Book Read Free

Healthy Scratch

Page 12

by Robyn M Ryan


  LAUREN AWOKE WITH a gasp, caught in that moment before a dream fades. Distorted images flashed through her brain, lost as she opened her eyes. People arguing—no screaming. Adults…my parents? Amanda and Cassie? Amanda and me? An unsettled sensation felt like a pit lodged in her throat. She slipped from the bed and tiptoed to the kitchen for a cold bottle of water. Before opening, she pressed it against her forehead briefly. Just thinking about the venomous verbal battles between her parents caused her to shudder. Damn inner child. Thought I’d erased—suppressed—all those memories. Why appear now when I’m happy and content? To remind me that’s not my future?

  She drank the water, trying to block her sister’s relentless bitter pessimism. Lauren flicked a tear from her cheek and retreated to bed, hoping she didn’t disturb Dave. She slid beside him, and his arm pulled her against him.

  “Okay?” His voice was heavy with sleep.

  “Just needed water.” She felt his kiss against the back of her head.

  “Too much tequila.”

  Just like that, the pit in her throat disappeared. Lauren covered his arm with hers, snuggled against his chest, a sense of safety and contentment lulling her back into a dreamless sleep.


  Getaway day came way too fast. Lauren sat in the middle of the bed and watched Dave pack for another road trip. At least this one’s in the same time zone. New York, Boston, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal…Loved Toronto in the spring. Caryn and I never lacked things to do. She thought of the coffee shop where their study group met three nights each week. Wonder what Kevin and Bill decided about grad school. Need to send them a text or a post on Facebook. Fun times. Going to Sullivan’s with Caryn—before she met Andrew and after they traded him to St. Louis. Could always twist Caryn’s arm to share a pitcher of margaritas in the spring.

  “Earth to Lauren,” Dave interrupted her reminiscing.

  Lauren grinned as she focused her eyes on his. “Sorry, was just thinking about you going to Toronto. Caryn and I had some fun times around this time of year.”

  Dave picked up his phone and tapped on the screen. “We only get one night there before going on to Ottawa. Have you thought about joining the team staff for a road trip?”

  “I wish. Unfortunately travel coordination is an entirely different department. Now, if the Suns make the Final, and if I’m still consulting, I’ll find a way to get added to the travel group.” She nodded her approval when Dave held a shirt and tie for her to see. “You don’t need me. You always look so…shall we say….well put together.”

  His soft laughter did not mute the sound of her phone ringing, blasting Cassie’s ring tone from across the room. She scrambled to get it, but Dave held up his hand to stop her and retrieved the phone. “You’ll need to explain the meaning attached to the various songs.”

  “Cassie. Need I say more?” Lauren swiped the screen and greeted her niece. “Hey, Cas! Counting the days until graduation?”

  “If things don’t improve, I may not stick around for graduation.” Lauren heard the exaggerated sigh.

  “What’s going on?” Lauren met Dave’s glance and nodded toward the private deck outside the bedroom. She slid from the side of the bed and listened as she settled on a chaise lounge near the pool.

  “She’s…she’s…Mom’s on my case every day. Now, I can’t do anything right. Dad came over to pick me up yesterday to babysit, and they got into a huge row. I’ve never heard them argue like that. I couldn’t stand it…I locked myself in the bedroom and blocked the noise with my headphones.”

  Flashes from her own memories crowded her thoughts, but Lauren pushed them aside. “I’m sorry you had to hear that, Cassie. Hopefully, that was just a bad day for both. I’m sorry you didn’t get to babysit.”

  “No, I did. Taylor’s my half-brother. No way am I giving up the right to see him or my dad.” Cassie stopped to take a breath. “I don’t even know what they were arguing about. Probably about what I should do after graduation. I wish I could stay at Dad’s for a while.”

  “Is that a possibility?”

  “Who knows? After yesterday, I’m not even going to ask.”

  Lauren heard the frustration in her niece’s voice. “Hang in there, Cassie. Graduation’s just weeks away. Focus on your plans—graduation top priority.”

  “You know, I have money. I could just take off—then my parents won’t need to deal with ‘my issues.’”

  Lauren didn’t like the bitterness in Cassie’s voice. “Don’t even think that way. Your parents love you and just want what’s best for you.”

  “I know what I want. I want them to get along.” She paused a second. “You can’t understand what it’s like listening to your parents scream at each other. I hate getting caught in the middle.”

  No need to mention my own childhood memories. “I can imagine how you must feel, Cassie. I promise their issues have nothing to do with you. Just focus on your future, honey. Things will work out.” Lauren glanced into the bedroom. Dave had closed his bags and set them by the bedroom door—almost time for him to leave. “Honey, I’m here for you—always.” Lauren’s heart ached for Cassie. “Would you like me to talk with your mom?”

  “If you can get in touch with her. Good luck.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “She’s usually going somewhere with your mother. She cares about her more than me.”

  “You know that’s not true.” Lauren stood and held up a finger so Dave could see her. “This isn’t what you want to hear, but just hang in there for these last few weeks. Okay?”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking, Lauren. I’ll try, but I will take off if I need to.”

  “Please don’t.” Lauren closed her eyes. “Call me anytime…please don’t even consider leaving. I’ll help you anyway I can. Promise me, Cassie.”

  “I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything right now.”


  Lauren fought back the tears and wrapped her arms around herself. How could things change so quickly? Have I not paid attention these last eight months…or longer? She tried to remember the last time she’d visited them in Vancouver. The seminar in September…everything seemed normal, but I didn’t spend that much time with them. Did I miss some signals?

  She didn’t realize she was trembling until strong arms closed around her, pulling her against his solid, comforting chest. “What’s going on, Lauren?”

  She shook her head as she tried to gather her composure. I can’t let him know how toxic the situation is in my family. “Cassie and Amanda.” Lauren swiped at her eyes. “Cassie says she can’t live at home any longer—too much fighting between her parents.”

  “How about her father?” Dave sat on the chaise and pulled Lauren onto his lap. “Could she stay with him?”

  “She doesn’t want to ask. I doubt Amanda would agree.” Lauren leaned her face against Dave’s chest. “She’s saying she’ll just take off.”

  “Teenage drama?”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time. I know I can’t ignore what Cassie says. Amanda needs to know. Maybe I can smooth things over.”

  “You don’t sound optimistic.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on. I've invested little time or effort over the past year.” She shrugged and pinched the bridge of her nose. “You need to get going, Marty. Not a good impression if you miss the team bus.”

  “I’m riding with the guys. I’ll hear the horn blaring if I make them wait.” He hugged her tightly, then set her on her feet, stealing a kiss as he stood. He hooked a finger under her chin and coaxed her to look up at him. “Try not to worry until you know the facts, squirt.”

  Lauren forced a tight smile as she met his eyes. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “Yeah, I’m kinda used to you being with me—especially at night.” That sensual smirk made Lauren’s heart beat faster, and that fluttering sensation spread throughout her chest.

  “Call me when you land?”

  “You won’t answer if I call befor
e the flight leaves?” He teased a laugh from her.

  “Anytime you call, I’ll answer. Promise. If you catch me after midnight, I’m not guaranteeing the quality of the conversation.”

  “You know our schedule—call anytime, babe.” He hooked his arm around her waist and guided her back into the bedroom. He grabbed his bags as a car horn blared from the front of the house. “Isn’t that a violation of some code?”

  Lauren shrugged as he set the suitcase on the porch and held up his finger. Just one minute. He pulled her against him, and the good-bye kiss lasted well over that minute. Dave chuckled as someone tapped the horn. “Let me know if I can help, Lauren. Anything you need.”

  “Thanks, I’ll talk to you later. Maybe with good news.” She kissed him before pulling away. “Be safe, Marty.”


  CARYN WELCOMED LAUREN’S visit with a warm hug later that day. “You don’t know how many times I look for you around the house before I remember you’re with Dave. I’ve missed you.”

  “Same here. I still have a hard time convincing myself I’ve actually committed to a ‘relationship’ with Mr. Martin.”

  “I can tell you’re happy.” Lauren saw her friend’s sincere smile. “The babes are sleeping—let’s grab something to drink and catch up.”

  “Feels like years since we’ve just talked.” Lauren walked beside her to the kitchen and accepted the Coke Zero Caryn offered. “Before we get started, I need to tell you that my consulting gig is winding down. Got a call this morning. They’ve hired someone, and I’ll help her transition for a week.”

  “I was hoping they’d offer you the job—or keep you on as a consultant. Remember, though, you’ll still get paid the entire period in the contract.”

  Lauren shrugged. “I’ve enjoyed every minute of this assignment, but now I can help you with everything else. I’ve felt guilty leaving you all the other clients.”

  Caryn placed a fruit platter on the table and motioned for Lauren to join her. “Luckily, our clients have not made bad decisions lately.”

  “How about Cliff Camden? Did you ever speak with his agent? Got the impression he’s on a short leash right now.”

  Lauren watched Caryn shake her head. “I’m talking to his agent, who doesn’t get the whole social media aspect. His accounts are a mess…If you want an ulcer, look at his Instagram feed.”

  “He’s a good kid. I know he is. He acts impulsively and usually makes the wrong decision.” She told Caryn about the incident during the post-game celebration. “Do you think the front office will get involved?”

  “No. Drew said he needs to get serious about hockey…quickly, as in last month. If he didn’t have so much talent…”

  “I know. I hope he makes it. He’s got some good guys on the team willing to mentor him. Hate to see him blow this opportunity.” Lauren reached for some grapes. “Any idea when Andrew will be cleared to play?”

  “He doesn’t talk about it. Tom told me it may not happen this season. He said Drew knows that, but it pushes him to work harder.”

  “Some things are beyond his control, right?”

  “Try telling Drew that.” Caryn shook her head. “At least he’s traveling with the team, and then his ‘Peanuts’ remind him of priorities—I hope.”

  “There’s no doubt about that, Caryn. Do you talk to him about it?”

  “Playing hockey? Not much. He avoids the topic when I’m nearby. Really, I can’t blame him, can I?”

  Lauren reached to squeeze her friend’s hand. “He doesn’t want you to worry. You do know that, right?”

  “Most of the time. I try not to dwell on everything we went through…” She swiped at her eyes. “You know, Lauren.”

  “Yes, I do know, Caryn. That’s in the past. You guys got through it—stronger than ever. Stuff those doubts in a box and lock it up.” Lauren thought of her own locked boxes shoved to the back of her mind.

  “I hope he gets to play in at least one game before the end of the season.” Caryn took a deep breath. “Enough about me. Are you enjoying your new home?”

  “And every single perk that comes with it.” Lauren laughed as she felt her face flushing.

  “Especially your steamy, red-hot roommate.”

  “Does your husband know what you think about my Marty?”

  Caryn shook her head, laughing. “Nope, and he never shall. What else is going on with you? Cassie’s graduating this spring, isn’t she?”

  Lauren rolled her eyes. “I hope.” She shared a watered-down summary of the situation with Cassie. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice this happening. I need to call Amanda, but I haven’t told her I didn’t take that European job. That’s just going to add more anxiety to whatever’s going on. This could be exaggerated teen angst, you know?”

  “Not the first time that’s happened.” Caryn laughed, then didn’t speak for a while. “Why have you avoided telling Amanda about the job?”

  “I don’t want her lecture about giving up ‘the chance of a lifetime’ over ‘some hockey player.’ After Cassie’s call this morning, we do need to chat. She may not realize Cassie’s talking about taking off. I hope she’s exaggerating. I can’t take the chance, can I?”

  Caryn stood and brewed two cups of tea. “Any possibility Cassie could finish her classes online? Come to Tampa?”

  “I’d have to do some research and talk with Amanda.” Caryn set a cup of tea before Lauren and then squeezed her shoulder. Lauren forced a smile as she met her friend’s eyes. “I can’t plan anything before we talk.”

  She looked out the window and watched birds shoving each other for food at the feeder. Always feel bad for the small ones. They must wait and hope some seeds are still there for them. “You may need another bird feeder.” She indicated the skirmish underway just yards from the house. Caryn laughed. “It’s been busy the last week. Migration, I guess. I do need another feeder for the smaller birds. I hope Jenna and Daniel will enjoy watching the birds when they get older.”

  Lauren’s phone vibrated, and she turned it over. Amanda. She showed the screen to Caryn as she stood. “Mind if I borrow your pool deck?”

  “Of course not—I need to check on the twins, so go wherever you’re most comfortable.”


  “Amanda, how are you?” Lauren forced normalcy into her voice as she walked toward the sundeck. “I was about to call you. Mind reader.”

  “Well, it’s the first time I’ve spoken to anyone in Paris. I hope I got the times zone correct and it’s not the middle of the night.”

  Lauren stifled a sigh as she sat on a pool chair. “I’m not in Paris, Amanda. I didn’t take that job.”

  “You didn’t? That was the chance of a lifetime, Lauren.”

  Lauren cringed when she heard the disappointment in her sister’s voice.

  “Remember how I said I couldn’t work for the person who’d be my boss? I meant it.” Lauren paused. “Another opportunity came up that allows me to stay in Tampa and continue my partnership with Caryn. So, how have you been?” She changed the subject to avoid further questions.

  “I’ve had better days.” Lauren heard frustration and anxiety in her sister’s tone. “Cassie didn’t show up at school today, and I can’t reach her.”

  “Maybe she took a skip day with some friends?”

  “The school called to confirm her absence. That’s how I found out. None of Cassie’s friends are absent.” Amanda’s tone hardened. “That girl doesn’t think she needs to keep me in the loop. She’s out of control.”

  “Remind you of anyone?” Lauren tried to lighten the tone.

  “Yes. You at your most stubborn moments—sometimes I think Cassie’s your clone.”

  Lauren dropped to the edge of the pool and dipped her toes in the water. “Sorry you have to deal with my attitude all over again…I’ve spoken with Cassie. That’s why I planned to call you.”

  “So, did she say anything about skipping school?”

  Lauren summarized the conversations.
“Not school particularly—just getting away for a while. I discouraged her and didn’t think she had planned anything. Also, you know how she exaggerates things.” She glanced at her watch. “It’s just noon for you. She may come home after school thinking she got away with a skip day.”

  “I hope so. Did Cassie tell you why she needed to get away? When did you talk to her?”

  “A week ago, then this morning—early. Just the typical teenage daughter-mother differences. I guess you and Trevor argued about her babysitting?”

  “Nothing new there, Lauren. I told you how everything’s changed since that baby arrived. Remember? Besides, Trevor and I argue all the time. You know that.”

  Lauren shut her eyes hearing the harsh change in her sister’s tone. “But you do understand why she wants to see Trevor and her step-brother?”

  “Without my blessings, yes. She can’t make me like it, and I think I should know Cassie’s plans ahead of time, not just have Trevor show up at the door.” Amanda coughed over her words. “Excuse me, I need to get something to drink. Hang on.”

  Lauren glanced at Caryn in the sunroom as she heard her sister open the refrigerator and then pour a liquid into a glass. Wine? Water? Soda? Caryn lifted a Coke Zero, and Lauren shook her head, showing her half-full bottle. She laughed as Daniel tried to grab the bottle and blew them a kiss.

  “What’s got you giggling?” Amanda asked.

  “My Godson. He’s a cute mess. Caryn and Andrew will have their hands full before they realize it.”

  “Double the trouble.” Amanda paused. “You should have called me immediately, Lauren. Both times, but especially this morning. I could have prevented this disappearing act. What time did she call?”

  Lauren thought for a minute. “About five o’clock your time. I didn’t think about the time difference. I didn’t think she’d leave.”


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