pick you up.”

  “‘We?’ As in you and the twins?” Lauren said with a laugh. “Don’t the guys have practice? Andrew’s first time back with the team?”

  Caryn shook her head. “I’m trying not to think about it. As excited as I am for him, I’m still nervous.”

  Lauren hugged her friend. “He’ll be fine, you know that. Surely he’ll wear one of those no-contact jerseys?”

  “As I keep telling myself,” Caryn commented, then changed the subject. “So…are you going to get Mr. Wesley to buy you lunch?”

  Lauren saw the teasing glint in her friend’s eyes. “I don’t think so…I don’t want to screw up any future opportunities with McRainey.”

  “You’re willing to work with them again?”

  Lauren caught the surprise in Caryn’s expression. “If the money’s right, shouldn’t we consider it?”

  “That, my friend, is entirely your decision. I’m happy to get back to our niche, but if you enjoyed the experience, go for it,” Caryn encouraged.

  “We’ll see…After tomorrow, my opinion might change.”


  Lauren grabbed her iPad and scrolled through her email as she relaxed on the bed. An email from her niece Cassie caught her eye. Love that girl. We need to catch up. Buried by that project for too long. She typed a quick reply, promising to call tomorrow. She marked a few messages for follow-up, then set the tablet aside as she changed into her plaid sleep boxers and a tank top. Her conversation with Caryn ran through her mind. Jim Wesley mentioned taking the seminars to McRainey’s European centers. London, Rome, Paris, Stockholm…that could be exciting. Do I want to keep traveling for extended periods, working out of one of their offices for the duration of the project? She closed her eyes, imagining living in a charming little apartment near the Champs-Élysées. Paris in the spring? I could do that. Meet French men? Bonus. Italian? Double that. Wonder if any of our seminar leaders would be interested if we took on this project? Adriana? Genevieve? Lucas?

  She leaned back against pillows propped at the top of the bed and googled McRainey’s Paris headquarters. She knew enough French to find it on a map. La Défense…just a couple Metro stops from the Champs.

  The sound of a door closing startled Lauren from a light sleep. Her neck ached from the awkward position and realized she still held the iPad. The moon high above the pool’s lanai supplied the only light. She grabbed her phone to check the time—Midnight. Didn’t even set the alarm or put in a request for a car. Not smart, Gentry. You could have slept right through the meeting. Though, why must Jim Wesley always schedule meetings first thing in the day? Discussion item if we go forward on any new contracts. She reserved the seven-a.m. car and set a series of alarms fifteen minutes apart beginning at five-thirty.

  She plugged her phone into the charger, grabbed her toiletry bag, and walked to the bathroom. Ugh, sleeping with make-up. Raccoon eyes or worse. When she opened the door, the bright light caused her eyes to shut as she felt for the counter. Blinking, she set her bag down and turned on the water.

  She didn’t realize she had company until a soft chuckle caused her to look in the mirror. Her heart raced, and Lauren swallowed a scream when she realized Dave Martin…her Marty…had just emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Oh, crap! I’m sorry…I didn’t know…” She stammered as she backed toward the door. “What are you doing here?”

  She saw the amusement in his expression. “I could say taking a shower, but that’s obvious.”

  “No kidding.”

  “I’m staying in the guest room that evidently shares this bathroom.”

  Lauren tried to keep her eyes on his face. “I didn’t know. I would have knocked.” Her eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t you lock the door?”

  “Ms. Gentry, I had no clue you were in the next room. As large as this house is, I never expected us to be suite-mates.”

  Lauren felt her cheeks flush as he didn’t keep his eyes on her face. She crossed her arms against her chest. “I’ll give you your privacy, then. Just knock when you’re through.”

  “Can we talk?”

  “Right now?” Lauren allowed her eyes to sweep along his torso. Yep, exactly as remembered. Darn him! He’s enjoying this…not a hint of embarrassment.

  “After we’re both finished in here.” Dave flashed a crooked smile. “I assume you’d prefer to grab a T-shirt or something.”

  Was that a hint of sarcasm, Mr. Martin? “I assume you’d prefer to have something other than a wet towel,” Lauren retorted as she nodded at the towel that fell way too low on his hips. “Sure, we can talk for just a few minutes. Early morning meeting for me.”

  “Practice for me.” He shifted the towel on his hips. “Holler when you’re ready.”

  Lauren stared at his back as he left the bath and then took a deep breath. She splashed cold water on her face to quench her body’s heat—how can he still affect me this way?—and then washed her face and completed her evening routine. She grabbed a T-shirt from her dresser, then knocked on the adjoining room.

  “Safe to enter.”

  Lauren hesitated to open the door. So not a good idea, Gentry. Before she could change her mind, the door swung open, and Dave motioned for her to enter.

  “Don’t trip over my suitcases. Haven’t unpacked.”

  “Can’t imagine why.” The room’s layout was similar to hers, and she chose a chair near the French doors that opened onto the pool deck.

  “You want water or anything?”

  “I’m fine.” Her eyes followed Dave as he moved to the other chair. Questions filtered through her mind…for once Lauren was determined to stay quiet.

  “I’m sorry I was rude earlier. I knew you were joking; no excuses, just tired and stressed. I didn’t expect to see you.”

  “That makes two of us.” Lauren smiled. “It was a stupid comment, anyway.”

  He pinned her with his eyes. “Still friends?”

  “Always. Pals forever.” Lauren hoped her tone didn’t come across as flippant. If he only knew…

  Dave’s smile melted her defenses as it always did. “I was happy to see a friendly face from back home—St. Louis or Vancouver,” he clarified. “Too many new names in to
o short a time. All the wives and girlfriends.”

  “You’ll feel at home pretty quickly. After a few post-game celebrations, you’ll figure out who’s who.”

  “Do you go to the games often?” His eyes still held her captive.

  “Sometimes—when I’m here. Which hasn’t been often.” She broke eye contact and looked toward the pool. “I’m hoping Caryn will trust me to babysit the twins so she can get to a game once Andrew’s cleared to play…So far, only Tom and a friend who’s a nurse, Katie, have earned that privilege.” She bit back the giggle. “I may have to get a reference from my sister Amanda—you know, Cassie’s mom?”

  “I remember both well. It’s hard to compete with a neurologist, right?” Dave said, referring to Andrew’s brother.

  Lauren nodded. “Hardly ever see Tom with his schedule. You know he’s living in the guest apartment here?”

  “I remember that. I also know he played a huge role in Andrew’s recovery. If you’d told me a year ago, I never would have believed he’d be skating with the team.”

  “He had to promise Caryn he’ll never use his head again to block a shot.”

  Dave’s laugh was short. “That was unintentional, anyway. Sometimes impossible to control your instincts. Chad said he’s got super protective gear on that side of his helmet…and I think his instincts will change to not blocking pucks. At least not without a helmet. And not with his head.”

  They both sat silently as they recalled the life-threatening injury and the months of strenuous physical therapy devoted to something as simple as walking. Lauren shook her head as if to erase the memories. “Just glad all that is behind Andrew and Caryn. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them this happy.”

  “They deserve it,” Dave said quietly. “What about you, Lauren? Besides traveling the world working, are you enjoying life?”

  “Only the US and Canada so far,” she corrected with a smile. “For the past eight months, few opportunities to enjoy anything outside of the job.” She shrugged. “Not complaining, though. I love working with Caryn.”


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